Chapter 845

Since the defeat of the Liao Kingdom.

In the upper capital of the Liao Kingdom, there was a bit of chaos.

Brother Yeluxiu died in battle, Han Derang died in battle, Yelu Xiezhen died in battle, and hundreds of thousands of men from the Liao Kingdom died in battle.

In the entire Liao Kingdom, almost all the generals and soldiers who could fight were buried under Yang Qi's gunpowder.

This made the proud Liao people fear for the first time.

They were afraid that Yang Qi would come and take away their cattle and sheep, and drive them back between the white mountains and the black waters.

They were even more afraid that Yang Qi would kill them all.

After learning of the defeat of the Liao Kingdom, some great nobles of the Liao Kingdom fled without saying a word, carrying their family property and private soldiers.

Some people fled to Koryo, which had been conquered by Liao.

Some people fled to the country of Wa, which is far overseas.

These two places are far away from Yang Qi, but they are very close.

No matter how powerful Yang Qi is, he will not be able to kill these two places in a short while.

The most important thing is that these two countries are not strong, and they can completely dominate them with their own troops.

The great nobles who could escape ran away without any hesitation.

But those nobles of the Liao Kingdom who were tied to the fate of the Liao Kingdom could not escape, and the people of the Liao Kingdom could not escape.

They know that the emperors of the Central Plains like others to bow their heads.

As long as they are willing to bow their heads and surrender, as long as they are willing to be soft, they will not kill them all.

So ever.

Some of the nobles of the Liao Kingdom united and put pressure on Xiao Zhuo together, asking Xiao Zhuo to find a way to submit to Yang Qi and let Yang Qi let the Liao Kingdom go.

There are also some aristocrats of the Liao Kingdom who feel that the reason why the Liao Kingdom has ended up today is because of the fault of a woman like Xiao Zhuo.They encouraged the people, spread rumors, and asked Xiao Zhuo to thank the world with death and calm Yang Qi's anger with death.

There are different opinions, rumors are everywhere, and the wind and rain are precarious.

Xiao Zhuo was in the midst of the situation, and was forced to retreat step by step by the nobles of the Liao Kingdom.

Seeing that there is no way to retreat, there is a cliff behind him.

Of course, no country can be full of soft bones.

There are peacemakers and capitulators, and naturally there are advocates and radicals.

Some people with ulterior motives, or those who coveted the Liao throne for a long time, stood up at this time and shouted loudly for the Liao people to stand up and regain the former glory of the Liao people.

And they spread rumors that the Yelu family no longer received the favor of the Longevity Heaven, and a new wolf king was being conceived, and the moment the new wolf king was born was the time when the Liao people rose again.

In short.

All the spearheads were either directed at the woman Xiao Zhuo, or at Yelu Longxu who was her assistant.

In Shangjing, people die tragically every day.

Either he died to protect Xiao Zhuo's mother and son, or he died to kill Xiao Zhuo's mother and son.

Han Qiong led the troops to escort a large amount of gold and silver back to Shangjing when the wind and rain in Shangjing was the most turbulent.

The appearance of Han Qiong attracted the attention of all Liao people.

They were fascinated by the large amount of gold and silver brought back by Han Qiong.

Han Qiong is so powerful, how could he miss this opportunity.

After she returned to Shangjing, she silenced the capitulators and peacemakers with gold and silver, and at the same time sent people to spread rumors that Yan State would not attack Liao State.

Wait until the people's hearts are settled.

With the soldiers and horses in his hands, Han Qiong quickly cleaned up the main combat faction and the radical faction.

Originally, everything was going on the good side.

But at this time, Xiao Zhuo suddenly made a sound, announcing to the subjects of the Liao Kingdom that the defeat of the crusade against the Liao Kingdom was all due to Han Qiong's plan.

Now, there is another disturbance in Shangjing City.

Those peacemakers and capitulators continued to demand gold and silver from Han Qiong, while secretly stumbling Han Qiong in various ways.

Han Qiong was finally annoyed.

Relying on the elite soldiers and horses in her hands, she launched a bloody cleansing of the upper capital, which was unprecedented in the history of the Liao Kingdom.

Anyone who is unfavorable to Han Qiong is on Han Qiong's must-kill list.

Han Qiong's resolute attack made it too late for the Liao nobles in Shangjing to react.

Before they could mobilize their clan soldiers to guard the city, Han Qiong's knife cut off their heads.

All the big and small officials and nobles who did not have any Han Qiong died under Han Qiong's sword.

Shangjing was killed and turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


When Luo Yun's scimitar cut through the neck of the newly promoted king of Nanyuan in Liao Kingdom, this mutiny was coming to an end.

