Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 18 Year Foundation

Chapter 18 The Centennial Foundation
"There are only 130 taels of silver left in my treasury!" Chongzhen changed his anger just now, and sat weakly on his seat.

"What?" Liu Hongjian was stunned. There is only a little more than 100 taels of silver left in the treasury of the Ming Empire. It's a lie!
But seeing Chongzhen's unlovable expression, not like crying for poverty, Liu Hongjian had to accept the fact, oh my god!This Daming State Treasury is probably not as rich as Wang Ermazi, the owner of the pharmacy where his father works.

"What about the soldier?"

"In addition to the nearly 2 frontier troops belonging to Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, there are only [-] soldiers in my Beijing camp left! In the past few years, in order to support the war on the nine frontiers, I have devoted all my strength to the whole country. But the frontier army is arrogant, I just owed my military salary for half a year, and the bandit army besieged the city, Wu Sangui dared to fight against me, and refused to send troops to serve the king, I wish I could kill them all!"

Emperor Chongzhen had tears in his eyes when he said that it was painful. It was supposed to be a good banquet, but it was turned into a speech complaining by Chongzhen. Liu Hongjian also couldn't laugh or cry.

Dare you owe someone half a year's salary, and still want him to work for you?Let alone half a year's salary in modern times, how many people do you think are owed a month's salary?

And you can't kill all the frontier soldiers with one shot, it must be Wu Sangui who has a problem!Um?Wu Sangui, why does this name sound so familiar?
No, that guy will surrender. The only remaining fruit of Guan Ning's iron cavalry was given to the Jurchen savages by Wu Sangui.

Counting the days, Wu Sangui should have switched to the Manchu Qing after Li Zicheng captured the capital, feeling hopeless and being cuckolded forcibly by Li Zicheng. Now the capital is still there, and the intruder was also killed by me, and he has not been cuckolded yet. Son, it stands to reason that he shouldn't surrender to the Manchu Qing so soon!
No, I have to guard against it!Liu Hongjian thought to himself.

"Your Majesty, it is true that Wu Sangui is guilty of not coming to Qin Wang, but considering that they shoulder the heavy burden of resisting the Manchu Qing, and the current strategy is to use troops, the Emperor can still win over if he can, and he must not act on his will. I feel that we should send people to closely monitor his family! "

"Hmph! If you don't tell me, I'll forget it, because Wu Sangui is arrogant and domineering, and his father has been imprisoned by me a month ago." Chongzhen said angrily, remembering what happened before.

"It's better for the emperor to pardon Wu Xiang and appease Wu Sangui!" Liu Hongjian asked.

"Hmph, how can I back down for the unfaithful and unjust, needless to say, I will not pardon Wu Xiang!"

It really is a stubborn temper!Liu Hongjian thought to himself.

"Then at least let Wu Xiang write a letter to his son Wu Sangui, stabilize Wu Sangui first, and the northern border will be safe, so that we have time to implement our next plan! The emperor should put the overall situation first!"

Chongzhen's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, he was less inclined, and finally succumbed to reality.

"Just do as you said! What about the money? What about the taels of silver you mentioned?" Chongzhen rolled his eyes, not at all the bearing that a king should have.

"If the emperor can stabilize the frontier army, and the Beijing camp is still loyal to Daming, the emperor can re-activate Jinyiwei and Dongchang." Speaking of making money, Liu Hongjian's eyes became bright again.

"And what I said before! You just need to find a suitable opportunity to check those ministers who are occupying the latrines and don't shit. Once you check it out, I guarantee that each of them is hundreds of dollars richer than the emperor's treasury." times!" Liu Hongjian said bluntly, regardless of Chongzhen's face.

"But if all the ministers are arrested, who dares to do things for me!"

"Has the emperor ever eaten leeks?"


"Has the emperor seen how leeks are harvested?"

"You bastard, just speak up if you have something to say! What I hate the most is beating around the bush!"

If this Emperor Chongzhen lived in the present.Definitely a dick and a straight guy, Liu Hongjian slandered.

"After the leeks are cut off by the sickle, there is no need to replant them. It only takes some time for them to recover!"

"These corrupt and mediocre officials are like leeks. If you cut them off, it won't affect anything. There are countless scholars in Ming Dynasty. Is the emperor still worried that no one wants to be an official? I don't know how many people stare at and hope for those mediocre people to go down. He climbed up by himself!"

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was still hesitant, Liu Hongjian decided to add another bargaining chip.

