Chapter 864

Yang Qi has been carrying out popularization of education.

It was first in the army, and then in the four northwestern prefectures.

Now, more than six years have passed, and Yang Qi has cultivated more than one million scholars.

Although every year, there are not many students who graduate from Datong Academy.

However, in terms of background, Yang Qi is definitely the richest in all dynasties.

And this background is quietly increasing every moment.

The cancellation of the examination by other dynasties will definitely have an impact on the imperial court's selection of scholars.

It even has to be made up through other methods such as recruitment and recommendation.

But Yang Qi didn't need it.

He just needs to wait patiently for the scholars he cultivated to thrive.

Therefore, Yang Qi's reliance on Confucian disciples is not as urgent.

This is also an important factor why he dared to attack Confucian disciples.

In other dynasties, other monarchs, even if they saw the disadvantages, would only choose to turn a blind eye.

Many times, many people are blinded by a leaf.

Confucian disciples are now blinded by power, desire, and money, which prevents them from seeing their situation clearly.

They still look at things with that old perspective, thinking that the Great Yan Kingdom can't do without them.

In fact?

Dayan Kingdom left them and continued to operate.

Yang Qi and Lu Mengzheng chatted for a long time.

After Lu Mengzheng left the restaurant, he went all the way back to the Yamen.

He ordered the yamen servants at the gate of the yamen to guard the door, and he would not see anyone who had nothing to do with government affairs.

From now on, he only wants to be an official who truly works for the people.

The rest has nothing to do with him.

Just when Lu Meng was jumping out of this muddy quagmire.

Wang Dan was heading to Xiang Mansion in a sedan chair, ready to drag Xiang Min into the quagmire.

Seen from a distance, the Xiang Mansion is not luxurious, but it occupies a relatively prosperous location in Yanjing City, covering an area of ​​over a hundred acres.

The old servant at the gate of Xiang's mansion bared his teeth and yawned.

I saw a sedan chair staggering to a stop at the gate of the mansion.

He stretched his waist, and said slowly and unhurriedly: "Don't stop the sedan chair at the door, my master doesn't see visitors."

Wang Dan lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and said calmly, "You don't even see me?"

Seeing Wang Dan, the old servant of the Xiang Mansion hurriedly stood up and saluted, "It turns out to be the young master of the Wang Mansion, the villain greets you."

Ever since Wang and Xiang voted for Yang Qi, the two families have been friends with each other, and they walk around frequently on weekdays, which can be regarded as a family friend.

Therefore, in front of Wang Dan, the old servant of Xiangfu really didn't dare to put on airs.

"Don't be too polite!"

Wang Dan got off the sedan chair, waved his hands, and said calmly: "If you don't go back and tell your master, open the door to welcome guests."

The old servant of the Xiang Mansion said with a bitter face, "Returning to you, it's not that the villain didn't help you pass the message, but that my master was called into the palace by His Majesty a quarter of an hour ago."

Wang Dan was taken aback, frowned and said: "Then I will wait for him at your house until he comes back."

The old servant of the Xiang mansion shook his head with a wry smile, welcomed Wang Dan into the mansion, and asked the eldest son of the Xiang family to entertain him.

Just when Wang Dan entered Xiangfu.

Xiang Minzhong also stepped into the royal study in the palace.

As soon as you enter.

Xiang Minzhong froze in place.

He turned around and asked Peng Pai behind him, "Where's Your Majesty?"

With a straight face, Peng Pai said in a lukewarm way: "Your Majesty is outside the palace."

Xiang Minzhong was stunned, "He is outside the palace, summoned me?"

"Your Majesty has His Majesty's intentions. Your Majesty told you to wait in the imperial study first. Except for the picture on the south wall, don't touch anything else."

Peng Pai exhorted coldly.

Xiang Minzhong smiled wryly: "I don't need you to remind me..."

Everyone who is an official is very clear in his heart.

Things in the palace, especially the emperor's study, should not be tampered with.

Perhaps, an inconspicuous little odds and ends can cause people's heads to roll.

Especially Yang Qi, the emperor who killed people without blinking an eye, should be treated with more respect.

However, it's good that Peng Pai didn't mention the picture on the south wall, but whenever he mentions that picture, Xiang Min's heart itch.

He really wanted to wait respectfully for Yang Qi's return in the imperial study, but his eyes could not help but drift to the picture on the south wall.

Then, it was never pulled out again.

It was a huge map. It was drawn by all the soldiers and spies of the Great Yan Kingdom. It recorded all the land of the Great Yan Kingdom in detail, and the accuracy reached every village.

Such a detailed and accurate map can be said to be rare.

However, what attracts Xiang Minzhong is not the precise map, but the simple house-like signs outlined in red pen on the map.

Under each sign, there is a line of small characters written.

"Jinling University...Jinling East Nursery School...Jinling East College..."

From small to large.

Xiang Minzhong could easily tell that this was Yang Qi's plan for Jinling Mansion's education.

The nurseries in the village, the colleges in the village, and the academies in the county are densely packed, covering the entire map.

