Monument Yangmen

Chapter 805 The Real Divine Machine Battalion

Chapter 805 The Real Divine Machine Camp (One update tonight! Sorry! I went to study today!)

The success of the matchlock gun was injected into Yang Qi's chest like a shot in the arm.

The emergence of this cross-age thing also marks that the war will enter another level from the most primitive hacking and killing.

In order to deal with the conspiracy of Song and Liao.

Yang Qi waved his hand.

"Build [-] rods first!"

Yang Qi's words are the imperial decree, and if others do not obey, they can only obey.

As a result, all the major workshops in Yanmenguan stopped their work, and nearly 3 craftsmen dragged their families to make this batch of matchlock guns together.

Yang Qi went down the mountain pass, entered the city pass, and saw the craftsmen in the city, shirtless, sweating profusely, shouting and working.

He felt his chest heat up.

"Peng Pai! If there are people like this, why should the country of Yan be unhappy?"

Standing on the edge of the open-air craftsman's shed where wooden trays were being made, Yang Qi sighed excitedly.

Peng Pai laughed happily and said, "This is all thanks to His Majesty's enlightenment."

Yang Qi withdrew his gaze, glared at Peng Pai, and said angrily: "Shit! This is because the people want to live a better life. Now that they see hope, they are naturally enthusiastic."

Peng Pai flattered and slapped the horse's leg, causing a scolding, but he was not angry, but continued cheerfully: "That's also due to His Majesty..."

Yang Qi picked up the matchlock gun with a belt tied in his hand, and said to Peng Pai: "When something is made, it is for people to use. Now that something is made, if no one uses it, it is no different from an iron lump.

You go and pass on my order to let the Shenji Battalion guarding the Shankou Camp in Longshou go day and night to the temporary camp five miles outside Yanmen Pass.

Since its establishment, Shenjiying has been in an awkward position.

Now with this matchlock gun, it is really worthy of the name. "

Peng Pai immediately cupped his fists and said, "This subordinate will do it now."

Peng Pai found someone he knew well and took him out of Yanmen Pass to dispatch the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

Yang Qi continued to chat with the craftsmen in Yanmen Pass.

With the experience of later generations, Yang Qi can always give craftsmen some unique and effective suggestions.

After Tang Gong and others learned of Yang Qi's one-to-one suggestion, they gathered around Yang Qi again.

Yang Qi didn't hide his secrets either.

Regarding the production methods, management methods, and research and development methods of some factory assembly lines in later generations, he wrapped them in a layer of adventure stories and taught them to Tang Gong and others.

Tang Gong and other craftsmen were like eager students, holding pens, inks, papers and inkstones, learning behind Yang Qi.

This process lasted three days.

three days later.

Peng Pai returned to Yanmen Pass from Longshoufu.

"Your Majesty, all members of the Shenji Battalion have arrived and are waiting for your order."

Peng Pai stood in front of Yang Qi respectfully and said.

Yang Qi nodded slowly, turned his head and asked Tang Gong who was standing behind him and was writing and drawing in a small notebook, "How many matchlock guns have you made?"

Tang Gong stopped writing, rummaged through his small notebooks, and when he found it, he said: "Returning to Your Majesty, in three days, a total of 860 matchlock guns were made. Remove the defective products , there are still [-] matchlock guns left."

"Load them all in the car, and let people prepare enough iron beads and gunpowder."

"This subordinate will let the disciples do it."


Not long after, [-] matchlock guns, thousands of boxes of iron beads, and three large carts of gunpowder were all loaded.

The reason why there are thousands of boxes of iron beads is that the craftsmen master the craft of shaking the beads instead of using the most primitive method of watering.

As long as the iron-burning stove does not extinguish the fire, a man can shake out thousands of iron beads in a day.

If it wasn't for Yang Qi's strict quality control, they might shake out more.

After everything is packed.

In the eyes of Tang Gong and others who did not want to give up, Yang Qi asked someone to drive a cart, pulled him and the matchlock gun, and left Yanmen Pass.

After leaving Yanmen Pass, under the protection of heavy soldiers, after driving for half an hour, we arrived at a mountain pass.

The location of the mountain pass is very hidden.

After Peng Pai led Yang Qi and his party into the mountain pass, they made several turns and turns, and after several checks, they entered the mountainside.

In the belly of the mountain is a basin.

The surrounding forest is dense and deeply rooted.

In the middle of the basin, there is an open space.

The trees on the open space have been leveled, and a vast martial arts arena has been paved with blue and white stones.

Around the martial arts arena, there is a circle of barracks.

A Wang Qingquan spewed up from the pool in the middle of the martial arts field, and two streams flowed out, one south and one north, cutting the martial arts field in half from the middle.

