Monument Yangmen

Chapter 931 The Cao family is a bit drifting......

Chapter 931 The Cao family is a bit drifting......


The old Cao Bin was very angry, and the dragon case with his dry hands covered in goose skin was bang and bang.

On Hongzheng Hall.

The officials were like quails, kneeling on the ground with their heads buried between their legs.

The dragon son and grandson of the Cao family bowed their heads unconsciously under Cao Binlong's prestige.

"Too much deception! It's simply too much deception!"

Cao Bin roared angrily.

Cao Can, who was only in his fifties, took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Father... calm down..."

"Everyone has bullied me, you let me calm down?"

Cao Bin was so angry that he pointed at the sons and grandsons of the dragon and yelled, "Why did I give birth to a bunch of useless bastards like you, all of you who only know how to play prestige on the battlefield, but when it comes to serious business, they are worse than silver-shaped pewter guns!" middle use.

As long as one of you has the ability, Yang Yansi and that Li Zi'an dare to deceive me. "

Cao Bin's round eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled at everyone, "And you, a bunch of useless ministers, eat my food and drink my food, it's useless at critical times."

"Yang Yansi's son, who robbed my grandson and killed the envoys I sent, has already ridden on my head, but you are urging me to endure it and not destroy the alliance between the two countries?"

"Now that I've been bullied by Yang Yansi to this extent, do you think there is any alliance between the two countries?"


Shen Zhizheng raised his head slowly, and after prostrating again, he said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, if you can't bear it, you will make a big conspiracy... Yan's national power is strong, and it is not comparable to our Shu."

"Be patient! It's Ren again! I've endured for decades, do I want to endure it when I die?"

Cao Bin's voice was colder than ice balls.

"The minister deserves death!"


Cao Bin snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "I want to send troops, I want to crusade against Yan, and I want to get my grandson back from Yang Yansi."

"Your Majesty! Absolutely not!"

When the Pingzhang incident came out, he knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, it is enough to use diplomatic means to ask for a son, and we must not resort to swordsmanship. Our Shu Kingdom has been fighting for years. Although a huge new land has been added, the treasury has been consumed. clean.

The people are already miserable under the heavy taxation.

This is the time for self-cultivation, and if you use your sword again, the country of Shu will be in danger! "

Cao Bin patted the dragon case and scolded: "People, people, you trash, you know how to threaten me with people all day long. I just want to crusade against Yan, and I want to teach Yang Yansi a lesson.

Didn't you say the treasury was empty?

Then I don't need money from the treasury.

The soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Shu fought in the Peacock Dynasty for many years and made huge fortunes.

I use the money of the Peacock Dynasty to attack the country of Yan, you have nothing to say, right? "

Hearing this, the minister of the Ministry of Industry hurriedly climbed out of the train and shouted: "Your Majesty, the new land of the Maurya Dynasty in Xinna needs a lot of money to govern, and more importantly, it needs to be educated and let the local barbarians join.

At present, the government offices at all levels of the Maurya Dynasty have been settled properly, and now is a good time to promote education and build bridges and pave roads.

All these things require financial support.

So the money of the Maurya Dynasty cannot be moved, Your Majesty. "

Cao Bin said coldly: "You also said that the local people are just some barbarians. Since they are barbarians, they are not the citizens of our Shu Kingdom. They are not the citizens of our Shu Kingdom. I care whether they live or die."

Cao Bin stood up and scanned everyone with cold eyes, "I have made up my mind, I will kill whoever persuades me again."

After leaving this sentence, Cao Bin snorted coldly, and with the support of the eunuch, he left the hall.

The ministers looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.

Pingzhang approached Cao Can, bowed his head, and said in a trembling voice: "The eldest prince, the Yan Kingdom has been strong and recuperated for many years, and its national power is terrifying. Our Shu Kingdom will go to war with the Yan Kingdom, and the end... I'm afraid it won't happen." great.

You must persuade His Majesty to take it back. "

Cao Can said with an ugly face: "Teacher, you are embarrassing me. You also know that the older my father is, the more regal he is. It's useless for me to talk about what he has decided."

Ping Zhangshi looked bitter, "Is there no other way?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry also came over at this time, with a frowning face, "Your Highness, the establishment of the Kingdom of Shu is due to the achievements of your Highnesses on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also depends on the firearms of the Kingdom of Yan.

The firearms of Yan State have now been replaced by thirteen generations.

And what my country of Shu is using now is only three generations of firearms.

