Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 314 I'm Covering You, Don't Worry

Chapter 314 I'm Covering You, Don't Worry

"Little Xizi, what are you doing? If you have something to say, hurry up!" Liu Hongjian knew there was something else going on, and said.

Wang Erxi seemed to be recalling the experience of these days, but the tears in his eyes could not be stopped anymore.

Since the death of his benefactor Wang Chengen, Wang Erxi remembered that he had no family members, so he kept mourning for Wang Chengen for eighteen days on behalf of his family members.

After returning to the palace, Wang Erxi, who was not very favored by Chongzhen, was transferred from the supervisor of ceremonies to the supervisor of the palace by Li Yunkui, the new eunuch who took the seal from the supervisor of ceremonies.

From the handwriting of the supervisor of ceremonies to the palm seal of the supervisor of the palace, although it seems to be rising, it is obviously rising and falling secretly, and it has dropped a lot.

Not to mention that the supervisor of ceremonies can often see the holy majesty, as long as he knows what kind of work the supervisor of the shrine is.

The Jingu Supervisor is in charge of the cleaning of the halls, temples, incense lamps, etc. To put it bluntly, he has become a handyman, and he is still a handyman far away from the emperor.

From helping Chongzhen manage internal funds to becoming the head of cleaning, even Chongzhen can't see him, the gap is really big enough.

But Wang Erxi didn't have any dissatisfaction, since his teacher passed away, he had no foundation at all.

Naturally, it is impossible to have a strong relationship with people like Li Yunkui who are both favored by Chongzhen and rewarded by the queen.

Wang Erxi is very contented, no matter what the palm seal of the Shengong supervisor is one of the twelve palace supervisors, he will not be hungry.

But who knows that Li Yunkui did not let him go, he was suppressed by Wang Chengen for too long, and he hated the only descendant of Wang Chengen.

Although the Internal Official Prison is also one of the Twelve Prisons, in terms of authority and power, it is simply incomparable with the Si Li Supervisor.

What's more, Li Yunkui is still in charge of Dongchang. In the entire palace, except for the Chongzhen family, he is the biggest, and no one dares to mess with him.

If he wants to ask you to do something, he just needs to wink, and there will be a group of cats and dogs below to torment you immediately.

This is the case in the palace. We see him as solemn, solemn, and majestic, and it is true from a distance.

But if you walk in and taste it carefully, you will find that the darkness and filth here never stops.

The court ladies are intriguing, the eunuchs are intriguing, and they will do everything for the sake of superiority. For the superiority, they kneel and lick the chief official, and trample their benefactors to death after becoming superior.

There are so many things like this, eunuchs are indeed a strange species.

On the one hand, they lost the sexual characteristics of men and were born to rely on the royal family, but the eunuchs formed a group, and they had to fight to the death.

Probably this is human nature, but some people have a bottom line, which is called competition, and some people have no bottom line, they just use everything to the extreme.

When he first entered the palace prison, just because a small yellow door broke a glazed tile in the Taimiao, the little yellow door was directly executed with a stick, and even Wang Erxi was fined for two months and received a full twenty boards.

In fact, this matter can be big or small, it's all on the minds of the superiors, and it's also at this time that Wang Erxi knows that someone is messing with him.

And this person is none other than Li Yunkui, the eunuch in charge of the Ceremony Supervisor and the supervisor of the Dongji Incident Factory.

In the days that followed, people continued to provoke right and wrong, sue, and make troubles. The Jingu Supervisor has never been safe since he took over.

Even if he kept his own place and was trembling every day, he never broke up right and wrong.

Wang Erxi knew that even if he did nothing, he would be accused of dereliction of duty.

It was wrong to do it, and it was still wrong not to do it. This was not intended to give him a way out.

He is a eunuch who has no power, no power and no relationship, so what can he do?

Today Li Yunkui asked his minions to find him and asked him to help invite Duke An, but this minion alone dared to yell at him.

It is conceivable that if he gets things done, he will naturally be able to continue to linger on.

If you don't do it properly, you may die in a few days!

Wiping away tears, Wang Erxi talked about his situation, then knelt down again after speaking.

