Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 383 Your Majesty, is it fragrant or not?

Chapter 383 Your Majesty, is it fragrant or not?

"How is An Guogong?" Chongzhen didn't care about the words of the eye-catching man in front of him, but asked Liu Hongjian directly, his concern was beyond words, and the generals behind him were envious.

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, Your Excellency Duke An Guo is fine, but the Ming warriors on the other side of the river are running out of ammunition, Your Excellency Duke, please send troops to support as soon as possible!"

Malachi didn't dare to be sloppy, and while he was secretly happy that he had a good boss, he reported the truth.

"General Lin, you should send the [-] Shenji Battalion there first, and remember to bring more of that... that grenade!" Chongzhen was determined to hear that Liu Hongjian was alive and well.

The Shenji Battalion is a musket force built by Liu Hongjian, and it is more effective than the Frontier Army and the Three Thousand Battalion.

"The last general obeys!" Lin He, the general in red trousers, clapped his hands, his face full of excitement.

The Shenji Battalion, as a unit that was increasingly ignored by the court in the past, has always been disliked, but now it is the first to be thought of by His Majesty, which is undoubtedly a great favor to all the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

"Soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, the Master Supervisor has already helped Daming successfully take down the tidal flats, and the Master Supervisor has risked himself for Daming, so we cannot be left behind.

The Shenji Battalion is able to have what it is today, without the instruction and cultivation of the Master Supervisor, not to mention the time-pressed officials, whoever dares to fight on the other side of the river, I will definitely kill anyone who dares to fight!
The first, fourth, and sixth thousand households board the ship!The rest stand by! "

Lin He's voice was high-pitched. The gunshots and explosions on the other side of the river just now made his muscles tremble. It was excitement and the desire for war.

Rows of gunmen from the Shenji Battalion put their rifles on their shoulders and walked quickly towards the Galen boat by the river.

Lin He was stunned by the tragic situation of Galen's ship. The whole ship was covered with countless arrow feathers, even the mast.

It can be seen how fierce the battle was at that time, and Lin He deeply regretted that he could not participate in such a battle.

Even if Lin He was like this as a general, the other soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were even more embarrassed. Objectively speaking, the Shenji Battalion had never been directly attacked by arrow feathers, because under the platoon of guns, the range of the arrow feathers of the Tartars was basically as far as less than.

Two quarters of an hour later, all three thousand soldiers had boarded the ship, Malaki gave an order, and the three warships inflated their sails and headed to the other side of the river.

There are three ships, and they can only transport three thousand troops each time, which takes half an hour before and after a trip, while the Ming army has more than 7 troops, not including horses and luggage.

At first Liu Hongjian was a little anxious, but after the troop carrier went back and forth twice, Liu Hongjian relaxed instead.

The 1 Ming army Tartars did not dare to touch the tiger's beard, not to mention that there are nearly [-] people now, anyway, the Tartars have retreated, and they don't have the will to turn back.

According to reports, the Tazi soldiers retreated to Haizhou City, probably because they knew that field battles would be difficult to win, and they wanted to hide in the city to wait for work.

Just kidding, hiding in the city for defense is the Ming army's forte, as for you Tartars?
Hehe, the field battle is not satisfactory, playing city defense with the Han people?
Patriarch teaches you to be a man!
"Kuo Duan! Chang Yu! Zu Chou Qing!" Liu Hongjian said with a sip of a pot of old wine in his hand.

"The humble position is here!" The three bowed their heads and listened to the order.

"Hurry up and deal with the corpses of the Tartars and burn them all! Oh, cutting off the heads of three thousand Tartars will be of great use to me!" Liu Hongjian's eyes were cold, and he suddenly had a good idea.

"My lord, I don't understand why we need to collect the corpses of these stinky Tartars. We never cared about it before!" Kuo Duan, as the only remaining branch of the Guan Ning Army, hated these Tartars to the bone.

At the time of Guanning's glory, there were nearly 600 warriors from Mongolia and Liaodong, but now there are only [-] left. Those predecessors can't bear to be told where the souls of those predecessors are buried.

