Chapter 581

The next day.

Clear sky.

After the baptism of yesterday's torrential rain, there is a fresh breath everywhere in Fuxing Fucheng.

On the street leading to the government office, the common people gathered together and whispered about what happened in the cave of the city gate yesterday.

As for the true master of the Fuxing Mansion, the common people wanted to investigate him, hoping to get closer to him.

The city of Fuxingfu was snatched back from the Liao people under the leadership of Yang Qi, so in the hearts of the people of Fuxingfu, Yang Qi was their king.

As for Zhao Guangyi, the titular ruler nestled aloft in the city of Bianjing, they didn't care at all.

Yang Qi's anecdotes are the most talked about entertainment programs among the common people.

Every story about Yang Qi, after being passed out from their mouths, will always carry some mythological color.

In a carriage going north, Du Jin'e listened attentively to the discussions of the people outside the carriage, and with a smile on his lips, he said to Yang Qi who was resting with his eyes closed in the carriage: "If you don't listen, your prestige in the hearts of the people will soon be gone!" I have caught up with the old fairy Chen Tuan of Huashan."

Last night Yang Qi rested in the Du Mansion.

The house in Du's mansion was allocated by Yang Qi, it was newly built and it was a bit damp.

Coupled with the fact that it rained a little yesterday, the humidity was even stronger.

So Yang Qi didn't sleep well, and now he was taking a nap in the carriage. Hearing Du Jin'e's words, Yang Qi opened his eyes and said angrily: "I, Yang Yansi, is now a tyrant in the Northwest, why do I have to compete with a Taoist priest?" , aren't you shaking me?"

Du Jin'e covered her mouth and snickered, and only in front of Yang Qi would she show the posture of a little girl.

Yang Qi grabbed Du Jin'e's hand, took advantage of the trend, and hugged Du Jin'e in his arms.

Smelling the fragrance of Du Jin'e's body, Yang Qi closed his eyes again and meditated.

Du Jin'e seemed to be used to being hugged by Yang Qi, she curled up in Yang Qi's arms, and said in a low voice: "Everyone in the city knows that you have arrived in Fuxing Mansion, and everyone is looking forward to seeing you, what is your plan?" ?”

Yang Qi closed his eyes, and said softly: "Let's forget about the limelight. I have important things to do when I come to Fuxing Mansion this time."

Du Jin'e turned sideways to make herself comfortable, and said, "Just to meet that Kou Zhun?"

Yang Qi opened his eyes and scolded: "Fuck, just relying on him, Kou Zhun, it's not worth my visit. This time I went to Fuxing Mansion for military service. I need to hold a meeting in Fuxing Wuyuan. Negotiate an outcome."

Du Jin'e was puzzled and said, "Then shouldn't you go to Fuxing Wuyuan? What are you going to Kou Mansion for?"

Yang Qi said despondently: "I told Kou Zhun a little secret before, and it scared Kou Zhun all of a sudden. I'll go and see if he's dead."

Du Jin'e smiled coquettishly: "My concubine sees that you care about Kou Zhun."

The carriage traveled north all the way, passed three streets, and arrived at the gate of Kou Mansion.

After asking the concierge, Kou Zhun was on business at the moment and was not in the mansion, so Yang Qi ordered someone to drive a carriage to the Fuxing mansion.

Kou Zhun originally lived in the Yamen. Since Yang Qi sent people to bring Kou Zhun's family to Fuxing Mansion, he asked Yang Qi for a house, and the family lived in it.

When Yang Qi arrived at the gate of the government office, he saw many officials rushing to the office.

After taking a closer look, Yang Qi realized that these officials were a group of second- and fifth-year-olds selected by Kou Zhun from the two governments.

Yang Qi was not in the mood to deal with a group of young men, so he ordered Peng Pai to lead the way and drove to Fuxing Wuyuan.

Fuxing Martial Arts Academy has a large battlefield area, and it is the second largest university in the territory of the two prefectures. In addition to its particularity, it is naturally impossible to arrange it in the city.

The Fuxing Martial Arts Academy is three miles outside the Dongcheng Gate.

The architectural style is very military. From the outside, it looks like a huge fortress.

The surrounding defense is very strict.

When Yang Qi arrived at the gate, he just caught up with Mu Yu returning from practice with a group of new students.

Seeing Yang Qi, Mu Yu seemed to see a ghost, left the students behind, and hurried into the martial arts academy.

