Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 246 Calligraphy

Chapter 246 Mo Treasure (Second Change)

"Long Live Lord, the medicine is here!" As soon as he entered the Qianqing Palace, Li Yunkui brought over the medicine he had prepared.

"Your majesty, what's the matter with you, why have you never seen the emperor like this before?" Liu Hongjian was extremely surprised.

Liu Hongjian saw the expression of Chongzhen coughing in the hall just now, it was definitely not a common cold and cough, but more like a sickness from overwork. Uncle Chongzhen is only 35 now, right?

Chongzhen didn't speak, but he drank the medicine bowl.

"You all go down!" Chongzhen waved his hand.

"You go down too." Seeing that Li Yunkui was still waiting at the gate of the hall with his head bowed, Chongzhen added another sentence.

"Your servant obeys!" Li Yunkui bowed and stepped back. He weighed himself and shook his head.

After a while, only Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian were left in Nuoda's Qianqing Palace.

Just after dawn, Chongzhen convened the cabinet to discuss matters after he rarely left the court.

A ray of sunlight from the east penetrated the window paper of the side hall, illuminating the inside of the hall even brighter, and the face of Chongzhen sitting on the throne became even more haggard.

"Youming, what happened yesterday, you have overdone it!" Chongzhen did not reply to Liu Hongjian's question, but said something flat and harsh.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I'm overdoing it, but you haven't seen the situation at that time. Zhu Chunchen's mansion actually raised more than 100 house slaves, and that's not counting those doing chores.

These house slaves held sticks and surrounded the ministers. Their eyes were not like ordinary people, and the ministers had been in battle. People with such eyes were not afraid of death. They might be warriors on the battlefield.

However, once such a person appears in an official's home, he is a dead man!

Zhu Chunchen also threatened that as long as he speaks, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, these servants of his will dare to do something.

He raised so many dead men at home, what is his intention?
I want to conquer northern captives for the emperor, but I can't die here, because I have no choice but to do it..."

Liu Hongjian added fuel and vinegar, anyway, Zhu Chunchen has been imprisoned in the imperial prison, he is the fish, I am the knife, you have to wear as many small shoes as I give you.

"This Zhu Chunchen really disappointed me. When you go to the border, you must find out about Hu Zihao's collusion with the enemy. As for this Zhu Chunchen, let him stay in the imperial prison to reflect first, and don't want to hurt his life.

As Huang Degong said before, Jianlu knew our border defenses well, which is why I sent you out so anxiously.

There must be a gap at the border, you will definitely be caught by me when you go, and I will cut him into pieces to relieve my hatred!

Also, these nobles have been too disreputable in recent years. If this time can calm down the troubles in the north, I would like to listen to your words and abolish the guard system!
Cough cough—" Chongzhen covered his mouth and coughed twice after finishing speaking.

The amount of information is a bit large. First of all, Chongzhen still cares about Zhu Chunchen. Otherwise, according to the fine tradition of Jin Yiwei, there must be a hundred ways to kill a person.

The second is the spies at the border, not to mention whether it is Hu Zihao who is connected to foreign countries, or someone else.

As for the dismantling of the guard, this is simply explosive!
The Governor’s Mansion of the Five Armies, the pensions and pig farms of the nobles, has been around for nearly 300 years. Even if there are no more than ten soldiers in the guards, even the remaining soldiers are all without land to farm, lingering on their last days.

But no one can stop these nobles from earning money and earning extra money. These people not only receive their salaries with their titles on their heads, but also exploit soldiers and common people.

Now, how did the emperor become enlightened?

"Your majesty, you were fine yesterday, so why did you cough so badly today?" This was what surprised Liu Hongjian the most. Uncle, you have to hold on, this Ming has to count on you!
"It's okay, it's just an old problem, I caught a cold last night, and the old disease recurred, ahem——

Youming, what do you think of the prince? "Chongzhen took a sip of tea, suppressed his cough and said in a deep voice.

"What?" Huh?Suddenly a question mark appeared above Liu Hongjian's head, why did Uncle Chongzhen ask this suddenly?Where have you seen this bridge?

No, this is a pit!I must not jump!

"Hehe, Your Majesty, I don't know, I don't know!" Liu Hongjian laughed. The matter of the country has always been a taboo of the courtiers. I believe you are a ghost, you are a very bad uncle.

"Ahem—don't talk nonsense, I want to listen to the truth, and think about the Daming Sheji, you can just say it, there are only you and me here, and I will forgive you for everything you say."

Chongzhen took another sip of tea, got up and walked to the imperial case in the side hall, and spread out a piece of rice paper.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince is quite like a father, and he will be a good king like the emperor in the future!"

What Liu Hongjian said was the truth, but Zhu Cihong also followed his father's example in everything, studying hard every day, and his style of acting was exactly the same.

"Then, isn't my Ming dynasty about to perish?" Chongzhen didn't lift his head, he was writing vigorously on the rice paper with a good brush in his hand.

Chongzhen's words are very clear. He has been busy for nearly 20 years, but the situation in Daming is getting worse and worse. Even if he deals with political affairs late into the night every day, nothing has changed.

A few years ago, he dared to boast of being diligent, but now he dare not even say so.

What's the use of being diligent?Isn't Daming on the verge of peril?
If it hadn't been for last year's sudden repulsion of the militia by the geniuses, Chongzhen knew in his heart that maybe at that time, Daming would have perished.

If the crown prince is really like him, wouldn't he dig a hole by himself and bury Daming?
"Why does the emperor say that? In my opinion, even if all the emperors of all dynasties in China are ranked, the emperor will definitely be at the top." Liu Hongjian said, but you are just too unlucky, Liu Hongjian thought.

Daming won the righteousness of the country, which is second to none. He is quite lucky. If the old man really got him into trouble, even if he hated beating and killing, he probably would have turned his back on him now.

"Hehe, how dare you amuse me." Chongzhen stopped writing and suddenly smiled.

"Where, Your Majesty, what I'm saying is from your heart, if you can go 50 years earlier, you will definitely be able to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty like Emperor Xiaozong.

But in this situation, Ren Jun will definitely not be able to do it..."

The redundant Liu Hongjian also didn't explain that now Uncle Chongzhen is much better than before, otherwise it would be impossible to realize this at all.

"How about me, I know in my heart, it's just success or failure for future generations to judge, I'm old, Aiqing needs to teach the prince more, don't let him be like me, and almost lose the foundation of the ancestors."

Chongzhen took out his private seal from the side, dipped it in the cinnabar, pressed it on the newly written rice paper, then picked up the rice paper and handed it to Liu Hongjian.

"The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the honest minister."

Liu Hongjian took it and muttered it softly, and then he was overjoyed.

Get rich~!

(End of this chapter)

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