"If you tell you to go, you can go, there is so much nonsense!" Liu Hongjian loved and hated this rough guy. Just a lot of bullshit.

"The last general has orders! Hehe, my lord, can I have a sip of wine..." After fighting for a long time and smelling the aroma of the wine, the always drunk Menggu didn't take his eyes off the wine pot in Liu Hongjian's hand.

"Take it, take it, hurry up and do work for me!" Liu Hongjian threw the flagon into the air.

"Okay..." Kuo Duan hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him and said happily.

The grassland was in summer, and the corpses decomposed very quickly. If they were not dealt with in time, they might breed plague.

It would be fine if the plague was in the area ruled by the Tartars, but now the land under his feet will be ruled by the Ming Dynasty, and Liu Hongjian will definitely not be so short-sighted.

The transport of soldiers on the east and west banks of the Liaohe River would continue until evening. Wang Yuanba and Chang Yu were busy with miscellaneous matters, but Liu Hongjian was free.

In the afternoon, the soldiers who had been starving for a long time began to light a fire to cook food. He sent a few soldiers to cut off a lot of horse meat from the thighs of dead war horses, and lit a fire to roast the horse meat.

The horse meat had rough muscle lines, and when it was grilled on the fire, it gave off a sizzling aroma, which made several guards including Niu Zhuang greedy.

Liu Hongjian took out the oil, salt and other seasonings like a magic trick again, tossing around like a real Xinjiang barbecue master.

"Master, Your Majesty is here!" Niu Zhuang hurriedly reminded Chongzhen when he got off the boat and walked straight to this side.

When Chongzhen got off the boat and saw the corpses of the Tazi soldiers piled up into three mountains of corpses, he felt the tragedy of the battle and went to look for Liu Hongjian worriedly.

"Your majesty, you came at a very high time, this humble minister with horse meat has just been roasted!" But seeing Chongzhen walking in a bright yellow dragon robe, Liu Hongjian squinted his eyes and said.

"Youming, this is a war, how dare you treat it like a joke? How about the loss of the army?" Even though Chongzhen knew the temperament of this courtier, he was still shocked by Liu Hongjian's behavior and didn't know what to say.

There are three mountains of corpses on the side, and countless Ming soldiers are busy in and out. As the supreme military commander of the Ming army, Liu Hongjian is here to barbecue!
This matter is so unbelievable, but Liu Hongjian just went to do it!
"Your Majesty, in the Liaohe landing battle, three thousand warriors of our Ming army fought against the Tartar army. According to statistics, we killed more than 460 Tartar soldiers, captured more than 89 horses, and thirty red cannons. [-] people died in the battle, and [-] people died in the thousand households!"

Liu Hongjian put down the meat skewers in his hand and said seriously.

War always kills people. Putting aside the immature attitude before, Liu Hongjian is now bearish.

Soldiers are proud of the shroud of horse leather. It is their choice to join the army. What he can do is to bring these dead robes home and urge the household department to hand over the pension to their families.

Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised. If the fighting strength of Ming soldiers is like this, why worry about the Tartars!
He knew that although Liu Hongjian had a playful smile on his face, he never talked nonsense in military affairs, and finally a happy expression appeared on his serious face.

"Hey Your Majesty, food is the most important thing for the people, and I have been hungry for half a day, why can't I have something to eat!

Your majesty, please try the big meat skewers baked by my own hands. I haven't had time to eat it yet, you should try it first! "The deceased is dead, Liu Hongjian let go of the grief in his heart, and handed the freshly grilled meat skewers to Chongzhen.

Chongzhen hesitated for a moment and took it, the eunuch Huang He who was waiting beside him twitched his mouth muscles, and finally chose to shut up.

"How is it? Your majesty, is it delicious?" Liu Hongjian was the first time a barbecue chef, with a serious expression on his face.

Chongzhen chewed the roasted golden horse meat with his mouth tense, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the land of Liaohe River and reflected on Liu Hongjian's face full of hope.


 Thank you book friends for sending me a sigh in the snow, and the eagle of the People's Liberation Army for the 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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