Monument Yangmen

Chapter 726 I Want All!

Chapter 726 I Want All!
"Open the door!"

The gate of Tongtai Pass was knocked by Cao Bin. Yang Qi, Zhao Defang and others who had been waiting on the top of the wall had already seen this scene.

They hurriedly descended from the top of the city, opened the city gate, and welcomed Zhao Guangyi and his party.

The civil servants who stayed behind at Tongtai Pass threw themselves to Cao Bin's side, to be precise, to the unconscious Zhao Guangyi who was crawling on Cao Bin's back.

"What happened? Why did it happen? Send it to the imperial doctor."

Seeing Zhao Guangyi's mouth stained with blood, Li Hang was unconscious and shouted anxiously.

The scene looked chaotic.

Yang Qi grabbed Zhao Pu, who was in ragged clothes, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Aren't you going to negotiate peace? How did it happen?"

Zhao Pu raised his arm, wiped the dirt on his face with his sleeve, and asked Yang Qi, "Didn't you expect this to happen a long time ago? Why are you asking this old man?"

Yang Qi was taken aback when he heard the words, and he began to think about it, but he still had a puzzled look on his face, and asked Zhao Pu, "What do you mean I had expected it a long time ago? What happened? Why did you make it like this?"

Zhao Pu frowned, stared deeply at Yang Qi for a long time, and asked doubtfully, "You really don't know?"

Yang Qi said helplessly: "How can I know what plans the Liao people have. I am not the king of the Liao Kingdom."

Seeing that Yang Qi's doubts did not seem to be fake, Zhao Pu sighed, "Hey! You have been refusing to join the alliance before, and now that such a tragedy has happened, I thought it was within your expectations... ..."

Yang Qi rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "I'm not a god, how could I predict things like a god. Tell me quickly, what happened?"

Zhao Pu took a deep breath, and quickly told Yang Qi about what happened in the meeting place.

In the end, Zhao Pu even shed two lines of clear tears. He wet the tears with the corner of his clothes, and said in a miserable voice, "You don't know something, Huhou. The Liao people betrayed their promises. They said it was peace talks on the surface, but secretly planned to assassinate them." His majesty's conspiracy.

The people who accompanied His Majesty to the alliance this time are only a dozen of us left...

Li Fang stabbed the Liao people to the ground with a gun in his back, and the other civil servants did not escape the Liao people's butcher knives.

Except for Chen Lin, none of the escorting officers and soldiers and accompanying court ladies and eunuchs survived.

Liao people are really hateful! "

Yang Qi's face changed instantly, he grasped the key point of Zhao Pu's words, and asked: "The Liao people gave up chasing and killing you?"

Zhao Pu was taken aback and shook his head.

Yang Qi jumped up and shouted, "Quick! Order all the soldiers in the city to climb up the north wall and defend against the enemy with me."

Everyone at the gate of the city was taken aback when they heard the words.

You look at me one by one, I look at yours, a little at a loss.

Yang Qi roared angrily: "The Liao people are about to kill them, why are you still hesitating?"

At the critical moment, Cao Bin, who had handed Zhao Guangyi over to the eunuchs and maids in the city, bowed his waist and growled in a low voice: "All the soldiers in the city listen to Yang Yansi, and you can do whatever he asks you to do.

His words are my Cao Bin's words, they are also Zhao Pingzhang's words, and even His Majesty's words. "

Zhao Guangyi had already passed out, so he couldn't agree with these words.

Zhao Pu reacted, he nodded firmly, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, all soldiers in the city will be restrained by Yang Yansi, and those who dare to disobey orders will be executed immediately."

As a prime minister, Zhao Pu's words are very lethal.

Hearing Zhao Pu's words, the remaining soldiers in the city finally moved.

They lined up and rushed up to the city wall of Tongtai Pass under the leadership of the captains.