From a distance, he calmly watched after Luo Yun slaughtered all the people in the King's Mansion of the New Jin Nanyuan of the Liao Kingdom.

Han Qiong turned her head sternly, and said to Zhao Le beside her, "Go to the palace!"

"The palace?"

Zhao Le was a little dazed, he said in astonishment: "Master, you are going to..."

Before Zhao Le finished speaking, Han Qiong said coldly: "Being dragged down by such a group of trash, I will never even try to defeat Yang Yansi in my life. Instead of keeping them in the way, it's better to kill them all.

From then on, this Daliao should respect me. "


Zhao Le gasped on the spot.

As expected, she was the number one strange woman in the world.

It's really a bit comparable to Wu Zetian's momentum.

Aside from emotion in his heart, Zhao Le did not hesitate. He led the soldiers and horses, followed Han Qiong's carriage, and entered the palace.

Half of the guards in the palace have been bought by Han Qiong, and the other half of their families have been controlled by Han Qiong.

The rest of the stubborn ones were beheaded by colleagues around them before Han Qiong could do it himself.

It was easier for Han Qiong to lead the soldiers and horses into the Liao Palace than to enter his own home.

When a group of people rushed to the palace in a mighty manner.

She saw Xiao Zhuo sitting on the dragon chair with a calm face, and Yelu Longxu sitting beside her, staring at Han Qiong who entered the hall with resentment.

Even though there were no soldiers behind her, Xiao Zhuo still looked majestic. She stared at Han Qiong and asked, "Han Qiong, do you want to rebel?"

Han Qiong is a smart man.

Xiao Zhuo is also a smart man.

Smart people don't need to beat around the bush when they talk to smart people.

Hearing Xiao Zhuo's questioning, Han Qiong said calmly: "No, no, I didn't think about rebelling. I have already rebelled."

Xiao Zhuo said in a terrified voice, "This Palace treats you well, why do you want to destroy my Great Liao River and Mountains?"


Han Qiong smiled softly, and said proudly: "You really treat me kindly, but you can't give me what I want."

Xiao Zhuo gritted his teeth and looked at Han Qiong, and growled: "If you want to kill you, kill you. This palace will not submit, and the emperor of Daliao will not submit. The tens of millions of Khitan eight clans will also not submit."

Inside and outside the capital, inside and outside the palace, has long been controlled by Han Qiong.

Xiao Zhuo has nothing to do with Han Qiong.

She can only use her life to maintain her last dignity.

Hearing this, Han Qiong was not in a hurry to kill Xiao Zhuo. Instead, he turned his head and asked, "There is a question that I have been confused about. To tell you frankly, when I led the remaining elites of the Liao Kingdom back to Shangjing, I didn't There is no idea of ​​killing your mother and son and replacing them.

At most, I will put you under house arrest, and then support Xiao Longxu to be a puppet emperor.

In this way, I can easily control all the remaining forces of the Liao Kingdom.

The reason why the scene became what it is today.

It is because you announced to the world that I was a sinner of the Liao Kingdom after I returned to Shangjing.

You have always been a very smart person, why would you do such a stupid thing at this time. "

This question has puzzled Han Qiong for a long time.

Han Qiong didn't ask clearly, she felt uncomfortable.

When Xiao Zhuo heard this, he smiled bitterly and said: "Is this Gong smart? I think I am stupid. Raising tigers is the reason why I ended up today. Since you want to know this question, I am not afraid to tell you.

When Ben Gong learns that you have bloodbathed all the main battle factions.

This Palace already knew that I couldn't keep you.

Because your power in Shangjing has reached its peak.

Almost all the troops going to the capital are dispatched by you.

In this capital, there can only be one king, and that is the emperor's son of the palace.

Therefore, I must stand up to stop you, and use the ministers of the surrender faction and the peace-seeking faction who were attracted by you to stop you together.

Bengong firmly believes that Daliao has always belonged to the eight Khitan clans.

It is impossible for any Liao people to watch you, a Han girl, grow up. "

After a pause, the expression on Xiao Zhuo's face became more and more miserable. She closed her eyes and said in pain: "I didn't expect that they would be blinded by money at such a critical moment. That little benefit actually forgot the interests of Daliao.

In the end, you will die and your family will be wiped out..."

Han Qiong glanced at Xiao Zhuo coldly, and said with a sneer, "So that's the case, it seems that you have murdered me for a long time. If this is the case, then I won't feel so guilty about killing you."

"You can't kill your mother, but kill me first."

At this moment, Yelu Longxu stood up resolutely and stood in front of Xiao Zhuo.

