Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 264: The Fragrance of Human Flesh Floats

Chapter 264 The Fragrance of Human Flesh Floats Ten Miles (Third Update, Recommended Ticket Plus Update)
"Master Hou, after crossing Niuxin Mountain and heading east for forty miles, you will reach the boundary of Shanhaiguan." Chang Yu took the map from his subordinates and checked it.

The Jingying army rested at Xifengkou for a day and two nights, and both horses and soldiers were back to their best condition. Finally, on the fourth day of March, that is, this morning, they set off from Xifengkou, and sent troops to Shanhaiguan.

It is about 200 miles from Xifengkou to Shanhaiguan. Even if the Beijing camp is fully equipped with war horses, it will take at least a day and a half to walk from inside the pass, but it only takes one day to walk from outside the pass to the whole road.

In order to get to Shanhaiguan before dark, Liu Hongjian took the risk and chose to go outside the pass. Fortunately, the Beijing camp was composed of all cavalry, and they were all light cavalry, so they could run away at any time if they were defeated.

When he was in the Xishan camp in the capital, Liu Hongjian had specially trained these soldiers on the issue of running away. There was a world of difference between running away in an orderly manner and being routed in a hurry.

With one order, they run collectively, and with another order, they can switch to the attack state as quickly as possible. This is the state Liu Hongjian wants.

But today's troop training is no problem, what is lacking is practice.

Now, although Azig, the middle route army of Jianlu, has been repelled and hurt, there are still more than [-] Azig troops who have retreated to Shanhaiguan. Jianlu.

Huang Degong of Shanhaiguan must be under tremendous pressure.

Shanhaiguan and Xuanfu have stretched the front for thousands of miles one by one, and the initiative of the war is still in the hands of Jianlu. They can attack wherever they want.

The Ming army did not have mobile forces, and even if they did, they would not dare to fight with their Eight Banners soldiers. This concept has always been deeply rooted in the Jianlu army, after all, it has been like this for decades.

Only Liu Hongjian had less than [-] cavalry in the entire northern defense line. In this war, the Ming army was too passive.

Repairing at Xifengkou was also a last resort. After this battle, there were less than [-] defenders left at Xifengkou, and almost half of them were injured.

Several gaps in the city wall collapsed and had to be repaired urgently, otherwise Liu Hongjian had just left, and the Eight Banners soldiers who came and went like the wind scored twice and the gain would not be worth the loss.

It took a lot of time to clean up the battlefield. Although there were packs of wolves in the wilderness outside the pass, there were too many corpses.

The weather was suddenly cold and warm. In order to prevent the plague that had just passed from resurging, Liu Hongjian had to order the soldiers to clean up the corpses and burn them in a centralized manner.

Jianlu's corpses were piled up several mountains. In order to save materials and speed up the burning efficiency, all Jianlu were stripped naked.

The firewood was laid with coal from Shanxi as the bottom, and then the white-striped chicken-like Jianlu corpses were laid out on top of it. The raging fire burned for a whole day, and the oily smoke and meat aroma produced by burning the flesh were mixed.

The strong smell of burning human flesh wafted several miles away.

Even the frontier soldiers who had always been brave and bold were disgusted by the smell. Many new soldiers from the Beijing camp were so smoked that they vomited their morning meals.

Of course, Liu Hongjian didn't like the Jianlu-style military uniforms that were taken off, and the frontier soldiers also sneered at these things, but there were always people who liked them.

For example, in Chahar, which is poor and poor in the west, the military uniforms of Jianlu are similar to those of Mongolians.

More than 2 sets of military uniforms and more than 2 sharp scimitars were sent to Wei Penghong, the chief soldier of the Xuanfu. Presumably, with Wei's black-bellied temperament, he would definitely be able to exchange a lot of scarce war horses with Chahar.

Four Dutch salesmen were also forced to stay at Xifengkou by Liu Hongjian. They would be supervised to teach the frontier army how to use this kind of cannon, and they installed two cannons at dangerous places on the city wall.

When the Dutchman learned that Liu Hongjian was going to leave, he even cried bitterly and begged to take them away, but the cannon was too heavy to follow him on the march, and these four foreigners were useless except for selling cannons.

Liu Hongjian had no choice but to dump them at Xifeng's mouth, and promised to take them back to China after the war, but in private, he ordered Li Jie to strictly guard the four of them, and arranged for someone to learn from them and ask them everything they knew until they were sent home. squeeze dry.

joke!My promise is limited to soldiers and common people. As for these hairy foreigners, it depends on how much benefit you can bring to me and Daming.
If it's of no value, go fuck him, I'm not that fraternal.

Liu Hongjian had a hunch that in the future there would be a big battle between Daming and the coachman behind the East India Company.

"Order the whole army to rest on the spot for half an hour. People and their horses must not be separated. Pay attention to vigilance!" Liu Hongjian said to the messengers behind him.

Even though sentry cavalry had been dispatched to patrol the surrounding area for dozens of miles, Liu Hongjian still did not dare to take his guard lightly. He was walking on thin ice for generals, and he bore the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The sun has just arrived, and there is still plenty of time, and the horses are about to foam after running for more than half a day.

The soldiers got the order and got off the horses. Many of them sat on the ground with their legs numb and unable to stand due to the long-term attack.

The soldiers fed the horses with beans from their horses, while they themselves took out the bacon specially made for them by the Xifeng Kouhuotou Army.

In the past, the dry rations for marching were nothing more than pancakes with mixed noodles, but now it was an extreme luxury to eat meat, and all the soldiers ate it with relish.

The horses chewed the beans even loudly. Don't expect the horses to eat grass. A horse that eats grass cannot go to the battlefield. In fact, the food consumption of a horse is more than that of several soldiers.

Raising war horses is extremely costly. The average service life of war horses is only three or four years. Over time, war horses will decline in both speed and endurance due to excessive overloading, war injuries and other reasons.

This made it even worse for Daming, which was already short of horses. Some of the horses in the original cavalry battalion of Daming were even grandfather-level.

"Master Hou, why don't you eat something to pad your belly!" Chang Yu took out a piece of smoked horse leg meat from the horse's back and handed it to Liu Hongjian.

Alas, it seems that the firefighters have to continue working, Liu Hongjian sighed, and took the piece of meat from Chang Yu's hand.

Fortunately, after the baptism of the previous two days, the Beijing camp army under him became more and more motivated.

It's no wonder that in just one day of fighting, these boys killed nearly [-] enemies, and they haven't suffered any major battle damage.

The most important thing is that the battle is over, and many soldiers asked someone to do the calculations, and each of them was able to get a small reward of 80 taels, plus the military salary, which couldn't be too comfortable.

As long as the war is fought well, the life of the parents, mother-in-law and children will be easier in the future. All the soldiers have made up their minds.

Whether it was the cavalry from the [-] Battalion, the Musketeers from the Shenji Battalion, or the young man from Qianhusuo who was carrying an AK, they were all impatient to fight.

There is no doubt that in their eyes, Tartars are not Tartars, but silver!
"Report—Report to Lord Marquis, the enemy grain transport team was found [-] miles to the east!" A sentry galloped from a distance, got off his horse and saluted a few steps away from Liu Hongjian.

 Thanks to book friend Wu Mu Yishu and gfjx009qqa for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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