Chapter 325
After leaving the study, Liu Hongjian quietly went to the back kitchen to find something to eat. The servants and even the chef Liu Hong were startled.

After eating something casually in the back kitchen to pad his stomach, Liu Hongjian leisurely went to the backyard.

The backyard of the Duke's Mansion has been repaired and expanded several times, and now it has an area of ​​two acres.

Originally, only vegetable gardens and flower gardens were opened up on the side, but after the expansion, it is obviously much more empty.

Sun Xiuxiu ordered his servants to buy a few fruit trees in the market, plant them in the middle of the yard, and plant green grass and flowers in the rest of the open space.

Liu Hongjian felt that it was not good to eat and sleep every day, and he would get fatty liver if he messed up, so he waved his hand and asked his servants to repair the track around the backyard.

But Ming people's clothes don't even have any pants, so they are really not suitable for running.

Fortunately, the two little wives were ingenious, and under Liu Hongjian's gestures, they actually sewed him a big pair of underpants and sweat vest.

After they made this thing, they all felt flushed, that is to say, the two of them were used to seeing their master's unbridled and unrestrained, otherwise if this thing was left outside, people would inevitably be scolded as shocking.

Next to the north wall of the backyard is the vegetable garden tended by Sun Xiuxiu. First, there are two rows of bean racks, which are as tall as a person. Then there are cucumber racks, and the innermost are some leeks, onions and garlic.

The bean seedlings have grown to a height of one foot, and it is just time to tie the seedlings. At this moment, Sun Xiuxiu, who has just recovered, is bending over and tending the bean seedlings.

Xiaolan was helping behind her, while Yang Xue ran around the yard with Xiao Aotian in her arms.

"Master is back!" Yang Xue was the first to hear Liu Hongjian's footsteps, and came over smilingly holding Xiao Aotian.

"Yeah, I'm back." Liu Hongjian kissed Xiao Aotian and Yang Xue on the cheeks each, probably because the stubble got stuck on the little guy, making him grin and start to rebel again.

"You little girl is disobedient, didn't I tell you to take a good rest?" Liu Hongjian said pretending to be angry when he saw Sun Xiuxiu coming from the vegetable bed (qi, two sounds).

"Husband, Xiuxiu knew she was wrong, but this bean seedling has grown so tall..." Sun Xiuxiu looked pitiful that she had been caught for doing something wrong.

"Hmph! I'll 'punish' you when you're healthy. Go and wash your face. Look at you, you've turned into a little cat." Liu Hongjian pinched Sun Xiuxiu's face and said dotingly.

She was already a mother and her husband said so, so Sun Xiuxiu rushed to the house to wash up in embarrassment.

"Master, why do you look so sad? Did you encounter any troubles?" Yang Xue handed the child in her arms to Xiao Lan, while she gently squeezed the shoulders of Liu Hongjian who was sitting on the bench.

"Yes, the prince is getting married, and the emperor asked Wei Wei to be the deputy envoy for the wedding. Who would have thought that the prince would need so many etiquettes to get married? What a headache!" I was fooled by Uncle Chongzhen, miscalculation!

"Master, the emperor chose you by name and surname as the wedding envoy of His Royal Highness, that is a great respect to our family, most people can't ask for it, the master should be happy!

By the way, does the lord know whose family the crown prince's concubine is from? "Gossip is a woman's nature, Yang Xue smiled and asked behind Liu Hongjian's ear.

"It seems to be a woman from Chen Jibu's family in the capital. Why are you asking this, come here for your husband!" Liu Hongjian motioned Yang Xue to come around from behind the stool, and then took her into his arms.

"Ah! Master, Xue'er is pregnant!" Yang Xue was taken aback and whispered.

"You also know that you are pregnant, and you run around the yard like a child all day long, um, your belly looks a bit pregnant." Liu Hongjian walked around Yang Xue with a pair of big hands.

After a while, Yang Xue's pretty face was flushed into his arms.

"Husband, you are bullying sister Xue'er again. Steward Niu is looking for you outside. It seems that there are guests visiting." Sun Xiuxiu washed up the room just out of the house, and then bumped into Liu Hongjian's sloppy behavior.

"This big stick! I must have been enemies with this master in my previous life." Liu Hongjian muttered to tidy up Yang Xue's clothes, and then went to the main hall after dawdling with Sun Xiuxiu for a while.

"Bo Luochi, under the tent of Abnai Great Khan of the Chahar Khanate, pays homage to Daming Anguo Gong!" Seeing Liu Hongjian coming, Bo Luochi hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Hey, isn't this Master Pineapple! Long time no see, are you here?" Liu Hongjian hurriedly helped the old man up. This guy looked older than the cabinet ministers.

Behind Bo Luochi were two younger Menggu men. Unlike the skinny Bo Luochi, these two men had muscles all over their bodies and the blood vessels protruding from their foreheads were enough to make Niu Dazhuan feel ashamed.

Niu Dabanchui didn't care about this, he held the AKM in his hand, and stared at the two big men behind Polo's naked body.

And one of the two big men looked at Niu Da Bangchui as if he was not convinced.

"Thank you for your concern, my lord. Thanks to my lord, everything is fine.

Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to Grandpa Guo. " Bo Luochi pointed sideways at the two big men behind him.

"This is Kirby, the son of the Khan of the Tumed Department." Porochi pointed to the big man on the left and introduced, and the big man hurriedly bowed to salute.

"This is... Qiaodan... What are you doing..." Bo Luochi saw that Qiaodan had met the people in the Duke's mansion, his eyes turned green.

This Qiao Dan caused him quite a few troubles along the way, if it wasn't for his help, this Qiao Dan would have been arrested by the Daming government long ago.

I don't even look at what this place is. When he came here half a year ago, it was still the Earl's Mansion. What about now?
Everyone is already a Duke, what is the status of a Duke in Daming?Then think of the position of this young father-in-law in the heart of His Majesty the Ming Emperor.

God, you blind fool!

"This is Qiaodan, the son of the Khan of the Karaqin Tribe!" Under Porochi's reminder, Qiaodan withdrew his unconvinced eyes and saluted Liu Hongjian with a grin.

"Well, what is your Excellency Pineapple's visit to my country this time?" Liu Hongjian asked with a smile on his face.

A barbarian is still a barbarian. Although Bo Luochi still understands the customs of the Ming Dynasty, as a minister of a foreign race, if you have anything to do, you should go to the Ming court. This is what the Ministry of Rites does.

Why do you keep running here to find the Duke of the country, that is, the emperor trusts him, and those civil servants are frightened by him.

Otherwise, if another official is changed, these keyboard warriors will definitely be labeled as having foreign knowledge and plotting evil.

"My lord, Bo Luochi came here this time, first of all to congratulate His Majesty Daming for defeating the Jurchens in Liaodong!" Bo Luochi smiled happily.

"Don't talk nonsense, my country is busy!" Aren't the tartars very straightforward, why is this old man lingering like a courtier, but Liu Hongjian didn't believe that this old man just came to congratulate him.

These northern barbarians, the more polite you are to them, the less they will take him seriously.

On the contrary, the more rude you are and show disdain for them, the more respectful they will be.

Menggu couldn't defeat the Ming Dynasty. In their view, the strong must have the style of the strong.

"Your Majesty, the three of you are here to represent the friendship between the Chahar Tribe, Tumed Tribe, Karaqin Tribe and the Ming Dynasty.

I hope that Damingbian Town can increase the trading time! "

(End of this chapter)

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