Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Thanks for having you in 2018, forge ahead in 2019

Thanks for having you in 2018, forge ahead in 2019
Quietly, the new year has arrived.

Hanhan wishes all book friends a happy New Year's Day and a happy family!

Many things happened in 2018. For Hanhan, the most important one is that Hanhan has changed from a reader to an author.

I still remember that the idea of ​​writing has lingered in my mind for many years, it can be regarded as an obsession.

The first chapter was uploaded on June 31 this year. It has been six months and Hanhan has written nearly 80 words in half a year. Of course, for many full-time authors, this is not much, and even failed.

But for the super novice Hanhan, he has already used all his spare time.

The new book period has lasted for nearly four months. Since it was released on October [-], the number of updated words has increased month by month. During this period, there have been pains, confusions, and joys.

Fortunately, with the support of many book friends, I also met several author friends who encouraged each other, and I have been forging ahead without giving up.

Nietzsche said that what does not destroy you will make you stronger, Han Han deeply agrees.

As a newcomer, at the beginning, he didn't understand anything and his writing style was immature, including now Han Han also felt that there was still a lot to improve.

Thank you book friends for going forward, never leaving, and continuing to support.

Thanks friends!
In 2019, Hanhan will continue to move forward, continue to work hard, and work hard to write a good story. I hope this story can move me and you too.

I hope the hero is me and you...

I hope that the Daming in Han Han's heart is also the Daming in the hearts of all book friends...

Based on last month's update situation, Hanhan's actual situation, and the plan for the next month, the addition situation is adjusted as follows.

First of all, Hanhan will try to upgrade from [-] daily updates to [-] daily updates. As a part-timer, it can be regarded as an attempt to break through.

In the case of a change of [-] characters:
1. [-] monthly tickets plus one change (too many changes were added last month, so a slight adjustment will be made.);

2. Add one hundred plus one change to the average subscription (currently 870);
3. One-time leader plus three updates (the third update is nearly [-] words, which is similar to the original fifth update);

4. In addition, the rest of the rewards are still accumulative to [-] coins plus one update.

PS: The leader Jiageng will indicate the name of the book friend in the chapter title.

Because Han Han often works overtime at work, the extra updates are usually placed on weekends, but please rest assured, Han Han will never keep his promise.

PS: This update plan is still only applicable to this month, if there is no modification in the next month, it will be postponed.

There are too many book friends who need to be thanked in 2018, and I will not list them one by one.

All in all, it's great to have you!

In 2019, I hope to continue to forge ahead with all of you, and sail the world with Hanhan, eagles in Europe, Asia and Africa!

Once again, I wish you all a happy new year and all the best! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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