Chapter 875

"Mountain people have their own wonderful methods..."

Yang Qi raised his head pretentiously.

Su Yijian drooped her head, and muttered disdainfully, "Pretending to be a ghost..."


"Your Majesty is wise."

Seeing Yang Qijian's eyebrows raised horizontally, Su Yijian hurriedly applauded.

Yang Qi put his hands behind his back, and glanced at Su Yijian, "You're smart...can you complete the task I entrusted to you?"

Su Yijian hesitated for a moment, "It's not very difficult, but I need the cooperation of people from the Supervision Department. It's best to have two departments, the Volcano Guard and the Scarecrow, and they can also provide some cooperation."

It is a big thing to deceive the world. Su Yijian alone cannot complete the task. He needs help.

"I will give Chen Lin and Peng Pai an order to cooperate with you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."


After Su Yijian received the task, she did not leave, but stood quietly in front of the desk.

Yang Qi glanced at him sideways, "Still leaving?"

Su Yijian immediately bypassed the dragon case, rushed to the dining table on the side of the imperial study, picked up the jug on the table, and ran out the door without saying a word.

Seeing this, Yang Qi couldn't laugh or cry.


After Su Yijian left the palace, until the end of September, Dayan Kingdom was surprisingly calm.

Except that Jinling University recruited [-] students in one go, which aroused national discussion, and found nothing worth noticing.

Time flies, and it's October.

Everything is bleak and withered and yellow.

During the slack season, Su Yijian, the prime minister of Yan State, wrote a letter, proposing to impose labor and repair official roads.

Within the territory of Yan State, the official roads of the four northwestern prefectures should be regarded as the most complete in the entire Yan State, followed by Shandong, Jiangnan, and Southwest that Yan State plundered from Song State.

On the other hand, the official roads of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, where Yanjing City, the capital of Yan State, was located, have been abandoned for many years and are in dilapidated condition.

Although Yang Qi has repaired the official roads in the territory many times after recovering the Yanyun Sixteen States, there is still a big gap compared with the four prefectures in the Northwest, Shandong, Jiangnan, and Southwest.

Even worse than places like Seoul, where there are thousands of ravines and ravines.

Therefore, it is urgent to overhaul the official roads in the original Yanyun sixteen prefectures.

I have to say that Su Yijian chose a good time to write the letter.

All the officials were fighting with Yang Qi because of Kong Lianjie's problem, and no one was in the mood to respond to Su Yijian's letter.

So Su Yijian's memorabilia went around in the court, and it was easily approved.

After receiving the approval document for expropriation of labor, Su Yijian started a vigorous construction without saying a word.

Nearly a million laborers were recruited in one breath, and along the site of the original official road, according to the standards of the Yan State official road, they began to repair the nearby official road.

The vigorous repair of official roads lasted for more than half a month.

In the first year of Qianyuan, October [-]th.

A day destined to be remembered by the people of Yan.

On this day, a great event happened.

When the peasants were dredging the official road leading to Cangzhou, they unearthed a huge relic.

In the ruins, the peasants found a huge stone map and many tattered bamboo slips.

Some literate civilians discovered an amazing news through the words and signs on the stone map and the written records on the tattered bamboo slips.

'We live on a ball! '

Don't wait for the folks to spread the news.

Yang Qi, who received the urgent report from Kuaima, dispatched Shenji Guards and Habayashi Guards. The two guards totaled 1 people to surround the ruins and put all the insiders under house arrest.


It's good that Yang Qi didn't block it, but Yang Qi's blockade completely aroused the curiosity of the common people.

The people rushed to tell each other, and rumors were flying all over the sky.

Under the divergent opinions, the common people very much hope that the court will give an answer.

However, the court has remained silent from the very beginning.

Just when the people were about to lose their patience, a man who was trapped in the ruins escaped.

He yelled out the words that shocked the world.

"We live on a ball!"

This sentence completely attracted everyone in Yan Country.

The common people don't want to believe this sentence, after all, the saying that the sky is round and the earth is round is the ultimate truth between heaven and earth.

However, the tighter the imperial court was, the more the common people felt that there might be something wrong with it.

Deep down in my heart, I couldn't help but think about the ball.

Moreover, not only the common people think so, but also the officials.

Some people who could talk to Yang Qi tried their best to meet Yang Qi, wanting to know what happened.

Even the people in the palace couldn't bear it anymore.

Cao Lin should be the most curious among the four girls.

After she learned the news, she rushed into the imperial study in a hurry.

It's just a rumor, it's not convenient for her to speak directly.

So in the name of educating the children, he went back and forth to the imperial study over and over again.

