Monument Yangmen

Chapter 560 Mu Yu himself

Chapter 560 Mu Yu himself
"To make a long story short..."

Knowing that Du Qing was acting, Yang Qi had no choice but to accompany Du Qing.

Du Qing said solemnly: "Fifteen miles away from our Jinji Ridge, there is a cottage called Mu Kezhai. There is a villain named Mu Yu in the village. Mu Yu is not only a villain, but also a martial artist. He is also from a family of generals, and has a group of elite soldiers under his command, whose strength is much higher than ours in Jinjiling.

On New Year's Eve last year, my mother invited Mu Yu to Jinji Ridge as a guest, but she didn't expect to lead a wolf into the house.Seeing that his younger sister was beautiful, Mu Yu became lustful and wanted to marry his younger sister to fill in his house.

Mu Yu had asked his mother five times to marry him, but his mother felt that Mu Yu was too evil, and she was afraid that my sister would suffer hardships with him, so she rejected Mu Yu's marriage proposal.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yu became furious and prepared to rob his sister by force.

The day before yesterday, he detained the people who went out to buy in the stockade.Yesterday a certain family sent someone to look for him and asked him to release him, but he did not expect that he would also detain the person sent by a certain family to negotiate, and he also said that he would go to Jinji Ridge today to rob his sister. "

Yang Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at Mrs. Du, "Auntie, this is..."

Madam Du was lying on the soft couch, and said with a wry smile: "The old man was so angry with that guy, he fell ill before he recovered..."

Yang Qi looked at Du Qing, "Where is Du Jin'e?"

Du Qing said calmly: "A certain family has people taking their sister down the mountain path to avoid the limelight."

After saying this, Du Qing said again filled with righteous indignation: "Even if a certain family tries their best in Jinjiling, they will never let that villain succeed."

Then, Du Qing looked at Yang Qi.

Its meaning is self-evident.

You have been provided with food and drink for six or seven days in the stockade, and now that disaster is imminent, you can't be a turtle, can you?

Yang Qi cupped his hands and said: "If there are such villains, then the boy will definitely help Du's village."

Madam Du and Du Qing nodded in satisfaction.

Mrs. Du smiled and said: "That's very good, then I will leave everything to my nephew."


Yang Qi subconsciously agreed, and when he heard Mrs. Du's overtones, Mrs. Du was suddenly astonished.

But Du Qing and another man carried Mrs. Du's soft couch back to the backyard.

what is this?
Throwing everything at me?

"What is this..."

Yang Qi shook his head helplessly, he was obviously being tricked, but he couldn't think of refuting, and he was willing to act with others.

Yang Qi was a little puzzled, he didn't understand why he acted with Madam Du.

For things that he couldn't figure out, Yang Qi put them in his heart for the time being.

When Yang Qi came out of the gathering hall, he saw the men and women of Du's village, all in armor and holding knives, waiting for his command.

"Two teams go to the mountain pass to meet the guests, and the rest of the people dispersed first."

The people in Du's Village were a little confused.

"that's it?"

"that is it."

With the enemy at hand, Yang Qi's orders were simple and frightening.

The people in Du's village were a little puzzled, and they speculated whether Yang Qi was a stunned young man who had never fought a war.

The Northwest Tiger Marquis Yang Yansi's reputation is resounding all over the world, but not many people have actually seen Yang Qi fight.

And, in this day and age, figureheads abound.

It is also common for some generals' children to count the military achievements of the generals in the mansion or the generals under them to themselves, and to brag about how powerful they are.

Therefore, they all doubted Yang Qi's true ability.

But doubts are doubts, but they did not violate Yang Qi's order.

Strictly abide by Yang Qi's order, which is an order handed down by the first and second masters.

After they all dispersed according to Yang Qi's order.

Yang Qi found a chair, and sat lazily in front of the Juyi Hall to bask in the sun.

Gou Sheng didn't know when he ran to Yang Qi's side, holding a teapot in his hand, pouring tea and handing water for Yang Qi clumsily.

"There is nothing to show courteousness to, rape or steal. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Yang Qi held the dog's cup of tea, took a sip, and said calmly.

Gou Sheng bared his teeth, and said slyly: "I heard that there is a war in the village, see if there is anything you can use the boy for."


Yang Qi smashed the tea leaves that flowed into his mouth along with the tea, spit them out, and said leisurely: "There is a bullshit war, it's just a scene from the beginning to the end. A scene against this young master, the troubled ones And only me.

