Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 297 Being Urged to Marry Again

Chapter 297 Being Urged to Marry Again
"Huh, An Guohou's words are wrong, I'll wait..." Wu Yuxuan retorted, but he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Send you Ma Geji, if you have the ability, you can go for a walk with Ben Hou on the battlefield?" Liu Hongjian really wanted to go up and give this keyboard warrior a slap in the face.

Thinking about it, if he hadn't traveled here, even if the big soldiers in the border town won the battle, they probably wouldn't have received a few rewards.

Even if it is sent out, it is estimated that it will be exploited layer by layer. If this is the case, the devil will work hard for you!
Fighting against the Tartars, can it be possible to rely on your mouthpieces?

"An Guohou, step back!" Chongzhen suddenly said with a calm expression.

As the real decision maker of Ming Dynasty, even if he agrees with Liu Hongjian in his heart, he cannot show it.

"Your Majesty, please be sympathetic to the misery of the people. The Taicang silver from the treasury should be used for people's livelihood, disaster relief, and suppression of bandits in various places..." Wu Yuxuan thought it was a joke when he heard Chongzhen's words, and immediately added more energy.

"Then you can do something else?" Liu Hongjian sneered, he suddenly regretted recklessly leaving Jinyiwei's business to Dongchang.

But now that Dongchang is in the hands of Li Yunkui, it is difficult to get some criminal evidence against these officials. This guy is a ticking time bomb!

"I've given up my will, all my lords don't want to bring up this matter again, if anyone talks again, I will definitely punish you, and those who are not convinced can submit their resignations, and I will accept them all.

Zheng Sanjun of the Ministry of Officials, there is no need to pass on the memorials to those who resign, and the cabinet will immediately draw up a replacement. "

Chongzhen was also suffocated, what An Guohou said was reasonable, when Ming was in trouble, everyone would not say a word, last year was also at this time, the Jingyang bell was knocked, and no one came.

Now that Daming has won the battle, why is he jumping out to find trouble?

Do you really not want Daming to be well?

Then I will grant your wishes!It's really like what the boy Youming said, there is no shortage of scholars who want to be officials in my Ming Dynasty, I don't believe it, I can't find officials who are obedient and able to do things!
"Observe the order!" Zheng Sanjun, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, no matter how the court argued, the old god was always there, and at this moment when Chongzhen spoke, he did not hesitate at all.

Although the Ministry of Officials is the head of the six ministries and is in charge of the evaluation and promotion of officials all over the world, even so, Zheng Sanjun still feels a lot of pressure.

So what about the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the chief assistant of the cabinet? Countless officials in the world are talking about it and criticizing you, and they will still tarnish your reputation.
Now he can only follow the emperor with all his heart, otherwise he will be really out of character.

"Retreat! Marquis An Guo came with me to discuss the affairs of the Qing Palace! Ahem—" Chongzhen got up after giving the order, and coughed while covering his mouth as he walked.

Now it was the turn of the kneeling ministers to be dumbfounded. His Majesty was obviously a little loose before, why did An Guohou become so tough when he came?
Do you really want to resign?Han Chuang has studied hard for more than ten years, and has gone through all kinds of tests in the township examination, general examination, and palace examination to get the official uniform he is now. Is he really going to resign because of this?

It seems a bit uneconomical!

Most of the officials who were clamoring just now stood up and patted their knees. After expressing their position with a grunt and a glare at Liu Hongjian, they all walked towards their yamen.

"Everyone, where's your integrity? Are you leaving like this?" Liu Hongjian sneered at the backs of the keyboard warriors, but none of them dared to turn their heads.

Liu Hongjian smiled contemptuously, and walked towards Qianqing Palace.

"Your Majesty, is there something important for you to call your ministers here?" Liu Hongjian said as he entered the Qianqing Palace.

His wife was about to give birth, and he hadn't seen him for another month. Liu Hongjian felt very guilty. If it wasn't for the welfare treatment of the soldiers in the border town, he wouldn't even want to come to court.

"You scumbag, you didn't know you would call me when you came back from the border town. Also, I heard from Huang Aiqing that in order to break the siege of Daming border town as soon as possible, you risked your way into the enemy's rear with [-] soldiers.