Yang Qi asked Du Jin'e a little puzzled, "What does he mean?"

Du Jin'e covered her mouth and snickered, "Brother Mu is rushing back to hide his daughter. He is afraid that she will be abducted by you again."

Yang Qi couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Am I that scary?"

Du Jin'e nodded with a smile.

After two rounds of investigation, Yang Qi entered the Fuxing Martial Academy.

The layout of the martial arts academy is very rough, except for simple dormitories, dining halls, and classrooms, the rest of the place is a training ground.

In the major training grounds, many students were driven to train.

Compared with the distress of Datong Academy, Fuxing Wuyuan seems to be very prosperous.

The number of students in Datong Academy has not yet reached 100, while the number of students in Fuxing Martial Arts Academy has almost exceeded 300.

When Yang Qi arrived at the Fuxing Martial Arts Academy, someone naturally notified Yang Hong.

When Yang Qi arrived at the martial arts field, Yang Hong appeared in front of Yang Qi.

"Shichiro, you're here."

Yang Hong was polite for a while, then pointed to the students on the training ground, and said, "Look, how about the boys we trained?"

Yang Qi had roughly checked the subjects that the students were training on the training ground, and when he heard Yang Hong's question, he nodded with a smile.

Although he only read it roughly, Yang Qi could also tell that the students in the entire training ground did not focus on personal bravery, but on the basis of personal bravery, more emphasis was placed on the art of war and strategy.

For example, the most eye-catching confrontation in the field.

Every time, the strength of the opposing sides is different, more or less.

Students must use their own judgment to learn how to use more to win less.

On the other hand, the party with a large number of people will try to use the power in their hands to the extreme.

In this confrontation again and again, the students can better use their brains.

The students trained in this way will not become pedantic.

Yang Hong led Yang Qi around the martial arts arena, and gave Yang Qi a thorough explanation of every training item.

Then, Yang Hong took Yang Qi to the classroom again.

I visited the teaching in the classroom of the martial arts academy.

There are many teachings in the classroom, such as characters, military strategy, military training, overall planning, picture recognition and so on.

The method of commanding troops is not limited to military strategy, the method of training troops, coordinating food consumption, and identifying maps are all indispensable in the method of commanding troops.

At the end of the visit, Yang Hong took Yang Qi to a secret room.

In the house, there is a precise map of the Northwest.

Yang Hong proudly pointed at the map and said to Yang Qi: "Have you seen it? The map of Northwest China has mountains and rivers there, and the markings are very clear. I believe that even in the Song Dynasty or the Liao Kingdom, there would not be such detailed information. map.

This is the result of our Fuxing Wuyuan, which took more than half a year to integrate all the previous maps and our on-site survey. "

Yang Qi carefully looked at the map for a while, and found that what Yang Hong said was indeed true.

The map in front of him can be said to be the most detailed map Yang Qi has ever seen in this era.

However, compared with the maps of later generations, this map still looks a bit gradual.

Yang Qi stared at the map and pondered: "Uncle Hong, have you ever thought about making the map more detailed, and then making a sand table based on the map?"

"Sand tray?"

"It's a miniature model."

Yang Qi's sketching skills passed the test, so he picked up a blank piece of paper and wrote and drew on it.

After a while, a model map appeared in front of everyone.

Yang Qi pointed to the drawing and said with a smile: "Simply put, it is to reduce the terrain of the northwest according to a certain ratio, and then present it, so that people can understand the terrain of the northwest more intuitively."

Holding the model diagram drawn by Yang Qi, Yang Hong said in surprise, "Can it still be like this?"

"This method is indeed feasible. As long as it can be realized, we will teach students in the future, even if we don't need to take them out, we can let them understand the terrain they want to know more intuitively.

After all, there is a big gap between the terrain spoken by people and intuitive observation. "

Mu Yu didn't know when he arrived here, he looked at the model diagram drawn by Yang Qi and said with emotion.

Yang Qi squinted at Mu Yu and asked, "Where's Xiao Guiying?"

When Mu Yu heard this, his face darkened, wishing he could strangle Yang Qi to death.

He said in a low voice, "I'm busy with business all day long, so I don't have time to take care of Guiying, so I sent her to Du's residence."

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised and said: "I shouldn't, I stayed in Du's residence last night."

The lie was exposed, and Mu Yu said without blushing, "That's really a coincidence. I hunted a wild boar yesterday, so I had someone bring Guiying over to open it."

