Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 304 It's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk

Chapter 304 It's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk
What?Let the high-ranking courtiers kill the Tartars?

Wu Binghao of the Three Thousand Battalion and Lu Haibo next to him looked at each other, not knowing why Lord Hou was doing it.

These two were born in martial arts, and they have an innate admiration for literati.

Including the rows of big soldiers behind them, in their eyes, the ministers in the court are all knowledgeable and wise men who put the world first.

"An Guohou, what are you talking nonsense about?

We are scholars, how can we do such degrading things?
It is simply unreasonable! Ma Shiying, Minister of Rites, stood up from behind the stage and retorted.

This early in the morning, just after the morning court, he followed this kid here at the emperor's behest. Ma Shiying thought that he was letting them, the humerus of the Ming Dynasty, participate in the prisoner offering ceremony, and by the way let these big soldiers feel Pay attention to.

But now?What did An Guohou say?
Let them be executioners?This is simply an insult to scholars like them!
Tolerable or unbearable!
"Yo, isn't this Mr. Ma?
I remember that last year, Master Ma gave a memorial to the Holy Majesty, saying that he wished he could put on the sword and kill Jianlu for the Holy Majesty.

how?Now that the opportunity has come, it has turned into something humiliating!Are all scholars so contradictory? "Liu Hongjian sneered.

"Hmph! This moment, that moment!

Last year, it was because of Jianlu who violated the frontiers, but now Jianlu has retreated. Scholars of my generation should be diligent in political affairs to share the worries of the Holy One!
As the Marquis of Anguo of the Ming Dynasty, don't you know this reason? " Ma Shiying replied.

He suffered losses twice, and was very afraid of An Guohou, a guy who didn't play cards according to common sense.

But now the cabinet is reduced to paper, and among the six departments, he is the only one who dares to 'tell the truth'.

Ma Shiying seemed to be the leader of a group of censors. At this time, An Guohou made provocative words, no matter how afraid he was, he couldn't swallow his anger.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and the old cabinet ministers?
"For you Maggie! You also know that Jianlu has retreated?

Why did Jianlu retreat?Was it dismissed by you, a scholar?

Now that there are so many Tartars on the ground, you have the ability to come and kill one of them!
Are you here? Seeing Ma Shiying's silence, Liu Hongjian said contemptuously.

If it weren't for these tartars being starved and fainted, it is estimated that many speech officials would be scared to pee.

"Bullshit! That was made by a hundred thousand soldiers of the Ming Dynasty with swords and spears!

Wu Binghao!come here! "Liu Hongjian suddenly said to Wu Binghao, the general of the Three Thousand Battalion behind him.

Wu Binghao didn't know why, but as a soldier, he came to Liu Hongjian without hesitation.

"Take off your armor!" Liu Hongjian said coldly.

Wu Binghao followed his words and deeds, and in a short while his upper body was stripped naked. There were several scars horizontally and vertically on his dark chest. There was an arrow mark on his left shoulder, and even more scars on his right arm.

"People, do you see these scars?
These three paths were left behind when the Beijing camp wiped out the three towns in Jiangbei last year, and this arrow wound was also left at that time!

The knife wound on the right arm was a new wound last month, so you should keep your eyes open and take a look! "Liu Hongjian pointed to the wound on Wu Binghao's body and said.

Liu Hongjian also heard a little bit about the scars on his body when the generals talked about the scars on their bodies when they were fighting at the frontier.

Then he asked Wu Binghao to turn around and look at people with his back. The scars on his back were even more shocking.

"This is a general from the Ming Dynasty. The general is the third rank, and his rank is equivalent to that of the servants of various ministries. There is no need to say more about it.

But take a look, how many scars do you have on your body as a military official of the third rank of the Ming Dynasty?
What about ordinary soldiers?

People, they are using their lives to protect you! "Liu Hongjian said a few words, and many people below shed tears.

"And now? Just because the imperial court wanted to reward these soldiers with some silver, they were opposed by all the ministers.

