Monument Yangmen

Chapter 763 A person who is qualified to eat in 1 pot

Chapter 763 A person who is qualified to eat in one pot

King Yang Qifeng, the news that Yan State has been established, spread to every corner of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures and Northwest Four Prefectures as various officials took office.

All the subjects of the Yan Kingdom who heard the news all cheered.

The people of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, who have suffered for many years, finally ushered in a tyrannical monarch. With him leading everyone, they will surely live a good life.

Barren as the four prefectures in the Northwest, they became extremely rich in his hands; as tyrannical as the Liao Kingdom, they became trembling under his iron hooves.

With him around, it would be difficult for Yan Guo not to win by force.

It is such a monarch who is highly expected by the people, and at this moment, he is cooking hot pot in the big tent without any image.

In the middle of the big tent, there is a three-foot-wide marching pot. A pheasant is cooking in the pot. The pheasant has turned white, and a large piece of meat can be poked off with chopsticks, but no one moves.

People around the pot prefer to pick up thinly sliced ​​fresh lamb from the large plate beside them.

"Suck and suck..."

There are endless voices about eating Hesse madly.

The Yang Qi who was crowned king is still the same Yang Qi.

Even though he was domineering at the gate of the city before, he was still an ordinary person in private.

He and Kou Zhun would blushed because they were fighting for a piece of vegetables that were rare in winter, and he would stare at each other with Peng Pai because they were fighting for the last piece of tender beef.

Everyone sat around together, like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, eating, drinking, talking and laughing, and there was no respect at all.

Lu Meng was watching this scene, a little dazed.

He was holding a bowl and chopsticks in his hand, but he didn't dare to go forward to fight for it.


A piece of cooked tender mutton was sandwiched into Lu Mengzheng's bowl, and Lu Mengzheng was flattered and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

"You're welcome, it's just like being in your own home."

Yang Qi dropped this sentence and joined the ranks of grabbing meat again.

Lu Meng was looking down at the bowl, then at the blushing Xiang Minzhong who was arguing with Lu Duan for meat, he carefully picked up the meat in the bowl, and took a sip.

Immediately, his eyes lit up.

Involuntarily, his eyes were placed in the cooking pot, and his body subconsciously leaned forward, reaching out the chopsticks into the pot in a strange way.

Lu Mengzheng's chopsticks had just been extended halfway, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Lu Mengzheng's body froze, he was a little embarrassed to be looked at by everyone, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand.

However, everyone's eyes only glanced at him, and then quickly turned to the pot again.

Lu Mengzheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and carefully began to eat from the pot.

In comparison, there is one person who is more relaxed than Lu Mengzheng.

Chen Lin, the eunuch, was not unfamiliar at all.

Most of the people here are his acquaintances, and he doesn't need to be polite to these people at all.

The fresh and tender mutton is soaked in chicken soup, and the smooth and moist taste makes people want to stop.

Chen Lin kept coming to the marching pot to eat meat.

The reason why they keep coming forward is because Chen Lin is obviously not welcome here.

As soon as he approached Kou Zhun and grabbed a bite of meat, Kou Zhun pushed him away cursing.

When Chen Lin approached Lu Duan, the upright Lu Duan scolded coldly: "Get out!"

Chen Lin was not angry, and moved closer to Xiang Minzhong.

Xiang Minzhong kicked him directly, telling Chen Lin not to approach him.

Chen Lin turned around, everyone hated him, and finally came to Yang Qi's side, Yang Qi looked at him pitifully, and rewarded him with two pieces of meat.

Seeing Yang Qi put the meat in her bowl, Chen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

Yang Qi rolled his eyes, and while grabbing the meat, he said angrily: "Your Majesty is not here, your Majesty is in Bianjing City."

Chen Lin swallowed the two pieces of meat greedily, and then said cheerfully: "This time, the miscellaneous family asked for orders to come out of Bianjing City to pass the decree, and they have no plans to go back. There is no His Majesty of the Zajia family in Bianjing City, you are the one." Your Majesty the Miscellaneous."

Everyone who was eating meat put down their bowls and chopsticks and looked at Chen Lin.

Lifting the chopsticks, Yang Qi said in astonishment: "Are you planning to mess with me? It stands to reason that you have the merits of being a dragon, and staying in Bianjing City, you can't escape as a chief inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and prosperity and wealth are just around the corner.

You follow me, I can't give you anything..."

Chen Lin glanced at the crowd, and said with a grin, "The Zajia is a eunuch and has no heirs. The glory and wealth are meaningless to the Zajia. The Zajia has been lurking in Bianjing for ten years for revenge.

