Monument Yangmen

Chapter 850 Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

Chapter 850 Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

How stubborn is Old Yang?

It would be strange if Lao Yang, a stubborn person like him, could lower his head, say so many soft words to Yang Qi, and persuade Yang Qi not to canonize him.

The new emperor ascended the throne, conferred meritorious officials, and followed up the ancestors, which almost followed the law of nearly a thousand years.

If Yang Qican confers meritorious officials and honors his ancestors, then he will definitely not be able to escape the reputation of being unfilial and indifferent.

Lao Yang has been an official for many years, so it is impossible not to know the powerful relationship here.

Being able to force Lao Yang to say these words, the truth in it is definitely not superficial.

Thinking of this.

Yang Qi ordered coldly: "Check! You can't let go of any clues. I want to see who's hand is so long."

When fighting hard, one by one hides tightly, for fear that others will see them.

When sitting in the mountains and rivers, all ghosts and snakes jumped out.

No wonder the emperors of all dynasties would more or less carry out bloody purges one after another after ascending the throne.

It should be killed.

Peng Pai also felt the seriousness of the matter from Yang Qi's cold expression.

Immediately, he accepted the matter without hesitation.

Then after leaving the imperial study, he summoned the chief of the secret agents under him to investigate the matter strictly.

Few people know the extent of Yan State's spy agency.

But its efficiency is absolutely unique.

After Yang Qi's order was conveyed, within a quarter of an hour, all the news about all the people who had contact with Lao Yang were listed in a secret report, and appeared in front of Yang Qi word for word.

Yang Qi frowned again after carefully reviewing the secret performance.

All the news about Lao Yang in the secret report is neat and tidy, without any omissions.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Qi is frowning.

Because judging from the news on the secret notes, the people Lao Yang had contacted were all normal, and there was nothing inappropriate.

The identity of everyone who has come into contact with Lao Yang is clear and clear, and the three generations of ancestors can be checked.

No one had contact with Lao Yang, how could Lao Yang say those words?

Lao Yang is still in charge of many affairs of the martial arts academy, he is not so free.

And Yang Qi believed in his intuition.

"Check again!"


"Check again!"


Yang Qi stayed up all night, and Peng Pai also stayed up all night. They searched seven times, but found nothing.

The eighth time.

Peng Pai stared at a pair of panda eyes, and said to Yang Qi in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the brothers under your command have been busy all night. The file about the Supreme Emperor has been searched ten years ago, and there is still nothing."

Yang Qi frowned, tapped his fingers on the table, and muttered: "It doesn't make sense... Could it be that I'm paranoid..."

At this moment, Peng Pai shook his head.

Seeing this, Yang Qi frowned, "What do you mean?"

Peng Pai bowed slightly, pleading guilty: "Your Majesty's guess is not wrong, there are indeed people playing tricks. It's just that the problem is not with the Supreme Emperor, but with the Queen Mother.

Without His Majesty's permission, you have investigated the whereabouts of the Empress Dowager without authorization, and I also ask Your Majesty to condemn you. "

News in the palace has always been a taboo.

after all.

Every palace, more or less, hides many secrets.

And the person who has the most secrets is the emperor who rules the palace.

And because of the special nature of the emperor's work, his every word and deed, every move, and even a look in his eyes may undergo major changes.

Therefore, many people set their eyes on the palace, wanting to find out.

And as an emperor, how could he like to strip himself naked in front of the world.

Therefore, after every emperor ascended the throne, his tolerance for those who spied on the news in the palace was very low.

Even if this person is his confidant.

To investigate anyone in the palace, the emperor's permission must be obtained.

Without the permission of the emperor, that is a serious crime.

This is why Peng Pai pleaded guilty first.

When Yang Qi heard Peng Pai's words, he just frowned, and didn't take the lead in entanglement on this issue. He said with a gloomy face, "So, someone deliberately approached my mother?"

Peng Pai nodded solemnly, and sent a copy of the secret performance to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi opened the secret play and watched it carefully, while Peng Pai lowered his voice and said: "According to the research of my subordinates, since Your Majesty returned to Beijing, there are a total of more than 130 women who tried every means to get close to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother is kind-hearted and likes to worship Buddha, and she will go to worship Buddha every year and festival.

Therefore, many women took this opportunity to approach the Queen Mother.

Now the closest relationship with the Queen Mother is five people. "

"The five?"

Yang Qi asked questions in a deep voice while flipping through the secret play.

Peng Pai said in a deep voice: "Prime Minister Su Yijian's old mother Su, Fuxing Prefecture prefect Wang Dan's mother Wang, Song Wenxuan's mother Kong, and Taoist Miaozhen from Qingmiao Temple, and Master Kong Ming from Sanfang Temple. ..."


