Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 351 Breaking the Record

Chapter 351 Breaking the Record (Second Update)

Last night, the first one who couldn't hold on was Zhu Chunchen, the former Duke of Cheng. This guy had been in prison for two months, and his bones were weak. He only suffered more than [-] knives before he went to see the King of Hades.

However, even if they died, they still had to appear on the execution ground together. In the afternoon, Li Yunkui spent [-] dollars and was silent.

In the entire execution ground, only Qi Zanyuan, the captain-in-law, was left dying.

It may be that this guy travels around every day and eats a lot of good sports. The cuts on his body obviously have no flesh, but the vigorous vitality is still alive.

I even heard from the yamen servant that this fellow ate two bowls of porridge the night before yesterday.

"Three thousand three hundred knives!" shouted the servant of the Ministry of Punishment.

Since it was already the third day, the people did not know how many times they had been cut with knives. Fortunately, the Criminal Department recorded it at the same time and reported it to the surrounding crowd.

"Grandpa, you are here!" Seeing Liu Hongjian dressed in fine clothes, he came to the execution ground again to guide the work.

The prison officer of the criminal department was drowsy at first, but he regained his energy immediately.

"Well, come and have a look, it's been three days, why is it still not finished?" Liu Hongjian frowned as he looked at the execution ground.

"My lord, there is no need to rush this, the record is about to be broken!" The official looked extremely proud.

After all, it has been more than 100 years. If the person in front of him can hold another hundred dollars, the record left by Liu Jin will be broken, and there may even be no one to come.

As a witness, this official is still very concerned.

"Hey, my lord wants to go in and see who is so capable of carrying it!" Liu Hongjian went down from the execution platform to the place of execution.

"My lord, please be careful, the scene is a bit bloody..." the official of the Ministry of Punishment quickly followed up and reminded with a bitter face.

As a junior official, if Liu Hongjian wanted to go, he would definitely accompany him.

"Three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars!" Yamen servant shouted.

Qi Zanyuan's face has no flesh, only three holes for the mouth, nose and eyes, and the neck is not cut too much because of too many arteries.

Except for the large blood vessels, the limbs were cut apart, and only the bones were left. The white bones were exposed, like the skeleton specimens in the medical school.

But at this moment, the old man who was executing the execution was staring at Qi Zanyuan's abdomen with all his attention, because at this point, only the abdomen can be stabbed.

And there are many organs in the abdomen, if you are not careful, it may be fatal, and if the person dies, everything will be meaningless!
"Three thousand three hundred and eighty dollars!"

Qi Zanyuan, who had turned into a skeleton, was bound to the pillar motionless. If he hadn't seen his heart still beating, Liu Hongjian would really have thought that he was dead.

"Three thousand and four hundred knives!" The yamen servant was also a little excited.

"Master Guo, you have already broken our court record!" the prison officer whispered, covering his mouth and nose that was about to gag.

"It's boring! Let's go with the big stick!" Liu Hongjian smiled awkwardly but politely.

Although it looked scary, but Liu Hongjian was killed in a sea of ​​blood. He had never seen what kind of battle, but he felt that it was a waste of time to cut a person for three days.

Qi Zanyuan finally supported 580 dollars, and as the executioner, the veteran craftsman received 2000 taels of silver reward.

This is undoubtedly a huge windfall for the old man who has lived by killing people all his life, but the old man left with regret when he left.

In his life, he cut nearly a hundred prisoners. Before that, no one could survive more than three thousand dollars, but today he is only twenty dollars away from the peak of his life.

Twenty knives, he will become the first executioner in the history of Ling Chi's punishment to complete the task with a slash of [-] knives, which is really a great pity in life!

After leaving the execution ground, Liu Hongjian went to the armory.

Due to the addition of the production line of rifled guns, the Ordnance Institute had to be further expanded, the courtyard wall on the east side was demolished, and a new rifled gun workshop was built.