This time, three children cried.

A newly edited Mongolian Xuewen, more than 5000 words in length, was copied three times by three little guys, and their hands were numb.

Seeing Cao Lin entered the imperial study room again, the three little guys started to tremble all over.

Yang Qi put down the pen in his hand, and before Cao Lin opened his mouth to continue urging the children to copy books, he waved to the three little guys, "You three go out and play..."

The three little guys ran away as if they had been pardoned.

Cao Lin jumped and shouted, "Don't go..."


Yang Qi rolled his eyes helplessly, and said angrily: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't bother the children."

Cao Lin said with a guilty conscience: "The purpose of this concubine is to urge the children to study..."

"Come on."

Yang Qi saw through her lies, curled her lips and said, "The children have already memorized a [-]-word beginner's book, so what's the use of copying more. Apart from annoying the children, there is no other benefit.

Moreover, if you really want to urge children to study, it is impossible to keep staring at the enlightenment book.

You ran to my imperial study over and over again, making it clear that you had something to ask me, urging the children to study, it was just an excuse. "

Cao Lin was taken aback for a moment, and leaned in front of Yang Qi coquettishly, and said softly: "This concubine already knows that this little concubine is careful, and I can't hide it from you, Your Majesty."

Yang Qi glanced at her, and said helplessly: "Tell me, what do you want to ask me for?"

Cao Lin pursed her lips, and said with a resentful expression: "In Your Majesty's heart, is the concubine such an insatiable person?"

Yang Qi squinted at her and said, "Isn't it?"

Cao Lin glared at Yang Qi angrily, and said displeasedly: "I don't ask for anything this time, I just come here to ask for my sisters, what treasure did you find on the official road in Cangzhou, why did you keep it secret?"

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to know, or do you all want to know?"

Cao Lin gritted her teeth and said, "We all want to..."

Yang Qi said suspiciously: "It's just a small relic, is it worth the attention of the four of you?"

Cao Lin said with a serious face: "I heard that His Majesty found the Immortal Mansion inside, and there were such things as the immortality pill that Qin Shihuang couldn't ask for."

Yang Qi looked at Cao Lin in astonishment when he heard the words, "Are you stupid? Do you believe such words?"

Cao Lin didn't care about Yang Qi's contempt, she still said seriously: "I don't believe in things like immortality. But I heard that there is a pill in it that can keep people young forever."

Hearing this, Yang Qi almost spat out a mouthful of blood, he said angrily: "Who told you these nonsense things, you strangle him immediately after you go back.

Still staying in Yandan, cultivating immortals has to go to the Taoist school. "

Cao Lin looked disbelieving, "Then you tell my concubine, what's inside?"

Yang Qi looked at Cao Lin seriously, and sighed, "You better not know."

Cao Lin said firmly: "The concubine wants to know..."

Yang Qichang sighed, and casually took out a brand new book from the desk behind him, threw it to Cao Lin, and said flatly, "Look for yourself..."

Cao Lin opened the book suspiciously, only read one page, and shouted in astonishment: "This is not true, is it?"

Yang Qi said helplessly: "From the beginning to the end, I sent someone to make something, do you think it's true?"

Cao Lin stomped her feet angrily, and dropped the book in her hand, "Why didn't you tell the concubine earlier, because the concubine made a fool of herself."

Yang Qi said quietly: "My picture is not small, and you knew it in advance, which disrupted my plan, so I can find someone to reason with."


Cao Lin snorted coldly, threw the back of Yang Qi's head, and left the imperial study with a face full of resentment.

That is to say, from this day on, Cao Lin did not see Yang Qi for a full month.

The people in the palace knew the truth and stopped making trouble.

But the people outside the palace didn't know the truth, they still had fun.

Especially those caring officials, after they learned that Su Yijian was in charge of this matter, they carried heavy gifts one by one and went to the Su Mansion to inquire about the news.

For a while, the Su Mansion was full of people.

Su Yijian knew that the matter was of great importance, so she immediately closed the door to thank the guests.

Now, the officials became even more curious, instead of staring at Kong Lianjie.

On the one hand, Yang Qi asked Su Yijian to continue to build momentum, and on the other hand, he began to watch the officials in the country of Yan frequently mobilized.

Officials who have been waving the flag for Confucianism, Yang Qi promoted them to ranks, but transferred them to some unimportant positions.

In the vacated important positions, Yang Qi has placed a large number of doers, as well as some students who were born in the military and graduated from Datong Academy.

By the time the officials realized this, Yang Qi had already completed nearly half of the transfer.

