Chapter 31
After dinner the next day, Liu Hongjian went to the palace with a big stick and an AKM on his back. He took over the task of teaching the guards in the palace to practice marksmanship.

There was Old Man Liang busy at Jinyiwei, who was mature and prudent, and handled things safely. Liu Hongjian was also happy to have a leisurely time, so he thought it was a trip to the palace.

Niu Dabai has seen the power of AKM, and he kept playing with it in his hands along the way.

When he arrived at the Qianqing Palace, Chongzhen, who had already left the early court, gave Liu Hongjian a waist badge. With this waist badge, he could enter and leave the palace freely in the future, without having to let the guards report back and forth every time.

Chongzhen was very diligent, and he had to deal with the memorials handed in from all over the country. Among the several emperors before him, all the memorials were handled by the cabinet, and then handed over to the eunuch who was in charge of rites and pens, and finally selected a few important ones. to the emperor.

In the Chongzhen Dynasty, there was no need to wear red clothes, and all the affairs were taken care of by himself, and his level of effort was comparable to that of his ancestor, the workaholic Zhu Chongba.

Of course, Chongzhen didn't have time to teach such things as shooting guns, so he appointed Cao Wentai, the commander-in-chief of the [-] battalion.

Due to the loud sound of AKM gunfire, the training venue was set on the Longevity Mountain in the north of the imperial city. When Chongzhen said Longevity Mountain, Liu Hongjian was stunned for a moment. The name was so familiar. Oh, remember, isn’t this Longevity Mountain the Coal Mountain?Um!I'll have to look for the crooked neck tree in a while.

Liu Hongjian's height was 175, which was already considered "tall and straight" in the Ming Dynasty. Cao Wentai was on the same height as Niu Zhuang, and was half a head taller than Liu Hongjian. Liu Hongjian estimated that he must be at least 185. In the Ming Dynasty, it was already a different kind.

But Cao Wentai and Niu Zhuang standing together are extremely uncoordinated, because Cao Wentai is too thin, as thin as a slender bamboo pole, and it is said that he is also a master of hidden weapons.

He was a man of few words, and along the way Liu Hongjian kept trying to get Cao Wentai to reveal his hand. At last Cao Wentai couldn't bear the bewitchment, he took out one from his waist and flew towards him, and waved his right hand like lightning.

Not far away, a partridge on a branch landed on the ground with fluttering wings, which stunned Liu Hongjian.

Cao Wentai just smiled, indicating that this was just a trivial matter.

After walking for a while, Liu Hongjian finally found a tree with a crooked neck. Although he didn't know if it was the one found by Emperor Chongzhen, it happened that there was a flat land around this tree, and that was you.

Liu Hongjian took out a box of ammunition from his pocket as if conjuring, and took out another box of ammunition, leaving Cao Wentai in a daze.

There were sixty rounds in a box, and all Liu Hongjian could do was teach the two of them how to depress bullets, reload magazines, how to open the safety, how to pull the bolt, how to cut single shots and bursts, and how to hold the gun to reduce the amount of fire. recoil.

As for the others, I'm sorry, Liu Hongjian is also a layman, and shooting a gun basically depends on luck, so he is also very helpless.

I thought it would be easy for Cao Wentai to learn how to shoot a gun as a master of concealed weapons and from a family of martial arts, but in fact it was just the opposite. Instead, he was a rough-natured bull with a stick. He fought towards the crooked neck tree.

Cao Wentai was used to using swords, but he sneered at firearms, so much so that he played with them for a long time, but he didn't understand the tricks.

The firecrackers of the Ming Dynasty not only had a short attack distance and poor accuracy, but also were very troublesome to load bullets. At that time, Cao Wentai was confident that his throwing knives had already killed the enemy.

But it wasn't until he saw that Niu's big club had been shot several times in a row, hitting the thick crooked neck tree with holes and smoke, so Cao Wentai couldn't help but stand on the spot.

Then Cao Wentai was even more interested than Niu Zhuang, and asked Niu Zhuang to teach him with a shy face. Seeing that the two were getting better, Liu Hongjian told the two of them, first, never point their guns at their own people, and second, they must not point their guns at their own people in one go. A shuttle shot out of bullets.

AK series guns are very durable, but all guns are afraid of continuous shooting. Overheating of the muzzle will greatly reduce the service life of the gun. Liu Hongjian strictly forbids them to use the continuous shooting mode unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, he only has these 120 guns, and one that is broken is one less, and with the industrial level of the Ming Dynasty, it is almost irreplaceable.

Seeing the two of them shooting each other with great joy, Liu Hongjian, who was bored, sat on the grass next to him and began to study his ring.

After repeated tests, it was found that he could only store the original things from the ring, for example, he could easily take out a gun from it, and he could also easily put it in.

But he couldn't put even a leaf from the outside world into the ring space, and then he found that the time in this ring seemed to be static. The half-pack of Weilong he opened a few days ago is still thrown in the corner, not only has no mildew, Not even a smell.

His Huawei mobile phone couldn't even be turned on in the ring, but when he took it outside and turned it on, the date was still pointing to the date he had just traveled through. He threw the turned on phone into the ring, and the screen went black immediately.

Sure enough, the mobile phone can't search for any signal in this world. It seems that it can only be used as a camera, which is better than nothing. Well, maybe it can be used as a flashlight at night. If you have no money, you can make a little money by taking pictures of people.

There seemed to be a small video that was not embarrassing. He secretly clicked on it, and the phone immediately heard the sound of ahh, thanks to the fact that Niu and Zhuang were concentrating on masturbating and didn't pay attention, the guilty Liu Hongjian hurriedly turned it off.

In order to save power, he simply turned off the data, WIFI, and Bluetooth. Although there is a solar power bank, these things have a lifespan. Who knows if he can go back in this life.

Then there is the pair of walkie-talkies. This thing may be more useful than a mobile phone. When the two armies are at war, with this thing, the order is effective from top to bottom, and the troops are arranged like arms and fingers. It is simply a magic tool.

On the contrary, the pile of books seems useless now. The situation outside is chaotic. They want money but no money, soldiers but no soldiers. The development of industry requires a stable social environment and a strong political support. .

Now there are neither of them. Fortunately, Daming is not dead yet. With the next plan, at least Daming will not be short of money. If he has money, he will trick the emperor to train more soldiers, and get rid of the internal peasant army as soon as possible.

Maybe at that time, that pile of books will come in handy, mining and steelmaking, shipbuilding to sea, sailing to Southeast Asia, and fighting Malacca with the Frangipani, the Britons, and the former sea coachman.

And gold from America, silver from Australia, diamonds from Africa, my God, it's so exciting to think about it.

But everything has to be done step by step, the dream returns to reality, look at this mess, it's really broken.

"Master, get out of the way!"

While thinking about it, he suddenly heard the call of a big stick, and then his eyes went dark. It turned out that the crooked neck tree finally couldn't resist the repeated torture of two AKMs.

The tree trunk with the thickness of a bowl fell to the direction where Liu Hongjian was sitting.

"Your second uncle..."

 Thank you book friend Huluer Fat/Favorite Xiaoqianqian for your reward, book friend group: 710375704 Welcome all book friends to discuss things about the Ming Dynasty
(End of this chapter)

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