If I were you, I'd go back to the house to sleep right now, or I'd be bored to death. "

Gou Sheng's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "Impossible, the boy looked nervously at the people in the cottage, all of them holding swords and gearing up..."

Yang Qi glanced at Gou Sheng, and said angrily, "Do you not trust my young master's judgment?"

"Boy don't dare."

Gou Sheng said something dryly, and quietly retreated.

Not far from the Juyi Hall, there is a stone house built of stones, the walls inside are bare with fine mud and wheat straw.

The inside of the whole stone house is as bare as the walls.

Near the window, there is a kang built with dead leaves collected in the autumn of last year.

A felt quilt is spread on the heated kang.

After Du Qing helped Mrs. Du into the stone house, Mrs. Du threw off Du Qing's support and climbed onto the kang in a hurry.

Madam Du covered her legs and feet with a quilt, and the warm kang warmed her whole body in an instant.

Madam Du narrowed her eyes comfortably, and said cheerfully, "I'm old and can't stand the cold, so it's more comfortable to lie on the hot kang."

Du Qing conveniently used a long wooden pole in the shape of a crutch to help Mrs. Du manage the burning leaves in the kang, so that the leaves would burn slowly and the warmth on the kang would last longer.

While tending the kang, he anxiously asked Mrs. Du, "Mother, do you think that kid will be fooled?"

Mrs. Du opened her eyes and sighed, "It's hard to say, he has already seen through our plan, but he didn't expose it face to face. He didn't expose it for Wei Niang's sake. Wei Niang used this, cornered him.

Speaking of which, I really feel sorry for him for doing this for my mother. "

The movement of Du Qing's hands paused, and he said in astonishment: "Is he so smart?"

Madam Du smiled bitterly and said, "It's far smarter than you imagined. The Tiger Marquis Yang Yansi, who is famous in the northwest, is not a simple character."

Du Qing said unwillingly: "That kid obviously has no affection for my younger sister. Mother, why do you insist on promoting his marriage with my younger sister? You can hear, my son, that kid is already married and has a concubine.

Although our Du family has fallen, the integrity of our Du family has not been lost.If the younger sister marries him, she can only become his concubine. At that time, she might even have a reputation of clinging to the powerful.

It is possible that he will be bullied in the Yang family because of this.Hai'er is just such a younger sister, and she doesn't want to see her being bullied. "

Mrs. Du glared at Du Qing viciously, and scolded: "My Du family is also a family of generals, and the bones of the Du family will not be soft. If my mother really wants to cling to the powerful, after your father died in battle, my mother will not be weak. I won't take you into the grass.

The reason why he tried every means to marry Jin'e to Yang Yansi was not for the powerful.

The reason why you did this for your mother is that one is to fulfill your father's last wish, and the other is that Jin'e's heart is attached to Yang Yansi. "

Du Qing said in amazement: "How is it possible? Doesn't my younger sister hate Yang Yansi the most? Otherwise, why would she often speak ill of Yang Yansi in front of the people in the village?"


Madam Du sighed, "You don't understand your little sister's temper? If she really didn't care about a person, would she mention him many times in front of so many people?"

Du Qing opened his mouth wide in shock.

Listening to Mrs. Du's explanation, it is true.

Basically, she never mentions people Du Jin'e doesn't care about, and she will soon forget them.

If she mentions a person repeatedly in front of people, it means that she cares about this person very much.

In astonishment, Du Qing asked Mrs. Du, "Mother, do you think our plan will be successful this time?"

Madam Du frowned and said, "Whether it can be done or not depends on what Mu Yu can do."


Fifteen miles away from Jinji Ridge, there is a fort cottage.

The reason why it is called a fortress cottage is because the entire cottage is built against the mountain and is located at the mouth of a canyon at the foot of the mountain.

The entire cottage has a ten-foot-high wall, and within the wall, a large-scale living area is formed.

Men farm and women weave.

This place is called Shanzhai, but it is more like a self-sufficient village.

Compared with Jinji Ridge, it is more prosperous, and there are frequent small merchants and hawkers entering and leaving the cottage.

Du Jin'e rode a bay red horse to the gate of the cottage. The soldiers guarding the gate recognized Du Jin'e's identity when they saw Du Jin'e's light yellow dress and pomegranate red cape.

"Miss Du, why are you here?"

When the soldiers guarding the gate saw Du Jin'e, they greeted him with wide smiles.

Du Jin'e is a rare beauty in the green forest world, so whoever sees her wants to have a word with Du Jin'e.

