Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 359 The Cry of the Repeater

Chapter 359 The Cry of the Repeater
On the huge school field of Xishan Daying in the western suburbs of the capital, [-] troops have already stood in formation.

The [-] Jing Battalion cavalry are on both sides, the [-] Barracks spearmen are in the front, the [-] Shenji Battalion Musketeers are in the middle, and the [-] cannon gunners are behind.

The cavalrymen were all wearing iron helmets with dark armor and swords at the waist, and the spearmen were wearing leather armor. The most cool ones were the musketeers in red trousers from the Shenji Battalion.

Lin He, a member of the Shenji Battalion, lined up at the head of the musketeer formation, with his head held high, and a new-style rifled gun behind his back was polished brightly. of.

Bright red spreads all over the center of the school field, and all the soldiers of Shenji Battalion are no longer ashamed of the red trousers. In fact, after a series of battles in March, they are now deeply grateful to be able to wear this unique military uniform pride.

It's the middle of May in the lunar calendar. In the windless weather, the 5 people on the school grounds are extremely hot.

But none of the soldiers dared to complain. Ten days ago, they received an order to reorganize the army and prepare for war. Most of the soldiers were so excited that they couldn't sleep that night.

Because the treatment against Jianlu last time was too generous, more than 100 million taels were given out as a reward only for silver. It is said that the worst soldiers also got almost [-] taels.

What is the concept of 100 taels? It is said that many guys who were poor before and could not marry a wife had a happy event as soon as they came back...

That's not to mention, there are many ordinary soldiers who have accumulated military merits to raise the flag, and have been promoted to hundreds or even thousands of households. There are one or two legendary figures in every barracks.

In the eyes of these big soldiers, they may not dare to think about being a marquis and worshiping a prime minister, but they still dare to think about being a banner official to earn some rewards and marry a wife, because many people have already achieved all this.

Now, the imperial court wants to use troops again!

All the soldiers who didn't have the chance to participate in this war last time were crazy, but there are tens of thousands of soldiers in the Beijing camp, and only [-] people will go out this time...

In the past few days, there was even a big fight in the barracks for a quota, so that now, there are still many soldiers standing on the school ground with bruised noses and swollen faces.

They are the winners, the strongest of the Beijing Army, and the elite of the Ming Dynasty.

They yearn for war, for meritorious service, or for silver, for a better life...

The silver reward may have moved their hearts, but another news has excited them.

Three days ago, He Guoxing, the Admiral of the Beijing Camp, ordered to inform the whole army that this Northern Expedition was a personal expedition by the Emperor of Heaven.

When the news came out, the whole army shook!
In a country where the imperial power is supreme, the imperial power is respected like a god in the hearts of every commoner. For these soldiers, it is undoubtedly bombarding news that the emperor went to war with them.

The importance of this news is even higher than those rewards. Not every soldier can meet the emperor during his military career, and not every soldier is lucky enough to participate in a war with the emperor.

In this way, when they are old, when their children and grandchildren wrap their knees around them and tell stories, these soldiers can tell these children with honor and pride.

Lao Tzu, once fought against the Tartars with the emperor of Ming Dynasty!
What's wrong with the hot weather?
What they were waiting for was the emperor of Ming Dynasty, the emperor of Ming Dynasty. For them, all this was worth it.

But Chongzhen didn't let his soldiers wait too long. Just after the hour passed, a long dragon meandered from the direction of the capital.

"Youming, I still feel a little unreal. Since I inherited my ancestral property, I have never even been in this Shuntian Mansion..." Inside the huge imperial chariot, Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian sat opposite each other.

Being able to ride on the imperial chariot with the emperor of the current dynasty is a grace that no courtier has ever received in his life.

Chongzhen looked outside the imperial chariot, and sighed slightly, he didn't know whether it was excitement or confusion.

Outside the imperial chariot, bright yellow dragon flags and brocade sticks, the red helmeted generals of the Three Thousand Battalions, the big Han generals of the Jinyiwei, and the guards with swords in front of the imperial court tightly surrounded the imperial chariot.

In the future, there will be many imperial physicians in the imperial hospital. Because Chongzhen had a hidden disease, Liu Hongjian waved his hand and packed away most of the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital, as well as many medicinal materials and classics.

The smoke and dust billowed, Chongzhen was worried since he left the capital.

"Your majesty, you are the son of heaven. Is it the king's land in the whole world? Is it the king's subjects on the coast of the land? This world belongs to you, but you can't even go out of this capital, isn't it ridiculous?

Those ministers always have a bunch of big reasons, and the humble ministers can't scold them, and don't bother to quarrel with them.

I think what you said that day was very domineering. You can go to the emperor today. Who dares to stop him? Let him go home and sell sweet potatoes! "

Liu Hongjian lay down next to Ge You, with his hands on the handles of the soft, bright yellow chair back.

This thing is more comfortable than riding a horse, oh no, than riding in a carriage, but it is only this time. According to the original plan, this time the guard of honor is only used for the people of the capital to see.

After leaving the barracks, in order to increase the marching speed, Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian will take a luxurious carriage together and head straight for Shanhaiguan.