For ten years, Zajia lived for those who died.Now that the vengeance has been avenged, the miscellaneous family has to live for themselves. "

Yang Qi asked suspiciously: "Someone in Bianjing bullied you, making your life unhappy?"

Chen Lin shook her head, "That's not true... Miscellaneous people just feel that following Zhao Defang is far less comfortable than following you."

Yang Qi was stunned and said in astonishment: "Just because of this, you abandoned the glory and wealth in Bianjing City, and came to follow me?"

Chen Lin said seriously: "Isn't this reason enough?"

Yang Qi was stunned, speechless.

The upright Lu Duan immediately gave a thumbs up, and praised: "I have lived most of my life, and I have only met such a sensible person as you. You should have a bite of meat in this pot."

Kou Zhun shook his head and said, "You should eat meat..."


Everyone spoke out one after another, accepting Chen Lin.

Finally arrived at Yang Qi, Yang Qi sighed: "Since you want to stay, then stay. Later, I will send someone to send a letter to Zhao Defang, and solve your worries for the future."

Everyone agreed that Chen Lin would stay, and Yang Qi had no reason to refuse.

Although Chen Lin is a eunuch, she is also a ruthless person.

People who can quietly lurk beside an enemy for ten years are all ruthless characters.

Keeping this kind of person by your side is of great use at critical times.

Seeing Yang Qi agreeing to let him stay, Chen Lin almost grinned behind her ears, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

After Chen Lin was accepted, Chen Lin went to eat meat with others, and no one disliked him anymore.

Chen Lin can see clearly that the pot of meat in Yang Qi's tent is not something anyone can eat if they want, not because of the noble materials used, but because of the different meanings it represents.

Those who can stick their chopsticks into this pot are all their own people.

As everyone continued to extend their chopsticks into the pot, a third of the meat of a sheep was eaten in an instant.

While eating meat, Kou Zhun said, "Yan Kingdom was initially established, and a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated. The New Year is approaching, and after the New Year is over, Spring will be near. Next year's government affairs will focus on those. Let's discuss it now. start preparing."

Yang Qi put down his chopsticks and said: "The soldiers who have been dismissed from the military have been placed in the nearest prefectures and counties according to their native places. When the officials who are on the way arrive, everything will start to work.

The first thing to do is to eliminate the Liao people who are unwilling to belong to the land of Yanyun. When necessary, the yamen at all levels can apply for the mobilization of defenders to cooperate.

Secondly, under the rule of the Liao people in Yanyun, many fields have been turned into pastures.

Recultivation and redistribution require reasonable adjustments.

Be sure to have fifty mu of land under the name of each male.

Yamen at all levels must mobilize the common people to actively participate in land reclamation and spring plowing.

If there are stubborn idlers, let the yamen at all levels report them, and then escort them to Yanjing City to serve as hard labor.

At the same time, the old, weak, sick and disabled who are not cared for everywhere can be raised by the yamen first, including those beggars who wander in the streets and alleys.

Of course, those young and strong beggars with healthy limbs but no desire to make progress were all sent to work as slave labor. "

Everyone nodded and had no objection to Yang Qi's proposals.

Seeing that there were no objections from the crowd, Yang Qi continued: "Furthermore, communication post stations in various places must be established as soon as possible. Only by keeping the post stations unblocked can we convey all government orders to government offices at all levels on time.

There are also counties, villages, towns, and villages that suffered from military disasters in various places, and they must be rebuilt as soon as possible.

In empty cities, empty counties, empty villages, etc., as long as there are no human eyes, all buildings can be demolished, and the materials can be distributed to the people for rebuilding their own houses.

Government offices must cooperate with supervision to avoid chaos.

After the spring plowing, the yamen at all levels must organize the people to clear the roads between the prefectures and counties.

At the same time, the corpses scattered in various prefectures and counties after the war were buried or burned in time.

It must not be allowed to leave its violent corpses in the wilderness, causing plagues. "

After Yang Qi finished speaking, he looked at Lu Duan, and said in a deep voice, "Lu Duan, you will be in charge of supervising this matter. Anyone who disobeys orders will be assigned as hard labor."

Lu Duan stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I take orders."

Yang Qi said again: "The reconstruction of Yanjing City, the most important thing is three places, one is the place where you will deal with official affairs in the future, the other is the place where the civil and military colleges are established, and the third is the officials in Yanjing City. place to live.

In short, these three places must be established as soon as possible.

As for other streets, shops, and markets, it can be postponed for a while.

