Monument Yangmen

Chapter 901 The Overbearing of a Powerful Country

Chapter 901 The Overbearing of a Powerful Country

Queen Mother Tie Jing looked bitter, she didn't know how to respond to her son.

The tyrannical Daliao in the past now needs the remaining power of others to deter it.

How sad, how ridiculous.

But even so, she had to admit that what her son said was correct.

Several years have passed since his son ascended the throne to today.

The nobles of the Liao Kingdom have always criticized the young son proclaiming the emperor while the middle-aged husband governing behind the scenes.

Some people even secretly contacted the survivors of the Liao Kingdom as far away as Koryo and Wa, stirring up the wind and rain in the Liao Kingdom.


Those of them clearly had the strength to drive their family out of the palace in one fell swoop, but none of them did so.

Because they are all afraid of one person.

The mention of a name is enough to make the Liao Kingdom tremble.

His Majesty the Emperor of Yan, Yang Yansi.

And all of this is due to the one-armed general known as Zhihu who guards outside the capital.

three years ago.

A Liao nobleman from the eight Khitan clans in the past just said something bad about Yang Yansi on the border.

It reached the ears of the one-armed general.

Immediately, he led [-] cavalry, rushed into the Liao Kingdom for hundreds of miles, and slaughtered all the members of the noble family of the Liao Kingdom.

In his eyes, Liao's defense was like paper.

In his eyes, the soldiers and horses of the Liao Kingdom are like chickens and dogs.

Since then, no one in the Liao Kingdom has dared to say a bad word about Yang Yansi, even to the point where his face has changed.

This shows how brutal the one-armed general was.

He, and the country he represents, obviously have the strength to defeat the Liao Kingdom, but they have not wiped out the Liao Kingdom.

In the eyes of everyone in the Liao Kingdom.

Yelusi was able to sit on the throne safely because of that person's remaining prestige, and that person's charity.

"What kind of person is the Queen Mother, the emperor's uncle of the Yan Kingdom?"

Yelusi climbed on the window of the carriage, quietly looking at the Queen Mother Tie Jing and asking questions.

He asked this question no less than a hundred times.

His father, who is now the regent of the Liao Kingdom, never mentions this matter.

His mother always avoided his questions with a look of embarrassment.

However, the officials of the Liao Kingdom and the people of the Liao Kingdom gave him only one answer.

"Cruel! Very cruel! Eight feet in circumference, eight feet in height, tiger head and eyes, murderous, bloodthirsty..."

In short, all the words that can represent cruelty and power in the Liao Kingdom were used by them on Yang Yansi.

Perhaps they felt that the stronger the description of Yang Yansi, the more it meant that they would be less useless when they were defeated by Yang Yansi.

Empress Dowager Tie Jing surprisingly did not refuse to answer his question today.

After thinking for a long time, she said quietly: "He is a very talented and emotional person..."


Yelusi looked at his queen suspiciously.

He flipped through all the emotional words in his little head, and it seemed that none of them could be applied to Yang Yansi.

The Queen Mother Tie Jing didn't explain much.

She only remembered that when she was still a young man, she had clearly become the ruler of a country, but for her elder brother, she went to the Liao Kingdom at all costs, putting herself in danger, just to welcome her elder brother back home.

Even when he knew that his elder brother was unwilling to return home, he left behind a large amount of wealth for his elder brother that would allow him to live on the golden mountain and silver mountain for the rest of his life.

He did everything a younger brother should do.

It's a pity that his elder brother didn't do everything an older brother should do.

The words that Luo Ye and Zhao Di said in the temple in Shangjing City are still echoing in her ears.

"Your Majesty doesn't owe you anything, but you owe His Majesty..."

Empress Tie Jing murmured regretfully: "If you hadn't met me back then, maybe you would have been a domineering prince of a tyrannical empire..."


Yelusi asked with his cute eyes blinking.

Empress Dowager Tie Jing laughed awkwardly: "It's nothing..."

The Luanjia of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom traveled less than one mile from the upper capital.

Suddenly, the roar of horseshoes sounded.

A tyrannical torrent of steel rushed over from far and near.

a few breaths.

The steel jungle surrounded the Luanjia of the emperor of Liao.

The Luanjia of the Emperor of Liao Kingdom was startled and scattered.

Those soldiers in armor and holding blades on horseback looked at the emperor of Liao's Luanjia without any respect, but were cold.

The battalion headed by them lifted their visors and rushed to the side of the carriage in the middle of Luanjia.

"Liao people, within a quarter of an hour, retreat back, or they will be killed on the spot."

His tone was cold and blunt, as if he was driving away the wild dogs that had invaded the vegetable field, tyrannical and domineering.