Dare I ask, if the Tartar soldiers attack, who do you expect to save your lives? "

"It's these soldiers!"

"It's Daming's iron cavalry!" Many people in the crowd shouted.

They are illiterate, but they understand the truth.

"Yeah, it's these soldiers, it's them who are working hard!

I don't understand, they defended the Great Wall desperately, and the imperial court gave out some pensions and rewards to the best of their ability, what's wrong with that?
Mr. Ma, and officials like you, are you just objecting like this?

Don't you think the imperial court rewards you with too much money?
Come!Come!Come!Now these Tartars are tied here, which one of you will come first?
It's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk!
As long as you dare to fight, if you kill one person, I will give you 500 taels, if you kill ten people, I will give you 5000 taels! "Liu Hongjian took out the saber from Wu Binghao's waist and handed it to Ma Shiying with a livid face.

"An Guohou, you are so extravagant, the treasury will be emptied by you sooner or later!
Let's see how you end up then!As for the murder, I forgive you for not being able to accompany me!farewell! "

Ma Shiying couldn't refute Liu Hongjian's words. After all, the crowd is so excited now. If he talks about pensions and silver rewards, the spittle of the common people will kill him.

"Hmph, the treasury is empty, and you won't be hungry, Ma Shangshu. Don't think that this Marquis doesn't know how many fields and shops you own!"

Liu Hongjian babbled some nonsense, and Ma Shiying, who had just turned around and was walking, almost fell down when his legs gave way.

We all know that An Guohou speaks straighter, but for someone who can expose people's faults in such a way in public, it is estimated that the straight man of steel is not enough to be called.

"How? Is there anyone who dares to do it? 500 taels, if you kill one, it will be worth your salary for several years! Don't come again if you don't miss this opportunity!"

Liu Hongjian said to the many censors behind him.

Civilian leader Ma Shiying ran away in desperation. Most of them looked around, but they dared not speak.

Let them write memorials to scold a certain minister, and they can scold all over the body.

Anyway, they are speech officials, and they don't have to be responsible when they hear the news. As long as they look unhappy, they can write memorials and scold them. Even the emperor of Ming Dynasty can't criticize them harshly.

Let them kill?Goodness, they probably haven't even killed a chicken!
"Soldiers of the [-] Battalion, I now order you to kill these prisoners!" Liu Hongjian walked to the middle of the beheading platform again and said.

He didn't report any thoughts to these keyboard warriors, and he still had to rely on these tough guys at critical moments.

"Decree!" Wu Binghao, a member of the [-] Battalion, drew out his saber first.

Most of these Tartars couldn't understand Ming's language, in fact, they were too hungry to hold on and fell to the ground.

Soldiers from the [-]-battalion had to pull out their hands to arrest the Tartars one by one. The Tartars seemed to know the verdict they were about to accept, but they didn't even have the energy to speak except to express their fear with dazzling eyes.

"Chop!" Liu Hongjian threw all the tokens in the pen bucket to the front of the stage.

The sky was bright and the sun was shining, swords flashed everywhere in the execution field, [-] battalion soldiers raised their swords in their hands, and dozens of Tartar captives went to see their Changshengtian.

"Your Highness, are you afraid?" Liu Hongjian said as if he couldn't bear to see the prince Zhu Cihong clenched his fists beside him.

"No, no, they deserve to die!" Reason told him that these Tartars had killed countless Ming people, they deserved to die.

But at the same time, Zhu Cihong couldn't bear it in his heart.

Alas, I am still too bookish!Liu Hongjian sighed.

How could he fail to see Zhu Cihong's disposition, originally he had hoped that Xiao Zhu would yell and kill a tartar just for fun.

It seems that it's better to forget it, in case some psychological shadow is accidentally created, it will be bad.

Every time Liu Hongjian remembered that there was a man named Zhu Shou in front of him, if these captives were in front of Zhu Shou, he would think of a hundred ways to play with and kill these hateful Tartars!

Alas, it's not the right time to wear it!Liu Hongjian complained in his heart.

"Call work! Go back to the palace with Benhou to receive the reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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