"What do I think is the matter, this bastard old bastard is almost the same as Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Cheng, who actually does some shitty things, no wonder he can work together!
Don't panic, everyone is afraid of the supervisor of the East Factory, and everyone respects the palm seal of the supervisor of ceremonies.

However, the Duke of this country is not afraid, with me covering him, don't worry!
How respectable is a thing that only knows power and has no eggs.

Come, follow me to the palace! "Liu Hongjian was also offended.

Although Wang Erxi didn't have any great skills, he was Wang Chengen's only disciple after all. Wang Chengen shed blood for Daming, this is a hero.

When he and Wang Chengen were bloody on the city wall, they already had a friendship.

Those who have been on the battlefield together understand that if Pao Ze dies in battle, as a comrade in arms, he has the obligation to help his family. It is precisely because everyone thinks so that they can fight the thieves with peace of mind.

We carried guns together, passed windows together, and...

This is the love of Paoze!
Since Wang Chengen entrusted it, it was his obligation.

What's more, Wang Erxi is not a powerful person, you let people clean and they go, it doesn't hinder you, but you still want to kill them all.

Is there such a shameless person in this world?


Imperial City, Qianqing Palace.

"Long Live Lord, An Guogong is here!" Li Yunkui got the report from Xiao Huangmen, who was waiting outside, and hurried to pass the news.

Chongzhen had just reviewed half of the memorial, and he didn't know whether it was because of neck pain or family affairs, so he clenched his left hand and gently tapped his forehead with his eyes slightly closed.

"Oh? Hurry up and announce!" Chongzhen regained his energy immediately, and his frown was relaxed.

Li Yunkui bowed in response, but he sighed slightly in his heart.

Because he finally found out that his status in Long Live Lord's heart was far inferior to that lawless Duke An.

Long live Lord was worried about the Crown Prince's matter, and he wanted to mediate it, but Long Live Lord scolded him for interfering in royal affairs, and what about An Guogong?

Just hearing that he was coming, the Long Live Lord stretched his brows, one can imagine the favor that this An Guogong has in the Long Live Lord's heart.

Family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs, Long Live God trusts this kid.

According to Xiao Huangmen under his command, someone heard the inside story, that is, Lord Long Live wanted to betroth the second princess to this boy.

God, how could Long live God do such a thing?Nobility and hundreds of officials are not allowed to be married to each other, nor to the royal family, let alone the Duke of the State!

How could Lord Long Live not know?How could she go against the ancestral system and let a princess with golden branches and jade leaves marry this unreasonable kid?

The most unbelievable thing is that this kid actually declined!

When Li Yunkui heard the news, he immediately slapped Xiao Huangmen who came to report the news.

Who are you bluffing!How could there be such a ignorant person?

Besides, it is an extremely honorable thing to be Daming's son-in-law. Anyone else would definitely not refuse, unless his head was kicked by a donkey.

And if you dare to disobey the words of Long Live God, can you still live?
But the truth slapped him in the face!It was so hot and painful!
After investigation and textual research by Dongchang Fanzi and many other people in the entire palace, he found that the little Huangmen did not tell lies.

So after this incident, Li Yunkui made a major decision, that is, not to provoke this prickly head unless it is absolutely necessary.

I can't afford to offend, our family can afford to hide, our family has decades of forbearance skills, it's not covered!

"The humble minister Liu Hongjian kowtowed to the emperor!" Liu Hongjian walked into the hall, but only heard his voice but did not see any movement.

"Aiqing, excuse me, I just want to talk to you!" Chongzhen pointed to the chair in front of his case.

"I have something to ask the emperor!" Liu Hongjian smiled slightly, and he and Chongzhen were not like a courtier, but like a friend who has forgotten the years, and also like a nephew.

"Oh? Aiqing, please tell me." Chongzhen was slightly surprised.

"You go out first!" Liu Hongjian suddenly turned his head and said coldly to Li Yunkui who was waiting on the side.


PS: [-] words were updated today, and three updates were added. At present, the reward is still owed for two updates. The monthly ticket will be added again soon. It was supposed to be added this week, but something happened on the weekend, and the plan is always Can't keep up with the changes, Rong Hanhan waited for a while, the debt owed will be repaid...

(End of this chapter)

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