Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 269 Extremely Arrogant

Chapter 269 Extremely Arrogant
Not long after, the AKM hundred households who had already eaten and drank enough trotted up the city wall with their AKs on their shoulders.

Boom—boom—boom, the three giant cannons spewed out their anger one after another.

This time Liu Hongjian didn't dare to put on a show, and he straightened up behind the battlements after the sound of the cannon.

"My lord, the brothers in Qianhusuo are all ready, what instructions do you have?" Chang Yu knew what Liu Hongjian was doing, but he couldn't do it for him.

"What are you doing in a daze? Can't you look up when you're being bombarded this time?

The target, the artillerymen of the three cannons directly in front, burst fire, and hit it! "The bright and clean armor was left in disgrace, and Liu Hongjian's good mood early in the morning was ruined.

Nearly 30 soldiers carrying AKMs were divided into three waves under Chang Yu's command, and every [-] soldiers were in charge of one cannon.

No way, the effective range of Jianlu's giant cannon has reached five hundred steps. At this distance, even AKM has to rely on luck.

It would be nice if there was a quadruple mirror, but if there is no quadruple mirror, a double mirror would be fine. Whenever this happens, Liu Hongjian always thinks maliciously.

Da-da-da, taking advantage of Jianlu's reloading time, the AKM shooters who were ready lay down on the battlements and began to shoot.

The sound of dozens of AKM rifles resounded across Shanhaiguan in an instant.

The AKM's bullets passed through the distance of [-] paces between the city wall and the artillery. Most of them hit the ground around the artillery and raised a cloud of dust.

Of course, there was a tartar dude who was unlucky and was pierced through his chest by a few flying stray bullets. He was hit by the huge impact of the AKM and flew back a few steps, then sat down on the ground and never got up again. .

Only the blood spat out from his chest stained the ground red. The Dutchman next to him saw his eyes straightened. He had seen the world before. This must be a new weapon developed by the Ming army!

This power!God, that's a good five hundred yards!

I have to go back to the company quickly and report this important information to the governor!

No, my God, how do I go back?

Is this the artifact of Master Hou's fame?Huang Degong stood behind Liu Hongjian and observed carefully.

He followed Liu Hongjian all the time, fearing that something might happen to this young man who didn't play cards according to common sense.

Such a long distance, this firecracker is still so lethal, if this firecracker can equip the entire army?
Huang Degong's eyes became extremely hot, which made Liu Hongjian a little nervous.

Several princes of the Qing Dynasty who were also in the big tent of the Jianlu Chinese Army also heard this sound.

Daishan thought that his old opponent in the city was playing with the antique three-eyed firecracker again, but the sound was not like the dull sound of firecrackers. Daishan was frowning and planning to send someone to check, but Azig in the account lost control up!
"I recognize this voice. This is An Guohou of Ming Dynasty. An Guohou has returned to Shanhaiguan! That guy is in the city!" Azige said incoherently as he recalled the day when he led the assault musketeers.

It was really a shock to him that day. Fifteen thousand Manchurian cavalry, all of them were brave warriors who were fighting against the white flag.

He watched helplessly as his warrior knife was covered by dense arquebus guns before he even drew it out. These strange gunfire soldiers in red trousers lined up row after row with almost no interruption.

It was just a charge, just a charge, in less than half a quarter of an hour, he lost at least half of the warriors.

When his warriors sprinted to the forefront of the red trousers camp at half the cost of casualties, Azig once thought that he was about to win a miserable victory.

However, the facts told him that he was too naive.

A group of soldiers in black armor rushed out from the ranks of the red trousers, holding weird weapons in their hands, which were more terrifying than those held by the red trousers.

It can actually shoot out projectiles continuously. This projectile is so powerful that it not only penetrates his warrior's body and knocks him off the horse, but also kills and injures the warriors behind him.

He saw with his own eyes that his bodyguard's entire neck was broken, his entire head disappeared, hot blood and brains splashed on his face, and he, who had always been fearless, finally knew what fear was.

On that day, in two quarters of an hour, [-] of his white-flag warriors and eagles on the prairie died in battle. He will always remember this number, just as he will always remember the sound of AKM gunfire .

"Second brother, you must immediately let Gulbush and the others retreat, our warriors are no match for the firearms of An Guohou!" Azig's eyes widened, and he suggested to the commander of the Qing Dynasty very seriously.

He even called Daishan's second brother, and talked to him so kindly, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Prince Ying, I'm afraid you were scared stupid! I have a 20 iron army in the Qing Dynasty, and I am afraid of a Marquis of Anguo?" Daishan, who used to be calm and cautious, is a bit like the previous Azig.

Azig always ridiculed him for being timid and fearful, both openly and secretly. What about now?A defeat will make you lose your courage, which is really an embarrassment to the Qing Dynasty!

"You...I want to write a memorial to tell you to go!" Azige reminded out of kindness, but was reprimanded by Daishan, and he walked away with a livid face.

"His Royal Highness Prince Li..." Jierhalang stood up.

Although he didn't see how Azig was defeated head-on, but based on his understanding of Azig, although this guy was rude and violent, he wouldn't be talking nonsense about such things.

"Needless to say, the city must be attacked today! You just obey the order! Otherwise, the military law will serve you!" Daishan's face was gloomy.

Before the expedition, the regent only prepared a month's supply of food and grass, don't you all know it?

Now another batch of food and grass has been destroyed. When these hundreds of thousands of troops have nothing to eat, can you bear the anger of hundreds of thousands of people?
Let's attack the city!The attention of these Mongolian reckless men must be diverted.

In addition to Azigezierharang's central army, he currently has nearly [-] soldiers under his command. He is confident that under the absolute superiority of troops, all skills are useless!
"King Zhishun is still gratifying!" Dai Shan decided to add another fire.

"The minister is here!" Shang Kexi twitched the corners of his mouth, and left the class with his hands clasped.

"This king ordered you to lead the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty and [-] people to attack the city gate of Shanhaiguan! There must be no mistake!" Daishan looked at the whole tent at this moment. Although his brother Dorgon was powerful, he was appointed as the commander and Abatai was sent to check and balance.

Hmph, besides playing with women and giving birth, what else can Abatai do?
"Deling!" Shang Kexi bowed his waist and glanced at Daishan, his eyes were undeniable.

Alas, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, life and death are fate, let him go!

The three giant cannons of Jianlu under the city had been extinguished long ago. Even though the distance was a little far, they couldn't hold the guns and had too many bullets. After three or five artillerymen were hit, the rest of the artillerymen could no longer hold on. Running wildly under the leadership.

"What the hell, come on? Come and bombard me?"

On the city wall, Liu Hongjian stood on the battlements extremely arrogantly, his golden armor gleaming in the sunlight.

PS: Do you like the new update rules? Since the release of the new rules, there have been no rewards/sad
 Thanks to the book friend Drunken for the light to watch the axe, and Shenzhen Fatty for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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