Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 318 The First Modern Firearm

Chapter 318 The First Modern Gun
Bang——From the small shooting range in the middle of the armory, there was a gunshot.

The wooden target thirty steps away was directly pierced, leaving a small hole in the target surface, and there was still a slight blue smoke.

"Okay!" Liu Hongjian shouted loudly, and took the new musket from the test soldier.

Ordinary flintlock guns are not enough to penetrate the target. At most, the projectiles are embedded in the target, which is enough to show the power of this rifled gun.

Liu Hongjian carefully observed the newly developed rifled gun. The gun body of the rifled gun was still made of walnut wood, which not only reduced the weight but also reduced the recoil and prevented it from burning hands.

However, unlike ordinary flintlock guns, the barrel of this rifled gun is made of steel.

Liu Hongjian looked inward with his eyes fixed on the barrel, and he could clearly see the rifling lines inside.

The drawing that Liu Hongjian handed over to Song Yingxing was the hook-knife broaching method, which was a rifling method adopted by the early American colonists.

Compared with the combined circular knife broaching method which is more efficient but requires the cooperation of machine tools, the hook knife broaching method uses manual wooden machinery. Song Yingxing only took a few days to figure it out.

But this method is very inefficient. If you want to pull out a qualified rifling, you need to broach at least a hundred times.

Rifling is the soul of the barrel, which endows the bullet with the ability to rotate, so that the bullet can still maintain a predetermined direction after it is fired.

Liu Hongjian took the bullets for rifled guns from a craftsman behind him.

"My lord, this is the miniature bullet made according to the blueprint you provided. The material is lead. This bullet can travel three hundred paces!" Seeing Liu Hongjian's confusion, Song Yingxing hurriedly explained.

"I'm a second-time Austrian, and this thing has been produced? Yes, Mr. Song!" Liu Hongjian couldn't express his surprise at this moment.

The effective shooting range of matchlock guns and flintlock guns is only a little longer than that of crossbows. Even with the new black powder formula provided by Liu Hongjian, it is only about 150 steps.

Three hundred steps!This improvement is not a star and a half, which means that when charging against cavalry, you can fire earlier.

In fact, Liu Hongjian is still a layman. If the rifling is the soul of the barrel, then the Nimi bullet is the soul of the rifled gun. The two are almost inseparable.

When the rifled gun was first invented in history, the biggest problem was that due to the existence of the rifling, the projectile either could not be inserted into it, or it could not contact the rifling well.

The miniature bullet can be made smaller than the barrel, so it can be easily loaded.

A miniature bullet is a conical projectile with a conical hollow at the base of the bullet.

The metal lead is soft, and when fired, the conical cavity at the bottom of the projectile expands under the pressure of the gunpowder and the barrel, making the bullet close to the rifling, thus solving the problem of loading rifles with rifled muzzles.

Miniature bombs can be poured or pressed and are not difficult to make.

"It's all thanks to the drawings provided by the adults. The old man is just better than the gourd, so I don't deserve the praise of the adults." Song Yingxing said modestly.

"Mr. Song, don't be more modest. The Duke of the country said that it should be done conveniently. The advent of rifled guns should be a blessing to the Ming Dynasty. The Duke of the country will ask the Holy One to ask you to be named a martial artist tomorrow!"

Liu Hongjian could tell whether he had merit or not. Distinguishing rewards and punishments is the most basic system of the Ordnance Institute, and no one understands the significance of rifled guns to Daming better than him.

It is conceivable that if the entire army of the Ming Dynasty could be equipped with rifled and quick-firing guns, all the mite-cleaned wild boar skins and the ancient soldiers of the Tartar League would be scum!
"Song Yingxing thanked you sir! It's just..." Song Yingxing bowed to Liu Hongjian.

He was born in Juren, and he suffered half his life in the officialdom. If he can become a martial artist when he is old, it will be considered an honor for the Song family.

"Just what?" Liu Hongjian looked at Song Yingxing and hesitated to speak.

"My lord, it's just that the broaching of this rifling is extremely difficult, and it will be scrapped if you are not careful. It took me two days to make such a one, and the steel is currently being used to make cannons..."

Song Yingxing reported the truth.

Steel is extremely difficult to refine, and rifling is limited to craftsmanship. Judging from the current situation in Daming, it is difficult to achieve mass production in a short period of time.

With his current production speed, even if he is proficient, he can only carve one in a day. How many gun craftsmen are there in total in the musket workshop?

"It doesn't matter, then first select fifty masters from the gun workshop, and you, Mr. Song, will be responsible for the training. The steel produced will be given priority to these fifty craftsmen, and the excess will be used to produce cannons."

Liu Hongjian thought for a moment.

The steel of a cannon is enough to make hundreds of rifled barrels. If fifty muzzle-loading rifles can be produced in a day, it doesn't matter if the cannon slows down.

Although it cannot be assembled into the Ming army, at least the brothers of Qianhusuo must first use the most advanced firearms produced in Daming.

And the big head of the musket workshop is still the production of flintlock guns. At least hundreds of thousands of Ming troops must be assembled first, and then slowly replaced.

For now, for a long time, the flintlock will be the standard musket of the Ming army.

"Oh, by the way, my lord, the short gun you handed over to the old man, the head of the workshop, Mr. Sun, said that it can be made. It is basically similar to our standard long gun."

Song Yingxing said suddenly.

A few days ago, Liu Hongjian handed him a short gun and told him to see if it could be imitated. This gun was extorted from Zheng Zhilong's subordinate Zhang Jinna earlier.

"Then let's find time to produce [-] pieces. The main purpose of the musket workshop is still to produce flintlock guns!" Liu Hongjian said.

It seems that the Dutch not only equipped a large number of flintlock guns, but even this pistol is superior, coupled with their advanced warships and artillery.

Alas, we can't just target mite clearing!

Measure the material power of China, and unite the country's favor.

Mite Qing is nothing more than a bug, Daming's real enemy is in the west!
Battleships, battleships, the Dutch battleships have already filled the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

As for Daming, not to mention warships, he doesn't even have a navy with a commanding hand.

Zheng Zhilong's fleet is awesome, but it only wins by quantity. Most of them are merchant ships equipped with artillery, and they don't listen to Da Ming's orders.

"Old Song, how is the supervision of the Treasure Shipyard in Tianjin?" Liu Hongjian frowned.

The Navy is Daming's pain, but Daming doesn't realize it. Not only the court doesn't pay attention, even Uncle Chongzhen doesn't care.

"My lord, Tianjinwei's Treasure Shipyard has completed half of its construction, and it will take at least a month before it can be put into production.

However, the old man found more than a dozen old shipwrights from the abandoned treasure shipyard in the south. They all had a very poor life and were very willing to join us. "Song Yingxing said.

"Then let's start with the old-fashioned Ming Dynasty treasure ships, increase incentives, haven't the five warships that Zheng Zhilong promised have been delivered, let them imitate them first!

When you become proficient in the future, the country's public will have to explain it. Remember to send someone to keep an eye on them and find out their family background. "Liu Hongjian was very cautious.

Whether it is a treasure ship or a Galen ship, he doesn't care, these old shipwrights are fundamental.

As long as they pick up the family heirloom skills again, as long as they are sincere enough, as long as Uncle Chongzhen is willing to give money.

He naturally has a way to build a strong navy for Daming.

Because, he has blueprints!
 Thank you book friend Lone Wolf for the 500 coins rewarded.Thanks to book friend XYZ Shutou for the 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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