There is no need for the minister to express the gap, you should also understand it. "

The Minister of the Household Department came up and added: "Yan Country is near the sea, they opened the door to allow merchants to come in and out freely, and merchants from surrounding countries gathered in Yan Country. Every year, the business tax collected by Yan Country may have reached ten thousand. ten thousand dollars.

And the people of Yan State, under the encouragement of the Yan State court, are growing exponentially every year.

The land of Yan State is vast, and the land allocated to the people is plentiful.

Their new crops are endless.

Grain production is increasing every year, and the stored grain is beyond estimation.

To sum up the above, in terms of weapons, money, food, and population, Shu State is not as good as Yan State.

The Kingdom of Shu attacked the Kingdom of Yan..."

Hubu Shangshu didn't continue, but several people could see the pessimistic look on his face.

The Minister of the Ministry of War also arrived here at some point, and after seeing several people were silent, he said firmly: "I can't beat it!"

Cao Can's face changed frequently, and after a while, he sighed, "The only solution now is to let the seventh brother come back."

"Xiya Chu King?!"

Ping Zhangshi and the others looked even more ugly.

Cao Wei, the king of Chu in Xiya, is known as the rebirth of the overlord.

Since he broke the capital of the Maurya Dynasty and divided the territory of the Maurya Dynasty with Yan, he has become a taboo of the Shu Kingdom.

Words such as high meritorious deeds and masters cannot be used too much on him.

Even Cao Bin, the founder of the Kingdom of Shu, was a head behind Cao Wei in terms of achievements.

It's good that he is sitting in the Maurya Dynasty now.

But once he returns to the capital of Shu Kingdom.

Cao Can's succession to the throne is not so secure.

Ping Zhangshi and others can be regarded as loyal supporters of Cao Can's succession.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate!"

Shen Zhizheng shook his head and kept shaking his head.

"Let's discuss it again and see if there is any other way."


Cao Bin yelled at Yang Qi in the palace of Shu State that he was an upright son, and the news that he threatened to conquer Yan State was sent to Yang Qi's hands ten days later.

Yang Qi was discussing with Su Yijian and others about the governance of the new land accepted from Jin.

After getting the news, instead of being angry, he raised the secret letter in his hand and smiled at Su Yijian, Lu Duan and others: "My father-in-law has a very temper! I just like that kid Cao Yu If I want him to stay in my country of Yan for a few more days, my father-in-law will send troops to attack my country of Yan."

Yang Qi threw the letter to Su Yijian, "Look at it, and tell me what you think."

Su Yijian read the letter at a glance, and after handing it to Lu Duan, he wondered: "Your Majesty, what is so unique about this Cao Yi, it is worth His Majesty breaking the covenant between Yan and Shu and forcing him to stay."

After Lu Duan and others read the letter, they also nodded, expressing their desire to know what is unique about Cao Yi.

Yang Qi got up, walked to the window, turned his back to Su Yijian and the others, and said with a smile: "Didn't you keep asking me why explosions happened frequently in the palace? I can tell you now.

That's because my emperor and Cao Yi are researching a military weapon. "

Su Yijian was stunned, "Firearms?"

Yang Qi shook his head, "It's not firearms. Yan's firearms have reached a bottleneck period. If they want to develop in the future, there are still important factors to be explored. The military weapon I'm talking about is a transportation-type weapon."

Lu Duan frowned, "What's the specifics?"

The country is so huge that the country of Yan is so big that ordinary military weapons can no longer be of much use.

Ordinary transportation tools can't play a big role.

Therefore, Lu Duan and others need to know exactly the performance of the military weapon that Yang Qikou said before they can make a judgment.

Yang Qi looked up at the sky outside the window, and said with some reminiscence: "It is a sharp weapon that can transport hundreds of thousands of catties of baggage to the frontier fortress with only a few hundred people. operate until the destination is reached.

Most importantly, as it continues to improve, it will continue to speed up.

It only takes ten days to transport supplies from Yanjing City to Korea. "

Su Yijian and the others widened their eyes and opened their mouths in vain, and exclaimed, "Is there really such a sharp weapon?"

Speed, load, manpower required, if it can reach the level that Yang Qi said, it will be really amazing.

According to their inherent means of transportation, it will take nearly three months to transport the materials to Korea.

And the manpower required on this road and the cost of people eating horses and chewing horses are a huge number.

Once such a sharp weapon is really available, the transportation cost that can be saved in the middle is unimaginably huge.

More importantly, with such a sharp weapon to communicate with the whole country, the imperial court's jurisdiction over the whole country will rise to a new height.

