Monument Yangmen

Chapter 54 The Savior

Chapter 54 The Savior
At this moment, Yang Yansi felt that Yang Yanhui was full of brilliance, which belonged to the brilliance of self-confidence.

"Fourth brother, what kind of army do you plan to form?"

When it comes to forming an army, Yang Yanhui is clearly in high spirits, "My brother has been running on the Song and Liao battlefields all year round, and he has seen hundreds of troops. My brother once saw a party cavalry. A team of dozens of people can defeat the enemy head-on. Fight with a team of 600 men. Being a brother is like forming a cavalry like this. The number does not need to be too many, 3000 men are enough."

Dozens of people beat 600 people head-on?

This surprised Yang Yansi. With the support of modern weapons, it is very easy for dozens of people to beat 600 people head-on.But in ancient wars, this is very difficult to do.

In ancient wars, many cases of winning more with less were achieved by ingenious tactics and attacking with water and fire.There are only two cases in which fewer people win more than they have just achieved positively. One is that the story is blown out to deceive people, and the other is that the party with more people has given up resistance.

Yang Yansi was suspicious, "Is there really such a powerful cavalry? What kind of equipment do they have?"

Yang Yanhui said seriously: "Heavy armored cavalry! The swords on their armor can't break the defense at all. Their weapons are machetes and spears, which are very lethal. The most important thing is that they will use an iron chain to If you tie yourself to the horse, even if you die, you will not fall off the horse."

"This shit... Xixia iron kite!"

Yang Yansi was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe his ears.

From Yang Yanhui's description, this cavalry is clearly Xixia's iron kite.

However, Xixia has not yet been established, and that area is still called Dangxiang, and it is still a subsidiary of the Song Dynasty.

Xixia has not yet been established, but the iron kite has already appeared.

"What iron kite?"

Yang Yanhui questioned suspiciously.

Yang Yansi shook his head quickly, "It's nothing, I just heard that you want to build a heavy cavalry, so I thought of a name for you."

Yang Yanhui was obviously taken aback, and shook his head slightly, "Iron Kite... No, I've already thought of a name, Thunder Army!"

The corner of Yang Yansi's mouth twitched, and he shook his head slightly.

He felt that Yang Yanhui's goal was a bit unrealistic.

In history, Li Yuanhao cultivated three thousand iron kites with the wealth of the whole country, and galloped north and south with them to establish the Xixia Kingdom.It can be seen from this that the huge amount of financial resources consumed by the iron kite is completely beyond the imagination of Yang Yanhui.

With Yang Yanhui's official title of fifth rank, and only the title of Viscount on his back, the scholar bureaucrats in charge of money in the court would never agree with his idea.

Unless he can become a marquis, or become a third-rank guard or general Yunhui, it is possible.

Seeing Yang Yansi shaking his head, Yang Yanhui smiled brightly, "I also know that it is impossible for the court to establish a heavy armored cavalry now, but I believe it will happen sooner or later."

Yang Yansi was unwilling to hit Yang Yanhui, and said with a smile: "Fourth brother, work hard, if there is a chance, brother, I will help you."

In fact, if Yang Yansi really made up his mind to help Yang Yanhui build a heavy armored cavalry similar to iron kites, it would not be difficult.

However, even if he tried his best to build a heavy armored cavalry, it would not fall into the hands of Yang Yanhui, and it would still be controlled by someone other than the Yang family in the end.

Of course, there is a more important reason.

Yang Yansi was unwilling to contribute to the Song court.

Throughout the Song Dynasty, except for Renzong Zhao Zhen, Yang Yansi looked down on the remaining emperors.

If he had been reborn during the reign of Zhao Zhen, he might have used the knowledge of later generations to turn Great Song into a super rich and powerful superpower.

But when he was reborn when Zhao Guangyi was in power, his thoughts became light.

Hearing Yang Yansi's words, Yang Yanhui smiled brightly, "With your words, brother, my visit to you is not in vain."


Yang Yanhui took the book and knocked Yang Yansi on the head, "Stop haha, don't you want to go out? Someone came to rescue you out, and he is in the main hall, mother is accompanying him!"

Yang Yansi was overjoyed when he heard the words, put on his clothes indiscriminately, and hurried to the main hall.

Seeing Yang Yansi running away in a hurry, Yang Yanhui shook his head, put away his books, and went back to his yard.

Yang Yansi hurried all the way to the main hall, and through a wall, he could hear a string of silver bell-like laughter inside.

"Auntie, was Brother Qilang really that naughty when he was a child?"

"That's right, I wet the bed when I was a child, and I always like to lean on Liu Lang..."

Yang Yansi heard She Saihua talking about her dark history, and broke into the main hall with a dark face.

"Mother, my boy can be regarded as a figure in Bianjing now. You should protect your reputation more and tell more about your heroic deeds."

She Saihua said happily: "My mother also wants to tell some heroic deeds to others, but after thinking about it for a long time, you have never done any heroic deeds except mischievous and sneaky things?"

In order to prevent She Saihua from continuing to expose her black history, Yang Yansi bowed his hands slightly and threw himself at the girl sitting opposite She Saihua.

"Sister Cao, let's chat in another place!"

Hearing this, She Saihua put on a straight face, and reprimanded: "Stinky boy, are you disgusting and annoying for your mother?"

Yang Yansi rolled his eyes, "Who told you to always blame Sixth Brother's naughty things on me and tell others."

She Saihua was stunned.

Yang Yansi's eyes were open, and he was talking nonsense in a serious manner, which really made She Saihua unable to react for a while.

Over there, Yang Yansi had already chatted with Cao Lin.

Cao Lin Yingying saluted Yang Yansi, blinked her phoenix eyes, and said with a smile: "Brother Qilang is now famous in Bianjing and has become a great talent. I can't invite you as my sister, so I can only visit you now."

Yang Yansi made a bitter face, "Sister Cao, don't say that, brother, I have difficulties! If you hadn't come to rescue me today, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to leave the room."

Cao Lin was slightly surprised, "Then why did you come out now?"

"Isn't it because of your face!"

Cao Lin smiled slightly, and said angrily, "Spoof!"

Yang Yansi smiled happily, and asked: "Have you invited all the people you asked?"

Cao Lin turned her phoenix eyes slightly, with a bit of playfulness in her dignity.

"You, a master of both chess and art, ordered you, how dare the little girl not do it?"

Hearing the complaint in Cao Lin's tone, Yang Yansi hurriedly clasped his fists together, "Thank you, Sister Cao, for your generous help. If there is any order in the future, Yang Yansi will definitely go through fire and water, and he will die."

Cao Lin smiled proudly.

"That's what you said."

Yang Yansi nodded, "Then... shall we go?"

After Yang Yansi and Cao Lin bowed to She Saihua, they left the main hall together.

It wasn't until the two walked for a long time that She Saihua came back to her senses, thinking of the scene when Yang Yansi and Cao Lin saluted her just now.

She Saihua muttered to herself.

"This brat has grown up's time to get married."

 Recently, when a classmate got married, both men and women had to do it at home!The straw is running back and forth, the code words are a bit rushed, if there are typos or something, you can use this chapter to mark them out!I will correct it in my spare time!

(End of this chapter)

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