The status was shaken, and the eyes of the officials were once again set on the court, and a new round of fighting with Yang Qi began.

The officials seemed to realize that this was a scam, so they began to spread rumors to guide the people.

For a while, all kinds of rumors about the official Cangzhou ruins slowly disappeared.

The two sides fought like this for more than two months.

Time flies, and it has entered the depths of winter.

The end of the year is approaching.

Kong Lianjie has been imprisoned for half a year.

The officials didn't know what to think, and they wrote letters to cheer for Kong Lianjie more and more frequently.

Inside the imperial study.

Yang Qi sat cross-legged on the kang, frowning tightly, looking at the memorials piled up on the table.

Peng Pai was dressed in fur, flicked the snow on his body, and entered the room with a stack of memorials.

"Your Majesty, the report from Jinling."

Yang Qi didn't even look at it, he frowned and said, "Another memorial for resignation?"

Peng Pai smiled wryly, "This time it's not a memorial to resign..."

Yang Qi frowned, and asked with a smile, "Good news?"

Peng Pai clicked his bitter mouth, and said in a low voice: "Worse news...he will not resign from office now, but follow the example of Su Xianggong back then, and leave directly with a seal.

From the first day of the twelfth lunar month to today, more than 100 officials have left with their seals. "

The smile on Yang Qi's face disappeared instantly, and he let out a long sigh, "Confucianism, oh, Confucianism, is far more difficult to deal with than Buddhism and Taoism, so there is really no rush. With just a little pressure, so many people resigned."

Yang Qi clenched his fists slowly, "Is it easy to bully me?"

Peng Pai felt the suffocation slowly rising in Yang Qi's chest, and immediately advised him: "Your Majesty calm down, at this time, the more you can't be tempted to kill. Once you kill, I'm afraid the situation will become even worse. "


Yang Qi breathed out a foul breath, and said slowly: "I know, there is no need to rush this matter. Seeing that the year is approaching, so many people resign, it will cause great trouble to the governance of various places.

I don't want to make these rotten scholars comfortable, but I can't implicate the common people. "

Peng Pai was taken aback for a moment, then said in astonishment: "Your Majesty wants to..."

"You go to the prison of the Supervision Department to deliver the decree to release Kong Lianjie."

"Let Kong Lianjie go?"

Peng Pai looked shocked, and he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, if you let Kong Lianjie go, those rotten scholars have tasted the sweetness, and they will definitely push their noses in the future."

Yang Qi sneered and said, "Are they trying to get their noses in the face? Then there must be a chance. The people of the Cangzhou ruins have not yet understood the truth. This move planned by Su Yijian will not be truly powerful until the beginning of next year.

I just want to see how this group of rotten Confucians will respond when the truth of the Cangzhou ruins is revealed after the spring of next year. "

"But this is the same as letting Jeter Kong go..."

Yang Qi raised his hand to stop Peng Pai from continuing. He said quietly: "If you want to destroy him, let him go crazy first. Release Kong Lianjie, it seems to be softening, but think about it the other way around, is it leading them to become more rampant?" ?
When the truth of the Cangzhou ruins is revealed and the people's attention is attracted, that's when I will attack them. "

Peng Pai said solemnly: "This subordinate understands, this subordinate will pass the decree."

Peng Pai left the palace.

Immediately went to the prison of the Supervision Department and released Kong Lianjie, who had been imprisoned for more than half a year.

After Kong Lianjie passed the gate of the cell, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Hahaha... I am a descendant of a saint, what can you do to me?"

Looking at the rampant Kong Lianjie, Peng Pai gritted his teeth with hatred.

Kong Lianjie looked at Peng Pai at the door of the cell, and proudly said: "I told you a long time ago, you have to release me no matter how you arrested me."

With a gloomy face, Peng Pai roared: "Get out or not! If you don't get out, even if I risk the crime of deceiving the emperor, I will have to lock you back."

Kong Lianjie trembled all over, and scolded without confidence: "Scare me, am I scared?"

He said this harshly, but he consciously slipped out of the prison on his legs.

out of jail.

Outside the prison, dozens of officials who got the news were already waiting.

Seeing this, Kong Lianjie changed his arrogance just now and hurried forward to meet him.

"Thanks to everyone's love, Kong was able to get out of trouble."

Kong Lianjie gave a deep salute with a serious expression on his face.

The officials didn't even dare to say, "Brother Kong loves you too much. Brother Kong is a descendant of a sage. As a disciple of a sage, we must protect Brother Kong. We have already prepared a banquet to cleanse Brother Kong. Brother Kong please .”

"Everyone please!"

(End of this chapter)

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