Chapter 381

Boom—boom—boom—the cannon by the river was the first to spit out its anger.

It’s just that most of the anger was not sprayed on the right place. There are 1000 paces in the narrow part of the Liaohe River. Although the cannon can shoot [-] paces, it is no less accurate than asking the AKM to shoot a wild boar [-] meters away.

Or a wild boar running...

But even so, the power of the cannon still made the Tartars on the other side of the river flustered for a while. When twelve cannons fired at once, two shells hit the right direction, drawing two blood trails among the Tartar soldiers.

"Don't panic, hold on, it will take time for them to change the shells!" Jierhalang ordered his supervisor to stabilize the morale of the troops.

"Ah—my leg, my leg!" The most unlucky one was a Niu Luerzhen (Tartar military rank) riding on a horse. A shell happened to hit his thigh. It pierced through the thigh directly and passed through the horse's back.

This forehead fell off his horse, screaming while hugging his half-blooded thigh, but no one paid any attention to him, because the Eight Banners soldiers did not have any military medical officers at all.

"Warriors of the Zhenglan Banner, you are the overlords of the grasslands. The Ming army is just people who are greedy for life and fear of death. They want to conquer the Qing Dynasty with firearms and cannons in their hands. It is tantamount to a dream.

Azige was riding on a horse holding a full moon scimitar, and was impassionedly boosting the morale of his soldiers. A gunshot from the warship in the middle of the Liao River directly hit the neck of his horse under his crotch.

The horse fell to the ground, pressing Azig under him, and several guards hurriedly got off their horses to pull it back, and gunshots burst out on the warship...

"My lord, I'm sorry, the little one missed..." Yang Tianbao lay on the side of the boat with a guilty expression on his face.

"It's okay, the boat is bumpy, you do your best, don't need to be stressed, in the face of absolute strength, no matter how many soldiers are, they are nothing but chickens and dogs!"

Liu Hongjian patted Yang Tianbao on the shoulder, signaling him to continue looking for the target.

Although the Galen ship is large, it is a cargo ship after all. No matter how big the cabin is, it cannot attack in all directions. Only the front deck can be used by the Musketeers.

There were two rows of musketeers standing on the left and right sides of the ship on the deck, and they were within the range of rifled guns when they were more than two hundred steps away from the other side of the river. A platoon of soldiers immediately followed.

And on the front and side of each ship are ten AKM shooters, and their target is clear-the red-clothed cannon of the Tartar soldiers.

bang bang bang bang bang—

Da da da -- da da da da --

Bullets rained down on the other side of the river. Although the accuracy was not good, the other side of the river was full of Tartars. Under the rain of bullets, many Tartar soldiers were always shot.

"Singed, why isn't the cannon in red firing?" The warriors under him fell down one by one. Azig's face was ashen, his thigh was crushed by the horse, and he limped to the cannon in red and roared.

"Your Highness, the muskets on the warship of the Ming army were too fierce, and many gunners were beaten so hard that they couldn't show their heads..." Xin Jide said cautiously.

"I don't care, fire the cannon immediately! Fire the cannon, or I will kill you!" Azig raised the saber in his hand, and Singed's forehead immediately saw sweat.


Before the cannons in red were fired, the cannons on the three warships fired first, and they were only two hundred steps away from the river bank. For Kong Er's big apprentice, such a short distance was enough to play.

Two shells directly hit Babutai's Tartar position on the right, and immediately plowed out two bloodstains with a length of thirty or forty steps.

The artillery shells passed through the chests and stomachs of the Tartar soldiers, and the intestines and viscera were scattered all over the ground, scaring many Tartar soldiers back.

"You are not allowed to retreat! You are the warriors of the Qing Dynasty, and those who dare to retreat will die!" Babutai and his brother Babuhai met their eyes, and they also looked horrified.

If the Qing Dynasty also had such artillery, then Shanhaiguan...

The galleon's sails were bulging, and a hundred frontier soldiers at the bottom of the cabin were rowing their oars desperately.

"One—two—three—hey!" Wang Yuanba knew the danger of warships in the river, and in order to get ashore as soon as possible, he took off his battle armor and rowed with the soldiers, shouting chant while shaking, so that All soldiers can be uniform.

"The robes on the deck are all desperate, brothers, row hard!" Wang Yuanba's forehead was tense and he gasped heavily.

Wang Yuanba, a bodyguard who tried to replace him, was rejected by him.

The muscles of the frontier soldiers paddling were bulging, and the sweltering cabin was filled with the smell of sweat.


Finally, two or three of Jianlu's red-clothed cannons fired, but under the suppression of the artillery fire on the warship, Jianlu's gunners were all hiding behind the huge red-clothed cannons and could not correct the muzzle.

In addition, the warship was a moving target, and the shells hit the water, splashing half a foot high.

"Idiot, get rid of that cannon!" Liu Hongjian pointed to the red cannon facing the warship. The warship was getting closer and closer to the river bank. He had to try his best to keep these three ships, otherwise he would not be able to Send more Ming troops over.

"Yes, my lord, turn the muzzle two inches to the left, down, down again!" Fan Tongyi directed the gunner while watching.

"Fire!" Fan Tong roared, blushing.

Boom—the Shanhaiguan ship trembled, and the cannon fired.

However, although the distance of a hundred steps was not far, but unfortunately, the hull of the ship bumped a bit, and the shell hit Abai, the leader of the Tartars who was standing behind the side of the cannon in red.

Abai didn't even utter a wail, and flew into the sky from the neck up, leaving only a shell, which shook twice on the ground, and then fell into the arms of a guard next to him.

Abai, who had lost his head, spewed out several feet of blood from his neck, and directly washed the guard's face.

"Ah—the leader! The leader is dead!...Run!" The Tartar bodyguard was stunned by the blood for a moment, threw Abai in his arms to the ground, and ran to him desperately like a lost soul. run back.

When the surrounding soldiers saw the leader died in battle, they all lost their backbone, and a small group of Tazi soldiers in the middle stepped on Abai's body and retreated.

"Death to those who retreat! Kill them!" Jierhalang ordered without hesitation, and two thousand Tartar cavalry rushed forward to drown the rout.

These routs must be contained, otherwise the retreat will turn into a rout, and even if it is killing each other, it must be contained.

"You idiot, you're fucking screwed up!" Liu Hongjian slammed his fist on the side of the boat, and Fan Tong had a bitter face and blamed himself.

Fortunately, the firepower at the bow was properly suppressed, and the twelve cannons from the Ming army's position beat up randomly, and the Tartar soldiers on the other side of the river were beaten all over the ground.

Especially the unlimited firepower of AKM, each ship is equipped with at least [-] AKM shooters, ten of them stand on the bow of the ship and rush towards the cannon in red, which is only a few dozen steps away from the river bank.

After firing a shuttle of bullets, ten shooters behind them followed up immediately. After a seamless connection, all the thirty red-clothed cannons on the river bank went out.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, Azig is almost counting the distance between the river bank and the warship.

"The archers are ready!" Azig roared, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

PS: I recently moved and rented with seven people. I don’t know how painful it is to be in Beijing. There are too many people and there is always a queue for washing in the morning. A girl took a bath early in the morning, causing Han Han to wait outside for half an hour to wash up. She was late for work by 6 minutes. I was deducted 100 yuan, and my liver and gallbladder were splitting, and I didn't care to type.

 Thanks to the book friend, my name is Luo Lifu, for the 2000 coins, and to the book friend, Lone Wolf, for the 500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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