Although they are the Xiang army, they are all border Xiang troops who have experienced wars. Although their equipment is poor, their combat effectiveness is not weak.

After boarding the top of the city, they spontaneously began to prepare all the equipment used to defend the city.

At the same time, start to rationally allocate each garrison point according to the strength of the troops.

Under the city, Zhao Pu and Cao Bin looked at Yang Qi solemnly.

Now in Guancheng, most of the high-ranking and powerful people are injured.

Even Zhao Pu, a civil servant, had two stab wounds on his body.

They couldn't command the battle at Tongtai Pass anymore, so they could only entrust everything in Tongtai Pass to Yang Qi.

Cao Bin was hit by three arrows, and after carrying Zhao Guangyi back to Tongtai Pass, he seemed a little out of strength.

He was lying on a door panel, holding Yang Qi's hand, and solemnly said: "Qilang, I will leave Tongtai Pass to you. You must guard Tongtai Pass, otherwise we will all die."

Yang Qi nodded solemnly.

Zhao Pu said in a deep voice at the side: "The old man and others are injured, so they can't help you. The Liao people are powerful, so you have to be careful. When necessary, the old man allows you to promise some conditions to the Liao people.

As long as all of us are alive, one day, we will be able to kill back and avenge our shame. "

"Kid understands."

After handing over Tongtai Pass to Yang Qi, Zhao Pu and Cao Bin were carried down to heal their injuries.

After the two left, Yang Qi straightened his back slowly, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, "One day? A shame? You look up to yourself, but you underestimate me, Yang Yansi. I, Yang Yansi, take revenge , never stay overnight.

Since you guys can't play it well, then I can only take over..."

"Zamahe Aoki, put on armor for this Marquis!"

Old Zamahe's son, Zamahe Aoki, is now the leader of Zamahe warriors under Yang Qi.

He and the six Zamahe warriors appeared beside Yang Qi, carrying Yang Qi's armor and holding a long wooden box.

Battle boots, skirt armor, breastplate, knee armor, and shoulder armor were put on Yang Qi's body one by one.

The gleaming helmet was held in front of Yang Qi by Zamahe Aoki.

Yang Qi put on his helmet, and opened the wooden box that was sent up, revealing the weapons that belonged to him inside.

The box was not Yang Qi's tiger-headed black gold spear, but a black coiling dragon stick made of meteoric iron, mixed with cold iron and other materials.

Since Yang Qi passed his twenties, neither the Tiger Head Black Golden Spear nor Teng Snake Shuo could be satisfied with Yang Qi's sharp weapon.

Yang Qi's strength does not require him to train deliberately. With the growth of age, his strength has already grown to a terrifying value.

The tiger-headed black golden gun and Teng Snake Shuo are no different from children's toys in his hands.

So he ordered a skilled craftsman to cast a heavier Panlong stick for him.

Taking the black dragon stick in his hand, Yang Qi stood there majestically.

The eyes of the Zamahe warriors were a little moist.

After many years, the God of War who galloped outside the Fuxing Pass has returned.

"Come to the city with Benhou."

Yang Qiyi flung the scarlet cloak behind him, held the coiling dragon stick, and stepped heavily onto the city wall.


Zamahe warriors knelt down on one knee to salute with reverence, and followed Yang Qi up to the city wall.

After Yang Qi climbed the city wall, he saw that outside the Tongtai Pass, it had already been besieged by hundreds of thousands of Liao troops.

The officers and soldiers of the Xiang army who closed the bronze platform were obviously a little bit relieved when they saw the dark enemy army under the city.


The Coiling Dragon Stick in Yang Qi's hand fell to the ground, and the entire city wall shook three times. The soldiers of the Xiang Army on the wall were all shaken, and they couldn't help but look in the direction of Yang Qi.

But Yang Qi didn't pay attention to their intentions, looking at the dark Liao army under the city, he said loudly: "Who is imprisoned for attacking Tongtai?"

