Chapter 760
The Chuigong Hall, which has been removed from the mourning hall, is still the most central place in the Song Dynasty.

Thick and majestic.

At this moment, Zhao Defang was wearing a dragon crown and sitting solemnly.

Chen Lin was dressed in black and stood on one side with a bow.

Under the royal steps.

Zhao Pu and Cao Bin each led a team and sat in front of the hall.

The rest of the civil and military officials stood bowed one by one.

There was an unconcealable joy in everyone's brows.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, after posthumously enshrining the ancestors and deceased relatives, the next step is to reward meritorious deeds.

On Zhao Defang's dragon table, there are hundreds of copies of the imperial decree.

Zhao Defang glanced at all the officials, and said in a deep voice: "The reason why I was able to ascend the throne is due to the contribution of all the love ministers. When I took the throne, I was not yet proficient in many government affairs, and I still had to rely on the love ministers..."

Zhao Defang said a lot of things eloquently.

Then, he waved his hand to Chen Lin and said lightly, "Read out the imperial decree."

Chen Lin bowed, picked up the imperial decree on the far left from the dragon case, and read out frustratingly: "The imperial edict says..."

After sprinkling a lot of words that normal people can't understand, I got to the point.

"Jiazhong Shumen Xia Pingzhang Shi Zhao Pu, Guanwenge University Bachelor, Grand Tutor, Kaifu Yitong Third Division, Special Jin Bianguo Gong..."

Many titles were given to Zhao Pu all at once, and even the title of the first duke below the king was given to Zhao Pu.

Of course, these are just icing on the cake for Zhao Pu.

As long as there is no title of king, Zhao Pu's status will not change much, it is nothing more than a few more titles and a little more salary.

After the edict was sealed, Zhao Pu stood up slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En."

Zhao Defang raised his hand and said: "Zhao Aiqing is the humerus of the country, and even the pillar of our Great Song Dynasty. In the future, I will still rely on Aiqing. I hope that Aiqing will work hard and do her best for my Great Song Dynasty."

Zhao Pu bowed and said: "The old minister obeys the order."

For Zhao Pu's imperial seal, it was just an opening, and the real blockbuster came after Zhao Pu.

When Chen Lin picked up the second imperial decree, all the insiders held their breath. Seeing the solemn atmosphere without knowing it, they also held their breath subconsciously.

Chen Lin respectfully picked up the second imperial decree. The first two words made everyone realize the difference.

"The imperial edict said..."

The one at the beginning of the imperial edict is an imperial edict, which is generally used by the royal family.

Then there is the canonization of princes of the opposite sex, or the lord of a vassal state.

After reading the gorgeous rhetoric, Chen Lin said in a heavy voice: "Choose Cao Bin, the privy envoy... the king of Yunnan, the lord of Dali, the envoy of Dali soldiers and horses, and the python robe and jade belt...May Dali and my Song Dynasty be reconciled forever ...for this..."

The imperial edict has been read.

The unaware courtiers were already dumbfounded.

This is an imperial edict conferring the rank of the lord of the vassal state.

This edict fell on Cao Bin's head, which proves that Cao Bin has become the righteous king of Dali.

Even if Cao Bin proclaimed himself emperor in Dali, no one would say anything.

When did the Cao family take control of Dali?

When did the Cao family turn from a general to a royal family?
Even the courtiers who knew about it were in shock.

Since then, the Cao family has changed from ministers to monarchs.

Although he is the king of a foreign country, he is the same king.

Since then, the Cao family has become the overlord of the land, and they are truly in charge of their own family.

The military generals in the court, even if they have raised their generals to the extreme, they still cannot be compared with others.

Some generals who are familiar with Cao Bin have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Some lamented that Cao Bin hid it well, and some lamented why the gap between people is so big?
Of course, some people were secretly delighted.

The Cao family has become a royal family, so it is naturally impossible to stay in Bianjing City.

Once the Cao family's top general goes, they will have a chance if there is an empty position.

And Cao Bin himself didn't care about these things.

After many years of trembling and trembling, now the serious trouble in my heart has been eliminated, and since then the Cao family has officially jumped over the dragon's gate.

Cao Bin got up, stepped forward and bowed: "Cao Bin, take the order to thank you."

Chen Lin personally delivered the edict to Cao Bin, and some eunuchs presented him with boa robes and jade belts.

Cao Bin was also polite and took all of them.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lin read out the third imperial decree. As soon as the first two words came out, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty almost dropped their jaws in shock.

"The imperial edict says... Confer the title of Zhe Yuxun in Fuzhou as the King of Liang, the title of the Lord of Xiliang, the envoy of soldiers and horses in Xiliang, and the python robe and jade belt..."

Another family stood out and became the overlord.

Since then, the Song Dynasty has gained another vassal state and lost a family of generals.