You are too hasty, the Tartar soldiers come and go like the wind, they are cruel and cunning, if you are in danger, even if I want to save you, what can I do? "

There was no news from Liu Hongjian these days, but he heard that Jianlu had withdrawn his troops, but Chongzhen was not very happy, and was still worried about Liu Hongjian's safety.

"Your Majesty, hasty is a little hasty, but the effect is amazing, that tartar pulled all the soldiers to the nine sides, thinking that we Ming are all people who are afraid of death.

Then I pulled out three thousand warriors, went deep into the enemy's rear, turned the Tartars' rear upside down, destroyed three cities and eighteen towns, wiped out more than [-] Jianjian captives, and relieved the siege of the border town of Daming, and also demonstrated the prestige of our Daming too!
You must know that the whole Jianlu family is only 50. Oh, and also, the minister has pulled up a team in the rear, and now they are stationed in Phi Island.

Do you know Phi Island?Your Majesty, is that where Mao Shuai and Mao Wenlong stayed? Seeing that Chongzhen was absent-minded, Liu Hongjian reminded.

"Hmph, do you think I'm a fool? Dongjiang Town has been in the enemy's hands for more than eight years, of course I know it!" Chongzhen said coldly, without any joy on his face.

"Oh, that's right, it's different now, Phi Island is back again, this is a good place, so I ordered Shanhaiguan guerrilla Feng Dunhou to lead [-] troops to garrison Phi Island.

Oh, that place is no longer called Phi Island, but I think Wenlong Island sounds nice, and I use this to remember General Mao.

Another thing is that I want to restore the organizational system of Dongjiang Town, and use the guerrilla Feng Dunhou as the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town, so that if the prisoner invades our Ming Dynasty again, he must worry about the safety of the rear..."

Of course Liu Hongjian knew that Uncle Chongzhen was actually worried about him, so he didn't care about Chongzhen's cold eyes, and he just talked about his own thoughts.

"These will be drawn up with the cabinet tomorrow. I asked you to come because there are other things." Fortunately, there is no danger, and Chongzhen can't be too harsh.

The key is that Chongzhen can't see any distracting thoughts in Liu Hongjian's eyes. What kind of person has he not seen for many years?
There are fame seekers, embezzlers, bribe-takers, people who keep a low profile, and people who do nothing. People like this abound in the court, and no one dares to look at him.

Only this kid talked about state affairs as usual, saying what he had to say, without any other thoughts at all.

Even when he came back from a victorious battle, he never demanded anything.

Chongzhen was very warm in his heart, and sometimes he really felt that the heavens were kind to him and Daming, and could send a capable minister to tide over the difficulties with him when Daming was walking on thin ice.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Liu Hongjian felt that Chongzhen's expression was a bit too serious, which made him feel that it was not a good thing.

"Kun Xing has also grown up, and now that the Jianlu soldiers have retreated, I discussed with the Queen that you will marry Kun Xing on a certain day, and you have agreed to me." At the end, Chongzhen added a sentence.

That is to say, the Zhuzi in front of me, if ordinary people would have passed out with happiness, why would I have to discuss it with others when I married my daughter?

"Ah - Your Majesty, I only talked to Kun Xing a few times, isn't that too hasty, at least we have to go shopping, let's get to know each other better, or wait a little longer?
Besides, I have so many problems, Princess Kunxing is born beautiful, I am afraid she will dislike me! "Liu Hongjian grinned and said embarrassedly, as the emperor, he was already so 'respectful and virtuous and corporal', so he didn't dare to speak too harshly.

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, don't say it is the words of the matchmaker at the order of the parents, there is no room for her to agree or not.

What's more, the queen also asked questions, that Nizi is interested in you, and said that you are a hero of the world..." Chongzhen's tone was strange, after all, it was the first time to marry his daughter, and he was still his favorite courtier, Chongzhen was saying good things to both sides .

" wife is about to give birth, and I... want to go back and ask my father and wife." As an emperor, Liu Hongjian really almost agreed, but he held back when the time came.

After all, a fire in the backyard is not a trivial matter. In this life, people have nothing more than to eat deliciously, sleep peacefully, and then have a family and a country.

"Well, I also want to let you know that recently I feel that my body is not as good as before. I want to see Ming Dynasty rejuvenate, and I want to see my children happy. I owe these children too much these years."

Chongzhen was not angry either, he knew there was no rush for this matter.

"Your Majesty, what disease do you have?"

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(End of this chapter)

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