Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 35 What an Expensive Boat Ticket

Chapter 35 What an Expensive Boat Ticket (Please recommend a ticket!)
In a dark house in the capital, a few mysterious people were sitting in the room. The room had no windows. It must be a cellar. The flame of the candle was burning high. Silent.

"Since that kid suddenly appeared, we have disrupted our plans several times. A few days ago, that idiot Wu Mengming also fell into his hands. Now the situation is unclear. Let the adults have any opinions!"

The person sitting in the main hall briefly talked about the recent situation, his voice was deep and old, and he showed a little tiredness.

"Originally, everything is under your control. Although the emperor is stubborn, as long as we are of the same mind, even if he is the emperor, there is nothing he can do about us. This kid came out of nowhere and insulted the old man again and again.

Wu Mengming has a lot of things against us, although he doesn't know if that guy is serious or not, but he should take precautions. If you want me to say, if you don't do anything, just kill that kid! "

From the lower right of the main seat, a voice came, and there was both anger and fear in the voice.

"Brother Ling, this is a bit reckless. Haven't you seen the strange firearm in that kid's hand? It's good to be sure to kill him. If you miss it, the matter will be revealed, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Hehe, to be honest, I have already contacted Jianzhou, and they have promised to send Jurchen experts to help me eliminate the thieves, does he sleep with that strange firecracker at night?

Besides, even if the matter is revealed, that kid will probably only think that it was the Jurchens from Jianzhou who did it!Misfortune will flow to the east, wait with me and don't want to do it! "

The old man called Shi Ling stroked his beard, appearing to be in control of his wits.

"Brother Ling, how dare you collude with Jianlu? This is treason!" A person on the left accused, his voice faintly startled and angry.

"Come on, Master Li, Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers are in full swing, and the treasury of Ming Dynasty is already empty. What can I use to resist it? I just made two-handed preparations in case something happens!"

"You..." The person known as Mr. Li was choked by the other party and couldn't speak.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, we're all in the same boat! Let me see, since the emperor hasn't made any movement, presumably he doesn't know the tricks in Wu Mengming's hands, so let's not mess ourselves up."

The leader tried to smooth things over, and did not criticize his colleagues for colluding with the Jianzhou Jurchen in words, and he also had some thoughts in his mind.

"Then what should be done according to the adults?" The surname Li asked.

"Well... Teacher Ling's plan can be considered, but it is still a bit reckless. If it is a last resort, the old man still wants to use a softer method, first see how the kid reacts, and then make a conclusion."

"Let's send..."


The Liu family in Beijing.

There was nothing to do these few days, and Liu Hongjian didn't bother to go to court. He slept at home until the sun was high every day.

Liu Hongjian's new cook, Sister Liu Hongjian, was really good at cooking. Liu Hongjian still remembered that he brought them back a few days ago. To celebrate the housewarming, Liu Hongjian asked Sister Liu to show off her skills and cook some special dishes.

So that night, two banquets were set up in the Liu Family Courtyard. Liu Hongjian, Sun Xiuxiu, and Liu Delong's family sat at the same table, and Niu Dabangchui and other servants sat at the same table.

The first dish Sister Liu brought was spicy shredded rabbit, which was shiny in color and full of meat fragrance. Liu Hongjian asked his father to taste it first. The old scholar had never eaten such delicious meat in his life, and he only chewed it for two Next, it is delicious.

Niu Da Bangchui, who couldn't wait for a long time, kept attacking the spicy rabbit shreds with a big steamed bun in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand. Ma Xiulan, who had already changed into a new dress beside her, couldn't help but burst out laughing when she saw Niu Da Bangchui eating.

"Don't laugh at me, you don't know what I ate when I was in the capital camp, so how can it compare with this, um... delicious, try it!"

Niu Da Bangchui struggled to swallow the steamed buns and vegetables in his mouth, seeing Xiao Lan kept looking at him and smiling, he replied, and had the audacity to pick up the vegetables for Xiao Lan.

There are two new servants sitting across the table. The servants may not have seen this battle at all, and they are a little flattered. How could the master treat the servants to a banquet?
The two who were honest and friendly at first were a little cautious at first, but as you can imagine, they didn't even taste the taste of rabbit meat, and they were wiped out by the bull's stick in just a moment.

The next few dishes, the two of them were not cautious anymore, since it was a gift from the master, of course they had to taste it, but before they picked it up twice, it turned into an empty plate again, so the two had no choice but to put down their chopsticks resentfully.

What can they do? Niu Da Bang Chui, as his master's guard, is no one higher in terms of position, and in terms of skill... Hehe, they are also very desperate, so they have to eat quickly for the next dish.

So gobbled up one bull with a stick, and finally turned into three.

Liu Hongjian lay on the bed and recalled the situation of that night, and laughed unconsciously.

"Husband, what are you laughing at?" Sun Xiuxiu in her arms woke up faintly, seeing Liu Hongjian lying on the bed giggling, she felt strange and asked casually.

Liu Hongjian reached out and scratched Sun Xiuxiu's playful nose, and said with a smirk that he remembered what happened last night... Before he could finish speaking, he took a punch in the chest from Sun Xiuxiu.

This husband is also real, not only always likes to say strange things, but also makes people pose in such embarrassing poses at night... Thinking of the love affair last night, Sun Xiuxiu not only pulled up the quilt to cover her blushing face.

Xiaolan, who lived in the ear room, heard the call and had already prepared washing water to send over. Liu Hongjian had just finished washing when the shouting of a bull's club comparable to a loudspeaker sounded outside the yard.

"Master! Master, have you woken up? I have something to ask for you, Master? Master?" Except for Liu Hongjian, other male family members are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard. Of course, Niu Dabangchui knows the rules, but it is urgent, and he can't wait to report it. He raised his voice and yelled loudly inside.

"Your name is Hun'er! It's so early in the morning, what's the matter?" Liu Hongjian walked out of the inner courtyard fully dressed, and saw Niu Dabangchui standing anxiously at the door of the inner courtyard.

"Master, I just picked up a letter at the gate of the outer courtyard. It didn't have a name on it. I didn't find it when I got up in the morning and opened the door. I didn't know when it was there. I was afraid of delaying the master's important business, so I hurried to deliver it."

Niu Dabangchui saw Liu Hongjian's displeasure, and hurriedly finished speaking.

Liu Hongjian took the letter and waved Niu Zhuang to retreat.

Who will write to himself?It was still an anonymous letter, and Liu Hongjian opened the envelope with doubts.

"You are a smart person, you should know the truth of what is right, so that everyone will be better off, some money to express your heart, if you think so, please put the letter somewhere, we are willing to work with you to seek wealth!"

"Hey! What a great handwriting!" A meeting ticket worth 10 taels was hidden in the envelope. The meeting ticket is anonymous, and anyone can exchange the meeting ticket for the corresponding silver taels.

"Want to pull me on board? Conspire to get rich? It's such an expensive ticket!"

Liu Hongjian folded the bank note and stuffed it directly into his bosom, then rolled up the letter paper and threw it directly into the brazier, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Have you finally lost your temper?"

 Ask for collection, ask for reward! !
(End of this chapter)

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