Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 320 An Guogong, Shoot

Chapter 320 An Guogong, Shoot (Second)

"Hmph, Young Master An is making alarmist remarks here. Although I have never been on a battlefield, I still know the basics. You are deceiving His Majesty, and you are committing a crime of deceiving the Emperor!"

Ma Shiying didn't know about Wei Zaode's scandal last year. In fact, he was still living in Nanjing at that time.

But Ma Shiying didn't know it, but many keyboard warriors behind him knew it.

Many people were in a hurry and wanted to remind him, but they couldn't do anything, because Ma Shiying was standing in front of them.

"Ma Aiqing is serious, Mr. An will not lie to me!" Chongzhen was not happy, he glanced at Ma Shiying and said.

Thinking that you have lied to me for 17 years, and now that the ancestor Jide has finally come to a minister who speaks the truth and does practical things, you are here to bite back.

Do you really think I am a fool?

If you think I'm a fool, I'll make you a devil!
"Your Majesty, don't panic, it is reasonable for Lord Ma to question the musket in the minister's hand, after all, you can't just criticize the minister's mouth to convince the ministers.

How about this, Mr. Ma, how about we take a gamble? "Liu Hongjian showed an extremely kind smile on his face.

here we go again!Many civil servants who survived last year's Hongmen Banquet recalled the scene a year ago.

Chongzhen naturally knew about this, but he was not very interested in Ma Shiying, who was recommended by Duke Cheng.

This guy also repeatedly slandered his humerus minister, so Chongzhen didn't stop him.

"Gambling? What are you betting on? As the Minister of Rites of the Ming Dynasty, how can I do such a commonplace thing? An Guogong's words are inappropriate!"

Ma Shiying's words were full of disdain for Liu Hongjian's philistine behavior.

"Master Ma, don't refuse so decisively!
If the musket in the hands of the Duke cannot hit [-] paces, then the Duke of the country will destroy the musket on the spot and is willing to apologize to Mr. Ma.

In addition, 1 taels of Wenyin was added as compensation!

Big gambles hurt your health, but small gambles make you happy. How about it? Is Mrs. Ma interested? After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ma Shiying.

Ma Shiying's eyes were piercing, although gambling is difficult to be elegant in the court, but how could a gun be farther than a cannon!
That's 1 taels of silver!You can buy hundreds of concubines, you can buy more than 200 hectares of fertile land, you can buy...

Even if he has the title of Minister of Rites, he only spent 2 taels of silver to get it...

Ma Shiying's eyebrows trembled a little, he glanced at Liu Hongjian, and found that this guy was waiting for his answer with a smile on his face.

"How to bet?" Ma Shiying said subconsciously.

After he finished speaking, he regretted it. It wasn't that the gun was really capable of shooting three hundred paces, but that he just said he wouldn't bet on it, but now he hit himself in the face.

"It's very simple! Let's go outside the hall, find an open space, and try how far this gun can hit!" Liu Hongjian did not try to expose it, but continued to guide with great interest.

"Okay! I promise you, I am helping the court to strengthen the policy!" Ma Shiying licked his lips and added righteously.

"In that case, please place your bet, Master Ma!" Liu Hongjian reminded.

"Huh?" Ma Shiying was puzzled.

"Why, don't you think that if you win the bet, you can get the money, and if you lose the bet, you don't have to be responsible for anything!" Liu Hongjian pretended to be surprised.

Old miscellaneous hair, since you have already jumped into the pit, don't try to climb out!
"If the Duke of this country loses, not only will the rewards given to the Armory Station be gone, but he will also lose 1 taels of silver.

How about this, if you lose, you can also apologize to the official, as for the 1 taels of silver...

Hearing that Mr. Ma has always had a clean sleeve, he probably won't be able to get it out.

But Ben Guogong has an idea, if Mr. Ma doesn't believe that Mr. Ma's musket can hit [-] paces, then please ask Mr. Ma to be the target!
Anyway, my country's guns can't shoot so far, so you can save a lot of money!
How about Mr. Ma?Dare to try? "

Liu Hongjian saw that Ma Shiying was in a dilemma, so he gave Ma Shiying some ideas on his own.

"Hmph! Why don't you dare! This officer is just trying to expose your lies, the Ming Dynasty court is not just what you, Lord An, say!" Ma Shiying felt extremely handsome at the moment.

No one in the court dared to speak, only he dared, looking at the entire court, they were all eggless rats...

But vaguely, he felt a little bad. What Duke An said so swearingly, what if it was true?

And even though An Guogong said that he is quite pertinent, but his family still has 1 taels of silver...

It's just that with a big hat on his head, it's hard for him to refute.

Everyone is poor and you also know that you are poor, but you easily took out 1 taels as soon as you made a move. What do your colleagues think?What does the emperor think?
"Aren't the two lovers a little bit too much!" Chongzhen said from the throne watching the intensification of the situation below.

"I would like to ask Your Majesty for permission!" Liu Hongjian and Ma Shiying said in unison.


On the long imperial road outside the Huangji Gate, several small yellow gates brought four targets, two high and two low, from the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

Under Liu Hongjian's gesture, Ma Shiying stood tremblingly among the targets. He seemed to be feeling a little bad, and there was already sweat on his forehead.

But his rationality told him that the kid An Guogong took control of the court, he was playing tricks on a deer.

The gun must not be able to hit so far. Thinking of this, he calmed down a little, and looked at his colleagues three hundred steps away!
And An Guogong holding a gun.

The reason why there were two targets on both sides and above Ma Shiying was because Liu Hongjian had no confidence in his marksmanship.

At this moment, Liu Hongjian was holding his gun, and the courtiers behind him also raised their hearts to their throats.

Everyone was waiting for Liu Hongjian to shoot, but this fellow took aim for a while, and then put the gun down again!

"Master Ma! Bullets have no eyes, do you really not regret it?" Liu Hongjian suddenly shouted to Ma Shiying on the other side of the royal road.

"Don't regret it, Anguo will open the gun!" Hearing Liu Hongjian's words, Ma Shiying became more determined.

After all, if your gun can really hit that far, why do you have to remind me repeatedly, you must be guilty!

hey-hey!This 1 taels of silver is definitely earned by me!
"My lords, if something happens later, all of you have to testify to the Duke of this country!

The Duke of this country did not threaten and lure Mr. Ma, it was he himself who insisted on doing so! "Liu Hongjian turned his head and said to the officials behind him.

Chongzhen himself would certainly not condescend to watch this game of gambling, but as Chongzhen's eyes, Li Yunkui followed.

He sighed softly, alas, the imperial court will lose another pillar!

Most of the surrounding courtiers were silent, only a few elders in the cabinet agreed, so Liu Hongjian raised his gun and started aiming at him without further delay.

Bang - a gunshot, a puff of black smoke choked several ministers coughing.

But everyone was staring at the target in the distance, and Ma Shiying in the middle of the target.

"Master Ma is still standing still, this musket can't hit that far at all!" Seeing this, a censor shouted to his colleagues behind him without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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