"Why don't I want to do this, but before, I really couldn't do anything about it. Fortunately, now that I have a new army in the Beijing camp, I'm afraid that the courtiers will have a gap with me in the long run!"

Chongzhen's thinking is very clear. There was no way to do it before, because even if he said so, the courtiers would not agree to his imperial conquest. In the hands of those courtiers.

The status of military generals is low, and for their own future, they have worshiped under the civil servants. Even Qi Jiguang wrote letters to Zhang Juzheng and called himself a lackey.

But it's different now. The newly formed Beijing camp soldiers have been trained by their own humerus Liu Youming and rectified in the frontier army.

According to Liu Hongjian's words, now he only needs to give an order if he doesn't like anyone, and these soldiers won't even blink when they kill someone.

Indeed, Liu Hongjian did not boast. As the emperor, it couldn't be easier to win the sincerity of these soldiers who didn't even know the words.

"Your majesty, you care too much about those courtiers. I remember that some sect said that the king is the boat and the people are the water. The water can carry the boat, and it can also capsize the boat. The people are what you should value most.

As for those courtiers, I feel that the emperor should really follow the example of Taizu Gao. "

Liu Hongjian was not ashamed, that is to say, in this imperial chariot, if it was above the court hall, Chongzhen reckoned that those courtiers would blow up their nests when they were in court.

"I understand, we are going to the Xishan camp soon, be careful, be careful!" Chongzhen wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Emperor Taizu Gao, Mr. Zhu Chongba, embezzled 60 liang of masters who stripped the bark and real grass, and they actually carried it out.

When new officials took office, they could always see several pieces of human skin hanging from high poles outside their yamen, filled with straw, and whistling when the wind blew.

But whether the corrupt officials should be corrupt or not, Zhu Chongba was furious and killed hundreds of officials in the court one after another. Only one major case could kill thousands of people in one go.

This is not an exaggeration at all, Zhu Chongba did this more than once, so that especially the officials in the capital, when they went to court, they always looked like they were mourning and examining concubines, and they had to write a suicide note before going out.

Gao Zu and Cheng Zu never relentlessly killed courtiers, but they never saw anyone rebelling, and those scholars even poured into the court one after another to replenish the fresh blood of the officials...

Chongzhen recalled the glorious traditions of his ancestors, and seemed to feel that what the brazen guy in front of him said was not wrong.

Water can carry a boat and capsize it... It's not rough to say it, um... No, it's not what Tang Taizong said, it's Wei Zheng.

Chongzhen glanced at Liu Hongjian, and found that this guy had fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

After arriving outside the Xishan Daying school grounds, Chongzhen patted Liu Hongjian on the shoulder, and the two stepped out of the imperial chariot together.

As soon as Liu Hongjian stepped into the barracks, he became energetic. This is a place where hormones are rampant, and there are full-blooded and strong men here.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" There was a sound of hula-la armor touching the ground, and he fell to his knees like riding a wave at [-] steps.

Under the clear sky and the bright sun, the silver light of the armor shone brightly, as well as the faces of soldiers dripping with sweat under the iron helmets who were still excited.

Liu Hongjian rode on a war horse and instructed the thousands of troops and horses in the audience to salute, while Chongzhen also went up to the reviewing platform under the protection of a group of guards.

"All officers and soldiers!" Chongzhen, dressed in bright yellow uniform, walked to the reviewing stand, took a deep breath and shouted.

Dozens of Jinyiwei Dahan generals immediately repeated, spreading the emperor's words to the whole army.

Hulala was the sound of a piece of armor touching again. Not only was this sound not harsh, but it made Chongzhen feel a sense of pride in his chest.

This is Daming's fighter, this is his fighter!

"With Liangde, I have inherited the Great Order, intending to renew the world, and use it to restore the old ancestors. I did not expect to rely on non-human beings, which led to rampant bandits.

Husband Jianzhou, I originally belonged to the barbarians, and Liu Fen was originally my only son. If the emperor is properly cared for, how dare you go against my face? "

Standing on the high platform, Chongzhen looked down on thousands of soldiers, thinking of the rampant construction of captives and the incompetence of Chinese and military in the courts in recent years, he felt as if he had passed away.

But Liu Hongjian in the audience looked like he hated iron but steel. He rode a tall horse and shuttled back and forth in front of the military formation in the review field.

Nima!Didn't I say it last time, I want to speak plain words, I want to speak plain words, why is I not around, this uncle started to drag the text again...

The point is, I can understand what you said, and the courtiers can understand, but the big soldiers in front of you can't understand!

"Your Majesty said that he has inherited the Datong for 18 years, and he has always taken the world as his own responsibility. He wants the people of Ming Dynasty and everyone to live a good life." As a last resort, Liu Hongjian had to ride a horse in front of the army to talk nonsense.

There is always something useful. These big soldiers were frowning when they listened to the reading by the big Han general, but after listening to the translation by the cool general in front of them, they all suddenly realized.

