Chapter 394
"Barbara, do you have any plans for the future?"

Menggu kumiss is limited to technical level and does not know how to distill. Naturally, the degree is not as high as that of Daming, who is already drinking distilled liquor.

Babara was a little dizzy from the spicy spirits, and her speech was a little awkward.

"I don't have any plans, I listen to His Majesty the Ming Emperor, and I also listen to my lord, whoever my lord tells me to hit, I'll hit anyone!" Babara didn't hesitate.

He had thought about it a long time ago, as long as the clansman could eat and drink enough, his duty as a leader would be fulfilled.

And he also knows his ability, otherwise he wouldn't be beaten and forced to move.

Although the young man in front of him was much younger than him, he was obviously smarter than him, and judging from his relationship with His Majesty Daming, it seemed unusual!

It must be the same as Eunuch Wei a few years ago, the kind who was red and purple in front of the emperor.

It must be very difficult for His Majesty the Emperor to see him. Even if he sees him, he probably won't take his little leader seriously. Follow this lord, that's right!
"If you don't have long-term considerations, you must have near-term worries, Chief Barbara!" Liu Hongjian patted his head and felt dizzy.

"What?" Barbara didn't understand.

"Oh, forget it, it's all right! How about the Horqin ranch?" It was difficult to communicate, so Liu Hongjian decided to communicate in another way.

"This Horqin ranch is huge. The camp we captured today is just Horqin's cavalry garrison. From this road to the south, there is a ranch with a big nose. The herdsmen over there have not cleaned up yet!"

When Babara heard about the ranch, she immediately became interested.

For a leader of a tribe, the ranch is everything. With a vast pasture, more cattle and sheep can be fed, and with more cattle and sheep, more tribesmen can be fed.

With more clansmen, you can rob larger pastures and raise more sheep...

This is the biggest difference between nomads and farming peoples. Everything they do is for survival.

In order to survive, in order to seize a piece of fertile pasture, they drank blood and killed rivers of blood. How could they have time to be as romantic as the Han people?

"Your people seem to have no place to settle down yet?" Liu Hongjian asked after cutting off a piece of meat from the golden-yellow roasted lamb leg in front of him.

"Yes, my lord, there used to be 20 clansmen in Ujumqin, but now less than [-] years ago, there are only less than [-] people left. I feel ashamed in my heart, ashamed of my father Khan!"

Barbara was very sad when he thought of those dead clansmen.

"Put your clansmen here in Horqin first!" Liu Hongjian ate a mouthful of mutton and thought for a while.

"Really, my lord? Can my people really own Horqin?" Babara couldn't believe her ears. Horqin's pasture is not only big, but also fertile. It is the place Barbara dreams of.

"Don't be too happy, now that you are an official of Ming Dynasty, you can no longer think about things like a tribal leader.

Your people can graze and live in Horqin, but they must obey the laws of Ming Dynasty, and anyone who disobeys..."

"Who dares to disobey, I will cut him off!" Before Liu Hongjian finished speaking, Babara twisted his head and said viciously.

If you can live a good life, who is willing to leave their hometown, and who is willing to drink blood like a hair.

"When your Majesty comes down tomorrow, I will report to His Majesty to recommend you as the first commander of the capital of the Mongolian Autonomous Province of the Ming Dynasty! Specially responsible for the command of the ancient soldiers of the Ming Dynasty!"

Although Liu Hongjian didn't know much about government affairs, he had a simple experience from later generations in his mind. Democratic self-government was really a clever strategy. It was really hard for Han people to manage a place like the Tartars.

Civil servants who know only about Zheye might be pissed off when they come here, but fortunately, there is not so much humanity at this time, and there is no need to have any psychological burden on violent conflicts and violent solutions.

At most, I will pay more attention to enlightenment in the future, unify the text and language, and slowly integrate...

Government affairs have their own cabinet to worry about, but military affairs must be firmly controlled.

He needs a Tartar general who is fierce and unusual, but also has a deep understanding of Menggu, knows how to resolve inter-tribal conflicts, and is dedicated to working for Ming. Undoubtedly, Babara is a very suitable candidate.

Although this person is reckless and illiterate, he has his own people in his heart, and he is not a cruel and unreasonable person.

The most important thing is that this person not only admires Daming, but is also his fan!
Fans are a good thing!Save trouble!

Commander?What kind of official is it?Babara scratched his head, somewhat confused.

"I obey!" Fortunately, his principle is very simple, and he never wastes brain cells if he doesn't understand.

"These Horqin herdsmen will also be under your jurisdiction, and from tomorrow onwards you will confiscate all the iron tools in the nearby pastures.

Until Ming Dynasty stabilizes the north, no herdsmen except your tribe are allowed to use and own iron tools!
Those who disobey, or those who do not turn in their secrets, can be killed! "

After all, Horqin was on the side of the wild boar skin. Although Liu Hongjian did not intend to kill them all, he would never leave hidden dangers for himself.

Those who obey will prosper, and those who are against will perish. The ancients did not deceive me.

Life without iron may be inconvenient, but so what?It's so awesome that you use your fists to rebel. If you win, you're awesome!
Kindness doesn't work in a barbaric place. If you treat them too well, they will think you are easy to bully.

"I'll tell my lord's exact words to my warriors later, I will never tolerate anyone who doesn't obey my orders!" Babara hadn't recovered from the surprise of getting the Horqin Grassland.

You know, since his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, he has been looking for a good pasture for the tribe.

To the south is Chahar, who can't do it, and to the west is Horqin, who can't do it either. I don't know how many people have died in battle over the years.

Now this dream is realized in his hands, he really wants to shout to his underground Lao Tzu.

"But... my lord, the east of Horqin is adjacent to the Jurchen barbarians, and Auba still has many soldiers of Horqin under his command..." Auba suddenly thought of a serious problem.

He only has four thousand warriors in his hand, he knows how ferocious the Jurchen barbarian is, not to mention his current strength, not to mention Dorgon and Auba, even Omar can't beat...

"I'm afraid I'm not going to blow it to you. This Jurchen savage is huddled in the city and dare not come out, otherwise he will be wiped out by Ming's army!" Liu Hongjian cut off a whole leg of lamb and handed it to Babara.

"My lord, can you give my warrior some of those bastards..." Babara subconsciously took the leg of lamb, and said with a bitter face.

He has eaten beef and mutton all his life, and he has long been tired of eating this stuff, but now he feels that Daming's rice noodles are even more delicious.

Babara really wanted to tell Liu Hongjian, you are awesome, I only have four thousand warriors, if the barbarians raid here, things will be troublesome.

"What? Egg?" Liu Hongjian didn't realize it for a while.

"It's egg that explodes when you throw it!" Today's fighting Babara has seen the power of that thing, and he is amazed. If he has this magical weapon, he will feel safer.

"Oh, the grenade you mentioned, this thing is going to be used to attack the Jurchen barbarians, but you don't have to worry about your people, I will ask Governor Huang to support five thousand Ming border troops to help defend!"

Not to mention the issue of loyalty that needs to be investigated, without any training, Liu Hongjian was worried about handing them grenades, and estimated that they would blow themselves up in the future.

This group of Ujimqin's ancient alliance soldiers still follow him to beat wild boar skins first, and then come here as the commander of the military region after he has been trained for a while, oh not all of them are commanders.

It is better to leave it to Lao Huang to hand over Horqin. Anyway, his frontier army recruits need experience. The grassland is so vast, and they have a lot to do!

(End of this chapter)

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