There is a disaster there that needs to be rescued by the imperial court, and the imperial court can send people and materials there in a very short period of time.

This will greatly reduce the loss of the court in the face of disasters.

In war, it has an immeasurable role.

Seeing Su Yijian and the others looking at him in disbelief, Yang Qi smiled and said, "When did I ever lie to you? Although this military weapon is still immature, but according to the research speed of the two children, we have a lifetime , is sure to be able to see it, and even ride it.

More importantly, the only ones who can manufacture and study this thing are my emperor and Cao Yi.

Tell me, can I let Cao Yi go? "

Su Yijian and the others closed their eyes and took a few deep breaths, until their excitement was suppressed.

Su Yijian said expressionlessly: "Such military weapons are not inferior to a century-old plan. If I can travel between Seoul and Yanjing in my lifetime, this life is enough."

Lu Duan and others followed suit and nodded.

Yang Qi laughed, "Then tell me, this person... can I give it to the Kingdom of Shu?"

Lu Duan curled his lips and said: "Your Majesty, how can the country of Shu take such a talent as its own? If it weren't for the great prosperity and enlightenment of our country, how could it be possible to cultivate such talents. Since it is a good talent cultivated by our country, naturally only Only my country of Yan can use it."

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"


Wang Yanling, who had already been transferred back to Yanjing City, interjected: "It's no use talking so much, just fight. I, Yan Kingdom, have never been afraid of others on the battlefield."

Su Yijian and the others all looked at him.

Wang Yanling looked a little uncomfortable, hesitantly said: "I'm not right?"





Contemptuous words came out of Su Yijian and the others' mouths.

After despising Wang Yanling, Lu Duan said indifferently: "My country of Yan is a huge country, how can I show the courage of a man. The country of Shu wants to conquer my country of Yan, which is a provocation. It is a just battle for us to force and fight back."

Su Yijian shook his head and said: "The people of Shu have suffered for a long time. We are saving them for the sake of being descendants of Yan and Huang at the same time. It is only natural."


Wang Yanling blinked and looked at the two of them, speechless.

He really wanted to tell these two guys, can he stop pretending in front of his own people?
Yang Qi was very satisfied with the reaction of Su Yijian and the others. He turned around and said with a smile: "I am very relieved that everyone has such an idea. However, if my predictions are correct, this battle will not be fought."


Under the puzzled eyes of Su Yijian and others, Yang Qi said leisurely: "They don't have the strength to attack my country of Yan. My father-in-law is hot-headed for a while, and someone will come forward to dissuade him."

After a pause, Yang Qi said again: "However, my father-in-law has this idea. There must be a battle between Shu and Yan. It's just that the time may be prolonged. Be prepared for danger in times of peace. We must move now."

"Di Qing has made great achievements in suppressing many small tribal rebellions in northern Xinjiang. Mu Guiying went to the Peacock Dynasty and followed my brother. He has experienced many wars, big and small. Now he has been promoted to the rank of a general of the first army. .

I am going to transfer the two of them to the border of Shu Kingdom, what do you think? "

If Yang Qi wants to transfer Di Qing and Mu Guiying to guard against the Kingdom of Shu, he will definitely be promoted in an exceptional way.

Unconventional promotion is not in line with the national laws of the Yan Kingdom, so naturally they will be heard.

But they did not accept their objections.

This is to reflect the respect he, the emperor, has for his courtiers.

After all, Di Qing and Mu Guiying are members of the military, and they should be promoted and dispatched, and the Military Machine Pavilion decides.

Yang Qi didn't say hello to them, and they had no temper when they were promoted.

Therefore, when Yang Qi raised this question, Su Yijian and the others all saluted and expressed no objection.

After discussing about the newly included land management issues in the imperial study, the monarch and his party left one after another.

The imperial edict of Yang Qi's promotion to Di Qing and Mu Guiying also came out of the palace.

It was at this time that a skinny young man with a burden on his back slowly stepped into Yanjing City.

He seems to be very kind to everyone.

He always nodded and smiled at everyone around him who smiled at him.

Although he is dark and thin, everyone who sees his smiling face can feel a lot of warmth from him.

He declined the invitation of well-wishers on the road to send him in a carriage, and walked around the streets alone with a package on his back.

Finally, when they reached the gate of the palace, they stopped.

Looking at the tall and towering palace gate, the smile on his face stiffened a little, and he said in a low voice: "Father, I'm back..."

(End of this chapter)

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