Two families in a row have turned their families into the royal family of the country, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are a little confused.

If it weren't for the emperor and the prime minister sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and not saying a word.

I am afraid that the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty thought they were listening to folklore.

No one from the Zhe family is in Bianjing, so if there is an edict about the canonization of the Zhe family, it is natural to send an angel to send it, so there is no such thing as receiving the edict.

Put down the imperial edict to seal Zhejia.

Chen Lin raised her hand again and directly took out two imperial edicts.

For some reason, when Chen Lin took out the two imperial edicts, a thought came to Man Chao Wenwu's heart at the same time.

The third and fourth royal families of the vassal state that have separated from Jiangmen are about to be born.

The content of the imperial edict read out by Chen Lin did not disappoint them either. Indeed, another general became a vassal of the royal family.

It's just that these two edicts were not conferred by two people, but by one person.

"The imperial edict says... to make Tiger Marquis Yang Yansi the king of Yan, the title of the Lord of Yan, and the title of Marshal of the Army and Horses of Yan, and to give him a python robe and a jade belt..."

"The imperial edict says... that Yang Yansi, Marquis of the Tiger, be made King of the Han Dynasty, titled Lord of the Southern Kingdom, Grand Marshal of the Southern Kingdom, and bestowed with dragon robes..."


Zhao Defang was very generous about Yang Qi's conferment and rewards, and even gave Yang Qi the dragon robe that only the emperor could wear.

He knew in his heart that if it wasn't for Yang Qi, he might never have the chance to sit on the throne for the rest of his life.

And Yang Qi helped him solve all the troubles when he was in power, and also helped him block the crisis of the Liao Kingdom's invasion.

It can be said that without Yang Qi, there would be no Zhao Defang today.

But what Yang Qi asked for was nothing more than an imperial edict.

And among so many people who helped him get to the top, the one he wants to thank the most is Yang Qi.

Yang Qi has countless elite soldiers and powerful generals, enough to lay down enough territory for him, and Zhao Defang doesn't need to allocate a part of the land to pity him.

Zhao Defang thought for many days, but she couldn't think of a way to repay Yang Qi.

In the end, he could only force Yang Qi to be superior in terms of canonization specifications.

The two edicts, canonizing the same person, have such a high standard, which surprised the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

But after learning the name of the person who was canonized, although Manchu Wenwu was also surprised, it was not because of Yang Qi being canonized as King of Han and King of Yan.

It was aimed at the fact that Nanguo was also Yang Qi.

Yang Qi was crowned king, which was reasonable and expected by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

With the territory under Yang Qi's rule, with the soldiers and horses under Yang Qi's command, and with the wealth in Yang Qi's hands, it is a sure thing that he can become king.

Four edicts, four princes, and three royal families were born in the court of Song Dynasty.

Without too much imagination, the civil and military officials in the court will know how much sensation this news will cause after it is spread.

Even though hundreds of officials were awarded and rewarded afterwards, new rich came out frequently.

But compared with the royal families of the three major vassal states, it is really like the light of rice grains.

After rewarding meritorious deeds.

Two teams of angels left Bianjing with the highest diplomatic ceremonies.

at the same time.

The birth of the three major vassal states spread like a gust of wind in Bianjing City.

Then, with Bianjing City as the center, it quickly spread outwards.

When the common people heard it, they were shocked, surprised, cursed, and delighted.

But Yang Qi, who was far away in Yanyun Sixteen States, didn't know about it yet.

The scarecrow's spies and Huoshanwei's spies seemed to have deliberately concealed this matter in order to surprise Yang Qi.

It's November.

Yang Qi has arrived in Youzhou from Gubeikou.

It is extremely cold in Youzhou in November.

The wind howls, the yellow sand fills the sky, and the dead leaves are flying, everything looks very depressed.

Only the few pines and cypresses in the forest add some green to Youzhou in winter.

After the war, Youzhou seemed lifeless.

Only Youzhou City in the center of Youzhou is in full swing, adding some vitality to Youzhou.

The former site of Youzhou City.

Driven by the supervisors, nearly 20 captives were busy building on the former site of Youzhou City.

It is not advisable to build buildings in winter.

Yang Qi didn't want to let these captives idle, so he decided to tear down Youzhou City and rebuild it.

Except for a few well-known temples and Taoist temples, the rest of the places were all brutally murdered by Yang Qi.

There is no way to build buildings in winter, but demolition in winter is not taken into account.

The people in Youzhou City, after repeated battles, were trapped and fled around, and they had already escaped.

Therefore, no one stopped Yang Qi from carrying out demolition in Youzhou City, and he didn't need to pay compensation.

He didn't even need to plan, just pushed it across.

