Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 310 I am a father

Chapter 310 I'm Becoming a Father (Part [-])
Liu Hongjian patted the cannon with the hilt of his sword, and the sound was much crisper and brighter than the previous iron cannon.

Zhang Feng behind him kept praising the overturned cannon. This cannon was only cast and polished the night before, and it didn't fire a few shots at all.

And he had no choice but to overturn the car just now, and was caught by the big stall owner and boss.

"Well, it's much farther than the Flange Cannon, and two hundred yards farther than the Red Cannon, not bad!" Liu Hongjian finally boasted a little.

In fact, Liu Hongjian was very satisfied. After all, the Europeans started from scratch and continued to improve. It took 200 years to gradually phase out the old mortars.

And these Ming craftsmen, who had never seen a cannon, realized their 200-year transformation in just one month.

Although his cannon paper and hearth furnace steelmaking method is the key, if there are no craftsmen from the Ming Dynasty and let him work on it himself, it is estimated that he will not be able to do it until the New Year.

Daming's artillery is too far behind. This mortar is currently the main artillery of Daming. This kind of artillery has a short body, a large firing angle, a low initial velocity, and a short range.

If you want to shoot far, you can only increase the dose of gunpowder. In order to prevent the barrel from exploding, you can only thicken the gun body, which makes it extremely inconvenient to move, and has little effect in field battles.

The large Hongyi cannon that Jianlu made a few days ago is an example.

The newly developed cannon is a typical field cannon, and the material is still steel. It does not need such a thick cannon body, which greatly reduces the weight of the cannon body.

With the addition of gun mounts and front carts, only three or two horses are required to keep up with the speed of the infantry.

In addition to its ultra-long range, it is simply a must-have weapon for attacking cities.

"However, it can still be improved. For example, the gunpowder, isn't our muskets using fixed ammunition?" Liu Hongjian said in half.

"My lord, what do you mean, the gunpowder of this artillery can also use this method?
Well, this method is good. The fixed amount of gunpowder can not only stabilize the shooting range, but also speed up the loading speed. My lord is really a genius! "Song Yingxing understood the trick in an instant, and did not forget to flatter her.

"That's not enough! Look at these projectiles, they are still solid iron balls. How can this lethality be done?
For example, can we replace it with a cylindrical-conical shell, will the lethality become stronger?

And if the material of this projectile is also changed to steel, will it be more interesting? "

Liu Hongjian drew inferences from one instance, and was taken aback by what Song Yingxing and Zhang Feng said behind him.

Why does it feel like the Duke of the Kingdom knows how to make cannons better than us?

"My lord, it's not impossible to make the cannonballs as you said, but it may be difficult to change the material to steel..."

Iron spherical projectiles have been used for hundreds of years, which is proven in practice.

The sharp ones are not good for accuracy, the hardness of the iron is not enough, and the lethality is not as great as imagined, and the accuracy is difficult to control, and the distance between the shell and the gun body is too large or too small...

This is not the most important thing. After all, the vernier caliper has been improved in the second gear head, so the accuracy problem is easy to say.

But the most difficult thing is this steel!
Ordinary firewood or coal cannot make qualified steel. In the jargon of later generations, the temperature or heat energy of wood and coal is not enough to make iron, let alone steel.

If you want to make steel, you must first heat and purify the coal, dry distillation, and extract coke, and then use the coke to make steel. The heat generated by the burning of coke is several times that of raw coal, so that you can refine good steel with qualified carbon content. .

In the end, the equipment couldn't keep up, not to mention the steel, even the coke, which has already made these artillery craftsmen have a headache.

Although they had a complete set of diagrams, they struggled for a long time before refining enough coke to produce a cannon. The output of coke was so low that it curbed the refining of steel.

It is precisely because of this that it took them a full month to cast the only cannon.

The hardships involved are not enough for outsiders to understand.

"I don't care about this country, I want you to speed up the test of this cannon to find out the maximum effective range and maximum endurance of this cannon.

A front sight must also be added to improve accuracy, and the shells should also be replaced with steel shells with cylindrical cones.

In short, my country wants you to speed up, if there is not enough coke, then add manpower, equipment, and money!
Our country wants a lot of cannons, a lot of shells, do you understand? "

Time doesn't wait, and this cannon is not considered advanced. Europeans have used it for hundreds of years, and maybe the howitzer has been fiddled with.

So he has to invest more energy, manpower and money. Fortunately, Europeans definitely do not have steel at present. Even if there is steel, the purity cannot reach the effect of coke open-hearth steelmaking method.

After all, this is the result of the first industrial revolution, and at this time there is still more than 100 years before the European industrial revolution.

"My lord, the money in the account is not enough..." Song Yingxing said in an untimely voice.

The recent expenses are indeed a bit high. The various workshops of the Ordnance Institute are expanding their enrollment, and the number of research projects is also increasing.

In addition, those migrant workers never stopped working. Two miles outside the armory, rows of houses rose from the ground. These houses will be used for the residence of craftsmen's families and workers.

If you are not a producer, you will not understand how much research and development costs and energy are needed to create a weapon from scratch.

Money is needed everywhere, and the entire armory is like a bottomless pit, constantly investing, developing, and reinvesting...

"Don't worry about the money, Mr. Song. Doesn't the Ministry of Households still owe us 30 taels? My country's father will ask them to go later!
Well, if it is not enough, the Duke of Japan will go to the emperor to ask for it, and he still has a lot of silver in his internal money..."

Liu Hongjian looked at the direction of the imperial city and smiled maliciously.

The little money he got from Shanxi was gone long ago, plus the 10 taels injected by Uncle Chongzhen more than a month ago, alas, it is beyond our means!

Song Yingxing and Zhang Feng stayed on the spot, daring to love the most difficult money to earn in their eyes. In the eyes of the Duke, the household department is the money bag.

And His Majesty, the great, wise and mighty emperor, is another money bag... This is so terrifying that I can't even imagine it!
For the next few days, Liu Hongjian stayed at the Ordnance Institute for nothing, supervising the production of grenades, as well as the refining of coke and steel.

The grenades are fine. After a few days of proficiency, the output has gradually stabilized at [-] per day.

As for this cannon, only one was produced in a few days.

Just when Liu Hongjian was worrying about the production of steel products, the servants of Duke Anguo's mansion stumbled over.

"My lord! My lord! I gave birth! My wife gave birth! It's a son..." The servant got off his horse at the gate of the Armory Station, his feet were unsteady and he fell.

But he yelled at Liu Hongjian in the yard regardless of the pain in his body.

"I, am I a father?" Liu Hongjian was momentarily stunned.

 Thanks for the 100 coins rewarded by the book friend who lights up the ax while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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