Monument Yangmen

Chapter 775 tit for tat

Chapter 775 tit for tat
In March, the cold winter has quietly left, and the city of Hong Kong is full of spring, with a green atmosphere everywhere.

The sea breeze is a little less cold and more warm.

The number of people who gathered to fish in the port city was much less. Many of them moved to nearby cities and villages under the assignment of the government, and started the most important spring plowing in a year.

Under the plowing of the common people, the pastures turned into scenes of dark fertile fields.

After more than 70 years of fallow, the land in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun is so fertile that oil can be squeezed out.

The people were so happy from ear to ear, they knew very well that such a fertile land would definitely have a good harvest in autumn.

The grain purchased by Yang Qi was transported to the country of Yan, where it was turned into good seeds and distributed to the common people.

The common people set up plowshares, set up buildings, and sowed the seeds of hope in the fields.

Everything in Yan Country is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the people are still living in poverty, everyone has a warm smile on their face.

Yang Qi likes to see the sincere smiles on the faces of the common people.

Not involved in any interests, not involved in any entanglements, just a pure joy.

It looks particularly rewarding.

Many people in Hong Kong City left, but Hong Kong City did not become depressed because of this.

On the contrary, it is more prosperous than before.

Because of the attraction of Kunpeng's skeleton, many businessmen came to Hong Kong City.

Many of them knew clearly that they were running with them, so after they arrived in Hong Kong City, they just looked at the Kunpeng skeleton and didn't expect too much.

Their innate keen sense of smell allowed them to discover many business opportunities to make a fortune in the port city.

Tens of thousands of people went to sea to fish, and the harvest was huge.

The common people obtained all kinds of rich seafood in the ocean.

There are countless precious dried goods such as pearls, sea cucumbers, and abalones.

The common people couldn't finish eating, and in the end it was naturally cheaper for those businessmen.

They were like a group of flies that saw carrion, thousands of them jumped on it, and made a clean joke about the seafood in Hong Kong City.

What makes people feel dumbfounded is that it is obviously a food shortage.

Not only did the people not go bankrupt because of this, but they took this opportunity to make a lot of money.

The bank deposits in the Gangcheng branch of Nanguo Money Bank are growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yici Leye, who was in charge of the Nanguo Qianhang Gangcheng Branch, begged Yang Qi repeatedly to approve the Nanguo Qianhang Gangcheng Branch to obtain the right to mint coins.

Currency is a sign.

The Nanguo coin cast by Nanguo Money Bank is the symbol of Nanguo.

Naturally, Yan State should also be such a symbol.

The person in charge of the Gangcheng branch of the Nanguo Money Bank is fighting for the minting rights of the Yanguo currency.

Nanqin is exquisite, easy to carry, and has many types of currency. It has gradually become a more popular main currency than Liaoqian and Songqin.

Even if Yanqian starts to be minted now, it is not as good as Nanqian, the leader.

Although both Nanqian and Yanqian are Yang Qi's money, there should be no distinction between them.

But Yang Qi still decided to mint Yan coins.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the currency they see is just currency.

From Yang Qi's point of view, it is different.

Yang Qi feels that currency is not only currency, but also represents a certain degree of cohesion.

Those merchants who go to other countries to buy with their own exquisite currency will always have more confidence than others.

Yang Qi agreed to the shopkeeper of Nanguo Money Bank Gangcheng Branch, and set up a Yanqin casting workshop in Gangcheng, but Yang Qi did not hand over the minting rights to the shopkeeper of Nanguo Qianhang Gangcheng Branch, but to Hong Kong The Yamen of the city is in charge, supervised by both Yushitai and Scarecrow.

The reason why Yang Qi did this was not only to hold the coinage right in his own hands.

More importantly, when he plans to issue Yan Qian, he will set up another Yan Guo Qian Bank.

Although the development of Nanguo Qianhang is very good, but if Nanguo Qianhang is allowed to dominate, problems will definitely occur in the long run.

Monopolizing an industry will certainly make money.

But monopoly can also make an industry lose its aggressiveness and become conservative, thus being eliminated by the times.

Healthy competition is the key to an industry getting better and better.

Yang Qi wants to personally create an opponent for Nanguo Qianhang.

Again, Yang Qi would never put all his eggs in one basket.

However, whether it is the casting of Yan coins or the establishment of Yan Guo Qian Bank, it takes time and accumulation.

But the sale of Kunpeng's bones is imminent.

The eighth day of the third lunar month.

Ching Ming Festival.

A light rain moistened the city of Hong Kong and shrouded it in a hazy mist. From a distance, it looked like a fairyland on earth.