After receiving Yang Qi's order, Kou Zhun, who led the civil servants to Youzhou City, almost bit off his tongue when he heard about it.

Filled with righteous indignation, he found Yang Qi who lived in the remaining half of the city lord's mansion and handled government affairs.

"Yang Yansi, do you know how much it costs to recast a big city with a radius of [-] miles? You have been fighting for almost a year from the first lunar month to November now. Have you ever calculated how much food and grass you consumed? ?
I have emptied all the stock in the homes of the people in the four prefectures of the Northwest.Now that the common people are tightening their belts to live, you still want to live in Zhucheng at this time?
Do you want to force the people to death, or do you want to toss away the Yanyun sixteen prefectures that you just acquired? "

Kou Zhun stood at the door of Yang Qi's study, like a shrew, with his hands on his hips, swearing, without any consideration.

Yang Qi sighed helplessly, dropped the "New Military Reform" memorial sent by Yang Da, rubbed the center of his brows, and said indifferently: "Is there anyone who is superior or inferior? Are you talking to me?"

Hearing this, Kou Zhun's expression froze, and he reluctantly bowed to salute, "Your officer, Kou Zhun, see Tiger Marquis..."

After saluting, Kou Zhun resumed his face just now, cursing and saying: "Yang Yansi, don't use your status as a superior to suppress me. You are the master of this territory, but I, Kou Zhun, always only recognize reason, not people. If you act recklessly, even if you are the heavenly king, I, Kou Zhun, will not accept you, so I must argue with you."

Yang Qi rolled his eyes, picked up the teacup from the table, took a sip, and said angrily: "Okay, don't stand at the door like a shrew and curse at the street. Anyway, you are also the number one civil servant under my Yang Yansi.

If people know that you have this kind of virtue, who will obey you? "

When the words fell to the ground, Yang Qi pursed his mouth and frowned, the tea had been left for a long time, it was a bit cold, and it tasted very bitter.

But Yang Qi didn't blame anyone for it.

Now in this city of Youzhou are all big bosses, all of them are good at fighting wars and engaging in intelligence, and they are all serving people with sticks and mallets.

Putting down the teacup, Yang Qi waved his hand and told Kou Zhun to sit down.

Kou Zhun snorted coldly, sat opposite Yang Qi, and looked at Yang Qi coldly.

Yang Qi folded his hands together, put them on the table, and said with a smile: "If I tell you, rebuilding Youzhou City this time will not only cost money, but also make money, would you believe me?"

Kou Zhun pursed his lips, pointed to his nose with disdain, "Look at me..."

"Look at what?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Yang Qi shook his head and smiled, and said, "I didn't take you for a fool, what I said was the truth."

Kou Zhun shouted angrily: "To rebuild a city that does not belong to Bianjing, you tell me that it doesn't cost money, do you think I'm an idiot?"

Yang Qi sat up slowly, and said quietly: "Kou Zhun, today I will teach you one thing. As long as you can spend money, you can definitely make money."

Kou Zhun frowned and looked at Yang Qi.

If Yang Qi can seriously repeat one thing to him twice, it means that it may be true.

Kou Zhun asked tentatively, "Can you really make money?"

Yang Qi nodded, "Of course... First of all, let's calculate the cost of building the city. The most expensive things to build a city are manpower, stone materials, and wood. In terms of manpower, we use captives. In addition to paying some food In addition, there is basically no extra cost.

In terms of stone materials, the stone materials removed from the old city are enough to build some buildings that should be built.In addition, with the advantage of gunpowder, we can easily extract stones from mountains.It doesn't cost much either.

What costs more is wood.

There are many trees in the mountains and forests in Tanzhou, and we can easily cut them down for wood.

For some precious wood, merchants and soldiers who travel to and from the southern country will help us escort them here, and we only need to pay a small amount of freight.

All that's left in the end is a few odds and ends. "

Kou Zhun frowned and said in a low voice: "You see, these are fragments, but they add up to a considerable amount of expenses. I know you have the Nanguo money bank in your hand, so it's not bad.

Although I don't understand the operation of the money bank, I also know that I have been withdrawing money from Nanguo Money Bank instead of depositing money in it.

In the end, the Nanguo Money Bank will not be able to sustain it, and the people who will suffer will be those who have deposited their money in the Nanguo Money Bank. "

Yang Qi shook his head, and said angrily: "Just now I was talking about spending money, I haven't talked about making money yet."

Kou Zhun resisted the urge to argue with Yang Qi, gritted his teeth and said, "You said..."

Yang Qiban lay on the chair and said leisurely, "Did you know? The gold, silver and jewelry excavated from the demolition of the old buildings in Youzhou City and the deep digging of the foundation this time alone are worth more than 300 yuan. Ten thousand taels..."


Kou Zhun stood up suddenly, and shouted in shock: "This is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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