After the Nanguo Qianhang officially settled in Yanjing City, the Nanguo Qianhang will allocate and build these places.

Lu Meng is in charge of this matter. "

Lu Meng was getting up quickly, bowed and said: "My minister takes orders."

Yang Qi nodded, and said: "Besides the above work, there are still many things we need to do. For example, dredging the business roads and attracting merchants to return to Yan to continue their business.

Expand the wharf to make it easier for merchants to and from the South Kingdom and Yan Kingdom to dock.

Etc., etc……"

Yang Qi stood up and said solemnly: "Everyone, we still have a lot to do. We must make the country of Yan prosperous as soon as possible, and the people of the country of Yan should be freed from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

But before that, we have one more important thing to do. "

Yang Qi glanced at the puzzled crowd, and said loudly: "That is to formulate laws suitable for our country of Yan before the Chinese New Year, and to inform the whole country.

I would like to take this as a warning to those rats who sneaked around behind the scenes and committed crimes when we were united to build the Yan Kingdom. "


Making the law is a big thing.

As a person who has received higher education from later generations, it is absolutely impossible for Yang Qi to learn from the Song Dynasty and borrow the laws of the Tang Dynasty without hesitation.

Nor would he directly apply the laws of the four northwestern prefectures to the entire Yan Kingdom.

It is even more impossible to apply the laws of the southern country.

The country of Yan must have its own laws, laws that are suitable for everyone in the country of Yan.

After Yang Qi announced this matter, everyone nested in Yang Qi's big tent, gathered together, and began to contribute to the establishment of the laws of the Yan Kingdom day and night.

During this period, everyone looked at the existing laws such as Song Law, Liao Law, etc., and then looked at the laws of Qin, Han, Tang and other dynasties.

In the end, on the basis of these laws, 240 laws suitable for Yan State were formulated.

Of course, 240 laws are not enough to cover everything.

Due to the urgency of time, only 240 articles of Dafa can be drawn up for temporary use.

After the Yan Kingdom is truly settled down, it will be refined and extended on the basis of these 240 Great Laws.

It took ten days.

The 240 laws were deleted, deleted, deleted, added, and added. After repeated scrutiny and confirmation that they were reasonable, they were finally finalized.

Before the end of the new year, Yang Qi dispatched the laws that had been formulated to all the prefectures and counties.

Six hundred iron hoofs came out of Yanjing City, and spread the law quickly.

However, Yang Qi and his party did not become relaxed just because the law was promulgated.

The closer the year approaches, the busier the government affairs will be.

Yang Qi not only has to deal with the government affairs of the Yan Kingdom, but also the government affairs of the Southern Kingdom.

All the government affairs were piled up on Yang Qi's desk, as high as a hill.

A part is processed every day, and a part will be regenerated the next day.

So back and forth, there is almost no time to rest.

Every night late at night, when Yang Qilei was exhausted, he had the urge to put down his picks.

However, after waking up the next day, Yang Qi would fall back into work again.

So back and forth, day and night.

Even though it was late at night, Yang Qi was still dealing with government affairs.


A sudden explosion woke up the drowsy Yang Qi quickly. He put on a coat and hurried to the door of the room.

"What happened?"

Yang Qi went out of the room and asked nervously.

Peng Pai was drinking alone at the door, and Yang Qi who rushed out hurriedly asked him this question.

Peng Pai choked in his throat.

After coughing for a long time, he calmed down and said, "Your Majesty is talking about the sound of firecrackers? Didn't you approve that Kou Zhun set off 81 thunderbolts tonight as a firecracker battle, saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new?"

Yang Qi was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "It's... New Year's Eve..."

Peng Pai nodded seriously.

Yang Qi took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "I thought it was only a few days before the New Year's Eve, but I didn't expect it to be New Year's Eve in a flash. I was so busy that I even forgot the time... I didn't even ask someone to bring some gifts back for my wife and children. I don't know. Will they blame me?"

Peng Pai tilted his head and said seriously: "This subordinate feels that the four empresses will understand Your Majesty."

Yang Qi glared at Peng Pai angrily, "Why do you think they will understand me?"

Peng Pai grinned, and said treacherously: "Of course my subordinates know."

Yang Qi opened his mouth to curse, but when he saw Peng Pai's cheap look, he was slightly taken aback, and then his pupils suddenly dilated.

"No... no way?"

 Thanks to 'Shang Hongchen' for rewarding 1000 and 139 book coins!Thanks to '49********[-], Master Perfect, Nan, Shen Yiqian' for a reward of [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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