Yang Qi closed the secret note in his hand, his face was cold, and his brows were furrowed, "The old lady of the Su family visited my mother for the purpose of Su Yijian's marriage. Su Yijian has lived in the southern country for many years, and now she is only in her thirties, but she has never been married.

This has almost become a heart disease for the old lady of the Su family.

She was looking for my mother because she wanted my mother to help Su Yijian find a suitable girl.

Next, I just want my mother to talk to me and let me persuade Su Yijian, a stubborn ass.

However, I can't figure out why Mrs. Wang contacted my mother.

You send someone to keep an eye on the Wang family, and report to me whenever you have news. "

Yang Qi paused, gritted his teeth grimly, and said, "As for Kong, Miaozhen, and Kongming... Humph, red flowers, white lotus root, green lotus leaves, the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism really belong together...

They rushed at my mother together, trying to use my mother as a breakthrough.

The picture is not small.

No wonder my dad said that before. "

Peng Pai hesitated at the side and said: "Buddhism and Taoism, because of the affairs of the Liao Kingdom, wronged His Majesty before, so naturally they have to find a way to make up for it. After all, His Majesty did not show kindness to them like other emperors. In order to avoid His Majesty's liquidation, Naturally, we have to go through the Queen Mother's way and ask the Queen Mother to intercede for them.

But what is Confucianism for? "

Yang Qi dropped the secret note, glanced at Peng Pai, and said with a sneer, "What else can it be for? It's just that the people are not enough. For the property, for the reputation. More importantly, after I established the country, I did not follow the example of the Han Dynasty. , Tang, Song, only respect Confucianism.

Taking scholars is even more unique.

Although there are many Confucian disciples in the court today, the new officials are more pragmatic.

Colleges at all levels do not exclusively respect Confucianism.

Confucianism is just equivalent to an ordinary subject, taught to students.

In the past, when the Song Dynasty was still alive, Confucianism naturally ignored us.

But now my Dayan family dominates, and even occupies the hometown of Confucius.

His descendants naturally need to run around. "

Peng Pai frowned slowly, and said in a low voice: "According to the practice of the past dynasties, the descendants of Confucius's descendants naturally need to be treated generously..."

Before Peng Pai finished speaking, Yang Qi reminded Peng Pai in a cold voice.

"Peng Pai! Pay attention to your position and your identity..."

Yang Qi took the word 'identity' very seriously.

Peng Pai was startled, and understood the meaning of Yang Qi's words in an instant.

As the person next to Yang Qi, he is also the leader of the spy.

No matter when and where, you are not qualified to discuss government affairs.

More importantly, no matter who the opponent is, he should not be biased.

Even if the other party is a saint.

Peng Pai immediately lowered his head and said solemnly: "Your Majesty has made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me."

Yang Qi glanced at Peng Pai, and said coldly: "For the sake of past love, I just remind you this time. I won't punish you any more. If there is a next time, you don't have to stay in the palace.

You have been loyal to me for many years.

I, Yang Yansi, am not one to kill donkeys.

Forgive you once or twice, I can still do it.

But I don't want you to take my tolerance as capital for indulgence.

I don't even hope that one day, I will personally send you to the guillotine. "


Peng Pai knelt down on the ground with a thud, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty respectfully abides by His Majesty's church. Next time, I don't need your Majesty to speak, and I will cut off my own head myself."

Yang Qi frowned, and snorted coldly: "Yan Guo didn't kneel down, and the men of Yan Guo didn't kneel down to others casually. Don't be ashamed here, get out of here."


Peng Pai got up from the ground and hurriedly left the imperial study room.

Peng Pai left.

The expression on Yang Qi's face became extremely solemn.

Buddhism and Taoism have always been on Yang Qi's heart.

It's just that now that the enthronement ceremony is coming, Yang Qi doesn't have the mind to deal with them, so he plans to let them go and wait until the enthronement ceremony is held to deal with them.

Unexpectedly, the Buddhist and Taoist families have such a keen sense of smell that they have sensed the danger and have already quietly corrupted the people around Yang Qi.

With the background of Buddhism and Taoism, if they were given some time, they might be able to attract a large number of people to plead with Yang Qi.

With Yang Qi's current status, the decree to eradicate the Buddhist and Taoist schools will inevitably cause considerable turmoil to the Buddhist and Taoist schools.

However, the backlash caused must also be huge.

Three martial arts and one sect, four emperors exterminated Buddhism, not only did Buddhism not be eliminated in these four extermination campaigns, on the contrary, it became stronger because of these four extermination campaigns. (Three Wu and one sect refer to Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Tang Dynasty, and Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty.)
Lessons from the past, the teacher behind the car.

