Chapter 11 Comeback (recommended tickets please!)

Just as Liu Hongjian turned around and walked out of Huangji Gate, pretending to go home to get a firecracker, a small yellow gate sprinted in from outside.

"Your Majesty, the bandit army is attacking the city again!" Xiao Huangmen was so panicked that he didn't have time to salute. Zhang Qi, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites who hadn't retreated, was about to explode when he saw the little Huangmen so weak, but when he heard the little Huangmen After hearing the news, he immediately bowed his head and remained silent.

Just as Chongzhen walked down the steps, he staggered when he heard the news, and almost sat down on the ground. Fortunately, the eunuch Wang Erxi beside him had sharp eyesight and quickly supported him.

Chongzhen's face turned pale, and he was assisted by Wang Erxi back to the throne that only belonged to him. He remained silent for a long while, and all the officials below stood with their heads bowed, silent, and the atmosphere in the court hall was particularly dignified.

Finally, Chongzhen couldn't hold on anymore, and stood up with the dragon chair supported.

"The thieves are besieging the city and will not retreat. What good strategy do you love?"

His voice trembled a little. This trembling did not come from fear, but the heavy burden on his shoulders. Even though the performance of the officials during the siege last time disappointed him, even though he wished to drag all these ministers to the top of the city to guard the city. City, but he couldn't, he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness from that moment, he needed help.

But the ministers below looked left and right, but they were silent.

Chongzhen looked at Wei Zaode, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Although he was tired of looking at these civil servants now, it was really sad that he, a real loner, could not even find anyone to discuss with at the critical moment.

"Does Wei Aiqing have a countermeasure?"

At this time, Wei Zaode, who was always eloquent, faltered and kept silent, and didn't even dare to show a little complacency in Chongzhen's favor.

Because he knows his strengths, he has nothing to do in the military except for playing tricks, not to mention that the city of Beijing has been beaten for several days, and the defense is insufficient. If he says something wrong, he will be the first to blame It's him.

"Wei Aiqing, but it's okay to say, as long as you open your mouth, I will immediately obey!" Chongzhen stepped down the steps and walked to Wei Zaode's side to show his trust in him.

Wei Zaode knelt on the ground with a plop, his buttocks pouted, but he remained silent.

"Incompetent! Why do I want you!" Chongzhen was so angry that he kicked over the utensils next to the dragon chair. Chongzhen had reason to be angry. He once trusted his cabinet minister so much and insisted on letting him Wei Zaode when Ming was in crisis. Be the chief assistant of the cabinet and give him honor and power.

But half a year later, he, the chief minister of the cabinet, not only has nothing to gain, but the only thing he does is to advocate donations from hundreds of officials. The ministers are all crying for poverty. After half a year of busy work, they only raised 10,000+ taels, which is not enough for Guan Ningjun for a month. consume.

Now that the thieves are besieging the city, you are needed, so what's the use of sticking your butt?Can it be used as a cannon?

The siege of the city by the bandits was at a critical moment. The monarch and his ministers had been in a stalemate for a long time, but none of the ministers in the court could offer a constructive opinion.

Emperor Chongzhen was also walking around in the hall without a clue. Liu Hongjian felt a little sad for Emperor Chongzhen, and finally walked over from the entrance of the hall and spoke.

"It's you? Does Aiqing have a good strategy to defeat the enemy?" Chongzhen was a little overjoyed to see someone finally willing to speak up, as if he had grasped at straws to save his life.

Turning around and seeing that it was Liu Hongjian, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. After all, how can a grassroots who can't read all the words help?But remembering the surprise Liu Hongjian gave him before, he still asked impatiently.

Seeing the solemn and earnest expression on Emperor Chongzhen's face, Liu Hongjian bent down and bowed his hands to give Chongzhen a junior salute. The Minister of Rites, Chen Yan, beside him frowned and wanted to get angry again. In his opinion, Liu Hongjian didn't kneel down when he did something. It is a crime of great disrespect.

But seeing that Wei Zaode didn't make a sound, and thinking about the current atmosphere, the reprimand he just wanted to blurt out was suppressed abruptly. Although Wei Zaode's official position is the right servant of the Ministry of Rites and his subordinate, he is also the chief assistant of the cabinet. Their affiliation is reversed by the detached position.

"Your Majesty, I have no good plan right now!" Liu Hongjian said confidently.

"..." Chongzhen flicked his sleeves and sat back on the dragon chair. He didn't say a word, but sighed. He didn't blame Liu Hongjian for his rudeness.

He knows the city defense of Beijing. There are only 30 defenders left, and they are all infantry. They can't even fill the city walls of Beijing, and most of the soldiers are still lingering in the plague. Li Zicheng's remaining troops still have at least [-] to [-]. What does he use to win this war.

"But your majesty, I have to go to the top of the city to see the situation before I can make a decision!" Liu Hongjian gasped a bit as he spoke, but the officials in the ground still knelt down and did not get up to refute. It really is a group of people who only know how to fight. Mediocre, Liu Hongjian contemptuously thought to himself.

"Okay, I appointed you as the deputy admiral of the Beijing camp to assist Wang Chengen in defending the city!" Chongzhen heard Liu Hongjian's thoughts and directly issued an order. At this time, anyone who can take the initiative to ask to go to the city wall to participate in defending the city is at least a loyal and brave person. man of.

"Your Majesty, I remembered the bet just now. Now I go to defend the city wall. I can just prove that the firecracker can hit three hundred feet away. I just don't know if Mr. Wei dares to go there and have a look?"

Liu Hongjian looked at Wei Zaode with a sneer in his heart.

Not far away, Wei Zaode's forehead began to sweat, and his knees, which can usually kneel for a long time, did not know what happened today, and he couldn't help feeling a little unsupported and trembling.

Knives and arrows have no eyes, not to mention the current situation, the city defense of Beijing is almost impossible to defend, he has even thought of a way out, after the city is broken, he just changed his master, who can't work with him? The same is a part-time job. With his qualifications, he must be able to get a position with the new master.

Ruyi Abacus is clinking, but now it is obvious that Chongzhen has lost patience with him, and this makes it even more difficult for him to ride a tiger, let's go?It's too dangerous. I heard that the thieves also have cannons in their hands. Why don't you go?Where to put the old face?

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen give him a questioning look, Wei Zaode became even more flustered, and beads of sweat rolled out from his forehead.

"Back to the emperor, I... Chen... I suddenly feel a splitting headache. It's not that I don't want to go. I blew a cold wind last night. I really have a headache that is dying. Now I feel weak..." He pretended to stand unsteadily, Zhang Qi who was behind him stood up and supported him immediately.

"Hahaha! If you are afraid of death, just say it straight, and you say it so grandiosely, I have never seen such a brazen person!" Liu Hongjian was amused by this funny performance, and at the same time, he refreshed the Donglin Party members in his heart. level of shamelessness.

All civil servants dared not speak out against Liu Hongjian's presumptuousness, but Fan Jingwen, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, was very interested in the firecrackers in Liu Hongjian's hands. Hung-chien's firecrackers can really hit that far, which is really great news for Daming.

"Your Majesty, I would like to see the firecracker that this little brother mentioned, and I beg your Majesty's permission!" Fan Jingwen stepped forward and said.

Someone really dared to go up the city wall with him. It seemed that these civil servants were not all cowards. Liu Hongjian respected this old man surnamed Fan.


(End of this chapter)

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