Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 290 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 290 Lost the wife and lost the army

When Dorgon heard that Haizhou City had fallen, the first thing he thought of was not the clansmen in the city, but his little lover who was forcibly taken to the army by him and temporarily living in the government office of Haizhou.

"Come on! Kill the Ming army in front! Kill!" Dorgon yelled angrily, and drew out his saber.

But the battle of chasing and counter-chasing has been going on for more than half a day. The leaders of the Tartars on the left and right are exhausted, and the large army of Tartars in the rear is even more complaining, and they have no stance to charge.

"His Royal Highness, the soldiers are all exhausted. Moreover, there is a loss in Haizhou. The most important thing is that we should return to the defense immediately. Haizhou is an important route between Liaodong and Shengjing, so there must be no loss!"

Bao Chengxian hurried out to persuade Dorgon, his buttocks were so painful that they were about to turn into four petals.

"Bastard, do you dare to disobey this king?" Dorgon's eyes widened angrily, and he pointed his saber at Bao Chengxian.

Cold sweat broke out on Bao Chengxian's face, and he didn't doubt that Dorgon dared to slash him.

Fortunately, Dorgon just yelled twice to vent his anger. As the supervisor and regent of the Qing Dynasty, he naturally couldn't act emotionally.

"The whole army is back to defend Haizhou City!" After a moment of stalemate, Dorgon let go of the depression in his heart and said a little tiredly.

There are still many things to worry about. If Haizhou City has really been taken down by the bandits, he will have to spend a lot of effort to get it back.

What if the thieves in the city blackmail me with my beauty?
If the elder nephew Hauge knew the truth, he was afraid that there would be another major incident. Although he was not afraid of this kid, it was still his fault. If he said it, he would definitely make Daishan a joke.

It's all this An Guohou!
Dorgon gritted his teeth while walking, muttering constantly, as if he had lost his mind.

The few soldiers around him didn't dare to say anything, and they had never seen the regent act like this.

"Hey! Dog tartar, grandpa is here, come and beat your grandpa!" Seeing that the tartar army was about to run away again, Liu Hongjian, who didn't know that the big event in Haizhou was over, shouted loudly, holding an AKM.

That aura is really called the only one in the world!A group of Liu Hongjian's buddies behind him were all dumbfounded.

I didn't expect Master Hou to say such dirty words so slippery!
"What are you looking at? Call me! Can't you curse at the street?" Liu Hongjian said indifferently when he turned his head and saw a group of dogs staring at him.

The people who were reprimanded hurriedly looked away as if they were obedient.

"Dog tartar! I call you grandson, do you dare to agree?"

"Dog tartar, you group of incompetent bird people, come here and eat my old cow with a stick..."


Stimulated by Liu Hongjian, the loud voices of the Qianhu Institute were also fully fired.

In order to be close to Daming's thigh in the early years, wild boar skin not only speaks fluent Chinese, but most of his more than ten sons are also proficient in Daming.

Having been in the top position for so many years, how could Dorgon have been insulted like this, his teeth were about to be gritted in anger.

"Your Highness, be patient! If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess!" Malzaha, the guard of Haizhou, saw that the regent's face was black and red, and hurried up to persuade him.

If you talk about endurance, Malzaha is very proud of himself, after all, this gang of Ming soldiers panicked under his nose for several days, and ran to the city to abuse him when they were fine.

"Get out!" Dorgon finally broke out, if this guy persuaded him to kill him, it would calm him down instead.

But I'm already holding back, you fucking let me hold back, isn't that even more irritating?
"My lord, it doesn't seem to have any effect! These grandchildren can really bear it." Seeing that the Tartar army in front of them was only hurrying on their way, turning a deaf ear to their taunts, Chang Yu turned to Liu Hongjian and said.

"Yes, master, if anyone scolded me like that, I would have slapped him long ago, this tartar is really spineless!" Niu Dazhuai said brazenly.

"Only you can! Why don't you make a commander Dangdang?" Liu Hongjian rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I can fight with the master, so it's not easy to be a commander." Niu Dazhuan scratched his head and said.

It seems that Qiu Qing and the others succeeded, otherwise the morale of this group of Tartars would not be so low.

"Pass on our military order, withdraw!" Liu Hongjian made a prompt decision.

Although the horses under his command were much stronger than Jianlu's, even Chituma couldn't stand it after running for half a day.

The goal had been achieved, and Liu Hongjian took the Qianhu Office to the agreed Tashan Fort.

When the soldiers from Qianhusuo arrived at Tashan Fort, it was already very lively, because the Allied forces made a lot of money this time!
In the past few days, refugees from the Tartars have been pouring into Haizhou City, causing the city to be overcrowded, and the Allied forces are red-eyed when they enter.

Fighting from the east city to the west city, and from the south city to the north city, almost every allied army had several Tartar scalp rat braids hanging from their waists.

A tartar is silver, a tartar is a military position, and a military position is power...

How could these former civilian husbands have been so stimulated, and their blood surged up for a while, and they slaughtered Haizhou City in less than two hours.

According to statistics, on this day alone, there were more than 2 Tatars who went to see their Changshengtian, which means that at least [-] taels of silver were distributed.

But when Liu Hongjian saw the treasures piled up in Tashan Fort, Liu Hongjian doubled the allied army's rewards with a stroke of his pen.

It turned out that the Tartars were not poor, but rich households had absconded with money long before they robbed them!

"Master Hou, I have caught a Mongolian princess in the Yamen of Haizhou Prefecture!" Zu Qiuqing went to Liu Hongjian's side to report.

This sneak attack can be called perfect, and this Mongolian princess can be regarded as a surprise.

"Master Hou, it is said that this woman is the wife of Hauge, Prince of Jianlusu, and the leader of the army this time is Dorgon, the regent of Jianlu. They are uncles and nephews..."

Zu Qiuqing had a strange expression when he spoke.

At that time, the two allied brothers were attracted to each other and wanted to grow up with this woman. The woman turned pale with fright, and shouted to save her life. Fortunately, he was nearby, otherwise it would have been cheaper for those two idiots.

This Mongolian princess is really beautiful, like a flower waiting to bloom, her figure and face almost fascinated even Zu Qiuqing, who has never been seen before.

"Uncle robbed his nephew and daughter-in-law? It's interesting! This Tartar is really eclectic!" Liu Hongjian roughly understood the implication, and finally knew who the Tartar general he had been molesting all day was.

"Master Hou, what is this? It is said that those Tartars died a few years ago, and their sons were all his wives and concubines who directly succeeded me." Chang Yu said jokingly.

"Where is the Mongolian princess? Take me to see it." Liu Hongjian suddenly became interested.

I have been tossing around in the land of the Tartars for several days, and I have seen many women, but I have never seen one that can be called beautiful.

And most of these tartars don't have the habit of taking a bath, men and women, all of them smell sour...

The door was pushed open with a creak, and a woman tied with ropes on the bed turned her back to the door, subconsciously turning her head when she heard the sound.

Liu Hongjian strode in, meeting the eyes of the Mongolian woman.

Well, it's really good!

 Thank you for the 500 coins rewarded by the book friend Lone Wolf, and the 100 coins rewarded by the book friends Liberation Army Eagle, Shenzhen Fatty, and Xue Zhongsong.

(End of this chapter)

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