Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 339 What is the grudge, what is the grudge

Chapter 339 What is the grudge, what is the grudge

When Liu Hongjian came out from the palace, it was already dark.

"Husband, Xiuxiu is so tired. She has been standing all day today!" Sun Xiuxiu complained as she leaned against Liu Hongjian in the carriage, but her face was full of satisfaction.

After all, she was doing business for the emperor, and her husband worked hard for Daming all day long, but now she can not only do something for the empress, but also be with her husband, which can be regarded as fulfilling her wish.

But Liu Hongjian was never tired. Now he felt that as long as he was given a bed, he could sleep till the end of time.

"When you get home, let Xue'er rub it for you. Recently, she has become more proficient in her technique." Liu Hongjian said softly, holding Sun Xiuxiu in his arms.

It was completely dark when we got back to the mansion, Liu Hongjian waved his hand and ordered the gate to be closed.

Although it was still early, he just wanted to rest now, but he didn't want to see anyone, and he didn't want to see anyone.

When the two returned to the house, they didn't even bother to drink their saliva, so they both lay down on the big bed.

"Ma'am, you are finally back, this servant girl is going to call the Second Madam!" the maid Xiaobai said after seeing Liu Hongjian and the two returned.

Sun Xiuxiu and Liu Hongjian went to the palace to stay for a day, and at this time there was no milk powder to drink directly.

In order to solve Xiao Aotian's feeding problem, Liu Hongjian finally came up with an idea to store a day's milk in advance, so as to avoid the trouble of overflowing milk, and kill two birds with one stone.

But this little guy is so good to eat, he ate up all the milk in the middle of the afternoon.

The hungry little guy had no milk, so he searched for Yang Xue, but Yang Xue was only three months pregnant, where did he get milk for him.

So she kept crying and making noise, tossing Yang Xue enough.

"Sister, you are back, our young master is too difficult to serve, look at my clothes, they are all made into such a shape by this little guy..." Yang Xue came in and showed her crumpled clothes to the two of them look.

Xiao Bai, who was holding Xiao Aotian behind him, came in, Xiao Aotian was so hungry that he fell asleep.

"Stop complaining, come and beat my husband's legs, my husband is much more tired than you today!" Liu Hongjian ordered without even raising his eyelids.

It was Sun Xiuxiu who was a mother and knew how to love her son. When she heard that her son was hungry, she immediately dragged her tired body to get up to feed her.

But Yang Xue went to bed with her mouth pouting and started killing chickens for her master.

After tossing and tossing for quite a while, after Sun Xiuxiu finished feeding, the three of Yang Xueer, who was also exhausted, lay down on the bed together and slept together under a big quilt.

And Liu Hongjian, who was lying in the middle, had long been sound asleep, no longer in the mood to applaud for love.

The entire An Guogong Mansion entered into silence ahead of schedule...

In the dead of night, there is only a bright moon in the sky, which illuminates the courtyard a little deeper.

Suddenly a figure flashed across the roof. This person was dressed in a night suit like a ghost, and slowly moved towards the backyard of Duke Anguo's mansion.

His skill is so flexible that he walks on the roof as if walking on flat ground, without a single sound.

The figure walked to the ear room at the back of the main hall, seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then walked to the left.

"There are assassins! Catch the assassins—" In the quiet night, a loud roar suddenly resounded through An Guogong's mansion.

Immediately afterwards, the servants of An Guogong's mansion gathered from all over the place, and under the instruction of Niu Dabanchui, they scattered around and searched.

"Master, there are assassins! Be careful!" Niu Da Bangchui ran towards the inner courtyard, shouting as he ran.

He also didn't care about the ban on male relatives entering the inner courtyard, because he wanted to ensure the safety of his master.

Just now, after patrolling in the middle of the night, Niu Da Bangchui, who was about to call for someone to replace him, suddenly spotted a figure on the roof.

Niu Da Bangchui remembered that the previous Tartar assassin turned pale with fright, but a tiger's roar made the assassin tremble in fright, and he slid off the roof.

He quickly drew out his knife and was about to go forward to catch the assassin, but the assassin was so skilled that he ran away without a trace.

Also woken up by the tiger's roar from the bull's stick, and Liu Hongjian who was sleeping soundly on his back.

Hearing the voices outside shouting to catch the assassin, Liu Hongjian no longer had the difficulty of getting up in the past, and even his sore legs didn't feel any more.

His wife and children are by his side, and he is no longer the stunned young man he was before after many battles. He got out of bed with a bang, took out an AKM from the ring in a moment of mental stagnation, and protected his wife and children. forward.

"Husband! Be careful!" The two girls also woke up and heard shouts from outside, but they didn't yell, they just hugged each other to remind their husbands.

Not only did Yang Xue not panic, but she looked infatuatedly at Liu Hongjian who was protecting them in front of her.

True love is not visible on weekdays, only the man who bravely protects them when there is danger is the man who is worth waiting for them all their lives.

At this moment, Yang Xue even felt that even if she died, it was worth it.

Liu Hongjian didn't have this kind of thought. Ever since the Tartar assassins stabbed Sun Xiuxiu last time, he had been blaming himself for a long time.

This time, he will never allow such a situation to happen, even if he demolishes An Guogong's mansion, he will not hesitate!

"Caught it! Niutou, the little one has caught the assassin!" A joyful shout came from the outer courtyard.

With a creak, Liu Hongjian went out in his pajamas, carrying the AKM.

Outside the door, Niu Damai held a long knife and stood by the door like a door god.

"Bangchui, stay here and watch, I'll go and see!" Liu Hongjian worried that the assassin had other accomplices, so he gave Niu Dabangchui instructions.

"Master, be careful, I will leave this place to me, and no one can get in!" Niu Zhuang said in a deep voice with his eyes wide open, and he was more focused than anyone else at the moment.

Liu Hongjian said no more, and walked towards the outer courtyard.

The outer courtyard was already illuminated by many torches, even Mrs. Liu and Mr. Niu were alarmed and came out in coats.

A group of servants surrounded the assassin with three floors inside and three outside. Liu Hongjian didn't know whether the assassin was dead or alive, so he just walked over with his gun.

"Get out of the way, the master is here, give way!" a servant shouted.

Liu Hongjian pushed aside the crowd and saw the appearance of the assassin clearly by the light of the torch.

"It's you?" Liu Hongjian frowned.

The 'assassin' who was pressed to the ground in embarrassment by the servants was clearly the little Taoist priest in today's hall, or Zhang Xiaoai, the youngest daughter of Zhang Tianshi!

"Woooooo—let go of me, you guys, my leg hurts—" Zhang Tianai lay on the ground and cried bitterly.

How could she have suffered such a crime, originally the mahogany sword failed today, so she was so angry that she was reprimanded by her senior brother after returning home.

Unwilling and unable to sleep, she took advantage of her senior brother not paying attention, asked the guards of Honglu Temple for the way, and walked out quietly.

But who would have thought that An Guo Gong's mansion was too big, Zhang Xiaoai searched back and forth for the main house, and even found the wrong door.

Surrounded by several servants just now, she could have escaped by force, but this time it was just for investigation, and she didn't want to hurt anyone.

But no matter how many servants there are, they only have one mission, to catch the assassin, whether dead or alive.

In a hurry, with the flash of a sword, Zhang Xiaoai accidentally got stabbed in the leg.

"What kind of enmity does this officer have with you, what kind of resentment!
Why do you have to make trouble with me! "

 Thanks for the 500 coins rewarded by the book friend's nickname Why can't it be repeated? Thanks to the 100 coins rewarded by the book friend who lights up the light and looks at the ax while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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