Chapter 889
Yang Qi was taken by Cao Lin to count the harvest at sea all night.

The next day.

After waking up, Yang Qi sent Kou Zhun to check the harvest of vegetation, and after loading them into a car, he escorted him back to Yanjing City.

Huang Gu and others want to become kings abroad, so Yang Qi doesn't need to show them favor.

Anyway, they are determined to be white-eyed wolves, no matter how many winks Yang Qi throws out, people will turn a blind eye.

Instead of this, Yang Qi might as well return to Beijing as soon as possible.

As for the large amount of goods sent back by Huang Gu and his party, after Yang Qiyi received them, he didn't show any gratitude at all.

He naturally thought that this was a tribute from Huang Gu and his party.

Of course, Yang Qi didn't take their things in vain, the canonized edict he promised to allow Huang Gu and his party to become kings overseas was delivered to Huang Gu after he left Hong Kong City.

Inside Hong Kong Station.

After meeting Yang Qi yesterday, Huang Gu and his party were sent to it.

When they arrived at the post station, their calves were trembling, and they were uneasy, which was inevitable all night.

Although Yang Qi said grandly that he would allow anyone to become king overseas, the king's mind is unpredictable. If the things they did were put in other countries, it would be a serious crime equivalent to rebellion.

If Yang Qi is unhappy and changes his mind, they will all be killed.

Stayed up all night, the next morning.

They count as one, and they all have panda eyes.

Huang Gu, who has a quick mind, always has more thoughts than others, so he inevitably likes to think about the worst. Waiting all night has exhausted his patience, and there are heavy soldiers guarding them outside the door.

This made Huang Gu somewhat pessimistic.

Taking advantage of the time when other people were eating, he approached Wang Yan, lowered his voice, and said, "Old Wang, I don't feel right. From yesterday to now, Yang Yansi hasn't given a single order. Would he want to kill us?"

Wang Yan put down the pancake in his hand, and said suspiciously: " won't be..."

When Huang Gu heard this, he became anxious, "Why not, Yang Yansi is the immediate emperor, he has a dark heart. Although he has always been polite to the people of Yan Kingdom, but he has never been soft when dealing with the enemy.

What we want to do is no different from rebellion.Can he accommodate us? "

Glancing left and right, seeing that no one was paying attention, Huang Gu pointed to the door and added in a low voice: "Didn't you see that there are twice as many guards outside the door? This is clearly a sign that they are going to kill us.

We have to find a way to run, or die. "

After being explained by Huang Gu, Wang Yan was also a little scared, he looked around vigilantly, and said in a trembling voice: "How can we run, there are all His Majesty's people outside the door. Even if we escaped by chance, we escaped and boarded the boat.

Those killers on the boat will not let us go.

Don't forget, it was the country of Yan that they forced us to return to.

Without the help of those killers, even if we escaped, we would be caught back. "

Huang Gu swallowed subconsciously, stared at Wang Yan and said, "Then what do you think..."

Wang Yan's face wrinkled like a bitter melon, "It's usually your idea, you know, I have no brains..."

Huang Gu was almost choked to death.

If he had a way, would he still need to find Wang Yan?

Just when the two of them lowered their heads and tried to find a way to escape, Chen Lin led a group of imperial guards and rushed into the station.

Huang Gu and Wang Yan were startled and wanted to run away immediately.

But the imperial guards had already surrounded the two of them.


The two swallowed, hiding their inner fear.

Chen Lin walked in front of the two with a cold face, and slowly took out a copy of the imperial edict from her cuff, and threw it into Huang Gu's arms.

"This is His Majesty's will for you..."

After a pause, Chen Lin pulled the drake's throat, and said coldly: "Your Majesty asked the miscellaneous family to bring you a message. When you go out to sea, how much foundation you can make depends on your ability. If you can't reach it, he can The only ones who support you are the weapons forged by the Yan Kingdom. As for the manpower, that is your business.

His Majesty said, there are two things that I hope you will always remember.

The first thing is, no matter where you take root in the future, don't forget who your ancestors are, and don't forget where your real roots are.

The second thing is, after you establish your country overseas, remember to send people back to the country of Yan to welcome a piece of incense in the ancestral temple.

Since then, the place where you have taken root overseas is the branch of my Han family.

If you violate this point, His Majesty will personally lead the army and destroy you. "

Holding the imperial decree in his arms, Huang Gu froze in place foolishly.

Wang Yan was also stunned there.