It is precisely because of the previous lessons that can be used for reference that Yang Qi knew it in his heart.

To deal with Buddhism and Taoism, drastic means must not be used.

Only cutting the flesh with a soft knife is the best method.

It's just how to cut it, Yang Qi hasn't figured it out yet.

What gave Yang Qi the most headache was Confucianism.

In academic terms, Confucianism has ruled this land for thousands of years.

Since Dong Zhongshu recommended Confucianism to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che, the dominant position of Confucianism in the Central Plains has been unshakably established.

Since then, the monarchs of all dynasties have respected Confucianism.

Quantity applies.

Quantitative talent is Confucianism.

It is precisely because of this that when selecting talents in all dynasties, they all selected talents based on the level of Confucianism.

As for whether this person has the ability to govern, it doesn't matter.

This has also produced batch after batch of mediocre officials and officials who do nothing.

All of them only know how to recite poems and compose Fu, but they don't know how to be diligent in government and love the people.

And it is mass-produced every year.

What is even more infuriating is that there is no comparison, and Confucianism is the dominant family, which has led many people with aspirations to use this rule to continuously misinterpret the meaning of sages and sages, and to add one after another shackles to the common people.

This made the later students more pedantic and rigid.

Because there is no one to correct this mistake, or the person who wants to correct it has not yet grown up, and has been strangled in the bud.

The end result is stagnation.

So much so that when the foreign devils rushed into this land, everyone in the world took pride in imitating the foreign devils and learning from the foreign devils.

Really sad, deplorable.

A good nation was messed up by a group of rotten Confucians.

Just like this, many people in later generations will brag about those rotten Confucians.

Typically, they are sold and they help people with money.

Of course, from this we can also see how deeply Confucianism has taken root in the land of the Central Plains.

So much so that even Peng Pai had to say a few more words for Confucianism when faced with this problem.

The reason why Yang Qi didn't punish Peng Pai for this problem was because he knew that this was not Peng Pai's idea alone.

It is the thinking of the vast majority of Confucian scholars.

After all, Peng Pai was also a Confucian scholar before following Yang Qi.

Therefore, Yang Qi has a headache for Confucianism.

There is no problem with Confucianism itself, and Confucianism has always been respected by Yang Qi.

It's just that the knowledge of Confucianism, after thousands of years of tempering, has already been changed beyond recognition by some people with ulterior motives.

It is estimated that the Confucian sages will be resurrected, and they will be pissed off when they see the misinterpretation of their own words by their unworthy descendants.

Therefore, Yang Qi must deal with the Confucian issue.

Does not deal with Confucian issues.

No matter how powerful the Great Yan Kingdom is, it is in danger of being completely corrupted.

The Ming Dynasty is a typical example.

Confucianism can be used, and it can also become a classic for educating future generations.

But the misinterpreted meaning must be corrected.

In addition, Confucianism must not be the only criterion for officials of the Great Yan Kingdom.

On the contrary, Confucianism can only become a point for Great Yan to consider the conduct and personal qualities of officials.

In the process of selection, assessment and promotion of officials, its role must not exceed one-tenth.

What the Great Yan State focuses more on is the ability of officials to govern, manage, and lead the people to become rich and so on.

No matter how good the article is, it can't manage the people well, and it can't lead the people to make a fortune.

What is the use?

The imperial court will always need talents who manage politics, not great writers.

There is a saying that Yang Qi has always liked.

That is: being an official does not make decisions for the people, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes.

Yang Qi felt that this sentence was enough to overwhelm any standard for the promotion of officials.

This is also Yang Qi's attitude towards Confucianism.

However, before Yang Qi established the Yan State, Confucianism had been drifting outside the Yan State, and no one deliberately mentioned it.

That's why Yang Qi secretly worked on the education in his heart for many years in the four northwestern prefectures.

Now the Great Yan Kingdom is in full swing.

Dominate the land.

Naturally, it was inevitable to collide with Confucianism.

Yang Qi wants to weaken the influence of Confucianism on the politics of Yan State, which is almost equivalent to making an enemy of the whole world.

Some may think this is exaggerated.

It's not an exaggeration at all
Because ninety-nine percent of the scholars at this time were students of Confucianism.

And because of the scarcity of scholars, they control the mouthpiece of the whole world.

Any orders issued by Yang Qi are more often communicated to the people through their mouths.

Sometimes, they only need to say a wrong word to completely misinterpret the meaning of the imperial decree.

Therefore, it is far more difficult for Yang Qi to weaken the influence of Confucianism on the people than to lay down another piece of land as large as the Yan Kingdom.

It is possible that the entire Yan Kingdom will be buried with him!
(End of this chapter)

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