Chapter 100
"If one of these words is not true, do you know the consequences?" Fan Yongdou's face was full of horror.

The servant kneeling in front of him was named Li Laoshi, and he was newly recruited by the Fan residence two months ago. When he first came to the Fan residence, he claimed to have escaped from Beizhili, and his clothes were very worn out hurt.

If it weren't for this person's skill, he wouldn't be able to enter the Fan residence at all.

Now Li Laoshi suddenly said that he was from Liaodong, and that he was a soldier of Kong Youde, the obedient king of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. What's more, this person actually identified the leader of the Baiyun Mountain bandits as Liu Hongjian, the new general of Liaodong.

"Are you crazy because you want to receive the reward?" Wang Dengku felt incredible when he heard this.

As wealthy merchants, the eight giants whose businesses spread across the north and south, information is extremely important. The eight major families got the news just after the Battle of Shanhaiguan in Liaodong.

I also know that there is a ruthless person in Liaodong today, but the honest servant in front of him actually said that the person who kidnapped their son was the general soldier of Liaodong.

How could the dignified general of Shanhaiguan, the hereditary Earl of Ming Dynasty, do such a wicked thing?Moreover, is the Liaodong General Soldier so leisurely?Come and have trouble with a few of their businessmen when you have time?
You must know that the relatives of Ming Dynasty don't think highly of merchants. You say that an earl can have trouble with a few of their lowly merchants. Isn't that just kidding here!

"My lords, what my servants said is true, my servants participated in the battle of Shanhaiguan, although I haven't seen the general soldier of Shanhaiguan, but I have seen his strange firearms!
Today, Master Wang went to Baiyun Mountain, and the servants followed. The servants could see clearly that behind the Dragon King Temple, there were two people holding firearms, which were clearly the same as what the servants saw in Shanhaiguan. "

Li Laoshi recalled the battle of Shanhaiguan, the strange firearm knocked down the surrounding generals one by one like poisonous snakes, and he once saw with his own eyes that his hundred-household official Tianling Gai was completely blown away.

Li Laoshi's eyes were blank, he knelt in the hall and said nothing, leaving only eight wealthy businessmen looking at each other.

"Go down and get the reward!" What is Shi Po Tian Jing!After a while, Fan Yongdou came to his senses and waved his hand to signal the butler to take this person down.

"Thank you, Master!" Although recalling that experience, Li Laoshi was terrified, but when he heard that he could finally receive the reward, Li Laoshi immediately burst into laughter from ear to ear.

"Listening to what the slut servant said, the old man suddenly remembered that the previous incident was really strange. That fellow was named after Nicholas Zhao Si first, and then became the king of Baiyun Mountain.

This is clearly an act of deliberate deception. Liaodong is now enlisting troops on a large scale. At first, he used buying grain as a bait. It is very likely that he really wants to buy grain, but for some reason, he wants to make things difficult for me, Shanxi merchants!

What do you think? "

Fan Yongdou is worthy of being the head of the eight Shanxi merchants, and he analyzed his intentions from various clues in a moment.

"Brother Fan is right. When Liu Hongjian first found my Wang's grain store, I felt something strange. It's all because I'm obsessed with money and followed the way of a traitor!"

Wang Dengku said.

"Huh! The old man said before that you can't help the tyrant to do evil, but you didn't listen to it. You just blame my poor son. Now I, Jin, have nothing else to ask. Jin is willing to donate 30 yuan to Zongbing Yuan in return. This murderous revenge!
If you are willing to follow, let it go. If you don’t want to follow, I will blame Jin for not showing affection. In the future, all supplies going north will not be safe! "

Although Jin Liangyu's financial resources are not as good as the others, he has a very strong relationship with a part of Monan Mongolia. As long as he says hello to those barbarians, the goods of these merchants will definitely suffer losses.

These words were clearly meant to be heard by Wang Dengku and Huang Yunfa. Wang Dengku was fine, and Huang Yunfa's face immediately turned dark. His business scope was to provide ironware to the Tartars.

The south has no foundation at all. If they lose their business in the north, the Huang family will have to sit back and eat.

"Brother Jin, what did you say? My son was also fooled by Liu Neng, the chief soldier of Shanhaiguan, Liu Hongjian. This old man is also in great pain. I, Huang Yunfa, must contribute to this trip!"

"Yes, Lao Jin, I, Mr. Wang, will not be inferior to others. I will pay as much money as I want, and Mr. Wang will never frown!"

Although Wang Youcai was not afraid of Jin Liangyu's intimidation, how could he not see the situation in front of him?

Then Liu Hongjian acted like this because he clearly had no intention of letting his son back. In this case, he might as well have a chance, even if he really couldn't save the boss.

At most, it was the teachings that he had been blind for more than ten years. His old Wang family had everything but many sons. Wanting to understand this, Wang Dengku, who had always lived a life, did not forget to sell Jin Liangyu's face, and agreed.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and they didn't have any different opinions. The attention has been made, and the next step is how to invite Yuan Zongdi from the Taiyuan Mansion.

Since the Dashun army was repulsed after besieging the capital, they have lost their thoughts about the capital. Hearing that the old Chuang Wang Li Zicheng was beaten to death by the Shanhaiguan general soldier Liu Hongjian, it is reasonable to know that Dashun should be the old Chuang. Wang revenge.

But the new King Chuang, Li Zijing, is a bastard who has never moved since he was huddled in his hometown in Shaanxi. The last time he paid a lot of money to invite Yuan to send troops, it was because of the suppression of bandits, but if he knew that the bandit was Liu Hongjian.

Do you still dare to suppress him?The central hall suddenly became silent again, and everyone was weighing the pros and cons.

"Hmph, this old man has been a businessman all his life, from a poor boy to a billionaire, I have never seen such a scene, and all of you are rich businessmen who have been masters for half their lives, how have you ever been made so difficult by others?
Besides, isn't he just a general soldier, he must not have brought enough troops here, otherwise we must have heard that Baiyun Mountain is safe to defend, and it is impossible for that guy's lair to be here.

According to the old man, this guy is probably hiding in a nearby city. The old man only needs to send more people to investigate in a few nearby counties and towns, and he will be able to find his location.

And this Yuan Zongdi has long been very dissatisfied with Li Zijing's shrinking behavior, as long as we are willing to pay him enough money to support himself, are we afraid that Yuan Zongdi will not send troops? "

Fan Yongdou suddenly felt much younger, as if he had returned to the intriguing shopping mall 30 years ago, the Fan Yongdou whose eyes lit up whenever he met an opponent.

The rest of the people were also persuaded by Fan Yongdou, yes, as long as there is money, enough money for Yuan Zongdi to leave his old club and stand on his own, why would he not want to send troops?

And if this Yuan Zongdi is really able to stand on his own, without the continuous support of the eight of them, it would be difficult to accomplish things, and they can use this to contain Yuan Zongdi and slowly train him into an obedient vicious dog.

As long as they were willing to bow their knees and show their favor to Yuan Zongdi at the beginning, they would tie Yuan Zongdi firmly to their carriage.

Everything under control...

So, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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