Chapter 274

Huang Degong was suddenly confused by Liu Hongjian's question, what?Boat?We are at war!What do you want a boat for?Running away?

"Boat, Lao Huang! The kind that can transport people!" Liu Hongjian gestured for a big boat.

Shanhaiguan was originally located on the coast of the Bohai Sea. Liu Hongjian thought that since it was by the sea, there must be boats.

"Master Hou, there is no boat! The grain and grass in Shanhaiguan are all transported by land, and we have banned the sea in Ming Dynasty, so there are no fishermen... No! Wait and think about it!" Huang Degong seemed to think of something.

"Lord Hou, we don't have them in Shanhaiguan, but in Funingwei in the west. Some time ago, a group of Semu people came from nowhere and ran to the mouth of the Yanghe River in Funing.

They said they would sell us grain, and they said it was cheaper than Zheng Yiguan's! "

"And then?" Liu Hongjian looked displeased, and this old Huang started to chatter at some point, talking half a sentence.

But Zheng Yiguan Liu Hongjian still knows, isn't it the nickname of Nan'an Bo Zheng Zhilong?

As for why this group of Semu people went to Funing to sell food, I think it was Old Zheng, who was too dark-hearted?
"My lord, it's directly impounded under the door! There are a hundred thousand shi of high-quality rice!" Speaking of this, Lao Huang's face was full of color, and a group of blue-eyed monsters came running over because they were short of food.

Huang Degong didn't have any money to give them, so he recruited three or five small fishing boats, and directly took them away on the grounds that the boats were looking for goods.

"You're awesome! What about the boats? How many boats are there, and how many people can they hold?" Liu Hongjian didn't care about this, the old Zheng's family would take care of the food, and he only cared about the boats now.

"The boat is still in Funing, and there are [-] or [-] Semu people. The boat is different from our Daming treasure ship. It is especially capable of loading things. The translators of those birdmen said it is called a Galen boat. If it can hold people A ship can hold thousands of people.

The sect has been busy with the war during this period, and is planning to ask Lord Hou how to deal with these birdmen! "

Huang Degong didn't know what Liu Hongjian was going to do, but Lord Hou must have his reasons for doing things.

"Climbing deep black, beautiful!" It took no effort at all, Liu Hongjian looked at Huang Degong and felt that this bearded uncle was too cute.

"Old Huang, you are so handsome! Hurry up and send people to bring these three ships to Shanhaiguan, it will be of great use!" Liu Hongjian said this, and his face suddenly became stern.

He didn't intend to play a protracted war with the Tartars, although he knew that even if it was a protracted war, the Tartars would have little chance of winning.

In terms of property, background and depth, if Daming is the Supreme Lord, the Tartars are just the ashes in the Supreme Lord's alchemy furnace.

However, fighting a protracted war means that more soldiers and innocent Ming people will die.

Fighting a protracted war means that he has to stay in Shanhaiguan for a long time to eat the soil, which means that he will not be able to hold his lovely wife for a long time, which means that he can only face the roar of the Tartars when he opens his eyes!
How can that work!There are still so many things waiting to be done this time, it is impossible to fight a protracted war.

I'm going to fight a blitzkrieg!

"I know a little about this Galen ship. Westerners mostly use this kind of ship for maritime transactions. It seems to be very suitable for ocean voyages." Liu Hongjian suddenly grabbed Huang Degong's shoulder and came to a place where there was no one.

"Old Huang, what do you think I would like to use these three ships to transport some troops across Liaodong Bay and directly hit the rear of the Tartars?" Liu Hongjian asked Huang Degong for his opinion in a low voice and carefully.

This is a major event, even among the frontier army, Liu Hongjian had to be careful, who knows if there will be Xiao Xiao who sneaked in.

"Master Hou can't do it, it's too risky!" As soon as he heard about Huang Degong, he became furious. This Lord Hou is good at everything, but he likes to be imaginative, and he never plays cards according to common sense.

These three ships can hold no more than 3000 people at most. Even if the journey goes well, what can they do if they really reach the rear of the bandit army?
Although the elite troops of the Tartars have been mobilized along the Shanhai Pass, at least the important cities are still heavily guarded.

And the Tartars have a lot of cavalry, so what do you do if you are encircled and suppressed with so little infantry?
What about supplies?
"Old Huang, don't worry, just listen to me." Liu Hongjian looked at Huang Degong at this time like a rooster with its feathers fried.

He knew in his heart that if he insisted on going, Lao Huang would not be able to stop him at all. After all, he was the supreme commander of the northern border.

In order to win this war, except for their Shengjing, almost all the elites of the Tazi soldiers were mobilized along the Shanhai Pass.

They figured out Daming's weakness, and they didn't even dare to go out, even if the rear was empty, so what?
Lao Huang must have known this too, but he was still worried about his safety, and Liu Hongjian was very helpful to him.

In these years, it is a luxury for someone to care.

"This Marquis is only going to harass, so that Jianlu can't fight with peace of mind, and even force them to return to defense, as for the others?

Lao Huang, look at this honor, does he look like someone who is about to die?I haven't lived enough yet!

At that time, I will be tossing along the coast, if there are few people, I will do it, and if there are too many people, I will get on the boat and run away!

There are so many firearms this time, have you seen them, the ones like chug chug are very powerful! "

Liu Hongjian had no choice but to persuade this stubborn uncle that Liu Hongjian still couldn't do the thing of using power to oppress people like this.

"But... well, it's actually pretty good now, we've sealed off the entire northern border, and the Tartars have no food, so they won't last long!" Huang Degong still didn't want to let go.

"Bullshit, now that the vast grasslands of Mongolia are attached to Jianlu, how many cattle and sheep do they have, as long as Dorgon dares to fight hard, can't they get supplies?
Also, they can buy artillery from the Dutch, why can't they buy food?

I don't know anything else, just the Dutch, they are willing to sell anything as long as they give you money! "Liu Hongjian swears that the coachmen are indeed insane on this point.

"This Marquis intends to select some brave people from the Shenji Camp and the Qianhu Office to form a death squad. The number does not need to be large, just two or three thousand is enough!

Hundreds of AKM households with this title, plus muskets, knives, hot and cold weapons must be prepared! "In terms of eloquence, Huang Degong was naturally inferior to Liu Hongjian. Seeing that Huang Degong was silent, Liu Hongjian spoke up on his own.

"I just don't know if there are enough skilled sailors and captains here. I really should bring Juan this time. That guy seems to be a captain!" Liu Hongjian looked melancholy.

Juan, this dude has been raising him like a pig for more than half a year!Alas, how many idlers have I raised.

"Since Lord Hou has made up his mind, the subordinates will never hold back Master Hou, so the issue of the helmsman will be left to the subordinates!
All our officers and men in Shanhaiguan, you can pick whoever you want, Lord Hou, there are no cowards in the frontier army! "

After staying in the south for several years, he was used to seeing the corruption and weakness of the southern guards. It was only at the northern border that Huang Degong really had confidence in Daming.

It was these soldiers, these unyielding frontier soldiers who gave him confidence!
(End of this chapter)

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