"However, the previous officials were too face-to-face and too incompetent, which led to the rampant Tartars and the destruction of our Ming people. If you want to say that the Tartars in Jianzhou are subordinates of our Daming, they dared to take the opportunity to harass me. The people of Ming Dynasty."

Liu Hongjian listened to General Han's message and translated it like a repeater.

"In February of this year, Jiang Jian captured the border, intending to overthrow the Ming Dynasty with 20 troops..."

"In February of this year, the Tartars from Jianzhou came to make trouble again, and sent 20 cavalry to overthrow our Daming..."

"However, I have all the generals, and I have the Duke of Anguo of the Ming Dynasty. Once he came out, he was invincible, and Jianlu broke it..."

Uh, isn't this an official boast?How can this be translated.

"Your Majesty said that although there are more Tartars in Jianzhou, the soldiers of Daming are stronger than them. In just a few days, the Tartars in Jianzhou were driven back to their hometown by our soldiers of Daming."

"Today, we will mobilize more powerful troops to save Yuan Yuan. This is the only way to do this. It is only civil and military in the line, host and guest soldiers, working hard, hungry and cold, and I deeply think about it."

"Today, His Majesty recruited all the soldiers again in order to completely overthrow the Tartars in Jianzhou, but His Majesty understands that all of you are suffering from hunger and fatigue. Your Majesty said that he misses you very much."

Nima, uncle, you are endless!

Liu Hongjian looked at Chongzhen on the reviewing platform behind him, he couldn't see clearly from a little distance, but he saw Chongzhen straight up and full of energy, and he didn't see the sickly look in Qianqing Palace anymore.

"I can't bear to eat and sleep in the open. I can't bear to sleep in the deep palace. I can't bear to drink ice and eat bad food. I can't bear to enjoy the delicious food alone. I can't bear to wear clothes and embroidery alone. In order to complete my meritorious service, I choose May [-]th." Today, I am determined to go to the frontier with the generals, conquer the northern part of the Great Wall, and restore China!"

"Your Majesty said that he loves you for eating and sleeping in the open air, for eating cold meals, and for being injured on the battlefield. Therefore, in order to completely defeat the Tartars in Jianzhou, His Majesty decided to go out with you today and fight the dogs." Tartar, restore Daming Rivers and Mountains!"

After Chongzhen finished speaking, his face turned red with excitement, but seeing that many soldiers below did not respond, he couldn't help thinking that what he said was not good enough.

"Turn down the dog tartar! Restore Daming Rivers and Mountains!" A moment later, from nowhere, the soldiers shouted their allegiance like a tsunami.

The weather was hot, Chongzhen took the brocade handkerchief from Huangmen behind him and wiped it, but hearing the sound was like thunder, Chongzhen felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"Ming will surely win!" Liu Hongjian raised his arms and shouted.

"Da Ming will win!" Thousands of soldiers knelt down, expressing their determination to the son of Ming on the reviewing platform.

"Mr. Ango accepts the decree!" An eunuch bowed and stood behind Chongzhen, spreading out the imperial decree in his hands and reading it aloud.

Fifty thousand soldiers knelt down before they were ordered to get up, Liu Hongjian got off his horse to receive the order when he heard about it.

"Fengtian carries the emperor, and the decree says:

I hereby order Duke Anguo of the Ming Dynasty to be the Generalissimo of the Conquest, the Superintendent of Xuanliao, the Governor of the Nine Frontiers of the Ming Dynasty, and the Governor of the Northern Expedition. I will come here in person, and I only hope to share the joys and sorrows with the generals. Generalissimo Liu Hongjian, the governor of Xuanliao, ruled!

Appreciate this! "

This imperial decree is concise and concise, with simple rhetoric and no redundant words, most of the soldiers can understand it.

Liu Hongjian, who was receiving the order from the audience, also understood it.

The most taboo thing for a large army to go to war is to order many parties. Huang Degong knows the soldiers, and even Liu Hongjian is considered half-baked, but Chongzhen is only a war on paper, but his status and status are the highest.

In this way, who to listen to has become a big problem. Chongzhen can say in front of the soldiers that he will not interfere too much in military affairs.

All the generals, including Liu Hongjian, were deeply grateful for Long En.

"Your Majesty Liu Hongjian accepted the order, thank you for your grace!" Liu Hongjian was very excited, but at the same time he felt the weight of this responsibility.

"The generals are flat!" Chongzhen calmed down his surging mood.

After a while, seeing that the soldiers had already got up, He Guoxing, the admiral of the Beijing camp, came to report that everything was ready, and Chongzhen pulled out his sword from his waist with a sound.

"Let's go!" Chongzhen raised his long sword and shouted at tens of thousands of soldiers.

PS: As usual, monthly ticket additions are put on weekends. At the end of the year, as a programmer, there will be more overtime work. Please understand.

 Thanks for the 300 coins rewarded by the book friends nicknamed "Why Can't It Be Repeated", and the 180216 coins rewarded by book friends Gu Zhufeng S, Shenzhen Fatty, Drunken Lights and Axe, Sigh in the Snow, Jinjiang Yinghong, and 100 Don't Watch Pirated Versions .

(End of this chapter)

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