Chapter 293
Wenlong Island has been in the hands of North Korea for eight years, obviously nothing has changed, oh no, all the facilities have become dirty and old.

Liu Hongjian didn't know what the people in North Korea were doing for food at this time, thinking that the three fat people in later generations would not be so miserable. Although the military equipment was not good, at least they were not cowardly at all.

But today's North Korea is really too face-to-face. The Tang Dynasty was attached to the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was attached to the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty was attached to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty was attached to the Qing Dynasty.

As long as there is turmoil in the country, the first thing the North Korean leader does is to rush three thousand miles to ask for support from the big brother behind him.

It may be that China has always demanded benevolence and righteousness, but this benevolence and righteousness is too cheap!

How can anyone cherish cheap things? Let’s look at later generations, what has been exchanged for the favor of more than 1000 years?
Do you want to grab the holiday with us?To rob Qu Yuan?Steal Confucius?Even grab Cao Cao?Even Zhu Baba became a stickler.

Over the past 1000 years, Chinese characters have been used (Chinese characters were abolished only in the middle of the twentieth century). From industry, agriculture, commerce, and soldiers, you have learned from us. When you are bullied, it is the Chinese tyrants who come to help you. Now come and follow the tyrants. Bullying things.

Do you really want to show your face?
Isn't it just a Yalu River?Isn't it just a [-]th line?
Liu Hongjian scoffed at why a place as big as a palm was clamoring for a stick, and vowed to nip the stick in its infancy.

"Is there anyone who can speak Ming language?" Liu Hongjian asked the Korean soldiers who were kneeling on the ground.

A large group of North Korean soldiers on the ground didn't know what the general said, but they were trembling and seemed extraordinarily scared.

"My lord! But is Daming here? Is it Daming who came to rescue me?"

Kneeling behind the Korean soldiers was a group of "people" who were worse than the Korean soldiers. Their noisy and lush long hair covered their faces, their clothes were made of fishing nets and leaves, and they were barefoot in the cold weather.

A savage-like man stood up from the back row, his dark face showed no sorrow or joy, but his voice was trembling.

"I am the Marquis of Anguo of the Ming Dynasty, who are you?" Liu Hongjian didn't know where he was, but he vaguely felt that this group of people was not simple.

"We used to be the infantry of General Mao Wenlong, the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town. Eight years ago, the Jin people and the North Koreans jointly attacked Phi Island. We were outnumbered and defeated by him, and we have been enslaved since then..."

The savage explained their identities intermittently, thinking about the humiliation he had suffered all these years, he was speechless afterward.

"Brothers, did you hear that? Daming's army has come to rescue me and I'm going back to the country!" The savage said to dozens of Ming people who were dressed in the same outfit as him behind him.

Dozens of people rejoiced and went west to pay respects to the emperor, and then knelt down in front of Liu Hongjian.

After Phi Island was taken eight years ago, at least 500 people were captured by the Ming people. Eight years have passed, and only 68 of them can survive to this day...

Under the narration of these old Dongjiang soldiers, Liu Hongjian and other Ming army officers learned of the inhuman treatment they had suffered in the past eight years.

Liu Hongjian was furious, and killed more than 300 Korean soldiers who often participated in bullying and mistreating Ming people on the spot.

The remaining Korean soldiers were obviously frightened, and several of them even fainted on the spot. One of the North Korean soldiers, who seemed to be the leader, rowed on the ground for a long time, and then babbled and pointed at Liu Hongjian. come and see.

Liu Hongjian didn't know what kind of plane this birdman was flying, so he stepped forward to see that there was written on the ground.

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

Then the guy went on to write.

"I am willing to surrender, I can work, I can..."

Then he knelt on the ground and continued to tremble.

"My lord, the characters used by the Koreans are our Ming characters, but the pronunciation is different, and they can only communicate with 'writing'." Seeing Liu Hongjian's doubts, a Dongjiang soldier immediately explained in a low voice.

Except for some members of the ruling class who can speak the Ming language, the rest of the Korean people can't even read big characters. It is not easy to meet someone who can write on this island.