As long as I can chat with Du Jin'e, I can brag about it with other brothers for ten days when I go back.

Du Jin'e reined in his horse and said with a smile, "My mother has something urgent to discuss with brother Mu Yu, so she asked me to deliver a letter to him."

"It turns out that there is a letter for the head, please hurry up."

Du Jin'e rode his horse into the fort cottage, and found a courtyard built of pure logs in the middle of many adobe houses.

When Du Jin'e arrived at the door, she threw the reins of the horse in her hand to the soldiers guarding the door, and rushed directly into the courtyard.

The soldiers guarding the gate seemed to be used to Du Jin'e entering the mansion like this, and they didn't stop him.

Du Jin'e walked all the way into the main hall of the courtyard, and saw a big man with a beard, worrying about a five-year-old little loli wearing a red skirt and carved with jade.

Little Lolita is very capable of tossing, tossing the whole hall as if blown by a hurricane.

Not only that, but she also made all the servants in the mansion stand upright, holding a brush in her hand, and painted bastards on their faces.

And the bearded man stood at the end of the line.

Obviously, he is about to become one of the bastards.

"Guiying, are you messing around again?"

After Du Jin'e entered the main hall, she deliberately put her hands on her hips and reprimanded her.

Little Lolita froze for a moment, turned her head and saw Du Jin'e, threw away the writing brush in her hand in surprise, and ran towards Du Jin'e bouncing around.

"Aunt hug~"

Little Lolita is not afraid of Du Jin'e attacking her at all.

She plunged into Du Jin'e's arms. Du Jin'e hugged the little loli and grabbed her under the armpit. The itchy little loli giggled.

After getting rid of the clutches of the little lolita, the bearded man obviously let out a sigh of relief, "Du's sister is here, as long as you come. Gui Ying, a girl, doesn't have to bully me. This girl is simply a little devil... ..."

"Hmph, daddy, who do you think is the little magic star..."

The little loli pouted unhappily and questioned the bearded man.

The bearded man was obviously frightened by the little Lolita, so he hurriedly changed his words: "Father is talking about the pig of Wang Ermazi's family at the east end of the village..."

Little Lolita nodded in satisfaction, and said with the appearance of a little adult: "It's more or less the same."

Du Jin'e hugged the little loli and said: "Brother Mu, my little sister came to Mu Kezhai today. It was my mother who had something important to discuss with you. My mother wrote a letter and asked me to give it to you."

Du Jin'e hugged little Lolita with one hand, took out a sealed letter from her arms with the other hand, and handed it to the bearded man.

The bearded man took the letter, opened the wax seal, and read the letter carefully.

Then, the bearded man raised his head, and asked Du Jin'e who was playing with little Lolita with a strange expression, "Du's sister, have you read this letter from Lingtang?"

Du Jin'e nodded the little girl on the forehead to make her stop being mischievous, and then said to the bearded man in doubt: "I haven't read it yet, what's wrong?"

The big bearded man laughed and said: "It's nothing, Lingtang said in the letter that a strongman came from your village, and he heard that his art of war is very good, and his martial arts skills are considered to be the best in the world. So please go over and measure that man's skills for brother."

When the bearded man said this, Du Jin'e understood.

Afterwards, Du Jin'e gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Mu, you'd better teach that guy a lesson, let him know what it means to be someone who is beyond others, and what is beyond the sky. That guy always thinks that he is superior to others, and doesn't take others seriously at all. "

"Cough cough..."

The bearded man coughed violently, as if he had heard something that surprised him.

"Auntie, did that bad guy bully you? Guiying beat him up for you."

Little Loli waved her small fists, with a fierce look on my face.

Du Jin'e pampered the little Lolita with a kiss on the cheek, and said with a smile: "It's better to be Gui Ying, Auntie finally didn't love you for nothing."

Little Lolita seemed to be inspired, she raised her fist and yelled, "Daddy, take Guiying with me, Guiying wants to beat bad guys too. Let's go now."

Little Lolita is not very old, but she has a vigorous and resolute momentum.

Immediately, she was ready to rush to Jinjiling to seek justice for her Aunt Du Jin'e.

The bearded man slapped his forehead dumbfounded, and said, "Then let's go together. Anyway, idle is idle."

Immediately, the bearded man picked two hundred elite soldiers from the cottage, and led Du Jin'e and Xiao Luoli to Jinji Ridge.

 Thanks for the reward of 'Treading Snow to Find Plum Heart Without Trace, Bees Dancing in the Sunset' for a hundred book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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