Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 329 It's Not Easy To Earn Some Money

Chapter 329 It's Not Easy To Earn Some Money (Part [-])
"Who developed this glass?" Liu Hongjian asked a dozen glass craftsmen who came behind after hearing the news.

Song Yingxing is now doing all he can in military scientific research, and Liu Hongjian's side jobs are basically created by these craftsmen themselves.

"Back to the old man, we made this glass together, we ate and lived together and studied it for half a month!
The glass fired at the beginning was not transparent enough, we worked overtime to improve it, and how to press the glass into a plane..."

An old craftsman with half of his hair white came out from the crowd, and introduced to Liu Hongjian cautiously the birth process of the glass in front of him...

"My lord, he is Sun Dayi, the head of the glass workshop." Song Yingxing introduced in a low voice.

Although he didn't interfere much with the research of these glazed craftsmen, as the second head of the armory, he was in charge of the funds and personnel appointments of the glass workshop.

"Well, you should be proud, because you'll all be in the history books hundreds of years from now!

Mr. Song, each of these craftsmen rewarded 200 taels of silver, and Bantou Sun rewarded 500 taels of silver. "

Liu Hongjian encouraged these old craftsmen, rewarded them with money, and asked for their care, which moved a dozen new glassmakers.

They knew who the young man in front of them was, and they were indeed proud, but that was because their boss was An Guogong of Daming.

Glass is really a great invention. With this thing, you can basically say goodbye to window paper at home.

The light transmission of the window paper is not good, but it will always break. I have seen a lot of scenes in film and television dramas when eavesdropping on other people's homes, licking their fingers with their tongues, and punching holes in other people's windows.

Liu Hongjian felt that if he wanted to make a fortune, he could finally plug the shortfall of the Ordnance Institute.

However, his workshop is really too small. The craftsmen and workers together only have less than [-] people.

Such a small output is not enough, glass is definitely in short supply.

Not to mention other people, even if Uncle Chongzhen found out, he would probably ask him for the goods immediately. With such a small production capacity, it would probably take a year or so to replace the windows of the entire palace.

No way, we have to expand the capacity, which requires building a larger workshop and recruiting more craftsmen and workers.

God!my silver!
When on earth will I be able to make money!
Liu Hongjian was helpless in his heart, Song Yingxing beside him didn't know what happened to his lord, his expression changed from happy to sad, like a patient with facial paralysis.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Song Yingxing asked with concern.

"Ah? It's nothing, it's nothing, how much money is still in the account of Song Lao's armory?" Liu Hongjian broke free from his fantasy and asked casually.

"My lord, there are still three 10,000+ taels in the account, which is enough to last for about a month or two!" Song Yingxing said shyly.

He is the general manager of the entire large industry in Xishan. It is reasonable to say that these industries should earn some money in addition to serving the country and the people.

But it has been half a year, not only did not earn money, but spent money like running water.

A few days ago, the dividends sent by the Shanxi coal mines were all sent to the ordnance department by Liu Hongjian. Now the capacity is expanded here and there, and they are recruiting soldiers and buying raw materials everywhere...

Perhaps Liu Hongjian only knew that the money was spent, but he, Song Yingxing, also knew the specific whereabouts of each sum of money, and the more he knew, the more he felt that the Ordnance Factory was a gold-selling cave.

"Expansion! The glass factory needs to be expanded, mass production must be done as soon as possible, and people must be recruited!" Liu Hongjian almost gritted his teeth.

Now that you know that you can make money 100%, no matter how embarrassing you are, you have to grit your teeth and work hard. Persistence, persistence is victory!Liu Hongjian encouraged himself.

"My lord, how many more workers will be recruited?" The corner of Song Yingxing's mouth twitched.

He spent all the money. Even though he feels sorry for the Duke, he still has to ask. Only by knowing how many people will be recruited can he roughly calculate how big the workshop will be expanded.

It's all about cost!
"Let's recruit 1000 more people first! Mass production must be achieved as soon as possible.

In addition, these glasses are plated with a layer of silver on the back, and made into palm-sized mirrors, and then all the oirans in the big brothels in the capital will give a piece of it!
Remember that it is a free gift, tell the source of these oiran mirrors, and release the news that the glass workshop is going to recruit agents..."

The corners of Liu Hongjian's mouth slowly turned up. There are dozens of fireworks places in the capital, and the oirans in these places come into contact with wealthy gentry, wealthy businessmen, and nobles.

Everyone knows that he loves beauty, and if he can have a mirror that reflects himself so clearly, presumably the oirans will be happy to help him promote it.

Through them, the glass workshop will be known to the whole capital as quickly as possible, and the merchants are all people with a keen sense of smell. I believe that the mirrors of the workshop will be known to the world in a short time.

As for recruiting agents, it also saves a lot of trouble. If you sell it by yourself, you have to recruit more people. It's better to give it to these businessmen who are already doing business.

Fortunately, he is a manufacturer and is in the upper reaches of the capital, so he can completely contain these merchants through production and other means.

"It's my lord, I'll do it later!" Song Yingxing understood Liu Hongjian's intention after a little thought.

It seems that glass can be used not only as a mirror or as a window, wait a moment, let me think about it...

Liu Hongjian frowned, and suddenly stared at Song Yingxing. Wherever Song Yingxing was seen like this, a certain place tensed up instantly.

"Mr. Song, can you read clearly now?" Liu Hongjian himself was not short-sighted, but the ancients probably couldn't avoid these problems.

"My lord, I'm getting old. If the sun is good, it's fine. If the oil lamp is lit at night, you have to be far away to see clearly..." Song Yingxing didn't know why the lord in front of him asked this question, but he was still truthful. report.

"That's all right! Mr. Song, you are blessed!" Liu Hongjian laughed.

If Song Yingxing knew that there was such a creature as an alpaca, his heart would definitely be galloping.
"What I mean is, Mr. Song, your problem is called presbyopia! Our glass can be used to make glasses. Whether you are short-sighted or far-sighted, you can see clearly and clearly!
Six or six? "Having discovered a new business opportunity, Liu Hongjian felt great.

It is said that my Chinese descendants have a head hanging from a beam and an awl piercing their buttocks. They are extremely diligent in reading and practicing calligraphy. Presumably, I have a lot of myopia!

There are also those rotten Confucians with gray hair in the imperial court, and even Uncle Chongzhen who stays up all night to review memorials.

Well, they all need a pair of glasses!
Glasses, yes, and binoculars...

There is a lot to do!Liu Hongjian regained some confidence in earning money in an instant.

A few days later, the entire capital city and even Shuntian prefecture's wealthy merchants were all boiling...

It's not that they haven't seen a diorama, but there is obviously a qualitative difference.

The diorama is not only small, but its image is also far from the one seen in the brothel. All businessmen with some foresight have sniffed out huge business opportunities...

 Thank you book friends for guarding the agency and looking at the ax with the light in your mouth for the 100 coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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