Xiang Minzhong was gasping for air, feeling beyond shock.

This is to popularize education!

Things that all dynasties dared to think about, but did not dare to do.

Yang Qi has already started planning.

Xiang Minzhong feels that a generation of heroes is no longer enough to describe Yang Qi.


His gaze moved upwards slowly, and when Xiang Minzhong's gaze fell on the four northwestern prefectures, his pupils subconsciously contracted.

Compared with the densely packed signs of other counties, there are no signs on the map of the four prefectures in the Northwest.

Xiang Minzhong judged what this meant.

Universal education in the four northwestern prefectures has been completed.

Under Yang Qi's earliest management, the Four Northwest Mansions can be regarded as the most densely populated places in Dayan except for Jinling Mansion and Yanjing City.

Its population has reached 500 million people.

Xiang Minzhong calculated in detail that with the completion of Yang Qi's universal education in the four northwest prefectures, at least 400 million people in the four northwest prefectures may have left the stage of illiteracy.

It took Yang Qi only six years to cultivate 400 million scholars in batches.

Xiang Minzhong's eyes fell to other places again, and his heart began to twitch rapidly.

Yang Qi used the land of the four prefectures to train 400 million scholars.

Now he has a huge empire, give him another six years...

Xiang Minzhong didn't dare to think about it.

Because saints dare not think so.

Looking at the map, Xiang Minzhong was in a daze for a long time.

In the end, he began to think about Yang Qi's real intention of showing him this picture.

Is it intended to let him carry out the task of popularizing education, or is it for other purposes?

He subconsciously remembered what happened in the court recently.

"Not good~"

It takes almost no thinking.

Xiang Minzhong understood Yang Qi's real intention of letting him see this picture.

"Boss Peng, please tell Your Majesty that there is something urgent at home and I need to go back."

Almost without thinking, Xiang Minzhong turned his head and cupped his hands to Peng Pai, and said.

Peng Pai glanced at him, squinted his eyes, and said quietly: "It's okay for you to go back, but there is just one sentence, Your Majesty asked me to convey it to you. Your Majesty said that he thinks you are a rare talent, and he still wants to use you again." I don't want you to be dragged into the tomb by a group of ignorant people.

This is why His Majesty used this picture to remind you.

Your Majesty hopes that you will keep your mouth shut when you go out.

There is no shortage of talents in the country of Yan, and His Majesty can kill them. "

Xiang Minzhong looked terrified, "Your Majesty even expected this?"

Peng Pai gave Xiang Minzhong a "what do you think" look.

Xiang Minzhong bowed to Peng Pai again, and hurriedly left the palace.

As soon as Xiang Minzhong left, Yang Qi slowly walked out from the side of the hall.

He looked at the direction where Xiang Minzhong was leaving, and said quietly: "I just hope you are a smart person, don't follow those rotten scholars and do stupid things."

But he said that Xiang Minzhong had left the palace and returned to the mansion all the way.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he saw Wang Dan's sedan chair.

In an instant, his brow became a Sichuan character.

"Master, you are back, the young master of the Wang family has been waiting for you at the mansion for a long time."

The old servant of Xiangfu saw Xiang Minzhong and hurried up to talk to him.

Xiang Minzhong's mind was still echoing with Peng Pai's advice from the palace, he said displeasedly: "Didn't I tell you not to see anyone?"

The old servant of Xiang's mansion was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "The Wang family and our Xiang family are family friends, and the young master of the Wang family can't stop the little man from visiting."

Xiang Minzhong turned his head and walked out, "Go and tell him, just say that Master Ben has gone to the Yamen on business, send him away quickly."

After saying this, Xiang Minzhong prepared to go to the Yamen to avoid disaster.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took two steps, the old servant of Xiangfu caught up and said with a bitter face: "Master, the young master of the Wang family said that he will wait for you in the mansion until you show up."

"This death-seeking thing must be dragged to die with Master Ben..."

Xiang Min jumped angrily, but he had to turn around and walk back.

Wang Dan's trick of blocking the door cannot be dealt with by hiding.

Entered the government.

Entering the main hall, I saw my eldest son chatting happily with Wang Dan, and they all called him elder brother in words, which was quite close.

Xiang Minzhong's old face darkened, and he cursed as soon as he entered the door: "Have you read all the books I was asked to read? Who allowed you to appear in the main hall? Do you have the qualifications?"

Xiang Jia Dalang was suddenly scolded by his father who had just appeared, and his face was bewildered.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Xiang Minzhong's eyes widened, and he shouted angrily, "It's your turn to take care of my affairs, so get out!"

Xiangjia Dalang stomped his feet and said: "Father, the boy can listen to you on weekdays, but not today. Brother Wang has already promised the boy that there will be a grand event tomorrow. He invited the boy to participate, and if it happens, the boy will also If I can be a part-time official in the court, then I will be a minister with you.

Dad, you don't want to help your child find a future, but you can't prevent the child from finding a future for himself. "

Xiang Minzhong's face was frosty, and he said in a cold voice, "Either get the hell out of here, or I'll break your leg."