The general of the Liao Dynasty, who was the head of the city, stroked his beard and said proudly, "Yelu Xiezhen, the privy envoy of the Liao Kingdom!"

Yang Qi was stunned when he heard the words, and said calmly: "You are not qualified to talk to Ben Hou, let Brother Yeluxiu come out to see me."

Yelu Xiezhen was almost thrown off his horse by Yang Qiqi. He stared at Yang Qi and shouted angrily: "I am the Privy Councilor of the Liao Kingdom. You didn't question whether you are qualified to talk to me, but you questioned me instead? What are you?"

Yang Qi said disdainfully: "Do Liao people only play tricks?"

Yelu Xiezhen was in a hurry, and regardless of his status, he cursed: "Damn mole, you were the first to play tricks."

Yang Qi proudly said: "Can you beat me?"

Yelu Xiezhen yelled angrily: "I am the grandson of Khitan Yuyue Yelu Helu, my Yelu family has been known for bravery for generations, will I not be able to defeat you?"

"A fight?"

"I'm waiting for you."


Seeing the two angry people, there is going to be a fight.

At the critical moment, Brother Yeluxiu, who had been hiding behind the scenes, finally rode his horse to the front of Tongtai Pass, and stopped Yelu Xiezhen's reckless behavior with a voice.

Brother Yeluxiu rode his horse to the front of the formation, glanced at Yelu Xiezhen, and said calmly: "You lost your composure!"

Yelu Xiezhen's face was gloomy, and he also realized that he had lost his composure, "That little bastard was teasing me. Don't let me catch him, let me catch him, I'll have to light his sky lantern."

Brother Yeluxiu still said calmly: "You can't beat him."

Yelu Xiezhen stared, and shouted: "Will I not be able to beat him?"

Brother Yeluxiu looked up at the armored figure standing proudly behind the bronze platform, and said quietly: "I have only seen him who is still alive and gallops alone among thousands of armies."

Yelu Xiezhen's expression changed, and he exclaimed, "Is he Yang Yansi?"

Brother Yeluxiu nodded slowly, he stopped talking to Yelu Xiezhen, but rode his horse forward, stared at Yang Qi on the top of the wall, and said in a loud voice: "When we parted ways in Fuxing Pass in the past, this king expected that there would be a reconciliation one day. You met, did not expect to meet again, actually here? This king has hundreds of thousands of troops, and you, Yang Yansi, may not be able to mobilize more than [-] troops.

This king is strong, you are weak, how do you feel? "


Yang Qilang laughed and said: "Brother Yeluxiu, you are wrong. Didn't we meet in Youzhou City before?"

Brother Yeluxiu narrowed his eyes immediately and asked, "Did you guess that this king was in Youzhou City at that time?"

Yang Qi laughed and said, "Didn't you guess that Youzhou City was destroyed by me?"

Brother Yeluxiu nodded slowly, and praised: "You, Yang Yansi, are indeed a hero. This king knows heroes and values ​​heroes. The Song Dynasty cannot tolerate heroes, but I, Daliao, can.

It was this king who humiliated you outside the Fuxing pass before.Now this king is recruiting you again. If you are willing to submit to my Daliao, this king will definitely ask the Queen Mother and Your Majesty to confer you the title of king, with the same status as this king. In addition to Xinzhou and Wuzhou, the six states are handed over to you to rule.

What do you think? "

Whether it was the soldiers of the Xiang army on the top of the city or the soldiers of the Liao army below the city, when they heard Yeluxiu's words, they couldn't help but burst into tongues.

Brother Yeluxiu did not hesitate to use the land of the six states to recruit Yang Qi, which shows how important Yang Qi is in Yeluxiu's heart.

Yelu Xiezhen was about to refute immediately.

But before he could open his mouth, Yang Qi spoke first, and Yang Qi sucked his lips and said with emotion: "With the land of six states, I have to admit that it is really a big deal to recruit me, Yang Yansi.