After Chen Lin explained Yang Qi's orders, she didn't stay any longer. She turned around and led the imperial guards out of the station, and followed Yang Qi's carriage closely.

Inside the station.

The two of Huang Gu looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wang Yan looked at the imperial decree in Huang Gu's arms, and said uncertainly: "Open it and see?"

Huang Gu came back to his senses, stared and roared: "I'll see later, run first, lest Yang Yansi go back on his word."

Ever since, the two entered the post station, greeted the others and rushed out of the post station, all the way straight to the port city pier.

When they arrived at the port city wharf, they saw that a small part of the fleet they had brought back had been replaced with a swallow-shaped flag. Yang Qi's soldiers are stationed.

Huang Gu didn't need to think about it to know that Yang Qi had seized these ships.

He had no intention of begging for it at all. After boarding his own flagship, he immediately ordered the black slaves and white slaves to set sail.

The big ship left the port slowly, and the rest of the big ships also set sail one after another, following closely behind.

The pier, which was full, became empty after Huang Gu and his party left the port.

Huang Gu ordered the black slaves and white slaves to row the boat desperately. After a day and a night, when the big boat sailed a hundred miles away, he felt relieved.

He found Wang Yan, grabbed Wang Yan's shoulder with an unbelievable expression, and exclaimed: "Yang Yansi really let us go, he really allowed us to go out to sea and become king!"

Wang Yan gave him a complicated look, and said solemnly: "You should call him Your Majesty!"

Huang Gu said exaggeratedly: "You are kidding me, from now on, we will also be called His Majesty by others. Since we are both emperors, why should I honor him?"

Wang Yan stared at Huang Gu, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty treats us well, without His Majesty, there would be no us."

Huang Gu looked at Wang Yan hesitantly, "You are crazy, we have already left Hong Kong City, and he has no control over us. You don't need to act."

Wang Yan said seriously: "I didn't act. All day and night, you were just busy driving the black slaves and white slaves to row the boat, but you never went to see it in the cabin. You don't understand how broad-minded your majesty is."

Huang Gu was taken aback, pushed Wang Yan away, and rushed to the cabin with a suspicious expression on his face.

After a while.

Huang Gu came up from the cabin in a daze, walked up to Wang Yan, and asked blankly, "What kind of person is he?"

Wang Yan cupped his hands in the direction of Yanjing City, and said, "I don't know what kind of person he is, and I'm not qualified to judge him. All I can say is that the emperor's kindness is mighty.

Regardless of whether I succeed or fail when I go to sea to become the king, I will always remember what he said. "

Huang Gu hesitated for a moment, facing Wang Yan and headed towards Yanjing City together, cupped his hands and said: "I am the same..."

What is there in the cabin that can make Huang Gu suddenly change his attitude towards Yang Qi?
In fact, there is nothing particularly valuable, even less worth mentioning compared to the gold, silver and jewelry sent back to Yan by Huang Gu and his party.

But for Huang Gu and his party who were thinking of fleeing, those things were their life.

Yang Qi sent people to take away the gold, silver, jewelry, flowers and trees in the cabin.

But he sent people to fill the cabin with food, fresh water, soybeans, citrus and other things needed for Huang Gu's long-distance voyage. In addition, there were some soldiers eliminated by the Yan army.

What moved the two of them the most was that the cabin of their flagship was filled with densely packed gunpowder barrels, which were filled with gunpowder.

Gunpowder is a weapon of war.

The fact that Yang Qi can give them so much gunpowder is enough to show that he has a big heart.

After all, they were already the ones who betrayed Yan. Not only did Yang Qi not strangle them, but he also gave them the greatest support.

Just when the two of Huang Gu, with gratitude in mind, were galloping on the sea in the big boat.

Yang Qi has quietly returned to Yanjing City.

When he left Beijing, he didn't disturb anyone, and when he returned to Beijing, he didn't disturb anyone either.

The palace has now become a playground for children.

The heirs of the six brothers of the Yang family are all in the palace now, running, jumping, laughing and playing around the laps of She Saihua and Lao Yang.

Since Lao Yang resigned from all his titles, apart from teaching two or three classes at Yanjing Martial Arts Academy every day, he spent the rest of his time in the palace, playing with his grandchildren.

In order not to let She Saihua and Lao Yang rush to loneliness.

The six brothers almost sent their own children who could run and dance to Lao Yang for him to train.

There is a folk saying, called intergenerational relatives.

This sentence has been fully reflected in Lao Yang.

