Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 373 How are you doing with Jianlu?

Chapter 373 How are you doing with Jianlu?
Eight hundred paces away from the city of Jinzhou, twelve cannons of the Ming army lined up. Liu Hongjian sat on his horse in a suit of armor, and Kong Ermao, a thousand-household officer of the Cannon Cannon Battalion, signaled that everything was ready.

"Fire!" Liu Hongjian shouted.

bang bang bang bang bang bang-

bang bang bang bang bang bang-

Twelve cannons fired in unison, and the conical steel warheads blessed by the sun shot towards Jinzhou City like shooting stars.

"Be careful, General!" Zu Dashou was thinking about something, but he didn't have time to dodge.

The guards around him strode forward and threw Zu Dashou down, and then a shell hit the battlement in front of Zu Dashou.

The battlements made of thick blue bricks mixed with stones were completely pierced, and the gravel and bricks fell on Zu Dashou. Fortunately, due to the timely dodge, except for a personal guard whose head was smashed by the stones, no injuries were caused. What a big loss.

However, Zu Dashou stared at the gap in the battlements as if he had seen a ghost!

God!A shell from such a long distance directly penetrated the crenel!What kind of power is this!
Even the red-clothed cannons of the city defenses of Jinzhou City, if they get closer to three hundred steps, they may not be able to penetrate the battlements in one shot. Daming, is it so powerful?

"My lord general, look at those cannonballs..." A more courageous bodyguard secretly raised his head and looked down the city wall. After only one glance, he shrank his head back as if he had seen a ghost.

Zu Dashou hurriedly got up and looked down, and saw nine cannonballs sticking out like white radish on the southern city wall. These cannonballs were different from the cannons fired in Jinzhou City.

The artillery shells fired in Jinzhou City are iron balls, but these shells are silvery white and long. The tails of several shells protrude two or three inches, and some only the tails are exposed.

God!If you continue to fight like this, how can you use any siege equipment? If you only need to bombard for a day or two, how can the city wall hold up?
Besides, Daming's cannons hit too far away, even if the city defense artillery occupied the high ground, it was useless!
Zu Dashou frowned, he knew that he might have made a wrong bet in the Kuangshi gamble four years ago.

With a telescope, Liu Hongjian watched every move on the city wall.

Twelve cannonballs were regarded as Liu Hongjian's "meeting gift" to Zu Dashou, or in other words, his power. As Zu Dashou expected, if the cannons could be bombarded continuously for a day or two, Jinzhou City would not be able to defend.

But let alone whether the barrels of these guns can withstand it, the shells alone are not enough!

This kind of shells, known as armor-piercing shells, are all cast with steel and polished. Not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, almost the cost of each shell is around 100 taels!

The steel used for one shell can almost be made into the barrels of twenty rifled guns. No matter how rich Liu Hongjian was, he would definitely not be able to fiddle with this thing like a bean.

In fact, during the Northern Expedition, only a hundred of these armor-piercing projectiles were rushed out, and the rest were ordinary shells.

And sending this meeting gift was nothing more than Liu Hongjian pretending to be thirteen. After the war, he would probably find someone to retrieve the cannonballs and recast them.

Anyway, Zu Dashou didn't know the reality of the Ming army, he just wanted the defenders in the city to know that Daming wanted to take this city just like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts, at least it seemed that way!
"The fool did a good job, let the cook give you another meal later!" Liu Hongjian gave the fool a thumbs up.

For a target as big as the city wall, even if the twelve shells hit all of them, there is nothing to show off, but the second fool still laughed from ear to ear when he heard it, because Chongzhen was watching from the side.

After firing the cannon, Liu Hongjian waved his hand, and a sentinel mounted his horse from his side and went down to Jinzhou City.

A moment later, a wooden frame hung from the top of Jinzhou city, and the sentry rider put a letter into it...

"Youming, this is superfluous, how could the traitor listen to you?" Chongzhen naturally had no good face towards the person who betrayed him.

"Hey, that's not necessarily true. How will you know if you don't try?" Liu Hongjian didn't take it seriously.

Chongzhen naturally didn't know the situation Zu Dashou was in, but Liu Hongjian did.

Moreover, if this city wall is as high and thick as Nima, if it is really going to be attacked, how many lives will it take to fill it in?

Businesses that lose money cannot be done. Besides, Liu Hongjian has fought so many battles, which time did he play his cards according to common sense?

He didn't know much about the art of war, but he could distinguish between human emotions.

The two waited for a quarter of an hour at the foot of the city, and when Liu Hongjian gradually lost confidence, the sentry rider finally rode back with Zu Dashou's reply letter.

Liu Hongjian hurriedly took the letter and spread it out to read. After reading two lines, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How?" Chongzhen asked without knowing what was written in the letter.

"Your Majesty, what's the point? I never fight unprepared battles!" Liu Hongjian handed the letter to Chongzhen with a stinky face.

It stands to reason that as the defender of the Qing Dynasty, there is no reason to go to the meeting just because of a letter to Zu Dashou.

Not to mention that the opposing sides have nothing to talk about, but as a Han army, he was already suspected by the mites, and he is still a traitor of the Ming Dynasty...

But I don't know what Liu Hongjian said in the letter, but Zu Dashou still agreed. This guy was quite cautious and asked both sides to bring only two personal guards, and they couldn't bring any weapons including firearms.

If you dare not, you don't have to bother.

The implication is that you, Mr. An Guo, proposed this pre-arrangement agreement. Now people say that you can only bring two people with you, and you can't bring weapons. If you have the guts, come here!

Liu Hongjian sneered at Zu Dashou's provocation, it's cute, I'm afraid you're a ghost, no, I'm very bad, I want to mess with you, it's so easy, and I still need to use this little trick?
The gates on three sides of Jinzhou City were blocked by huge stones, and only the east gate could enter and exit.

So, half an hour later, a meeting that both sides were not optimistic about, inexplicable, and unimaginable, began under a ventilated tea shed beside the moat outside the east gate of Jinzhou City.

Zu Dashou was wearing armor without a saber, and behind him were two tall personal guards, also without weapons.

Behind him is the sling of the moat of Jinzhou City, and if something unexpected happens, Zu Dashou is sure to escape immediately.

What's more, the three men who rode from the enemy's camp, except for the big and three thick man, in his opinion, the other two are all weak, and one of them even wears a mask.

While Zu Dashou was observing Liu Hongjian, Liu Hongjian was also observing Zu Dashou.

The gray-white beard on both cheeks was in line with Liu Hongjian's expectation of a veteran, but... Alas!

"Lord Zu, are you doing well with Jianlu?" Seeing the cautious look on Zu Dashou's face, Liu Hongjian felt proud.

He knew that maybe it wasn't him who was cautious, but the powerful army and the powerful country behind him.

"Hmph, you are the Duke An who saved Daming many times? Unexpectedly, you are so frivolous!
Naruto doesn't speak dark words, why did you find this old man? "

 Thank you for the 1000 coins rewarded by book friends in the snow, thank you for the 500 coins rewarded by book friends for a leisurely life, Tangmen-Sin Angel, thank you for nicknames, Eagle of the People’s Liberation Army, and I will move the train station here Thanks for the rewards, thank you friends who have voted and rewarded all the time, all the support is in my heart, I hope you can be healthy and happy every day.

(End of this chapter)

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