It's just... the land of six states is not six villages. In your Daliao, the importance of these six states is not light.I'm curious, can you, brother Yeluxiu, be the master of such a heavy gift? "

"The meaning of greater than the more is the meaning of this palace and my emperor's son."

Empress Dowager Xiao's luanjia arrived at the front of the battle at some point, she immediately rushed to help Brother Yeluxiu.

Seeing that Empress Dowager Xiao arrived, Yang Qi was obviously taken aback. He grinned and said, "I didn't expect you to arrive, Empress Dowager Xiao, and the little emperor must also be here. For me, Yang Yansi, I can let the three most powerful people in Liao Kingdom speak out to solicit you. Really flattered.

To be honest, your conditions are very attractive, and I am really tempted.but……"

Yang Qi paused, and everyone listened attentively. Obviously, what he said later was the key point.

I only heard Yang Qiyu say earnestly: "Six states, in your opinion, is indeed a heavy gift, but in my opinion, it is still too little."

Yang Qi stretched out one hand and clenched it into a fist, "Yanyun Sixteen States, I want them all!"


In an instant, the audience was in an uproar and discussions abounded.

No one expected Yang Qi to have such a big ambition.

The sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are equivalent to one-third of the land of Liao.

Moreover, it is also the source of the Sinicization of Empress Dowager Xiao, and the source of most of the wealth and food of the Liao Kingdom.

If all this was given to Yang Qi, wouldn't the Liao Kingdom survive?
However, before Empress Dowager Xiao and Brother Yeluxiu could refuse, Yang Qi continued: "Besides, I don't like being given alms by others, and I don't like being ridden on my head. Since I want to If so, I'll take them back with my own hands."

Empress Dowager Xiao and Brother Yeluxiu's expressions changed.

The solicitation failed, but it turned into a unilateral declaration of war by Yang Qi.

Brother Yeluxiu stared at Yang Qi coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Are you declaring war on our Daliao on behalf of the Song Dynasty, or are you representing your four northwestern prefectures?"

Before Yang Qi could answer, Brother Yeluxiu continued: "Song Kingdom has been maimed by this king, as long as this king gives an order, thousands of soldiers under my command will be able to rush into Tongtai Pass and capture Emperor Song alive.

The million-strong army of the Song Kingdom was defeated by this king.Do you think that your 20 soldiers and horses in the four prefectures in the Northwest can hold back my king's nearly 80 troops? "

Yang Qi grinned and said, "I want to try."

Brother Yeluxiu smiled cruelly: "Then I will definitely fulfill you. When the time comes, I will capture you alive and imprison you in my mansion for the rest of my life for me to watch."

"Prepare to attack the city!"

Brother Yeluxiu ordered to prepare to attack the city.

The generals and soldiers of the Liao army immediately mobilized their troops and prepared to attack the city at any time.

Yang Qi hurriedly said: "Wait a minute!"

Brother Yeluxiu looked at Yang Qi's figure coldly, and asked, "What else do you want to say?"

Yang Qi said carelessly: "We can talk about the conditions again, there is no need to use a knife or a gun at the beginning."

Brother Yeluxiu said disdainfully, "What else do you and I have to talk about?"

Yang Qi shook his head, "You and I really have nothing to talk about. However, now that I represent the Great Song Dynasty Court, don't you have nothing to talk about with the Great Song Dynasty Court?"

Brother Yeluxiu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Empress Dowager Xiao.

Empress Dowager Xiao nodded imperceptibly.

Brother Yeluxiu looked at Yang Qi again, and said loudly: "Okay! Since you Song Kingdom wants to talk, this king can give you another chance. However, this king has one condition."

 Thanks to 'Chenxi Sky' for rewarding 580 Bashu coins!Thanks to 'Ximu Qingwu' for the reward of [-] book coins!Thanks to 'Zhao Ming' for rewarding one hundred book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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