A group of monks, wearing yellow robes, cassocks, and tattered sandals, stepped into the hazy port city.

When they stepped into the port city, Yang Qi got the news.

In the camp.

Yang Qi frowned and paced in the hall with his hands behind his back.

Peng Pai quickly entered the hall, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the person you were waiting for has arrived."

Yang Qi stopped, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly opened them, with a smile on his face, "It's finally here, I thought they weren't interested in this Kunpeng skeleton."


Yang Qi laughed heartily for a while, and told Peng Pai, "Go, spread the word. Two days later, there will be a sale of Kunpeng's bones, and Kou Zhun will preside over the matter. Tell Kou Zhun, we only need food, and we don't want gold, silver and jewelry." lack."

"My subordinate understands."

Peng Pai works with great efficiency.

The news about Kunpeng's bones being sold two days later, like a gust of wind, swept across the entire Hong Kong city in an instant.

Hong Kong City seemed to be ignited in an instant.

After waiting for more than a month, it was finally time for the dust to settle.

Many people with huge sums of money secretly gritted their teeth and swore that they would take down Kunpeng's bones in one fell swoop at the sale meeting.

Many people are good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

As Yang Qi's secretly appointed buyer, the group of monks seemed very calm.

After they entered the port city, they found shelter in a ruined temple.

It's not because they like to live in ruined temples, but because the existing inns in the port city have been sold at sky-high prices by businessmen.

However, there is only one ruined temple in Hong Kong City.

The owner of the ruined temple is a man named Jian Zichuan.

He was an anti-Liao hero in the Five Dynasties period, and he once caused a lot of trouble and harm to the Liao Kingdom.

In the end, he died in the anti-Liao battlefield. The Liao people knew heroes and valued heroes, so they set up a shrine to him here, which eventually evolved into a temple.

However, within a hundred years, he had been forgotten and the temple was deserted.

The history of the Five Dynasties and the newly compiled history of the Song Dynasty did not mention him at all.

The Taoist people entered the ruined temple first and occupied a large part of the ruined temple.

People from the Buddhist sect who entered the ruined temple later inevitably collided with people from the Taoist sect.

The old monk who was in charge of finding the way saw someone in the temple, and he was a deadly enemy, so he frowned subconsciously. Instead of stepping into the temple immediately, he turned around and left the temple to ask the old monk in charge.

The old monk in charge is already very old and can be regarded as a gentleman.

His beard was grizzled, his eyes were cloudy, and the chicken skin on his face was dotted with age spots.

He half-closed his eyes, groggy, and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The old monk who was exploring the way did not treat him poorly because of this, walked up to him in a proper manner, put his hands together, bowed and said: "Master, Chen Tuan from the Taoist sect is in the temple..."

The old monk in charge was still dazed and did not answer.

The old monk who explored the way has been waiting there respectfully.

After a long time, the old monk who explored the road did not show any impatient look.

The old monk in charge seemed to have woken up from sleep. He opened his cloudy eyes, looked up at the sky, and said with a smile, "Hahaha... that old boy Chen Tuan is here too? It seems that the old monk on this trip Come on.

walk into……"

The old monk in charge didn't have the demeanor of an eminent monk at all, he was joking when he talked, like an old urchin.

However, the more he was like this, the more respectful the old monks who followed him became.

A group of monks followed the old monk in charge into the ruined temple.

Before the person entered the ruined temple, the voice came in.

"Chen Tuan, you little bull-nosed man, why aren't you dead yet?"

Chen Tuan in the ruined temple heard this voice, frowned slightly, and smiled wryly, "It's that old rascal Huiming..."

If there were monks nearby, Chen Tuan could still put on airs in front of them.

But Zen Master Huiming, that is a great monk to the letter, his status and seniority in Buddhism are no lower than Chen Tuan's in Taoism.

Zen Master Huiming entered the ruined temple and went straight to Chen Tuan.

Chen Tuan got up slowly, looked at Zen Master Huiming, and cursed, "You old rascal isn't dead yet, how could I die before you."

Zen Master Huiming ran up to Chen Tuan, looked at Chen Tuan's face carefully, and said in shock: "Oh...Chen Tuan Niubi, you are about to die, and you are going to die soon... After you die, you are going to buy a Where? The mountain behind Mount Hua is still the ancestral home of Taoism? The old monk is going to dig your grave."

Chen Tuan glared at Zen Master Huiming angrily, "Old monk, I think your end is approaching. When you die, I will go to the Pagoda Forest to find your relics, and then make them into bracelets and wear them."

