Chapter 327

"No way! Impossible!" Liu Hongjian flatly refused. He felt that the old man seemed to be thinking too much.

Daming hasn’t equipped all the latest firearms yet, so now you’re here to ask your country’s official to ask for it?

Sister, who knows what kind of mind you have, what should you do if you bought my weapon to beat me?
"It's okay, it's okay, it's old and rude!" In fact, Bo Luochi also asked seemingly casually, he wanted to see if this An Guogong of Daming was a "accommodating" person.

In fact, for any official in the late Ming Dynasty, as long as he could afford the money, Porochi would be sure to buy this kind of weapon.

However, according to his investigation, this new type of musket did not come from Daming's Ministry of Industry, but a place called Daming Royal Ordnance Institute.

And the owner of this ordnance store is the Duke Anguo of Daming. It is said that even the Ministry of Households paid for these muskets within the Daming army...

This An Guogong is simply too terrifying!

Why did the emperor of Ming Dynasty ignore this?Or even let it go?

Porochi couldn't figure it out, but he knew that their Chahar warriors would never want to get these sharp firearms.

"Haha, don't be discouraged, pineapple, the main reason is that there is a shortage of muskets, and Ming's army has not been completely replaced.

One year, the Lord of the Country guarantees that after one year, Daming's firearms will be given priority to your tribe. "Liu Hongjian laughed.

Liu Hongjian was still a little too sensitive about muskets, but considering that the rifled guns were beginning to produce results, they could be replaced in a year's time.

Then these replaced quick-fire guns... can be sold for a good price!
Well, this is good business!

It is good if the country is strong, and backward countries are scrambling for the leftover garbage. Thinking of the Huaxia of later generations, Liu Hongjian is quite proud of the current Ming Dynasty.

He can definitely do it!must!
"It's the Khanate! My lord, it's a deal!" Porochi hurriedly corrected Liu Hongjian's slip of the tongue.

Chahar is a direct descendant of the gold family, with a pure and proud bloodline, which cannot be tarnished by anyone.

"Well, it's easy to say!" Liu Hongjian didn't care about your Khanate, he just laughed.

Who knows how much can happen in a year?At that time, who will sell the firearms of the country's father will depend on who is the most obedient, not on promises.

Where is the 100% commitment between countries?Unless...these ancient men are willing to join my Ming Dynasty!
Well, that's a good idea!

In fact, after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the most unlucky people were not the Han people, but the Menggu people.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were about 200 million people in the Menggu family, including the Neimeng, the Outaimeng, and the descendants of the Wala lineage in the west.

However, 300 years later, under the racial suppression of the mites, there are only less than 100 million people left.

The reason is really simple. When Jianlu entered the customs, the whole clan was only about 50, but the number of Menggu who belonged to Jianlu was dozens of times more than them.

If you are, are you afraid?
So, come on, put the shackles on you.

The first shackle controls the upper limit of men. For example, the maximum number of men in Horqin League cannot exceed [-].

If you want to ask how to exceed it, of course it is to kill it!
Even when going to the battlefield, it is perfectly normal to let the Menggu people be the forwards.

After Jianlu entered the pass, the Eight Banners of Mite Prefecture seldom attacked cities and lands in person.

They beat the Han people with the Eight Banners of Han, the Han people with the Eight Banners of Mongolia, the ancients of the League to destroy the ancients of the League, the ancients of the League to kill anyone who dared to resist the Qing Dynasty, and finally let the ancients of the League strangle themselves to death.

Just take Mite Qing's attack on Junggar as an example, why did Junggar turn against it?Is Junggar really the heinous crime that the Jianlu people said?

If Galdan under the spring knew that even if he died and was nailed in a coffin, he would still shout in this tomb with his rotten vocal cords: for freedom!
People just don't want to subjugate the country and exterminate the species!
In fact, it was the biggest and last resistance that Menggu made for his own nation after he joined the Qing Dynasty!
But what about the result?Junggar, as a direct descendant of Yexian Khan from the Oara lineage, was massacred by Mi Qing with cannons imported from the West.

They implemented a horrible mie policy on Junggar, and 80 members of the whole clan were slaughtered to only [-]. Junggar has since become a place name!
The second shackle, the foolish people and the palanquin!
In the beginning, there were only a small number of people who believed in Lamaism. The Qing court realized this weakness and used the slogan "Building a Lama Temple wins [-] soldiers" as a slogan.

In only 200 years, nearly half of men in Menggu became infertile lamas!


If someone understands the sadness in this, they will know why the foreign alliance was able to leave China. It is not the actual situation, let alone Mao's fault!

It's because the Waimeng is chilling towards Huaxia because of the Qing Dynasty!
Nima, digressed! ! !

Liu Hongjian's thinking is actually not complicated at all, he doesn't care about the right and wrong of Menggu and Ming Dynasty in the past hundred years.

They also wanted to survive, but Daming was not strong enough at that time.

These rough guys, simple and straightforward, are born fighters!
There is no doubt that if Da Ming can help them, they can also help Da Ming.

In the future, Ming's army will definitely be dominated by firearms, but in this era, elite cavalry is indispensable.

Perhaps the best way, hehehe, Liu Hongjian calmed down a bit, and slowly brewed a clue...

After an unpleasant discussion with these three people, Liu Hongjian agreed to take them to the Ministry of Rites to sign the document three days later.

And he still has to report this matter to Uncle Chongzhen. Although the problem is not big, he still needs to talk about it for a while.

After seeing off the three men of Menggu, Liu Hongjian sat in the living room and meditated.

After all, Jianlu was rampant, but Menggu should not be underestimated. The vast grassland and the complicated situation, how should we deal with it?

Even if Daming becomes stronger in the future, should he follow the example of Comrade Zhu Di and make a five-conquest alliance?
God is pitiful, Zhu Di's five conquests, not to mention the waste of people and money, have had little effect.

You ride a horse, and others ride horses. No one is familiar with the terrain yet. Although they jump all over the grassland and run wildly with their chickens and dogs, at best they just go to other people's cards to pretend to be aggressive, oh no, five times!

Of course not!Since ancient times, a truly bloody nation has never been conquered by killing.

Killing can only destroy a nation, but want to conquer him, let him agree with you...

Only by culture!Inclusive, integrated!
This is the way to get it done once and for all, although the process may be troublesome.

Well, I am Ming, and what the Chinese nation can do best is the culture that has been passed down for thousands of years.

If one were to find and compare the most inclusive nation in the forest of nations all over the world, Huaxia would surely rank among the top three.

Maybe, I should go to my uncle to discuss it. Is it better to settle the enemy than to end it!

Thinking of this, Liu Hongjian suddenly felt enlightened.

I'm still awesome!

"Get the horse ready with the club, let's go for a walk in the armory!"

PS: In writing this chapter, I have read a lot of materials about the various ministries of the League of Nations in the late Ming Dynasty.

 Thank you book friend Xiaoyaohou for the reward of 1000 coins, thank you book friend Dulangtian for the reward of 500 coins, and thank you book friend for the reward of 100 coins while drunk, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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