The Liao soldiers guarding next to the Liao Emperor Luanjia could only swallow their saliva and dare not say a word, let alone step forward to defend their majesty.

Yelusi lifted the curtain on the carriage, and was about to speak when Yingzheng stared back with fierce eyes.

Empress Dowager Tie Jing lifted the curtain on the carriage, and sighed: "This general, I am the Empress Dowager of the Liao Kingdom, and this is my Emperor Daliao. This trip is to go to Yanjing City to meet His Majesty the Emperor Dayan."

Yingzheng was taken aback, frowned and said, "Is there any entry document issued by the imperial court?"

Queen Mother Tie Jing hesitated for a moment, then shook her head.

Yingzheng's eyes turned cold, and he was about to raise his hand and give the order to kill.

Queen Mother Tie Jing had seen too much, and had heard too much of the domineering Yan army. When she saw Yingzheng preparing to kill, she was startled, and hurriedly said: "Although I don't have documents for entering the customs, I have a Yan army. The queen mother issued a warrant."

While speaking, she quickly took out a warrant from her sleeve and handed it to Yingzheng.

Yingzheng frowned into a word of Sichuan.

There is a clear stipulation in the laws of the Yan Kingdom that the harem should not leave the palace for any purpose.

That is to say, the edicts, warrants and other items of the harem are useless outside the palace.

They don't have to comply.

However, he, who has been on the border between Yan and Liao all the year round, also knows the secrets between the Yan and Liao royal families.

The Empress Dowager made an exception and issued a warrant, and he probably guessed its purpose.

Following the queen mother's wishes, he still acted in accordance with the laws of the country, which made Yingzheng a little embarrassed.

He pondered for a long time, his eyes lingering on Yelusi's tight little face for a long time.

He thought of his own cub, and also thought of his mother's joy when he saw his cub.

a time.

He has a decision.

Immediately, he ordered in a cold voice: "Wait here and wait, I will go back and ask my general for instructions."

While speaking, he took away the warrant issued by the queen mother.

Yingzheng left the deputy battalion guarding the emperor's Luanjia, and he left in a hurry with a warrant.

Ran all the way out for several miles.

A continuous large camp appeared in front of Yingzheng.

Outside the big camp is a larger field.

The crops in the field are green, and the men who have taken off their armor are carrying loads and buckets, and are watering the ground.

Yingzheng rode his horse to a fertile field.

In the fertile field, a one-armed man, carrying a load, is watering the melon seedlings in the fertile field spoon by spoon.

Yingzheng jumped off his horse and knelt down on one knee, "Report to the general, I was ordered to perform duty in a humble position, and captured a group of Liao people. They claimed to be the queen mother and emperor of the Liao Kingdom, and they took a warrant issued by the queen mother, saying that they wanted to enter the customs. "

The one-armed man put down the spoon in his hand, straightened his waist, and walked out of the melon field.

If the nobles of the Liao Kingdom saw his appearance, their jaws would drop in shock.

In the country of Liao, Zhihu Shang Qingzi, who is only famous as the Emperor of Yan, Yang Yansi, actually went to the field to grow melons like an old farmer.

If the people of Yan knew about it, their jaws would drop from scruples.

After all, with the title of Shang Qingzi, even if he doesn't have a real estate, he can still live like an old man.

Shang Qingzi used the sweat towel on his shoulders to dab the sweat on his slightly dark cheeks. Instead of taking the warrant, he squinted at Yingzheng.

"The law of the Yan Kingdom, the Queen's order is not allowed to leave the palace, do you remember?"

Yingzheng seemed to have expected this question a long time ago, with a bitter face, he said in a low voice: "Remember..."

Shang Qingzi squinted his eyes subconsciously, and the aura of an old farmer on his body slowly faded, replaced by a majestic expression.

"Know that you still commit crimes?"

"The humble job is also..."

"I don't need excuses, and there are no excuses in the military. I can probably guess what's on your mind, but I need to remind you. You are a soldier first, and a human being second.

Back then, when I was fighting with His Majesty, His Majesty said a word, which I always remember in my heart.

Soldiers are bound to obey orders. "

Yingzheng lowered his head secretly, and said sadly: "Remember the humble job."

Shang Qingzi nodded slowly, "Go back and report to the woodcutter. After collecting ten catties of firewood, I will return to my original job."

A bitterness flashed across Yingzheng's face.

The woodcutters should be regarded as the most miserable group of people on the border of Yan Kingdom.

Their responsibility is to keep attacking, to collect firewood, and to run on the line of life and death every day.

Most importantly, the firewood Shang Qingzi was talking about was not just simple firewood, but ten catties of gold.

It’s different in the past.

The neighbors on the northern border of Yan State, under the oppression of Yan State, are already so poor that they are about to become pants.

Looting ten catties of gold is more difficult than killing ten people.