The breeze blows, and the brilliant mountain flowers sway in the bushes.

It can be called a rare paradise.

If it wasn't for the Martial Arts Arena, this place would definitely be an excellent place to live in seclusion.

After the Martial arts arena was built, it became a little less quiet and a little more murderous.

At this moment, the two battalions are leading the soldiers under their command to practice on the martial arts arena.




The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion screamed loudly, as if what they faced was not the air, but the enemy.

"What a sturdy morale..."

Peng Pai sat on the horseback, looked at the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion who were practicing with admiration, and sighed.

The corner of Yang Qi's mouth twitched into a weird smile that was not a smile, and said in a low voice, "How can I hear some resentment..."


Peng Pai asked in amazement, "Where is it?"

Yang Qi smiled without saying a word, and kicked the horse under his crotch.

The horse threw off its hooves and ran towards the martial arts field with a clatter.

The horse ran to the front of the martial arts arena.

Yang Qi reined in the horse's reins, and the red horse stood up, neighing.


The battalions of the two Shenji Battalions who were leading the troops to practice naturally saw Yang Qi.

They shouted.

Nearly ten thousand soldiers put away the momentum of their drills, standing there with their chests upright like javelins.

"See Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty!"



Nearly ten thousand soldiers knelt on the ground like a wave, and the scene was very spectacular.

Yang Qi sat on the horseback, staring at Huang Quan who was kneeling at the front with a half-smile.

"Are you trying to give me a blow?"

Huang Quan lowered his head, cupped his hands and raised his fists above his head, and said in a low voice, "I dare not..."

Yang Qi sneered: "Don't you dare? There are things you Huang Quan dare not do? Bringing nearly ten thousand soldiers to act in front of me, isn't it to give me a blow? What is it?"

Huang Quan raised his head, blushing and defended, "I didn't..."


Yang Qi raised the horsewhip in his hand, pointed to the soldiers who were neatly dressed in armor and held shining swords, and questioned: "There are express regulations in the army that performing martial arts in the army, especially when tens of thousands of people perform martial arts, is forbidden to wear Back armor, it is forbidden to use real knives and real guns.

But what about you?He played with real knives and real guns, and even performed for me specially.

What is this if it’s not a slap in the face? "

Huang Quan moved two steps forward with embarrassment and anxiety, and argued: "I really don't have that idea, I just feel aggrieved and panic... That's why I made such a bad plan..."

Yang Qi put away the sneer on his face, glanced at Huang Quan, and said: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I know you don't have that kind of thought. Even if you have that kind of thought, you don't have the courage.

Hundreds of feet away, I can smell the resentment on your body.

I also know what you mean by showing me this scene. "

Hearing Yang Qi's words, the anxiety in Huang Quan's heart was a little less, replaced by a feeling of aggrieved, he said with a mournful face, "I just want His Majesty to take a look. Our brothers in the Shenji Camp not only shoot arrows well , The knife and the horse are not bad for others.

Even if bows and arrows can't catch up with the enemy, our brothers from the Shenji Camp can ride horses and become fierce soldiers who charge into battle.

Our brothers in the Shenji Camp are not cowards who only hide in a safe place and shoot cold arrows.

Our brothers are worthy of the high salary given by His Majesty. "

Yang Qi couldn't help laughing and said, "What? Did someone tell you what to do?"

Huang Quan drooped his head with an aggrieved face, and said stubbornly with a crying voice: "Since those guys in the Zhentian Camp have artillery, they have repeatedly taunted our brothers.

Said that we brothers are just logs that will hide in a safe place and shoot arrows.

After a battle, the enemies killed are not as many as their fraction.

He also said that our brothers are cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and it would be a waste of food for His Majesty to keep us.

Said that our brothers are not worthy of receiving the same salary as them. "

Among the many soldiers and horses under Yang Qi's command.

Those with the highest pay were Zhentian Battalion, Shenji Battalion, Zama He Warriors, and the three soldiers and horses.

The rations of Shenji Camp and Zhentian Battalion were almost double that of ordinary soldiers.

The salary of Zamahe warriors is the highest in the whole army, fully three times higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

Of course, the food and pay of Zamahe warriors is a special case in the army.

All the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom knew that the warriors of Zamahe almost died in order to protect His Majesty's family.

They deserve such a high salary.

What's more, less than 3000 Zamahe warriors received food and salaries to feed nearly [-] clansmen.

So they really don't get much.

Naturally, there are no soldiers and horses to compare with them.

The Shenji Camp and the Zhentian Camp are different.

