Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 299 Chongzhen's Wish

Chapter 299 Chongzhen's Wish

When he returned to the Hou Mansion, Liu Hongjian went straight to the study without even paying attention to the family members' greetings.

Of course there is no answer in the study, in fact the entire Ming Dynasty may not be able to find the answer, Tai Hospital represents the authority of the entire Ming Dynasty medicine, these old men must have read all the medical history books.

They say it cannot be cured, so it must be impossible with the current medical level.

Liu Hongjian didn't even think about looking for answers in the books in the study, he just needed a quiet environment.

He sat on the rattan chair in the study and took the collectible Huawei mobile phone from the ring. It has not been used for a long time, but the mobile phone is still very new.

This ring seems to have a static effect, and everything here will hardly age.

Amidst the sound of jingling bells starting up, Liu Hongjian began to flip through the books on medicine stored in the mobile phone.

As a low-talented student majoring in clinical medicine and surgery in a later medical school, even though his grades have always been poor, he still has a lot of professional books stored in his mobile phone.

Every freshman who has just entered the medical industry has a reverence for medicine and a yearning for the hanging pot to help the world.

However, how many of these yearning and reverence can withstand the invasion of various Internet drama operations such as online games and live broadcasts.

I don't know how others are, anyway, no matter whether these are photocopies or e-books, since they were shared and downloaded by the tutor, he has never read them.

The current Liu Hongjian even regrets the wrong way he went astray back then. He looked up frantically, unaware that time was passing by quickly.

When Yang Xue got a report from a servant and came to investigate, Liu Hongjian frowned and turned a deaf ear to her coming, as if he had encountered an extremely important and difficult problem.

She just offered her husband a cup of hot tea, and then quietly retreated.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Hongjian, with sore eyes, finally found the description of this evidence in later generations.

Loss of honor, the name of a disease in Chinese medicine.

This disease is equivalent to Western medicine's primary malignant tumor of the neck and cervical lymphatic metastasis of malignant tumor, such as lymphosarcoma, Hodgkin's disease, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cervical lymph node metastasis of laryngeal carcinoma, and parotid gland carcinoma.

This disease is mostly caused by spleen failure to transform, water and dampness stagnation in the interior, gathering and forming phlegm; liver loss, stagnation and turning into fire, and it is more common in men around 40 years old.

Initial stage: Masses in the neck or front and back of the ears, shaped like chestnuts, with deep apex roots, no obvious discomfort in the whole body.

Mid-term: The mass gradually increases, with slight pain, purple and dark skin color, the mass is as hard as a stone, with uneven surface, accompanied by emaciation, fatigue and weakness.

Late stage: The mass is ruptured but hard, and at this time the pain is severe and piercing, accompanied by restless nights, dull complexion, extremely emaciated body, and finally exhausted...

Loss of glory is one of the four terminal illnesses in ancient Chinese medicine surgery.

Malignant tumor...cancer...terminal disease...

Liu Hongjian's eyes were red, and he muttered in his mouth. He put the phone aside weakly and lay down on the chair.

If it's a general illness, he can still think of a way. The medicines in the ring are all from the school infirmary, and it's okay to treat a minor illness. He also feels powerless for such a malignant tumor.

Even in later life, it is nothing more than choosing radiotherapy to prolong the life of patients.

"Master, can you tell Xue'er what happened?" Yang Xue asked softly when she entered the room and saw Liu Hongjian lying decadently on the chair.

Yang Xue walked up to massage Liu Hongjian's head to relax. She was very sad, because she had never seen her husband so depressed in the past year.

"I'm sorry for my husband! I'm so sorry!" Liu Hongjian pulled Yang Xue into the chair, and suddenly couldn't bear it any longer, and lay down in front of Yang Xue and began to cry.

The uncle who has worked so hard for half his life and never really enjoyed it, the uncle who indulged him in skipping work and slacking off without blaming him, the uncle who all the ministers accused and abused, and he was the only one who loved him...

In this world, why don't good people live long!

"Master, everything will be fine." Yang Xue gently patted her husband on the back.

My husband holds several positions, and all of them are important tasks for the country. He must have encountered an irresistible problem, but since Liu Hongjian didn't want to talk about it, as a concubine, she naturally wouldn't ask more questions.

Even if she wanted to share the burden for her husband.

After a while, Liu Hongjian gradually calmed down.

Maybe he was too pessimistic, at least Uncle Chongzhen is doing well now?

The uncle himself must have known about his condition, but he still smiled at the court, and he was still conscientiously reviewing memorials and working hard for state affairs.

Instead, he was depressed here.

Yes, a man who knows what he lives for can endure any kind of life, even sickness and torment.

I should help him!Liu Hongjian suddenly struggled out of the pain and opened his eyes.

"Xue'er, prepare the horse for this Marquis, this Marquis is going to see the Emperor!"


Chongzhen in the Qianqing Palace has just reviewed and completed the pile of memorials.

"Long Live Lord, it's time to take medicine." Li Yunkui said softly, holding a whisk in his hand, followed by a small yellow door holding a jade plate with a bowl of black soup on it.

Chongzhen didn't say a word, took the decoction and drank it down, as if he didn't feel the bitterness of the decoction.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I have something to do, and I'm coming in!" Liu Hongjian was anxious that he would wait for someone to pass it on, so he yelled twice at the entrance of the hall, and then opened the curtain to enter regardless of the obstruction.

"An Guohou! How dare you be so rude!" Li Yunkui himself was the maker and supervisor of the palace rules, so he was naturally very angry at An Guohou's behavior.

"You Lizi, why did you go and come back again? What's the matter?" Chongzhen was not very angry, but waved his hand to shut up Li Yunkui.

"You go out, the Marquis has something important to report to the Emperor." Liu Hongjian felt uncomfortable seeing this black-faced guy.

Although Li Yunkui was angry, he had nothing to do with Liu Hongjian. He looked at his master, and Chongzhen just nodded slightly.

As the chief inspector of ceremonies and the supervisor of the Dongji Incident Factory, even if the Duke of the State is here, how dare he treat him like this?

Li Yunkui's face was gloomy, and he glared at Liu Hongjian, so he could only bear it for the time being.

"Your Majesty, do you have any wishes?" Liu Hongjian walked to Chongzhen and asked softly.

Um?Chongzhen didn't know what to do, and looked at his prospective son-in-law suspiciously, and found that Liu Hongjian not only spoke very solemnly, but even his expression was extremely serious.

"Hehe, what's up with you, Lizi?" Chongzhen picked up the tea bowl and rinsed his mouth.

"Your Majesty, what do you say, I will definitely help the Emperor to do it." Liu Hongjian refused to let go.

Chongzhen put down the tea bowl, got up and walked to the east wall of the hall.

A pair of calligraphy and painting has been hanging on the east wall since the Chenghua period, but it was replaced by a map of Ming Dynasty in the Chongzhen Dynasty.

On this map, the border gates of the nine towns are full of flames of war, symbolizing the rampantness of the northern captives.

And within the border, from northern Shaanxi to Sichuan and Sichuan, banditry was also marked with a red ink pen, and then to the southeast...

"I am the Son of Heaven. I have no wish in my life, but I only wish to bring peace to all the people and peace to all people." Chongzhen said leisurely with his back to Liu Hongjian.

The voice sounded relaxed, but it was a little weak, Chongzhen sighed softly after speaking.

Yes, it's just eight words. For these eight words, he spent 18 years, and only he himself knows the hardships involved.

"Your Majesty, I will do my best!" Liu Hongjian said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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