In order to show punishment, the remaining [-] Korean soldiers and Dongjiang soldiers had a role reversal.

All the dirty and tiring work on the entire island was handed over to these North Korean soldiers.

Among the 68 Dongjiang soldiers, except for a dozen who were physically disabled and could not join the army, the rest all swore on the spot that they wanted to rejoin the Ming army.

In order to encourage them, Liu Hongjian took out the dried beef and mutton looted from all over the past few days that night. Dozens of men burst into tears again when they saw the meat.

There are more than 1 people on the island, and the first thing to solve is the problem of food.

The supplies looted from Jianlu were enough for two days at most, Liu Hongjian suddenly felt sorry for the more than 1 war horses. If these things were saved, they would at least be enough for the more than [-] soldiers to eat one or two moon.

And to transport food from Daming to here, it will take at least half a month to go back and forth...

"My lord, we can rob North Korea!" Just when all the generals were worried, a Dongjiang soldier whispered.

When Mao Shuai was in charge of Phi Island, when did he lack food and grass?
The distance between Phi Island and the mainland of North Korea is only a few miles. Now that North Korea has taken refuge in Jianlu, who should we not rob them of?

It's just that Mao Shuai used to blackmail the North Koreans on the grounds of helping the North Koreans fight against the gold, but now he doesn't even need to find a reason, it has become an open robbery.

Moreover, according to those North Korean soldiers, since North Korea was attached to Jianlu, it has supplied a large amount of grain and rice to Jianlu every year.

North Korea has become a granary for Jianlu, which is far worse than the previous preferential treatment of paying tribute to Daming and returning ten times.

After solving the temporary problem of eating, another important problem was placed in front of everyone.

Now that Wenlong Island has been selected as the base behind the enemy, who will stay?
Liu Hongjian looked at his brothers who followed him to the north and south.

Chang Yu, Zu Qiuqing, Niu Zhuang, Wang Lang, Yue Chengze, Xing Shan, Kuo Duan, and even the old guide Li Mu who is getting better and better despite his age.

Everyone lowered their heads after sweeping their gazes. Obviously, none of them wanted to stay here.

The conditions here are too bad, far away from Ming Dynasty, unable to get support in time, the nearest Jianlu and North Korea are enemies...

"My lord, I'll stay!" Feng Dunhou walked out from behind the crowd and knelt down to Liu Hongjian to ask for a job.

Liu Hongjian frowned slightly. Ever since Lao Yan and Lao Chen died in battle, Feng Dunhou had been reticent, but no one doubted his love for Daming and his hatred for Jianlu.

"Old Feng, have you made up your mind?" Liu Hongjian had already seen the determination in Feng Dunhou's eyes when he asked this question.

This old Feng, although he usually doesn't talk to each other, can be conclusive as soon as he speaks the basics, and he never lies.

"Well, my lord, I have made up my mind, and I am willing to stay!" Feng Dunhou repeated.

"Well, I leave all the allied troops here, and the thousand brothers from the Shenji Battalion, plus three thousand muskets, should be left to you.

At the latest, half a month later, supplies from Daming will be continuously transported by sea.

I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble the Allied Army brothers to ask the North Koreans for food for half a month, I think they’ll be very happy..."

Thinking of the group of allied troops whose eyes were bloodshot when they mentioned robbery, Liu Hongjian felt overwhelmed.

The most important thing now is to systematically train this allied army. After all, these people are just reckless people. Without systematic training, they can only fight against the wind.

Fortunately, Feng Dunhou is best at these two things, and it saves Liu Hongjian from being troublesome.

"Now this Marquis announces that Daming will restore the establishment of Dongjiang Town, Feng Dunhou will be the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town, and the military pay of Dongjiang soldiers can be found in the frontier army...

This Marquis will report to His Majesty when he returns! "

PS: The actual jurisdiction of Dongjiang Town includes the east of the Liaohe River, the islands of the Bohai Sea, and strongholds such as Tieshan and Changcheng in North Korea, but all of them are currently occupied.

 Thanks for the 1000 coins rewarded by the book friend Xuezhong, and the 100 coins rewarded by the book friend who was drunk and looked at the axe.

(End of this chapter)

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