However, he did not dare to disobey Shang Qingzi's order.


Yingzheng bowed.

Only then did Shang Qingzi nodded in satisfaction. He took the warrant from Yingzheng's hand, opened it, and was a little taken aback.

There was only one sentence on the warrant.

"Shang Qingzi, you are accommodating..."

The empress dowager of a country spoke to a frontier general in such a tone, which is probably not found in other dynasties in history.

But Shang Qingzi didn't think there was anything wrong with the tone of the breakup order.

Two years ago, when the people from Taishanghuang Fortress entered the frontier army for training, they also spoke in the same tone.

Both were military commanders, She Saihua and Lao Yang can understand the hardships of Shang Qingzi.

More importantly, the two of them had to take the lead in obeying the prohibition of not leaving the palace.

This is also their respect for their son.

What made Shang Qingzi stunned was She Saihua's prediction.

From the border of Yan and Liao to the capital of Yan, there were more than one checks along the way.

She Saihua unexpectedly expected that Shang Qingzi would be the one who stopped the Emperor of Liao and his party, so she issued this warrant in advance.

Shang Qingzi shook his head slightly and smiled, remembering She Saihua's care for him when he went to Yang's Mansion in the past, he sighed a long time.

"Forget it, I accept this warrant..."

Shang Qingzi put away the warrant and ordered Ying Zheng to say, "Let them enter, but you should know the rules."

Yingzheng was taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Pieces of armor are not allowed to enter the swallow!"

"This is the iron law!"

After Yingzheng bowed his hands and saluted, he straddled his horse and galloped away.

Shang Qingzi took She Saihua's warrant and returned to the camp. He took a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote four words on the warrant.

"Just once!"

"Come here! Send someone to quickly send this warrant back to the Kingdom of Yan and hand it over to the Queen Mother."


After the messenger left with the warrant, Shang Qingzi smiled wryly again, unfolded a memorial, and began to write on it.

An apology memorial, addressed to Yang Qi.

Rules are rules, and if he breaks the rules, he has to apologize.

Even though the person who made him break the rules was She Saihua.

After finishing writing the confession memorial, Shang Qingzi held the memorial and said dumbfoundedly, "I'm afraid that the credit for defending the border all these years will be in vain again."

This is not the first time.

The last time Lao Yang sent people over to practice, he also wrote an apology.

After Yang Qi received his memorial, he immediately made a verdict.

Shang Qingzi's previous achievements in defending the frontier will be nullified.

That is to say, Shang Qingzi is indifferent to fame and wealth, and if he were replaced by Jiao Zan, he might have already quarreled.

After all, when Lao Yang wanted to send his students to practice, he was the first to find Jiao Zan.

In the end, Jiao Zan refused without saying a word.

After asking around, everyone else refused.

So Shang Qingzi softened his heart and agreed to Lao Yang.

Although Lao Yang was itching to hate others, he had no choice.

He has no right to punish others.

At most, he threatened them with a few words, saying that the students who graduated from the Yanjing Wuyuan Academy would never be given to them.

Other than that, Lao Yang has nothing to do with him.

After Shang Qingzi's apology memorial was sent out.

Yingzheng also arrived outside Shangjing.

After galloping to the side of Emperor Luan of the Liao Kingdom, Yingzheng said coldly: "My general has promised to let you go, but..."

Ying Zheng's cold eyes fell on the accompanying guards, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"I am in the law, and only soldiers and horses of Yan State, even a piece of armor cannot enter Yan!"



Before the people next to Emperor Luanjia of the Liao Kingdom could react, the ice-cold sabers of the Yan Army cavalry had already brushed the necks of the guards of the Liao Kingdom.

"do not want!"

When Queen Tie Jing's exclamation came, the heads of those Liao guards had already fallen to the ground.

Yelusi stared at this scene with wide eyes.

For the first time, he understood what it means to be overbearing.

Empress Dowager Tie Jing asked Ying Zheng in a trembling voice, "Without the protection of these soldiers and horses, how did we reach Yanjing City safely? You might as well kill us all."

Yingzheng said coldly: "This is Yan Kingdom, not Liao Kingdom..."

After leaving this sentence, Yingzheng led his soldiers and horses, and walked away.

All the corpses left on the ground, as well as the Luanjia with only a few court ladies left.

Yelusi swallowed hard and asked Queen Mother Tie Jing, "Mother... Mother Queen, why is this happening?"

He was a little frightened.

The Queen Mother Tie Jing closed her eyes in pain, "This is the dominance of a powerful country... Back then, I, Daliao, also dealt with Song State in the same way."

"Then... shall we still go to Yanjing City?"

"Go! If you don't go, I, Daliao, may not be able to survive this winter."

(End of this chapter)

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