The two seem to be very familiar with each other, and they seem to talk like this every time they meet.

So other people around didn't find it strange.

After burying each other, Zen Master Huiming tugged on Chen Tuan's sleeve and asked, "If you have any wine, give the old monk a couple..."


The old monk who followed Zen Master Huiming growled with a dark face.

Zen Master Huiming stared impatiently and said, "What? When I was in the temple, you stopped me from drinking, saying it was inappropriate. Now that I'm out, you still want to stop me?"

The old monk lowered his head helplessly, "I dare not..."

Zen Master Huiming snorted and said, "It's fine if you know you dare not, I will punish you not to speak."

Zen Master Huiming gave the old monk a closed password, asked Chen Tuan for a gourd of old wine, and took a sip.

In an instant, his eyes widened, and his complexion suddenly flushed red.

Seeing this, the rest of the old monks turned pale with fright and were about to rush over.

However, before they rushed over, Zen Master Huiming clicked his mouth, his turbid eyes became sparkling, he let out a breath, and said with emotion: "Spicy wine, the old monk likes it. Where did it come from?"

Chen Tuan looked at his nose with his eyes, and said with a stern face: "The strong wine of Yang's family in Yan State is filial to my apprentice."

Zen Master Huiming nodded, poured down two gourds of wine in his hand, and then sighed: "Why doesn't the old monk have such a well-behaved disciple? If there is such a disciple who can respect my two gourds and good wine, when I die, the abbot will definitely be killed." Pass it on to him."


The old monks who came with Zen Master Huiming reminded him in a low voice.

Zen Master Huiming waved his hands impatiently, "I know, I know how to control me, even talking. It's no fun staying with you."

Zen Master Huiming, who stopped talking nonsense, just kept drinking.

When the wine in the gourd was drained, he looked at Chen Tuan expectantly.

Chen Tuan understood, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he said coldly: "It's gone..."

Zen Master Huiming clicked his lips regretfully, and said with emotion: "Remember to bring more next time."

"it is good!"

Chen Tuan readily agreed, paused and said, "As long as you can live until the next meeting."

Zen Master Huiming pursed his lips in disdain, and proudly said: "The old monk can live for decades, unlike you, a short-lived ghost, who can live well in a few days..."

The veins on Chen Tuan's forehead throbbed violently, but he didn't speak.

Zen Master Huiming threw the wine gourd to Chen Tuan, stared at him and asked, "Are you also here for the bones of Kunpeng?"

"Aren't you too?"

Zen Master Huiming shook his head and said seriously: "The old monk is here to welcome the bones of the Bodhisattva..."

Chen Tuan curled his lips and said lightly: "My Taoist sect is also here to greet the skeleton of the Dharma protector..."

Zen Master Huiming stared into Chen Tuan's eyes and said in a deep voice, "Everyone depends on their ability?"

Chen Tuan was stunned, then grinned and said, "Originally, I planned to rely on my own ability, but according to the information my apprentice got, the seller seems to like you more."

Zen Master Huiming was taken aback for a moment, then grinned.

"That's a good feeling..."

It's just that his eyes didn't leave Chen Tuan.

Since Chen Tuan was able to tell him the news openly, it means that Chen Tuan must have something to say.

Don't look at Zen Master Huiming as an old urchin, he is really a urchin.

In Buddhism, only those who have practiced Zen to the point of being merciful and compassionate are qualified to be urchins.

For example, Living Buddha Jigong is one of the representative figures.

Chen Tuan did not disappoint Zen Master Huiming. He continued, "The seller is evil. It is very difficult to easily take the Kunpeng skeleton from him. You must be prepared to bleed heavily."

Zen Master Huiming said with a cheerful smile: "Although the juniors of the old monk are not as competitive as your juniors and know how to serve you wine, they still have a little ability to accumulate wealth."

Chen Tuan nodded, and said again: "Although the seller doesn't like my Taoist school, my Taoist school has to fight for it."

The smile on Zen Master Huiming's face froze, he stared at Chen Tuan, and asked, "Are you stupid? Are you going to fight the old monk for a pair of rotten bones?"

As it turns out, no one is stupid.

Even if there is, it does not include these two.

They knew very well in their hearts that the skeleton was not the skeleton of Kunpeng.

"I want rotten bones too."

Chen Tuan's answer was concise and to the point.

For a moment, tit for tat.

Zen Master Huiming no longer showed signs of laughing, he looked at Chen Tuan seriously, "Then...only the real chapter is seen under the hand?"

 Thanks to 'Ye Hongyan' for rewarding a thousand book coins!Thanks to 'Ask the World' for the reward of [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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