Wang Dan stood up slowly, and said in a neutral tone, "Uncle Xiang is so majestic!"

Xiang Minzhong's eyes fell on Wang Dan in an instant, and he said coldly: "I don't care if you are looking for death. But if you want to take my child to look for death together, don't blame me for being ungrateful.

Although I can't compare with Kou Zhun, Lu Duan, and Su Yijian, the three of them hold the weight in His Majesty's heart.

But it is stronger than you. "

Wang Dan frowned, narrowed his eyes and said: "Uncle Xiang guessed our plan? He is also a student of Confucianism. Isn't Uncle Xiang willing to contribute to Confucianism?"


Xiang Minzhong spat mercilessly, he didn't answer Wang Dan's words, but cursed: "What are you, what right do you have to talk to me. For your father's sake, I will let you three Points, you actually push an inch.

If you are sensible, get out, or don't blame me for sending someone to beat you out with sticks. "

Wang Dan's complexion changed, and he said coldly: "Uncle Xiang, the junior is showing mercy, but you are aggressive. The junior is working hard for the livelihood of Confucian disciples, so it's fine if you don't help, how can you insult me?"

Xiang Minzhong sneered, "Only you are worthy of being called a Confucian disciple?"

Wang Dan's face changed again, he glared and said: "Xiang Minzhong, do you know that what you did today will end the friendship between Wang Xiang and his family."

Xiang Minzhong frowned, pondered for a while, and said lightly: "Then let's die..."

Wang Dan frowned, and looked at Xiang Minzhong's face seriously.


"No delivery!"

Wang Dan walked away.

Xiang Jia Dalang looked at Xiang Minzhong angrily, "Father, how could you treat Brother Wang like this? He is willing to go all out for his child's future. Now you speak ill of him, and even cut off Wang Xiang's family." friendship.

No wonder you have been reluctant to let your child be an official, and you kept saying that you should let your child settle down and learn more.

Only now do you know that you have no intention of letting Hai'er be an official.

You only care about your own wealth, and you don't care about your children at all. "


Xiang Minzhong slapped Xiang Jia Dalang with all his strength, and the slap made Xiang Jia Dalang's ears buzz.

You can see the strength in your hands.

"Why did I give birth to such a waste like you, who has no ability to understand right and wrong at all. With your scheming, you still want to be an official, just afraid of being sold by others, and you are still counting money for others.

He said that there will be a grand event tomorrow, so you really treat it as a grand event?
Left and right are just things to denounce His Majesty.

Is this something you can meddle in?
What kind of person is His Majesty?
Do you think he is Zhao Guangyi, or Zhao Defang?
If he wanted to kill someone, even the gods couldn't save him.

What's the difference between you planning your Majesty's plan and courting death?
Return him to help you find a future?
I think he is going to send you to the guillotine. "

Xiang Jia Dalang covered his face and looked at Xiang Minzhong in disbelief.

Xiang Minzhong continued: "When I entered the door just now, I planned to have a nice talk with Wang Dan and dismissed him. But I saw him bewitching you to die, so I sweared at him.

If it wasn't for you idiot, why would I offend someone? "

Xiang Jia Dalang stared at Xiang Minzhong angrily, and roared: "You lied to me! You lied to me! This is simply an excuse for not wanting me to be an official. You have always only worried about your own high-ranking official and rich salary, and you are not Don't care about me."

Xiang Minzhong raised his hand angrily, wanting to give his son another slap, but was stopped by the old servant of Xiang's family.

"Master, the Eldest Young Master was just being outspoken for a while, and if he said something wrong, don't blame him."

Xiang Minzhong's raised palm was clenched into a fist. He closed his eyes in pain, and after a while, he opened them and looked at Xiang Jia Dalang with cold eyes.

"Forget it, I won't make it difficult for you. It's not bad for you to be an idle rich man in the future."

Then, Xiang Minzhong turned his head slowly, and told the old servant of Xiangfu: "Starting tomorrow, from now on, Dalang's maids, servants, and instructors will all be transferred to Erlang's house."



"Yes! Sir!"

Xiang Minzhong's gaze fell on his son again, and he said coldly, "Take care of him..."

After saying this, Xiang Minzhong walked towards the backyard without looking back.

Xiang Jia Dalang lay on the ground with an expression of disbelief.

There were doubts, bewilderment, and anger in his eyes.

The old servant of the Xiang mansion stepped forward, supported him, and said softly: "My lord, the master was recruited into the palace by His Majesty just now, I'm afraid I saw something. That's why I came back to tell you. You must believe the master's words, he will not harm you."

Dalang Xiang was shocked, and turned his head to look at the old servant Xiangfu, "He won't harm me? Huh, why do I feel that he only cares about himself?"

The old servant of Xiangfu was shocked, "Young Master, don't think so."

Xiang Jia Dalang shook off the old servant Xiang Fu without saying a word, and walked out with strides.

He looked out of the mansion firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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