When Lao Yang trained Yang Qi back then, he shouted for beating and killing.

Now facing a group of young grandchildren, holding it in the palm of your hand and keeping it in your heart, you are extremely pampered.

Ever since, a group of little devil kings were tossing around in the palace.

The imperial garden carefully cultivated by Cao Lin's four daughters has now been tossed into a piece of white ground by a group of little devil kings.

Even Yang Qi, the emperor, was forced to vacate the place where the memorials were placed for the little demon kings to play around with.

When Yang Qi returned to the palace, he happened to bump into a group of little demon kings kicking Cuju.

When they saw Yang Qi, they rushed over in a swarm.

A sturdy little chubby man first appeared in front of Yang Qi, with his hands on his hips, he said arrogantly: "Uncle Qi, I want to challenge you!"

Little Fatty belongs to Yang Er's family, named Yang Zong's family.

He spent a lot of time in Seoul since he was a child, so he has a lot of slang and bureaucratic wildness in him, and he is very good at martial arts.

His dream is to be invincible all over the world.

And the biggest obstacle in front of him is his seventh uncle.

Yang Qi who is truly invincible all over the world.

"Seventh Uncle! Seventh Uncle! Seventh Uncle!"

At this time, the rest of the little ones also gathered around, jumping around and shouting.

The children did not call His Majesty Yang Qi.

Because this is what Yang Qi requested.

Because Yang Qi felt that since it was a family, there was no need to make the superiority and inferiority too rigid.

Yang Qi smiled and squatted down, poking Yang Zongjia's head, "Little guy, it's too early for you to challenge me now."

Yang Qi glanced around casually, and saw a stone jar weighing hundreds of catties standing at the gate of the palace. He pointed to the stone jar and said, "Your seventh uncle and I can lift that stone jar with one hand. cylinder.

You want to challenge me, let's talk when you can lift that stone jar. "

Yang Zongjia looked at the stone jar several times bigger than him, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then he looked at Yang Qi seriously and said: "I will definitely lift that stone jar, and when I lift it, you will Accept my challenge."

Yang Qi was taken aback for a moment, and agreed with a dumbfounded smile.

"it is good!"

After playing around with a group of little devil kings for a while.

Under Lao Yang's disgusted eyes, Yang Qi left a group of little demon kings and returned to the imperial study.

After changing into casual clothes, Yang Qi asked Chen Lin to go to Yenching University Hall and summoned Xiang Minzhong.

In five years, Xiang Minzhong had shed his strong official authority and replaced it with a quiet and refined aura.

He looked more like a great Confucian than an official of the imperial court.

Time also left its marks on him.

Some wrinkles began to appear on Xiang Minzhong's face, and some gray hairs grew faintly on his temples.

Wearing a Confucian costume, he entered the imperial study room and bowed slightly to salute Yang Qi.

"Minister Xiang Minzhong, see Your Majesty..."

"Don't be too polite, just sit down and talk."

Yang Qi waved his hand, signaling to Minzhong to sit down, and when he sat down, Yang Qi said, "Minzhong, the first batch of students from Yenching University graduated, and I didn't attend the grand ceremony, do you blame me?"

Xiang Minzhong was taken aback, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I'm just a shepherd in His Majesty's hands. The honor and disgrace are all given by His Majesty. How dare you complain?"

Yang Qi was very satisfied with Xiang Minzhong's answer. He said with a smile: "The reason why I didn't appear in the first batch of students in Yenching University is because I have my own considerations. Yenching University is not the only school where the imperial court raises scholars. place.

There are also Datong Academy, Jinling University Hall, and Seoul University Hall.

If I went to Yenching University, the students would inevitably feel proud, and if I met students from the other three universities, I would definitely feel superior.

I don't like to divide people into ranks and ranks.

So I don't want to see students have such thoughts. "

Hearing this, Xiang Minzhong clasped his hands again and said, "I understand..."

After explaining this matter, Yang Qi returned to the topic and said, "I asked you to come here today because I have a big matter for you to do."

"Please order, Your Majesty."

"I brought back a batch of seeds from Hong Kong City. I know many of them, and I don't know many of them. But I can be sure that as long as these seeds can take root and germinate in my Great Yan Kingdom, they will definitely be of great help to my Great Yan Kingdom." The harvest has brought about shocking changes.

Therefore, I want to expand the agricultural department in your Yenching University, and at the same time, give these seeds to you for cultivation. "

(End of this chapter)

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