Both battalions are special units established by Yang Qi in the Southern Kingdom.

Of course, cavalry is also a special branch.

It's just that the cavalry army belongs to the horse army, and they belong to the infantry army, so there is no comparison.

Before the artillery did not appear.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion showed their might on the battlefield, and the soldiers of the Zhentian Battalion could only help with the transportation, and they were transported and ignited the Zhentian Thunder when it was safe.

He was once ridiculed by the soldiers of Shenji Battalion as a wooden man who could move.

Now, feng shui turns.

The soldiers of the Zhentian Battalion finally felt proud when they had artillery as a weapon.

Naturally, they found their place from the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

This made the soldiers of Shenji Battalion very angry.

There is a comparison, of course there is harm, and it is the one that the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion have actively injured.

Yang Qi had heard a little about the battle between Shenji Camp and Zhentian Camp.

Yang Qi thinks this is a good phenomenon and a healthy competition.

Only they fight each other.

Only the two soldiers and horses under him who had high hopes could maintain a high combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Yang Qi didn't sympathize with Huang Quan's complaints, he just glanced at Huang Quan faintly, "Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. When you taunted others back then, I never saw you pretending to be pitiful in front of me like this." .

It is your retribution for people to ridicule you now.

Of course, the reason why they are qualified to taunt you all depends on the power of artillery.

I gave them the cannon, so they can take advantage of it.

In order to avoid you saying that I am biased, I have specially prepared something for you that is not inferior to artillery. "

Yang Qi took a matchlock gun with a Tuo wooden handle from his horse and threw it at Huang Quan.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Huang Quan took the matchlock gun.

"It is engraved with the magic machine zero zero three, which is exclusive to you. It can be worn out by you, but it must not be thrown away. It is like the knife in the hands of the horse army and the bow in the hands of the bow army. Now you should understand it importance?"

Yang Qi stared at Huang Quan and told him earnestly.

Huang Quan nodded solemnly.

As an archer, he naturally understands what a bow means to a crossbowman.

When the bow is broken, people die.

Although he didn't understand the purpose of the matchlock gun, Huang Quan couldn't help groping for it because of its exquisite craftsmanship.

Especially after hearing Yang Qi's words about not losing to artillery, he fell in love with matchlock guns even more.

Huang Quan fumbled for the matchlock gun as if looking at a newborn son, and asked Yang Qi curiously, "Your Majesty, this is the Divine Machine Zero Three, what about the Divine Machine Zero One and Zero Two?"

Yang Qi raised his brows for a moment, glared at Huang Quan and growled, "What? You want to take my place too?"

When Huang Quan heard this, he immediately drooped his head, not even daring to say.

After all, before Yang Qi became king, he also served as the commander and supervisor of the two battalions of Shenji Battalion and Zhentian Battalion.

Even now that the king is crowned, these two positions have not been handed over to others.

As the first and second commanders of these two battalions, Shenji Zero One and Shenji Zero Two, the ownership of the two matchlock guns is self-evident.

In fact.

Originally attributed to Huang Quan should be Shenji Zero Zero Two.

It's just because the divine machine zero and one was accidentally pinched by a guy with infinite strength.

After Huang Quan played with the matchlock gun for a while, he looked at Yang Qi with a face full of curiosity, and asked him how to use the matchlock gun.

Only then did Yang Qi jump off the horse.

At the same time, he took off his exclusive magic machine [-].

In addition, there is a leather pouch with two pockets.

This was specially designed by Tang Gong and the others after seeing Yang Qi's cumbersome reloading, and had someone sew it on.

In two connected pockets, one for iron bullets and the other for gunpowder.

There is also a spoon with a hook in the gunpowder bag.

When Yang Qi loaded the gunpowder, he only needed to hook the hook with his finger and dig a spoonful inside.

There is not too much gunpowder in the spoon, just enough for one shot.

Loading, charging, after completion.

Yang Qi raised his gun gracefully, aimed at a soaring bird, and shot.


Gunshots sounded.

The bird landed.

The matchlock gun was tactfully held in Yang Qi's hands, but he put it behind him.

In the astonished faces of Huang Quan and others, Yang Qi said indifferently: "With this thing, your Shenji Camp will be a veritable Shenji Camp."

 Thank you for the reward of 'Love is strong, Naihe, crispy angle' with [-] book coins!The reason why there is a chapter today!Not because the straw is lazy, but because the straw went to study.Today, there are lectures by the big guys and editors who write history. In order to improve myself and write better works for everyone, I specially improved it.Then it was too late to code.Feel sorry!To be honest, I really benefited a lot.Especially the two questions of Straw that Tiger Ju answered, benefited Straw a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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