Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 228 Battle of the Front Guards

Chapter 228 Battle of Front Guards ([-])

On February [-], Guangning Qiantunwei.

The north wind was strong, and on the wall of the former Tuncheng, groups of soldiers rushed back and forth with weapons in their hands.

Yan Yingyuan, dressed in armor, stood on the crenel of the city gate and looked out.

It has been nearly two months since he left the capital on New Year's Eve, and he is still not used to the wildness of the northern border.

Huang Degong, the governor of Xuanliao, was stationed at Shanhaiguan, while Yan Yingyuan and the other three were stationed at Qiantun, an isolated city outside the pass.

At first, Huang Degong disagreed. After all, the three were recommended by Liu Hongjian, and Qiantuncheng was adjacent to Ningyuan City occupied by the Tartars, which was the front line of frontier defense. If the two sides went to war, Qiantuncheng would bear the brunt.

But Yan Yingyuan scoffed at this, why should a man be willing to serve his country?
What's more, it's not that he has never fought a war. When he followed Liu Hongjian to attack Shanxi, Yan Yingyuan's perfect defensive command in the Linxian defense battle won everyone's approval.

Yan Yingyuan argued with reason, Huang Degong was a rough man, so he was no match for the three of them, let alone helping him guard the most dangerous place.

As a last resort, Huang Degong appointed Yan Yingyuan as a general, Chen Mingyu as a guerrilla, and distributed [-] infantry to garrison Qiantun. Feng Dunhou was left in Shanhaiguan to assist Huang Degong because he was better at handling logistics.

For more than a month, Yan Yingyuan and his two led [-] soldiers to keep the small Qiantun city in order.

The incomplete city wall that had been in disrepair for a long time has also been repaired, and even Yan Yingyuan bought four Folang machine guns from Shanhaiguan, which is better than nothing.

Qiantun, an isolated city outside the Guan, spent the last month of peace under the busyness of six thousand sergeants all day until this morning.

The sentinel reported that three days ago, the army of founding slaves set out from Shenyang, less than two hundred miles away from Qiantun.

The gates of the northern city of Qiantun City are wide open, and winding crowds of people meander from the south.

"Old Yan, all the people from the Zhonghou Institute will move to this city in a while!" Chen Mingyu was also in armor, and hurriedly climbed up the city wall from the bottom of the city.

When the army came, it became the most important thing to gather the people from the nearby villages to take refuge in Qiantun City.

"Gong Chen has worked hard, how about the Zhongqian Institute?" Seeing that it was Chen Mingyu, Yan Yingyuan relaxed his frowning brows a little.

This is the first time for the two to lead troops independently, and now that the battle is approaching, it is unavoidable that the pressure is too much.

"At the Zhongqian Office, Governor Huang of Shanhaiguan was notified two hours ago that the people of the Zhongqian Office will be directly relocated to Shanhaiguan."

Although it was the end of February, for some reason the northern border was still dripping into ice. Chen Mingyu took a jug of spirits from the turret, drank a couple of sips on his own, and handed it to Yan Yingyuan and said.

"Old Yan, what Governor Huang means is that Qiantun is a small town and cannot stop the slave-building army. Let me organize the people to evacuate to the customs as soon as possible!" Chen Mingyu's expression was obviously dissatisfied with Huang Degong.

Qiantuncheng was the only homeland Da Ming seized from Jiannu in the past eight years, and it was from their old boss, Anguohou Liu Hongjian.

Now that Jiannu is going south and directly handing over the city to others, it really makes people feel aggrieved.

"Gongchen, you and I are generals of the Ming Dynasty. You should know that military orders cannot be disobeyed. Mr. Huang only made this order because he cared about our lives. He also has something to hide!" Yan Yingyuan sighed.

He has been busy working in Qiantun for more than a month, just to deal with the future war. Now that the war is coming, he will have to waste all his efforts in the past, which is a bit hard for him to accept.

But he also knew that Huang Degong must be under great pressure to issue this order, even though the military order is correct.

Like the two of them, the imperial court also knew that the former Tuncheng was hard-won, and if Governor Huang retired without a fight, he was bound to be attacked by courtiers again.

But Qiantun City is really like a chicken rib, the city wall is only ten meters high, even compared with the adjacent Ningyuan City, it is too far behind.

"I have informed all the people in the city to abandon the Qiantun. After an hour, everyone will set off and move to the pass. The people go first, and I will wait for the aftermath. Gongchen, you are tired all morning and go to the meeting!"

Yan Yingyuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were filled with unwillingness, but he was helpless.

"Hey! I'm going down to collect. There are more than 1 people in the city. I'll have to work for a while." Chen Mingyu sighed and decided to let go of his dissatisfaction. After all, if the city is lost, it can be regained.

And if the life is lost, it is gone.

Just as Chen Mingyu turned around and prepared to go down, Yan Yingyuan's eyes suddenly fixed on the distance.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" A sentry under the city shouted towards the city wall while running.

And Yan Yingyuan and the two standing on the city wall could clearly see groups of cavalry not far behind the sentry cavalry, like a black line from the sky, pressing towards Qiantun City.

The message is wrong!Yan Yingyuan and the two looked at each other, each seeing a little horror in the other's eyes.

According to previous estimates, the army of Jianslaves would not be able to reach Qiantun until tomorrow morning at the earliest, but...

"Close the city gate!" Yan Yingyuan didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered the soldiers to close the north city gate, and the people who migrated from the middle could barely hide in the city.

"Come on! Go and send a letter to Governor Huang and report the situation here to Governor Huang!"

Right now, I can't go even if I want to. Without horses, how can I run past the sudden cavalry.

What's more, there are 4000 people in the city, including the people who migrated after Zhonghou, so Huang Degong had to be notified before making another plan.

There was an instant panic on the city wall, without Yan Yingyuan yelling loudly, all the soldiers guarding their respective crenels with bows and crossbows in an orderly manner.

When the two of Yan Yingyuan first arrived, these native Liaodong soldiers still had some disdain for the two scholars, but within less than ten days, the two of Yan Yingyuan won the respect of all the soldiers.

Whether it's all kinds of defense equipment, the deployment of food and grass, and the coordination of infantry and bows, Yan Yingyuan and Yan Yingyuan are both proficient in everything, and they are not like other generals who beat and scold soldiers indiscriminately and deduct military pay.

For a month, Yan Yingyuan led these [-] soldiers to practice continuously, for today, although the plan to abandon the city and return to defense fell through, the fire in Yan Yingyuan's heart was also ignited.

"Prepare Leishi, Old Chen, I'll leave the west city to you!" Yan Yingyuan said to Chen Mingyu, who was already gearing up beside him.


A quarter of an hour later, the Jiannu army gathered about one mile away from the Qiantun city wall.

This troop is composed of all cavalry, and in front of the queue is a middle-aged man in silver armor, with a needle-like beard covered half of his face under the helmet.

He is the British Prince Azig who gave the green hat to His Excellency Fan Wencheng, the first civil servant of the Qing Dynasty, and there are fifteen thousand full Eight Banners cavalry behind him.

He has only one task this time, to hold back the garrison in Qiantun until the army arrives.

He didn't know why his brother Dorgon made such a plan, but it was enough to kill people. In order to win the forward position, he even almost fought with Hauge.

"Your Highness, the troops have been assembled!" A soldier came to report.

"The subordinates obey the order and surround Qiantuncheng. If a traitor is allowed to escape, the king will never let him go lightly!" Azige roared angrily, pulling out his sword.

"set off!"

PS: I was late after get off work today, so I will make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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