Chapter 3

After the rain, the city of Beijing is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. The streets are full of chaos. From time to time, soldiers in tattered armor flee in panic, and the sound of artillery outside the city wall in the distance is even harsher.

In a small dark house in the northwest corner of Beijing, old scholar Liu Delong held the letter that Liu Hongjian handed him, and looked suspiciously at Liu Hongjian.

"Son, what are you writing? Are you sure that this letter can save my Ming Dynasty? Don't dare to mess around with the great affairs of the country!" Although Liu Delong had the courage to live and die with the city of Beijing, he knew in his heart what kind of virtue his son had been. sex.

Although since he was struck by lightning, it seems to be a bit different from before, but now his son asked him to find a way to submit this letter to the court, which made him feel that he was not sure.

"Father, don't worry, I haven't lived enough, how could I make fun of our old Liu family's wealth and life!

Just send it, if the court turns a deaf ear to it, it can only be blamed for the court's blindness!It doesn't matter if Daming doesn't save him, he has the ability to protect our family well. "Liu Hongjian thought of the treasure in his ring space.

If it wasn't for the only family he had, he wouldn't have put himself in danger. The feeling of loneliness in his previous life was too unforgettable, and he didn't want to be alone again.

Although his old Liu's family was in decline, when his ancestors were in glory, they had a few friends in need. Although the family was backward and rarely had contacts, it was no problem to find a messenger.

The current Minister of Justice, Meng Zhaoxiang, is a reliable candidate. The old scholar thought for a while and went out with a letter.

An hour later, Meng Zhaoxiang, the right servant of the Criminal Ministry, got into the sedan chair with a letter from the old Liu family in his arms.

Lao Meng's preoccupation was not because Liu Delong dragged the letter he brought, but because of the current situation in the capital.

The Chuang army is powerful and morale is like a rainbow, and the capital has just experienced the plague, and the already severely vacant Beijing battalion is now useless. If Wu Sangui's Guan Ning army does not come again, Daming... alas!

There seems to be a dispute in the Huangji Hall, the quarrel is no longer the majesty of the past, the quarreling people are obviously divided into two factions, your sentence and my sentence are like sloppy quarreling on the street for petty profits, Chongzhen is sitting on the throne with a face full of Angry and slightly tired.

The bandit army besieged the city for several days, and the Ming Dynasty was at stake for more than 200 years. These so-called humerus used to look like they were holding the winning ticket.

Civil and military disagreements, factions contend, is my Ming Dynasty really about to perish?
"That's enough! Shut up, I'll discuss this matter later!" Seeing Wang Jiayan, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and Li Jiantai, the right servant of the Ministry of Officials pushing and shoving each other in the court hall, which was about to escalate into a fight, Emperor Chongzhen glared and shouted.

The hall fell silent instantly. Although everyone didn't like Chongzhen very much, he was the emperor who held the power of life and death after all. Even if the civil servants were powerful now, he would not dare to offend Tianwei openly.

In this world, the surname is still Zhu.

"Meng Aiqing is here, but is there something to announce?" Chongzhen asked in order to divert the topic of the court, seeing Meng Zhaoxiang, the servant of the Ministry of punishment, standing in the train of civil servants with a hesitant expression.

Meng Zhaoxiang, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, walked forward with small steps and knelt down to salute.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, I have a lifelong friend with the Liu family in the west of the city, and his ancestors also entered the court and served as officials. A few days ago, the only son of the Liu family was hit by a thunderbolt and survived a catastrophe. He has the ambition to save the country. I would like to ask for a letter. Tochen forwarded to His Majesty!"

After Meng Zhaoxiang took out a neatly stacked letter from his waist, he was also in a state of turmoil. After all, even if he is a family friend, he can't casually submit a letter that he doesn't even know the content of. Give it to the emperor.

In order to confirm Liu Delong's statement, he also specially asked the neighbors of the Liu family to find out what happened, and then chatted with the only son of the Liu family, and felt that he was a sensible person who dared to take such a risk.

After all, the capital is already in dire straits, and it is not a big deal if a courtier wants to do his part. If only the colleagues in the court discuss it, hehe, they have been discussing for several days, and the momentum is still clueless.

"Oh? There are such amazing things in the world? Come up!" Chongzhen felt suspicious in his heart, although he felt that it was absurd, but he also wanted to see if the person who was struck by the sky and survived really had a good strategy to defeat the enemy.

He really couldn't help it. It wasn't until recently that he realized that these civil servants were arguing all day long because of the power in their hands, and none of them was really thinking about the court.

A few months ago, Li Mingrui proposed the strategy of moving south, and none of the courtiers agreed. Now that they are in this situation, there is nothing they can do.Chongzhen glanced at the ministers who were at war with swords.

A young eunuch stepped down the imperial steps, took Meng Zhaoxiang's letter, and presented it to Emperor Chongzhen with both hands.

"Come and read!" Chongzhen didn't take the letter, and rubbed his temples wearily.

Before that, the attendant had always been Chongzhen's great companion, Wang Cheng'en. This person had been by his side since Chongzhen was the King of Xin, and he was trusted by Chongzhen.

Now Wang Chengen, the admiral of Wang Cheng'en who broke through the siege of the city, took over the defense of the capital, and sent Wang Erxi who had been following him to replace him.

The little eunuch Wang Erxi had never experienced such a battle, he opened the letter tremblingly, and was dumbfounded when he saw the contents, because there were many typos in it, he coughed lightly to stabilize his mind.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally instructed that the grassroots Liu Hongjian lived in the capital for generations and received the favor of the emperor. Now the thieves broke into our Ming Dynasty and caused the living people to suffer. Although the grassroots are not very capable, they still want to do their part for the imperial court.

