Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 254 Come out with two brushes?

Chapter 254 Come out with two brushes?
The array in the distance is getting closer and closer, and Azig is galloping on the horse, his eyes are getting colder and colder. Although he is irritable and cruel, he is not stupid at all.

The formation in front is very strange, there are neither shield soldiers nor spearmen, just a group of guys holding similar arquebus guns in their hands, although the arquebus guns seem to have an extra sharp blade on the head.

Does adding a blade to the matchlock gun make it more powerful?

Looking at the situation, there are quite a lot of people, but so what?

He never relied on large numbers of people to fight wars in the Qing Dynasty (the total of the Eight Banners is less than [-])!
That is relying on bravery and fearlessness of death!
More than ten years ago, Azig defeated 1 so-called Ming army cavalry by relying on more than [-] iron cavalry.

It's not that he, Azig, has never seen matchlock guns before. These Daming's broken gadgets are vulnerable to his cavalry!
It seems that the puppet emperor is really at the end of his rope, and it is embarrassing to use the gadgets of these defeated generals again.

Azig thought while following the charge, but the only thing that made him feel uneasy was that the formation in front was too quiet, and there was no panic at all when the Ming army faced their charge a few years ago.

The sudden shouts of killing from the bandit army in front made him feel even more irritable, but [-] cavalry charged in unison, and at such a short distance, it was impossible for the Eight Banners soldiers to stop like an arrow leaving the string.

Mad, who cares, just survive one round of attacks from the matchlock soldiers of the Ming army. With their slow reloading speed, they only need one round of charging, only one round!
This king's Zhengbai Qi has never been defeated!

Azig seemed to have made up his mind, and his face instantly became ferocious.

"Come on! Kill this group of thieves!" Azig yelled and rushed towards the phalanx in the middle of the musketeers, and the guards behind him had to protect him from left to right.

Four hundred steps, three hundred steps...

"Ring array!" Liu Hongjian shouted on horseback in the middle of the seven musket formations.

The Qianhu officer who received the order waved two small red flags, and the two formations on each wing quickly stepped forward. In a short while, the seven square formations formed a semicircular formation.

At the rear of the seven musketeers, [-] Jingying cavalry lined up neatly behind them, and they did not receive Liu Hongjian's order to charge.

"It seems that the general has high hopes for the Shenji Battalion!" Lu Haibo, a general of the Beijing Camp's [-] Battalion, said to Wu Binghao, who had also been promoted to a general, with a sour tone.

"Lord Lu, be cautious in your words and deeds. I heard that our lord general has a bit of a grudge?" Even though Wu Binghao said so, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with Liu Hongjian's arrangement in his heart.

In field battles on the plains, cavalry is the king!

How come the general here, the cavalry has become a second-rate unit?

Not as good as those despised matchlock soldiers before?

"Old Wu, this is your ignorance. My lord never holds grudges, and usually revenges on the spot!"


two hundred steps...

"Raise the gun—" The thousands of household officials of the musketeer team blew their iron whistles.

The first two rows of soldiers from each team took a step forward, the first row squatted down on one knee, and the second row stood and raised their guns.

"Steady! Put it within fifty paces, let me see your courage!" Liu Hongjian suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.

The paper shells of the new flintlock guns use a new formula of black powder. In terms of range, it is a full fifty steps farther than the previous matchlock guns.

But after all, it is an iron projectile, and most of the soldiers of the Eight Banners wear leather armor. If they want to exert their power to the maximum, they must be shot close.

And this will test the discipline and courage of the Musketeers.

one hundred steps...

The musketeers in the front row all looked solemn, and they could already see the ferocious faces of the Tartar soldiers in front of them, and the scimitar shining with cold light...

"Steady!" Liu Hongjian still did not issue an order.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, the musketeers can almost feel the airflow coming from the front, it's the wind formed by tens of thousands of steel torrents sprinting at high speed, or murderous aura!
When the front team of the Eight Banners had entered the center of the circular array, Liu Hongjian finally stopped hesitating.

