Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 238 Letter from the Border

Chapter 238 Letter from the Border
February 26, Beijing, Xishan Daying.

The Xishan Camp under the sun is like a huge gray picture scroll. From west to east, the [-] Battalion, the [-]th Army Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion are all practicing in full swing.

Half a month ago, under Liu Hongjian's "benevolent temptation", Abu Naikhan of the Chahar Department was under pressure and provided 12 military horses to the Beijing Camp of the Ming Empire at a price of [-] taels per horse.

And the three hundred thousand taels of money for buying the horses never left the capital at all. Bo Luochi, who came to make the deal in person, made a detour in the capital, exchanged a batch of cloth, salt, and grain, and then went back anxiously.

The [-] Battalion finally got their dream horse, and the Shenji Battalion also got the first batch of [-] quick-fire guns provided by Ordnance half a month ago.

This is the output that the Ordnance Institute 'squeezed' the craftsmen under its hands and implemented a three-shift work system.

Liu Hongjian understood that the battle on the front line was urgent, and Li Huaizhong understood even more. In the entire Xishan camp, whether it was infantry, cavalry or musketeers, they were all undergoing rigorous training day and night.

Zheng Zhilong, who won the title of Earl of Nan'an, is also very wealthy. The rice and grain trafficked from overseas are continuously transported to the Ministry of Households by water transport, and then transferred to the border and Beijing camp.

Sufficient military pay and sufficient meals allowed this large number of civilian-born Beijing camp recruits to show unprecedented endurance and obedience. No matter how harsh the training was, all soldiers obeyed to the end without complaint.

"Raise the gun!" Liu Hongjian shouted, behind him Chang Yu, with an iron whistle in his mouth, blew the iron whistle vigorously with his cheeks, and the first two rows of the musket phalanx quickly stepped forward.

The first row squats down on one knee, and the second row raises the gun in a standing position.



Bang, bang, bang—thick black smoke came out of the musket array, and the rows of human targets erected dozens of steps ahead were hit with black holes.

Due to the use of more advanced firearms, the distance between soldiers was greatly reduced, and the training regulations for musketeers were all changed by Liu Hongjian.

When Shenjiying moves, there are even regulations on how many steps to take per breath and how long each step is.

When one hundred steps away from the enemy, the three rows of infantry began to fire alternately, retreat to reload, and fire again.

Due to the reduction in the number of columns and the shortening of the spacing, the horizontal formations of the Shenjiying new army can easily be converted into marching columns, and the width of the columns is exactly the width of ordinary roads.

Before the battle, the musketeers marched in a column of thousands of households, and then stood on the battlefield and turned or turned while marching, and the formation became a horizontal formation when shooting.

The formation training and formation changes that are constantly practiced on the parade ground are the tactical formations and actions actually used on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, no one is allowed to take any action outside the rules without an order. Even the victorious troops must maintain their formation and cannot pursue the defeated enemy without authorization.

Otherwise, the scattered army cannot maintain firepower, and it is easy to fall into danger.

Liu Hongjian issued an iron order: "If a soldier looks around or leaves the formation without authorization during the battle, the sergeant behind him has the right to kill him on the spot with a bayonet."

This is the essence of the "queue to shoot" tactic. In the future, this army will not face the undisciplined peasant army, but the brutal and bloodthirsty Eight Banners cavalry who come and go like the wind.

If there is no iron-like discipline, no matter how accurate the muskets are, no matter how powerful the muskets are, on the battlefield, seeing thousands of cavalry charging and collapsing, it will only add to the record of the Eight Banners soldiers.

The instructors who train the third-line shooting team of the Jingying Shenji Battalion are all from the Qianhu Institute of Wansui Mountain.

In order to facilitate joint training and exercises with the Musketeers of the Shenji Battalion, the 2000 or [-] soldiers from the Qianhu Office of the Longevity Mountain simply stationed temporarily in the camp of the Shenji Battalion.

Led by Liu Hongjian and Karl, Zu Qiuqing, Yue Chengze and other soldiers with military ranks above 7000 households, the [-]-man musketeer team, every day, bursts of gunshots resounded throughout the suburbs of Beijing.

"Stand at attention!" Liu Hongjian shouted from the high platform.

After training all morning, Liu Hongjian himself was sweating profusely.

The seven thousand musketeers collectively carried their guns on their right shoulders and walked in unison, which is a bit like a military parade in later generations.

"Take a break!"

"Disband on the spot! Continue training after lunch!" Liu Hongjian shouted.

"Hoho--" After being depressed for the whole morning, all the recruits cheered loudly when they received the order to disband from the admiral.

Originally, I thought the goose step training newly added by the admiral was so simple, but it was the real training that made these recruits complain.

In order to maintain the formation, Liu Hongjian often asked the soldiers to maintain a certain posture, such as raising their left leg and standing still for half a quarter of an hour, and all the soldiers had to keep in a line, and the timing would be restarted if there was a slight difference.

After the formation was disbanded, the soldiers ran towards the Huotou army who had already set up their formation, shaking their sore and limping legs.

"Master, let's go eat too, I'm starving!" Niu Dabangchui, as Liu Hongjian's personal guard, also participated in the daily training throughout the whole process.

Niu Dabangchui's Sui-fi guns were badly shot, and he was used to the chug-chug AKM, so he no longer looked down on these so-called Sui-fi guns that took a long time to change the ammunition.

"You know what to eat when you eat, how many times have I told you in the military camp, don't call me grandpa!
You don't have to eat at noon today, let me practice goose steps here! "Liu Hongjian said angrily, pointing at Niu's big club.

Liu Hongjian put aside the bully stick with a bitter face, and was about to go out of the barracks to find Uncle Song for lunch, but was stopped by the intruding Jin Yiwei.

"Master Commander, there is a secret report from the front line of Shanhaiguan, Master Liang, please go to the Yamen as soon as possible!" The person in charge of sending the message was a thousand-household official from Jinyiwei. Unless it is a big deal, this is already a very high standard up.

"Oh? How about the border war?" Liu Hongjian frowned.

In the past half a month, the reason why he has been training this Musketeer so hard is because of this.

"Master Commander... Excuse me for my humble position, I dare not speak too much, you'd better go to the Yamen and ask Mr. Liang in person." The Qianhu officer faltered a bit.

The battle report of the former guard battle was delivered to the Jinyiwei yamen in the capital by Jinyiwei's Tiqi at the fastest speed, ahead of the Ministry of War's order system.

Liang Yang was well aware of the relationship between the former garrison general and the commanding envoy, so he specially sent a thousand household officials to deliver the letter, and repeatedly asked the commanding envoy to be vaccinated first.

"What's the proper way to grind and chirp, stick the hammer, and prepare the horse!" Liu Hongjian seemed to feel something was wrong, frowned and said irritably.

"Well!" Hearing this, Niu Da Bang Chui, who was pretending to be walking, threw his pistol aside, and ran to the barracks of the barracks.

Don't have an accident, don't have an accident, Liu Hongjian was worried, he had a bad premonition, and the more the thousand household officials said nothing, the stronger this premonition would be.

 Thanks to Brother October (Barbara Y) for the reward of 50000 coins, thanks to Teacher Baibaibaibai for the reward of 10000 coins, thanks to Shenzhen Fatty, Drunk in the Light to Watch the Axe, Guardian Yansheng, Book Friends 20170418, Liu Baijiang for the reward 100 coins, thanks to book friend Jin Yiwei Commander Tongzhi Master Liang for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to book friend Mengsk for the reward of 1000 coins, uh, let’s not say anything, weekends will be cold and cold!Thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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