The various workshops are full of people coming and going, in full swing.

"My lord, at present our Ordnance Institute has produced a total of 15 Suifa guns, more than 12 have been equipped to the Nine Frontiers and the Beijing Camp, and [-] have been delivered to the Southwest General Qin.

At present, there are still nearly [-] guns in the workshop, but the Ministry of War has placed orders one after another, but the money from the Ministry of Accounting will not be shipped until tonight, and this batch of firearms will be shipped to Jiubian tomorrow. "

Song Yingxing, as the second-stage head of the Ordnance Institute, knew the situation of each production line like the back of his hand.

"Well, remember, our armory does not pay on credit or owes money. This is the bottom line of the officer, and we must abide by it!" Liu Hongjian said righteously.

He was almost bankrupt because of this, and there were at least 4000 to [-] million taels of silver in the treasury. Since he had it, of course he could not give credit to the Ministry of Households.

"In addition, the rifled guns reminded by adults are limited to craftsmanship and manpower. Today, the workshop produces about [-] qualified rifled guns a day. At present, more than [-] rifles have been produced, and they have all been assembled to the soldiers of the thousand households in the Long Live Mountain. .”

"Well, what about grenades and cannons?" Liu Hongjian nodded. The current mainstream firearms must still be muzzle-loading smoothbore firearms, and rifled guns want to be widely promoted, at least next year.

"My lord, the workers in the grenade workshop are becoming more and more proficient, because I didn't get the order from my lord, the old man didn't inform the household department of this firearm.

Today, several warehouses are occupied by the grenades alone. According to statistics from yesterday, there are currently more than 500 grenades in the warehouses.

In addition, after a month of repeated testing and research, Zhang Bantou's cannon workshop has produced twelve cannons, including the front carriage and bracket, all of which are made of fine steel! "

In fact, if part of the steel was not used to produce the barrels of rifled guns, Zhang Feng could produce at least three more cannons in this month.

Inspired by the Mini bomb, it is said that Bantou Zhang is trying to find a way to test a new shell recently.

"Oh, by the way, my lord, the glass produced by our glass workshop is very popular, and Boss Jiang sent over 18 taels yesterday with only a bank note! This is a month's profit!
There are also spinning workshops, and Boss Gu from Shanxi, who sent a total of 32 taels of bank notes.

Although the Ordnance Institute is losing money now, fortunately there are glass workshops, spinning workshops, and coal and stone businesses, so our Ordnance Institute can basically keep its capital and make a slight profit! "

Speaking of this, Song Yingxing was a little excited, especially in the glass workshop. The consumption of raw materials, workers, and craftsmen for a month was only 1 taels, but they could earn back 18 taels a month.

And according to that Jiang Yongmin, this is only temporary, he is opening up the southern trade route...

"Mr. Song, don't get excited. This is just the beginning. You will be excited about something in the future. Now that you have made money, let's improve the workers' food!"

Liu Hongjian instructed that glass is just a daily necessities, if it is really about huge profits, the arms business is the big one.

It's just that my family hasn't finished assembling it yet, so I definitely can't earn this money.

"Oh, Mr. Song, prepare thirty square meters of glass tomorrow, and find ten or eight craftsmen who can install it!" Liu Hongjian suddenly remembered something, and said to Song Yingxing.

"It's my lord! Where can I send it?"

"Let's wait outside Chengtian Gate!" Liu Hongjian thought for a while.

"It's my lord! I will definitely do it!" Song Yingxing seemed to have thought of something, and his heart was a little excited.

"Well, by the way, bring three or five more grenades!"


 Thank you for the 5400 coins rewarded by the book friend’s nickname, why can’t it be repeated? Thank you for the 100 coins rewarded by book friend Barbara Y. Brother Xiaoyao and Xiaoyaohou gave a reward of 500 coins, thank you book friends, I went to move the train station to the reward, thank you all, and the next step is to add more.

(End of this chapter)

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