Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 230 Battle of the Front Guards

Chapter 230 Battle of the Front Guards ([-])
"Little ones, it's time for a decisive battle with False Ming! It's time to avenge Mao Shuai!" Geng Zhongming rode in front of his troops and began to lecture.

Some of Geng Zhongming's subordinates are from Phi Island and some are from Dengzhou. Of course, he knows how to arouse the fighting spirit of this group of people.

In fact, for so many years, Geng Zhongming has always thought that Mao Shuai took revenge as an excuse to encircle the hearts of his subordinates and make them work hard for him and the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, the Qing Dynasty was willing to give money and titles is also a major reason. After all, siege is the most serious casualty and cruelest. If you are not willing to give rewards, whoever will work for you.

"Have you seen the city ahead? We will be the first to win this city. His Majesty the Qing Emperor will certainly not begrudge rewards!
After breaking this city, all the finances and beauties in the city belong to you! "Geng Zhongming roared loudly.

"Kill, kill!" The soldiers conquered by desire roared loudly. These Han people from Ming Dynasty have been completely lost and turned into lunatics dominated by money and power.

"Rush forward!" Geng Zhongming raised his saber high and ordered to charge forward.

Teams of soldiers carrying ladders divided into several squares and ran towards the city wall. The siege battle that has lasted for 2000 years was staged here as always.

Under the cover of the shield soldiers, the crossbowman also quickly touched the city wall.


The four-door Francophone at the head of the city spit out anger, and two shells directly hit the middle of a queue. The head of a soldier in the front was cut off by the iron ball, and the soldier behind was the neck, and the soldier behind was chest.

The solid iron ball was like an invincible fist, instantly plowing a path of more than ten meters of blood in Geng Zhongming's army.

The blood was sprayed on the faces of the other bandits, which aroused their madness instead. They didn't even look at the corpses of their companions. If they wanted to survive, they had to be faster and more ruthless.

"Bowmen are ready!" Yan Yingyuan shouted at the north wall of Qiantun City.

The defenders on the city wall bowed their bows and set up arrows, ready to fight. Everyone knew that if the city was broken, they would die, but the defenders still had a chance.

"Fire arrows!"


A thousand arrow feathers from more than a thousand crossbowmen in the northern city instantly covered an area dozens of meters below the city wall. As soon as they reached the city wall, Geng Zhongming ate a wave of arrow feathers head-on, and a hundred soldiers who were shot at vital points fell down. .

Shhhhhhhh, the second wave of arrow feathers came one after another, but with the lesson just now, the shield soldiers under the city had already protected the vital points, and the effect was obviously much worse.

After a while, the ladder was placed on the city wall, and the crossbowmen of Geng Zhongming's department also began to scatter towards the city wall, but the soldiers on the city wall were condescending and clinging to the city wall, and most of the arrow feathers were shot in the air.

Only a few soldiers who tried to pry over the ladder with a long log were hit by arrows, but there was no way to do it. The crossbowmen in the city mainly provided long-range suppression to assist the infantry to climb the city.

And Yan Yingyuan definitely couldn't just watch the enemy climb up the ladder safely. In addition to the bow and crossbow, he also bought hundreds of old-fashioned three-eyed firecrackers from Huang Degong.

Although this thing is so ancient that it is older than his grandfather's grandfather, but in terms of quality, it is better than the matchlock guns currently issued by the Ministry of Industry.

In fact, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, border guards basically gave up using matchlock guns made by the Ministry of Industry.

Due to the embezzlement of corrupt officials and the lack of uniform standards for craftsmen, the matchlock guns produced in the later period were less powerful and had a higher rate of bombing. Frequent bombings killed more people than the enemy, and they were not as safe as swords and spears.

But the three-eyed firecracker is different. The barrel of this thing is an iron hammer, a thick batch, and there is no problem of exploding the chamber at all. Moreover, it can be fired three times in a row, and it still shoots a large piece of shot.

bang - bang bang -

Hundreds of three-eyed blunderbusses that looked like iron hammers fired at Geng Zhongming's army who was only a few meters away, and the shrapnel sprayed everywhere instantly made the city howl.

Geng Zhongming never thought that the defenders would have such a big (old) killing (ancient) weapon (Dong). Isn't this thing only used by the Guanning cavalry?
There is a kind of person in this world who is born with a certain ability to surpass ordinary people, and Yan Yingyuan is like this when it comes to defending the city.

The three-eyed firecracker was invented by Zhu Chongba, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Who would have thought that nearly 300 years later, his descendants are still using this thing to fight against the Tartars.

The three-eyed gun only had two rounds of attacks, and the soldiers on the front wall couldn't bear it and retreated.

Geng Zhongming, who supervised the battle, was in a hurry at that time, and the princes behind were watching!
He was beaten back without even touching the city wall, and he was ashamed to be thrown to grandma's house.

He commanded the supervising team to cut down dozens of the fastest soldiers in a row before stopping the decline.

"Attack for me! The three-eyed gun is an old antique that can only be fired three times, you group of eggless things!
Those who retreat will be killed without mercy! " Geng Zhongming said angrily.

These retreating soldiers were more afraid of the Manchu cavalry in the rear than the monkey-like Geng Zhongming in front of them. They were just panicked by the three-eyed gun.

Running is not daring to run, even if they swing their legs and run desperately, can they still pass the tens of thousands of troops behind them?
After regrouping, Geng Zhongming's troops pressed up against the city wall again.

Rows of soldiers raised their shields high, groped under the city wall, pulled up the corpses on the ladder, and began to climb the city wall again.

Bang bang——bang another round of salvo, and the city was filled with wailing again.

But most of the soldiers who survived were very happy, because the three-eyed gun could only be fired three times, and even a skilled gunner would have to fiddle with it for a long time if they wanted to reload it.

"Release the thunder stone!" Yan Yingyuan was also counting the number of times the three-eyed gun was shot, and when the three bullets were used up, Yan Yingyuan immediately yelled.

The resentment in his heart towards the soldiers of the Han army under the city even surpassed that of the endless Manchurian soldiers in the rear.

But what about these Han troops?

Why do you rely on these dirty and vulgar barbarians who regard human life as nothing?

Not only that, but also acted as a vanguard and stepping stone for the establishment of slaves, consuming precious arrow feathers and ammunition in the former Tuncheng.

The soldier who fired the three-eyed gun just now dropped the iron hammer in his hand, picked up the stones in the city road and smashed them down.

Under the command of Yan Yingyuan and Chen Mingyu, the soldiers on the city wall lost their panic at the beginning and proceeded to defend in an orderly manner.

Arrow feathers, rolling stones, and giant trees rained down on the enemy troops below the city. The frequency, efficiency, and accuracy of the strikes made Geng Zhongming, who was watching the battle behind, bleed.

That was his foundation, without these soldiers, not to mention whether the King Huaishun on his head would be able to survive is a question.



With the help of dozens of veterans of the Shenji Battalion, the only four-door Frangler on the city wall was finally filled with gunpowder and projectiles.

The four Francophones were launched almost simultaneously, plowing four bloody furrows in the center of Geng Zhongming's clinging force.

The four shells were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Geng Zhongming completely collapsed.

PS: Please support the original version, please support the original version, please support the original version, important things are said three times, and a chapter is only a few cents, if you continue to do this, the author will starve to death! ! !
 Thank you book friends for the reward I went to move the train station here, and thank you book friends who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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