This matter is dangerous, if it succeeds, the bandit army will be chaotic, if Caomin dies unfortunately, and there is an old father at home, His Majesty Wanwang will take care of him a little bit, and Caominquan will be smiling. "

Liu Hongjian had always been unwilling to be an unknown hero. Now that he decided to act, he must let the so-called bigwigs in the Ming court know who was saving the court regardless of life and death.

After hearing this, Chongzhen felt a lot of gratitude in his heart, but he didn't say a word, but looked at the officials.

"People in the market, don't you dare to talk about saving the country, Mr. Meng is confused?" Wei Zaode, the chief assistant of the cabinet, took the lead in questioning with yin and yang.

Wei Zaode was the chief assistant of the cabinet and the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. He used to be the Minister of the Ministry of War. Although he made no achievements during his tenure, he only knew how to advocate donations from all officials, but he was very good at making connections.

A person who can become the first assistant must have two brushes in his hands. Wei Zaode was the number one scholar in Chongzhen for 13 years. He is young but has deep knowledge of officialdom. He also understands Chongzhen's temper and weaknesses. Give others back.

Another brush has to be the Donglin Party. Wei Zaode knows the power of the Donglin Party. Although he is not from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he often speaks well of the Donglin Party when Chongzhen is happy, which is very popular with the Donglin Party. In addition, he is good at drilling, so that although he has no political achievements, he can be an extremely powerful minister.

"That's right, Lord Meng, this is the court. If a small commoner can retreat from the army, why do you want me to wait? What a joke!
I think Master Meng should hurry up and send someone to arrest this ignorant boy. As the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, you must know how to deal with this crime of lying! " Zhang Qi, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, said in a strange way.

What you said and what I said in the court became noisy again.

"My lord Wei, my lord Zhang, now that bandit troops are approaching the city, it is the court's fortune to have such a brave man who dares to take the lead and share the worries of the court.

Even though this son's words are arrogance, but since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world. If all the people of the Ming Dynasty have such a heart to serve the country with fists, will they still be unable to retreat from the rebellion outside the city? "

Meng Zhaoxiang's official position is the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, and he has never had much contact with Wei Zaode and others, and his words are not polite.

"Sophistry! How can a mere street Qingpi dare to speak out about state affairs? I think this person is just a sensationalist who wants to take advantage of the national crisis to gain fame and do bad things.

If you don't arrest this person immediately, where will my Ming law be?Where is the majesty of the Holy One? "It is Wei Zaode's specialty to talk about Daming's prestige at all times, because he knows that Chongzhen is a good-looking emperor.

Seeing Meng Zhaoxiang groaning silently, the officials of Wei Zaode's line below also began to show their power.

"My minister seconded the proposal, Your Majesty should put the prestige of the Ming Dynasty as the most important thing, and you must not encourage this unhealthy trend!"

"This Meng Zhaoxiang must have accepted a bribe from that rascal, otherwise why would he help a common man!"


At this time, Meng Zhaoxiang was overwhelmed by the denunciation of these colleagues, but he was full of resentment in his heart. You can't come up with a plan to save Daming from peril, why don't you let the people save the country spontaneously?

Although the inexplicable heavy rain has eased the drought in the north recently, the city of Beijing is still in danger, not as impenetrable as the ministers said.

And now the plague epidemic is so severe that more than half of the soldiers defending the city have been killed or injured, and the rest have no combat effectiveness. Are they just sitting in this hall waiting to die?
This son survived the thunderstorm, which is rare in the world. In fact, he had a little luck in his heart. What if a miracle happened?

"In today's situation, do you have a good strategy to retreat from the enemy? I don't want to hear you and others talking about it. I want a strategy to retreat from the enemy!" Seeing that the courtiers started arguing again, Chongzhen was furious.

He was already tired of hearing the quarrels of these courtiers, and now it was impossible to go south, whoever could retreat from the enemy would be the hero to save Ming, other than that, it would be useless to say more.

He was angry because these courtiers did not pay attention to the son's own ambition to serve the country, but held on to the son's identity.

In the face of his questioning, everyone including Wei Zaode, the chief assistant of the cabinet, fell silent, and Chongzhen suddenly felt extremely disappointed.

"It doesn't matter whether he is a hero or a villain, Meng Aiqing will go and answer him, if he can really solve the siege for my Daming, I will not hesitate to reward him.

As for his family, let Lao Meng Aiqing take care of it first!

As for the family of the lords, I should think more about how to solve my Ming's worries and problems. My Ming... has been in the country for more than 200 years... I hope you will do your best..."

Emperor Chongzhen has not closed his eyes for two days. Every time he lays down on the bed and closes his eyes, his heart is full of the great Ming Dynasty and the foundation of his ancestors.

If Daming was really destroyed in his hands, what face would he have when he went to see his ancestors, every time he thought about it, he burst into tears and couldn't sleep all night.

After a while, Meng Zhaoxiang shook his head lightly when he saw that the court began to argue about whether to retreat or to cooperate, and then bowed and quietly retreated.

On the evening of March [-]th, Liu Hongjian was ready to leave the city dressed in a suit of soldiers' clothes.

Since most of the inner city of Beijing had been besieged by the peasant army, Liu Hongjian had no choice but to reach the Andingmen, which was a little further away, and quietly stepped into the night...

"The wind is blowing, the water is cold, the strong man will never return..." old man Meng stood in the night, stroked his beard and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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