"Get ready!" Liu Hongjian shouted with cold eyes.


bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
With one order, the seven musketeers spit out the anger of the new flintlock guns from the Ming Empire at the same time.

The first two rows of musketeers quickly got up and retreated to load their ammunition, and the last two rows of soldiers immediately followed them.

"Raise the gun!"


bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

A burst of loud noise spread throughout the sky, and bursts of green smoke came out of the musketeer camp, which was blown away before it drifted far.

Azig rushed to the front with the bodyguard battalion, and the two rounds of volleying just now had already knocked down more than a dozen bodyguards surrounding him.

In the three rounds of attacks just now, at least 1000 of his Eight Banners soldiers fell down, and Azig died of heartache.

The [-] cavalrymen of Zhengbaiqi are not only the capital of Azig, but also the reliance of his brother Regent Dorgon. You must know that their entire clan only has [-] cavalrymen.

Azig's heart was bleeding. Those musketeers were standing up and beating his warriors, while those squatting were beating horses.

If it hits a soldier, as long as it's not a vital part, his Eight Banners warriors can still hold on, but the horse can't!
When the horse suffers pain, it doesn't matter what your command is. The horse stumbles and causes a series of impacts.

But he absolutely can't retreat now, he must lead the Eight Banners soldiers to rush into this group of dog thieves with the fastest speed.

Only then can their muskets be useless, only then can their scimitars be unscrupulous.

For this reason, these sacrifices are worthwhile, at least Azig thinks so.

Already fired three rounds, it's time to reload!
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Like a nightmare, the musketeers didn't stop at all, they raised their guns, shot, retreated, reloaded, followed by the back row...

It was only less than fifty steps away, but it seemed like a natural moat that the Eight Banners soldiers could not cross.

After the six rows of soldiers in each phalanx fired their guns in turn, the gunfire in the musket camp finally stopped briefly.

"Kill! Kill me for this king! Go for me!" Of course Azig saw the panic of the Musketeers, and he almost howled crazily.

Six rounds of musket attacks, his Eight Banners soldiers lost at least [-] cavalry, these damn Hannu!
"It seems that the speed of reloading is still not enough!" Liu Hongjian watched the Musketeers reloading in a hurry, and shook his head slightly.

The Eight Banners Soldiers really have two brushes, and they can still fight to the death without retreating with such intensive shooting.

However, you dare to come out with two brushes?

I have three of them!
"Chang Yu, order the AKM to shoot nearby!" Liu Hongjian suddenly shouted at the bull in front of him.

"Decree!" Chang Yu rushed forward with the AKM in his hand.

Da da da da—Chang Yu shot at the cavalry in front of him.

The ninety AKM shooters scattered throughout the musketeer defense line heard the instructions and all came to the front of the formation. The ninety AKMs turned the Eight Banners cavalry who had almost rushed to their eyes and turned their backs.

At such a short distance, AKM's strafing shots are almost flawless, and most of them can penetrate the simple armor of the Eight Banners soldiers, causing secondary damage to the soldiers behind them.

The sound of the AKM's gunshots was louder and denser than the flintlock guns behind it. The big killer from more than 300 years ago once again showed its frightening lethality.

The shooting lasted only three breaths, and all the Eight Banners soldiers who broke into the musket square had disappeared.

After a shuttle of ammunition had been fired, before the magazine could be changed, the officials of thousands of households in the musket formation behind them had already signaled that the Shenji Battalion had finished reloading.

"Raise the gun!"



After a quarter of an hour, the Eight Banners soldiers collapsed!

PS: Recently, I am considering new update rules, and plan to divide into monthly ticket add, recommended ticket add and reward add update, mainly in order to take into account the support of all book friends, as well as the tolerance of cold and cold, what suggestions do book friends have?
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(End of this chapter)

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