"Your Majesty, this is a troubled time. In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. Only by killing decisively can great things be achieved. The method of thunderbolt shows the heart of a Bodhisattva. The emperor should think more about the poor people of Ming Dynasty, rather than those who only know what they know. Scholars, don’t put the cart before the horse, Your Majesty!”

"I think about this matter again, what else do you have to say?" It seems that although Liu Hongjian's method is extreme, it is still a clever plan. After all, he has listened to various opinions of Donglin Party members for more than ten years. Not only was it ineffective, but the empire got worse.

"Your Majesty, I suggest exempting all taxes in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, and Northern Zhili. It is best to exempt some of the taxes in the southern provinces."

"In recent years, there have been years of natural disasters in the Northwest, and the people have lost their crops. They are struggling on the verge of life and death. At this time, the emperor has increased the Liao pay, and the people have no choice but to rebel." Liu Hongjian continued with a sip of tea to moisten his throat. Be persuasive.

"In recent years, in order to suppress the bandits, the emperor must have worked hard, but why the results are always not good, the wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again. We must find the root of the problem. Exempt taxes, and the bandits will have no soldiers to use. , will get twice the result with half the effort, Your Majesty!"

"I know. I will consider this matter. I suddenly remembered one thing. Where did Ai Qing's strange firearms come from when he killed the bandit leader? How many are there? Can they be equipped in the Beijing camp?" Chongzhen seemed a little tired, But thinking of the firearm that has been bothering him for a long time, he regained his energy.

"My minister knew that the emperor wanted to ask this question. At that time, the old man calculated that I was in danger in Ming Dynasty, so he specifically identified this minister as coming to King Qin, and all these firearms were given by that old man!
The old man also said that the emperor... the emperor is surrounded by cowardly and fearful people who are trying to gain fame, and told the ministers that these firearms can only be used by the ministers themselves, otherwise... otherwise the Ming Dynasty will be in danger! "

The minister can give one to the emperor for self-defense. Mr. Fan of the Ministry of Industry is also very interested in this gun. The minister can also give one to the Ministry of Industry for research purposes, but only within ten days, otherwise the minister will I'm afraid that the old man will be furious! "

It's only ten days. Daming's level doesn't even have a flintlock gun. It's no wonder that he can understand it. In order to show his sincerity, Liu Hongjian had to take risks and endure pain.

"That's not good, if the old man finds out, wouldn't it be a small loss?"

Seeing that Liu Hongjian was thinking about Daming, and he was extremely afraid of that old man, Chongzhen couldn't help but be concerned.

"It's okay, it's only ten days. If the masters of the Ministry of Industry can really develop it, it will be a great blessing!" Liu Hongjian secretly said, and finally passed the test. I will play for you for a few days. If you don't know how to play, you will return it to me!

In fact, Liu Hongjian underestimated Chongzhen's magnanimity. Although Chongzhen was headstrong, Chongzhen now trusts Liu Hongjian very much. As long as he believes that Liu Hongjian did all this for him and Ming Dynasty, then everything else is easy to say, no. That's fine, it's his code of conduct.

"Oh! By the way, your majesty, please consider the matter of exempting the common people from taxes just now. The emperor still needs to collect commercial taxes. The empire needs silver. Merchants have no way, but they have money. The emperor just said, for Daming's century-old foundation, you are willing to do anything!"

Merchants are low class, as the supreme ruler of the feudal empire, he has always disdained such things as collecting business taxes. Although in Liu Hongjian's view, he was extremely ignorant, but he had to convince Chongzhen.

"The collection of commercial tax is bound to be opposed by all the officials. Your Majesty, please remember that anyone who opposes the collection of commercial tax is either the same as a businessman or a mediocre minister, and they are not allowed to use it."

"I know, I already have a decision in my heart!" Chongzhen's eyes were complicated.

"I have said everything I should say and should not say. I have little talent and little knowledge. I have offended the emperor a lot. Please forgive me. If there is nothing else, I will resign!" Waist saluted Chongzhen.

Seeing that Chongzhen did not refuse, Liu Hongjian turned around and wanted to leave.

"Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, I don't need to go to court as an earl. If I go to court every day, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it!" Liu Hongjian suddenly remembered that he is now a hereditary earl. How annoying it would be to have to get up early to go to court, it would be better to be a local rich man.

"Hmph! I promise you that you don't have to go to court if you have nothing to do, but you have to come tomorrow, and I have something to explain!" Chongzhen finally said, the corners of his mouth turned up, and there was a sinister smile.

Only then did Liu Hongjian leave satisfied. What he never expected was that the earl was actually not allowed to go to court, and it was not a special privilege given to him by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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