Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 257 Don't Be a Traitor in Your Next Life

Chapter 257 Don't Be a Traitor in Your Next Life

Of course, Liu Hongjian also saw the shield array in front of him. Behind the shield array were rows of spearmen holding their guns high.

This kind of shield and spear formation is specially designed to deal with cavalry charges. In fact, in the past, as long as the shield soldiers were ruthless and strong enough, they could basically stop the cavalry charge, or at least affect the speed of the cavalry charge.

The price of doing this is that the cavalry and spearmen in the front row bear the brunt, and it is almost difficult to survive. This depends on the military discipline of the army and the courage of the soldiers.

However, Liu Hongjian did not intend to let his soldiers smash the shield with their lives.

A passage was left in the center of Jianlu's shield array, and the Eight Banners soldiers who had been hunted all the way poured into the passage desperately.

"Chang Yu! Take the AKM Baihu to destroy this shield array for me!" Liu Hongjian yelled at Chang Yu who was in front of him while changing the magazine.

Chang Yu was going crazy. There were at least a hundred Eight Banners soldiers who died under his gun along the way. This was done in order to save magazines.

"Brother Chang, I used to go to battle a lot, so I'll go with you too~!" Guan Ning cavalry official Kuo Duan followed panting heavily.

His beard was covered with blood and flesh foam, and there were dozens of Eight Banners soldiers who died under his iron hammer along the way. Although his arms were already a little sore, the two bull's eyes staring at him were extraordinarily energetic.

"Old Kuo, stay here, shooter, come with me!" Chang Yu ignored Kuo Duan, who only knew how to use brute force to break through the enemy, and scattered about a hundred households in front of the shield formation with an AKM in his hand. step distance.

Chang Yu is also considered a battle-tested man, knowing that this distance just reaches the limit of the bow and crossbow. The so-called end of the crossbow can't wear Lu Jin, but for AKM...

"All are there, shield soldiers in front, free fire!" Chang Yu yelled as he knocked a new magazine into the gun with a click.

AKM Baihu is no longer a novice a year ago. In order to clear the obstacles for the friendly forces in the rear faster, under the command of Chang Yu, they all adjusted the AKM to the burst mode.

Da da da da—— da da da—, although the distance of a hundred steps is not close, it is a piece of cake for AKM.

It doesn't matter if you can't shoot correctly, and I don't expect you to shoot your head with a gun, but the opponent's camp is so densely packed with soldiers and such conspicuous shields, you can't shoot all the bullets into the sky!
Iron-clad wood shields are no match for AKM bullets. As long as the shield is hit, a puff of blue smoke will immediately rise, which is the huge heat energy generated by the high-speed rotation and friction of the bullets in the wooden shield.

The bullet penetrated the shield and hit the traitor army. The first thing the soldiers felt was a burning sensation, followed by severe pain. Wherever the AKM bullet passed, they were either dead or maimed.

The shield soldier holding the shield in the front row just fell down, and someone behind him immediately took over.

Geng Zhongming hid behind his personal guards and was frightened. Now he finally knows who the enemy is.

It was Liu Hongjian, the demon king who killed Lao Kong!
Kong Youde's death has always made Geng Zhongming feel sorry for him. Among the three Han kings in the Qing Dynasty, Kong Youde was the most ruthless, and Shang Kexi was the most treacherous.

The death of Lao Kong made Geng Zhongming remember Liu Hongjian's name forever. It is said that this devil has a devil-like firearm in his hand, which can break through all defenses.

Geng Zhongming didn't believe it at first, how can there be such a firearm in this world?

But now, Geng Zhongming wants to say: grass mud horse, where is this one?Damn liar!
"Archer, release the arrow! Release the arrow! Shoot for me!" Geng Zhongming felt that something was wrong when the shield soldiers kept falling down.


After receiving the order, the panicked crossbowmen scattered a wave of arrow feathers forward, but most of them landed softly a few steps in front of the AKM array.

Da da da -- da da da da -- da da da da, huge sound, huge impact and destructive power, the shield soldier only persisted in two rounds of attacks and was on the verge of collapse.

"No retreat! Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!" Geng Zhongming led the supervising team to kill several soldiers who retreated first.

Da da da da -- da da da -- another round of shooting, the shield was already full of bullet holes, and it was almost burning with green smoke. Collectively run back.

"Don't go back!"

"Fuck you! Why don't you die!" The retreating soldiers drew their knives and rushed towards the supervising team.

"Come on! Kill all the traitors!" Liu Hongjian shouted loudly.

If you encounter a Jianlu and a traitor army at the same time, remember who you cut your saber at first!Many Ming soldiers remembered what Liu Hongjian had said to them.

"Kill all the traitors!" The cavalry of the Ming army finally had a place to use after receiving the order.

Whether it was for money, glory, or to avenge the former garrison, more than [-] Ming soldiers raised [-] swords and spears and pounced on the sheep like hungry wolves.

No matter how fast the infantry ran, they were no match for the cavalry. Geng Zhongming's [-] Han Eight Banners soldiers suddenly became the ghosts under the knife for the entire Ming army to vent their anger.

For this group of traitors abandoned by the Qing Dynasty, such a charge is tantamount to a massacre.

"Don't be a traitor in your next life!" Wu Binghao slashed quickly one by one, shouting every time he killed a traitor.

The highest efficiency is ninety AKM shooters. There is no single soldier under the AKM guns.

They knew that eight days ago, in Qiantun City, their old leader, the elder brothers Yan and Chen, died at the hands of these damned traitors.

They were full of tears, and every time they killed a person, they felt less guilty like a boulder in their hearts.

"Zu Qiuqing, Kuo Duan! Take the brothers from the Guanning Army and capture the leader of the traitor army alive!" The barrel of the AKM in Liu Hongjian's hand was red. Unlike other AKM shooters, he didn't use the magazine. Limited.

"It's my lord, Guan Ningjun's brothers follow me!" Zu Qiuqing put on a new magazine without hesitation, and rushed towards Geng Zhongming, who was surrounded by a group of personal guards.

"Father, that bitch Jierharang left us and ran away first, we were surrounded!" Geng Zhongming's only son, Geng Jimao, ran from behind with a cry.

"Heaven will kill my Geng's army!" Surrounded by people, abandoned by the Qing Dynasty, after decades of fighting to no avail, Geng Zhongming yelled with rage.

Turning his head to look at his young son, Geng Zhongming's courage returned immediately. The old Geng's family cannot be left behind. He seemed to have made a major decision.

"Jimao, you lead your subordinates to break out from the side, and Dad uses the guards to cover you!" Geng Zhongming licked his lower lip, and drew out his saber.

"Father! Let's go together!" Geng Jimao said in his mouth, but he had already taken his soldiers and ran away.

"Get lost..." Geng Zhongming turned his head to see his son just to be polite to him in the middle of his sentence, and everyone ran away without a trace. He gave a wry smile and stopped talking.

Half an hour later, the sun sets.

The [-] traitor army was almost wiped out by the crazy Ming army. Geng Jimao was beaten into a sieve by AKM, and he went to meet his ancestors one step ahead of his father.

The blood-stained western sky, the blood-stained earth.

Two men from the Guanning Army escorted the leader of the traitor army to Liu Hongjian's horse.

"Geng Zhongming, Kong Youde said that he misses you down there!"

 Thanks for the 100 coins rewarded by book friend Tu Shan Xiaopang.

(End of this chapter)

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