Yang Qi said with a smile: "Then send someone to fetch Gui Ying and let me have a look. I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss that girl."

Mu Yu muttered angrily, "That's my daughter."

Du Jin'e pulled Yang Qi dumbfounded, and said in a low voice, "Stop teasing Brother Mu."

Yang Qi nodded and ignored Mu Yu.

Everyone turned their attention to the model again.

Making models requires a lot of craftsmen.

Yang Qixiu wrote a letter and asked Peng Pai to take it to the Fuxing government office to ask Kou Zhun to call a group of craftsmen.

By the way, let Peng Pai invite Kou Zhun to come and sit down.

There was no rush to make the model, so I stayed in the room full of maps for a while.

Yang Hong took Yang Qi to the dining hall, after a simple meal.

Yang Hong led Yang Qi to a big house in Fuxing Wuyuan.

The furnishings in the house are very post-modern, with a large round table and a circle of chairs.

This is a meeting room specially set up by Fuxing Wuyuan according to Yang Qi's request.

Basically, there is such a meeting room in the government offices of the two prefectures.

When he arrived at the meeting room and sat down, Yang Hong asked suspiciously: "Qilang, do you really want to set a service life limit for the soldiers and horses under your command?"

In the Northern Song Dynasty, the army had begun to be professionalized, and many soldiers basically lived by serving as soldiers.

Some people even have been soldiers for generations.

Yang Qi set the number of years of service for the soldiers and horses under his command, and his thinking was indeed a bit ahead of his time.

After all, before Yang Qi made this suggestion, there were only two service systems for soldiers and horses, one was the most common government soldier system before the Five Dynasties.

The army gathered together during the war, and returned home to farm with swords and armor on their backs.

The other is the professional soldier, who basically stays in the army for the rest of his life until he dies.

Like Yang Qi's proposal to set the number of years of service for all soldiers, this is a system that has never appeared before.

When a new system emerges, the first thing everyone considers is its harmfulness.

No one can tell how harmful this unconventional system is, so no one dares to change it with the final word.

After all, the strength of the two governments is still very weak. Once the service system is changed, it is easy to produce some unpredictable changes.

With the current state of the two prefectures, they can't stand the toss.

Yang Hong disagreed with the change in his heart.

When Yang Qi decided to change the service life of soldiers and horses, he had already sent someone to notify the person he wanted to see.

He also let them have a look at the rules and regulations of the corresponding system by writing letters.

Faced with Yang Hong's question, Yang Qi seemed to have expected it.

Yang Qi nodded, and said: "That's right, not only the number of years of service must be set, but it's best to continue to implement it."

Yang Hong frowned and said, "Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? Once the number of years of service is set, you will face a new and old problem every year.

At that time, our strength will become very weak, and it will be easy for people to take advantage of it.

Moreover, those who are willing to be soldiers are excluded from the army by you, and those who do not want to be soldiers must be forcibly recruited to serve in the army. In doing so, it is easy to create variables.

It might be a mutiny.

With the current strength of our two governments, we simply cannot stand this kind of toss. "

Yang Qi shook his head, and said firmly: "This matter must be done. Uncle Hong, you only see the harmful side, but you don't see the beneficial side."

Yang Qi paused, and said: "My opinion is just opposite to yours. I think that the number of years of military service is precisely the key to whether the combat effectiveness of our troops can reach its peak.

Once the military service system comes out, being a soldier is no longer a terrible thing.

Instead, it will be seen as a kind of training.

Only those who have gone through many trials will become real warriors.

Secondly, soldiers who have undergone our training can still retain their military status after they leave the army.

Once we run out of soldiers, we can call them into the army at any time.

You can think of this as hiding soldiers from the people.

At present, the territory under our rule is limited, and the number of troops that can be supported is limited.

What I do is to maximize our strength. "

Yang Qi said excitedly: "You can think about it, we currently only have more than 13 soldiers and horses under our command. Five or six years later, we will still only have more than 13 soldiers and horses under our command.

But according to the military service year limit system I mentioned, after five or six years, once there is a war.

We can pull up more than 20 soldiers and horses anytime and anywhere.

And these soldiers and horses don't need us to work hard to hone them.

Because they have gone through the initial rigorous training and know what it means to be a soldier.

It can be said that you can hit it by pulling it out.

And the longer the time, the more soldiers and horses we hide among the people.

On the day when all the people are soldiers, no one can defeat us. "

(End of this chapter)

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