Xiao Zhuo shook his head sadly while being moved in his heart.

After all, I am still a child, so it is inevitable that I will be a little emotional.

It's come to this point.

Han Qiong will definitely not let any of their mother and child go.

Han Qiong took the scimitar from Zhao Le, and walked slowly towards Xiao Zhuo's mother and son.

When she walked in front of Yelu Longxu, she knelt down slowly, looked at him with pity, and said in a low voice: "According to Han etiquette, I am the wife you are marrying, and you are my husband-in-law. How can I be willing?" kill you?"

The innocent Yelu Longxu was taken aback, blinked and asked, "You really don't want to kill me?"

" Han, killing one's husband is a serious crime..."

"I knew Sister Han..."


Under Yelu Longxu's astonished eyes, the scimitar pierced his heart fiercely, and he had an unbelievable expression on his face.

Han Qiong giggled coquettishly and said: "You are still as stupid as before. If you kill you, I will be the king of Daliao. Who has the right to question me?"

Xiao Zhuo gritted her silver teeth, and she tried not to let the tears flow down, staring straight at Han Qiong, and growled: "You are really a snake..."

Han Qiong smiled, "I know now? It's too late!"


The scimitar was pulled out from Yelu Longxu's chest and pierced into Xiao Zhuo's chest.

Feeling the passing of life, Xiao Zhuo slowly held Yelu Longxu in his arms with pale hands.

The most legendary empress dowager and emperor of the Liao Kingdom died tragically on the dragon chair.

After killing Xiao Zhuo and Yelu Longxu, Han Qiong did not put down the knife in his hand.

Zhao Le glanced at Han Qiong who was standing there in a daze, stepped forward slightly, bowed and said: "Master, the subordinates know that the master has feelings for the empress of the Liao Kingdom, and it is unbearable to kill them.

Now the Yelu family and Xiao family in Liao Kingdom have all been exterminated.

There is no need for a knife.

The knife is a murder weapon, held in the hands of the master, if the master suffers any injury, it will be the fault of the subordinates. "

"Ha ha……"

Han Qiong laughed suddenly, she turned her head to look at Zhao Le and said with a smile: "Killing them, I don't feel bad at all. The reason why I didn't put down the knife is because what you said just now was wrong."


Zhao Le was puzzled.

Han Qiong said quietly: "Who told you that the members of the Yelu family have been exterminated? As far as I know, there are still two people alive."

Zhao Le was taken aback when he heard the words, and after thinking about it carefully, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock: "The master is talking about Princess Tie Jing... and Yelusi?"

Han Qiong nodded slowly: "Not bad..."

Zhao Le gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Master, Yang Yansi is powerful now, and he has the power to overwhelm the universe. It's good that we killed Princess Tie Jing, but if we touch his nephew, the subordinates are afraid..."

Han Qiong glanced at Zhao Le and said with a sneer, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Yang Yansi will lead the troops to kill you?"

Zhao Le hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

He said solemnly: "This subordinate has also heard about Yang Yansi's behavior style, and knows that he is very emotional. He once did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles alone for Yang Yanhui. Now for his nephew, it is not impossible for soldiers to overwhelm the situation.

Now Daliao is in turmoil, and master, you have just taken control of Daliao.

It will take a lot of time and means to make all the subjects of the Liao Kingdom obey you.

It is not good for us to provoke Yang Yansi now. "

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Han Qiong smiled when he heard this.

Laughing very carefree.

Han Qiong looked at Zhao Le with a strange expression, and laughed out loud, making Zhao Le uncomfortable, almost thinking that she had been exposed.

I saw Han Qiong smiling and said: "I didn't expect that there is such a smart person as you under my hand, who can see the pros and cons of it. It's really a waste for you to be a thug by my side.

After this incident, I should change your position. "

After praising Zhao Le, Han Qiong said again: "However, your eyesight still needs to be improved. What time is it now? It's winter. The mountains are covered by heavy snow, stretching for thousands of miles.

Even if Yang Yansi has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible for him to lead his troops to the capital.

It was already four months later when Yang Yansi got the news and arrived in Shangjing.

Four months is enough time for me to tidy up all the civil and military personnel in the Liao Kingdom.

Four months is enough time for me to lay out a big picture for him and wait for him to enter the urn.


Han Qiong said in a serious voice, "Yelüsi must die!"

Han Qiong looked down upon the heroes and said loudly: "I just want to kill Yelusi, and I just want to kill his Yang family members. I just want Yang Yansi to know the fate of offending me, and I want him to know even more. I will pay back a hundredfold for the pain and humiliation on me."

(End of this chapter)

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